kubernetes service exposed to host ip - kubernetes

I created a kubernetes service something like this on my 4 node cluster:
kubectl expose deployment distcc-deploy --name=distccsvc --port=8080
--target-port=3632 --type=LoadBalancer
The problem is how do I expose this service to an external ip. Without an external ip you can not ping or reach this service endpoint from outside network.
I am not sure if i need to change the kubedns or put some kind of changes.
Ideally I would like the service to be exposed on the host ip.
Like http://localhost:32876
hypothetically let's say
i have a 4 node vm on which i am running let's say nginx service. i expose it as a lodabalancer service. how can i access the nginx using this service from the vm ?
let's say the service name is nginxsvc is there a way i can do http://:8080. how will i get this here for my 4 node vm ?

LoadBalancer does different things depending on where you deployed kubernetes. If you deployed on AWS (using kops or some other tool) it'll create an elastic load balancer to expose the service. If you deployed on GCP it'll do something similar - Google terminology escapes me at the moment. These are separate VMs in the cloud routing traffic to your service. If you're playing around in minikube LoadBalancer doesn't really do anything, it does a node port with the assumption that the user understands minikube isn't capable of providing a true load balancer.
LoadBalancer is supposed to expose your service via a brand new IP address. So this is what happens on the cloud providers, they requisition VMs with a separate public IP address (GCP gives a static address and AWS a DNS). NodePort will expose as a port on kubernetes node running the pod. This isn't a workable solution for a general deployment but works ok while developing.


Get Externally accessible IP address of Pod in Kubernetes

I need to create two instances using the same Ubuntu Image in Kubernetes. Each instance used two ports i.e. 8080 and 9090. How can I access these two ports externally? Can we use the IP address of the worker in this case?
If you want to access your Ubuntu instances from outside the k8s cluster you should place pods behind the service.
You can access services through public IPs:
create Service of type NodePort- the service will be available on <NodeIp>:<NodePort>
create Service of type LoadBalancer - if you are running your workload in the cloud creating service of type LoadBalancer will automatically deploy LoadBalancer for you.
Alternatively you can deploy Ingress to expose your Service. You would also need Ingress Controller.
Useful links:
GCP example
Ingress Controller
Kubernetes Service

How to build the network architecture for a kubernetes raspberry cluster?

I want to deploy a website on my kubernetes cluster.
I followed this guide to set up my kubernetes cluster on my set of raspberries. Now I have tested it with some nginx containers and it works to a certain degree since I need to find the correct ip of the machine it is deployed on.
Now that I have a signed up a domain I like to forward the traffic to my deployed website on my kubernetes cluster.
I have done this before with nginx, certbot and letsencrypt without containerisation. Now I am just missing the part how kubernetes handles the network. I assumed it was similar to swarms network which forwards all the request to the correct machine. But kubernetes does it differently.
TLDNR: How to deploy a website on a self build raspberry pi kubernetes cluster?
You need to create Kubernetes Service (documentation) to expose the web service to the outside world.
There are two types of Services relevant to deployments outside of cloud providers:
ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster.
This is the default ServiceType.
NodePort: Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service
routes, is automatically created. You'll be able to contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting <NodeIP>:<NodePort>.
So what you probably want is a NodePort service, which will expose the service on some fixed port on each of your Nodes (documentation and examples)

What is the use of Kubernetes cluster?

Every where its mentioned "cluster type of service makes pod accessible within a Kubernetes cluster"
Does it mean, after adding cluster service to a POD, then that POD can be connected only using cluster service IP of POD, we will not be able to connect POD using the IP of POD generated before adding cluster ?
Please help me understanding, am learning Kubernetes so.
When a service is created using the ClusterIP then that service is accessible only inside the cluster as service IP's are virtual IP.
Although if you want to access the pod from outside using the service IP then you can use the nodeport or loadbalancer type service which will allow you to access the pod using the Node's IP or the loadbalancer's IP.
Main reason behind using services to access pod is that it give a fixed location (ClusterIP or service name) to access. Pod's can come an go but service IP will remain same.

