How to implemet creadit card and debit card payment in salesforce - paypal

I want to implement payment gateway in salesforce for credit card and debit card payments. I have done research and got information only to create paypal buttons. After payment submission i want to get transaction id and message from paypal. How can i achieve this?

If you are not experienced with API development, paypal API details are here:
Then the best other option is an App. I have used the connected Epos solution, which is great for taking payments from credit cards, either with the customer present (chip n pin) or by keying in the card numbers. You need to get the PayPalHere card terminal which is about $50, but it is a great all round solution.


PayPal REST SDK - how to validate credit card accounts

I was able to implement credit card payments on my website. Now my problem is how do I identify if the credit card account is fake or a fraud. What I am doing is I store the credit card info using the vault api then I get those stored accounts for the user to choose what card they will use to purchase my product. However, i can't find a way to add some more validation on how to check if the user is the real user of that credit card account. Right now I can enter any credit card number by just using a card number generator and it directly submits the payment. I can see in my sandbox merchant account that the payment was successful.
So is there a way for me to prevent this?
Thanks to those who could help.
Processing a zero value payment authorization request is the most common way to authenticate the card details are valid without actually taking payment.

Is any way we can have a click funnels order form that offers credit card and paypal AND integrates into Infusionsoft?

I am using clickfunnel order form and i want to offer credit card and paypal payment and user information need to go into the infusionsoft. How can i do this ?
Infusionsoft provides API that you can use to save information to this CRM.
In order to save PayPal payment information, you'll need to develop a script that accepts PayPal IPN notification about processed payment.
I'm not sure about the best way to do this, but here are a couple of ideas:
You could use Braintree to process the payment, since Braintree already accepts both paypal and credit card. And then you can set up an Email integration on the Clickfunnels order form to integrate with an Infusionsoft web form. This won't transfer the credit card information into Infusionsoft, but it will transfer Name and Email into Infusionsoft.
You could also add a Paypal button to the order form. This will take people to paypal to process the order. And then you might be able to use something like Zapier to move some of the customer's information and order information into Infusionsoft.

Send and Recive Payments With Credit Cards Only

We are Making a App in which We Take Payments from Customers and Give Them Points
same like Customer can give Points to Us and Take Payment . This is a Game
is there any payment Gate Way That Directly Paid Customer in his/her Credit Card
we want Payments Direct Credit Cards To Credit Cards
we will take customer credit cards when he will signup or later when he will give us points for Payment
Any Suggestion will be Appreciated
For PayPal, look at the following.
DoReferenceTransaction - This will allow you to hit somebody's credit card to process an amount without authentication so long as you've done a prior Authorization or Sale using the same credit card. So you could have people run an Authorization on their card just to ensure it's good and get a transaction ID that you can use in future DRT requests.
DoNonReferencedCredit - This will allow you to load funds onto a credit card without referencing any previous transaction (so it's different than a refund.) Keep in mind that when you send somebody money this way you won't get refunded fees like you would if you used the actual RefundTransaction API, so you may want to consider that.
You'll want to go through the detailed documentation for Reference Transactions, of course, to get a good understanding of it.
You'll also need a Payments Pro account to be able to process credit cards directly and utilize these features.
If you happen to be working with PHP I'd recommend using my class library for PayPal. It'll make the API calls very simple for you.

Ways to STOP accepting Paypal Credit Debit cards

I sell digital goods that get send automatically when a transaction is complete and am using Paypal express, when a customer checks out to the Paypal page they have 2 choices:
login and pay with Paypal
Create a Paypal account and pay with card (I get so many chargebacks from this as anyone with a stolen card can create an account there and then! they don't have to wait 4 days to be verified!)
I've come up with a few ways to stop a transaction, does anyone know if these can be done?
If customer pays with card, the redirect code sends them somewhere else (error page) so that my code in the store doesn't see a complete transaction.
Is there a way to see if a transaction was made using a card, I think maybe on paypal pro, but will that info show up on my store, eg: IPN or would I have to log in to paypal to see it?
Is there an API out there that can see if a card was used and give my store the details, I would then have code like this: if payment type card then don't send digital goods, if payment type paypal then send digital goods.
Any help would be great.
If I were you I would integrate Express Checkout into your system. It's free, doesn't offer credit cards and you have more control over the process.
If you want to offer cards, use Payments Pro and couple it with Fraud Management Filters, which would afford you considerably more control over what cards you accept and decline.
In both cases you don't need to wait for an IPN. The API call itself will directly return the response you need.

Express Checkout - Go straight to credit card payment?

I have a simple e-commerce site using Paypal. At the moment, it has a single button at the end of the process which takes the user to Paypal. At this point, the user has to either pay directly through paypal or by using their credit card.
I would like to replace the single button with one that takes them to the regular Paypal process and a few others (credit card logos), which send the user to the credit card payment form on Paypal (cutting out the selection stage).
Is there anyway to do this?
Any advice appreciated.
I know it is been six months but maybe someone will come to this page for an answer:
In express-checkout api you can set landing page for credit card with this:
Here is the documentation