Some pop-ups (when clicked on links) in OWA are blocked by certain browsers, is it mandatory to resolve this - outlook-web-app

When some links are clicked in our Outlook Web Add-in, certain browsers are blocking pop-ups & are expecting the user to manually allow them. As a result the Add-in is being rejected for this. May i know why it is mandatory to resolve this?
After all the browser is just taking confirmation from the user to open the link.


Prompt to continue in the app after specific link was clicked

I'm working on the app that has an email confirmation for new users. The task I need to complete is that if user clicks on the activation link from the mail application it should show a prompt to continue activation the the app if one is installed. It's a similar behavior to the universal links but I need the redirection only for that specific case. All the other links should be opened normally in the browser. Does anyone has an idea how can I achieve this?
P.S. attached picture represent an expected behavior.
What you are looking for is Universal Links. Some reading material:

Facebook setting "prompt visitors to send messages" is not sowing

I made a chatbot which i now integrated into my facebook page.
Like most pages I want facebook to open the messenger window so users can see they can use our chatbot.
You do this by enabling "prompt visitors to send messages".
Almost all websites state that setting must be enabled.
You find this setting normally in: Settings>Messaging>General Settings>”Prompt visitors to send messages”. The problem is that I can't see this setting.
I've searched for a while but didn't see anyone with this problem.
In the picture you can see the settings i see.
Thank you for your help!
Facebook settings
Some people won’t have this settings. It’s not fair I know. Come back check in a month again and your Response Rate needs to be above 75%, so it is imperative that you respond to your inbox messages promptly.

How do I set up autofill form data to work on a users browser when they come to my site?

Keep in mind, I'm not looking to "turn on" autofill on my browser, but rather, I'm working on behalf a web property that wants to implement this feature so their customers can have form data autofilled.
It seems that I can only find browser specific info for how to turn it on, but not how to set it up. I have browser autofill turned on right now, and it works for other sites, but not ours. So, how do I get it to work on our site?

Facebook: prevent webpages to auto-like themselves with my connected account?

Recently, I've seen a lot of webpages (external to Facebook) that implement an auto-like script (google "facebook auto like" and you'll see how many of these things there are out there).
It works as follows: you are connected to your facebook account. On another tab (or window) you visit a "malicious" website, that has this script. You don't click on anything related to Facebook, especially nothing that asks for permission. When you go back to your Facebook account, you observe that your profile has liked the page you visited, without your permission.
Is there a way to prevent these script from working? Otherwise, is there a security parameter that would make Facebook to always ask for your password before liking anything outside Facebook? I would even be fine with disabling likes outside Facebook altogether.
For the websites to accomplish auto liking, they need to use a web based programming language like Javascript, before you enter a website that you don't know, try turning off the JavaScript in tools until you can trust that site, a second option if you are using Google Chrome is to download an app that will block Javascript from running without your permission.

Accessing checkboxes with faces when using Facebook "send" button

I've messed around with FBML (deprecated, I know) and the newer HTML5 code to no end, but so far I haven't found any way to do what I'm looking to do.
When using "apprequest" within an application on Facebook (within iframe), I can allow users to share requests to join the app, but those messages that get sent are very hidden away. They don't seem to appear in the newsfeed for shared recipients, and we're afraid users won't see the request from their friends.
Instead, we thought we'd allow users to alternatively share to their friends with the "send" button code that Facebook offers up. This allows us to specify a URL (we were thinking the app canvas URL or page tab it would live on).
So far, this is all I could generate...
Is there any way to have the send code let me specify that we want faces with checkboxes for uses to select their friends, instead of a sharing party needing to type out names of their friends by hand? There's got to be some easy way of doing this.
Stop me if you think I'm going in the wrong direction on this. Maybe there's a better way that I'm simply not thinking of.
Here's an example of the checkbox functionality I'm referring to...
This violates the browser security model and also Facebook's policies, you can include a to parameter with the send dialog to preselect one recipient, but you can't modify the browser DOM because the Facebook dialog is in an iframe