Accessing micro service end point from deployed micro service using Kubernetes orchestration

I am trying to deploy my sample micro service Docker image in Kubernetes cluster having 2 node. I explored everything about Pods, Services, Deployment, StatefulSets and Daemon-sets etc.
I am trying to create a sample deployment and Service for that. Here I explored about how deployment provides the scalability and load balancing functionality. And exploring about service discovery by providing Services ClusterIp.
I have two questions:
My scenario is that I am trying to deploy microservice on my on-premise Ubuntu machine. The machine has the IP address of When I am referring Kubernetes, service will also have one clusterIP.
If my microservice end point is /api/v1/loadCustomer, how I can call this end point? Do I need to use clusterIP also ? Can I call simply ?
What is the role of clusterIP when I am calling my end point ? Can I directly use port?
I am referring to the following link for exploration:
you can not access the application using the clusterIP from the outside of the cluster. you can access the application using either loadbalancer's IP (type=LoadBalaner) or Node's IP (type=NodePort).
benefit of clusterIP:
As you know that pods can be created and terminated during its life-cycle consequently IP (endpoint IP)address created and terminated.Therefore, clusterIP is static which does not depends of the life-cycle of the pods.
Long Answer
In a Kubernetes cluster
an application or pod has following abstraction.
Endpoint IP and Port:It is provided by the CNI Plugins such as flannel, calico.
Each pod has an IP and tragetPort which is UNIQUE.
you can list and watch the endpoints by the following commands.
kubectl get endpoints --all-namespaces
clusterIP and port : It is provided by the kube-proxy component.
The replicated pods share a clusterIP and Port.
Load-balancing of request to the replicated pods.
internally expose so that other pod can discover it
you can list and watch clusterIP and port with the following command
kubectl get services --all-namespaces
externalIP and port: It can be layer 3-4 load balancer's IP and port or node's IP and Nodeport.
if you want to use loadbalancer's IP and port, you can use type=LoadBalaner in service file.
If you want to use node's IP, you need to use type=NodePort in service file.

Kubernetes External Load Balancer Service on DigitalOcean

I'm building a container cluster using CoreOs and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean, and I've seen that in order to expose a Pod to the world you have to create a Service with Type: LoadBalancer. I think this is the optimal solution so that you don't need to add external load balancer outside kubernetes like nginx or haproxy. I was wondering if it is possible to create this using DO's Floating IP.
Things have changed, DigitalOcean created their own cloud provider implementation as answered here and they are maintaining a Kubernetes "Cloud Controller Manager" implementation:
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager for DigitalOcean
Currently digitalocean-cloud-controller-manager implements:
nodecontroller - updates nodes with cloud provider specific labels and
addresses, also deletes kubernetes nodes when deleted on the cloud
servicecontroller - responsible for creating LoadBalancers
when a service of Type: LoadBalancer is created in Kubernetes.
To try it out clone the project on your master node.
Next get the token key from https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/api/tokens and run:
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=abc123abc123abc123
kubectl apply -f do-cloud-controller-manager/releases/v0.1.6.yml
There more examples here
What will happen once you do the above? DO's cloud manager will create a load balancer (that has a failover mechanism out of the box, more on it in the load balancer's documentation
Things will change again soon as DigitalOcean are jumping on the Kubernetes bandwagon, check here and you will have a choice to let them manage your Kuberentes cluster instead of you worrying about a lot of the infrastructure (this is my understanding of the service, let's see how it works when it becomes available...)
The LoadBalancer type of service is implemented by adding code to the kubernetes master specific to each cloud provider. There isn't a cloud provider for Digital Ocean (supported cloud providers), so the LoadBalancer type will not be able to take advantage of Digital Ocean's Floating IPs.
Instead, you should consider using a NodePort service or attaching an ExternalIP to your service and mapping the exposed IP to a DO floating IP.
It is actually possible to expose a service through a floating ip. The only catch is that the external IP that you need to use is a little unintuitive.
From what it seems DO has some sort of overlay network for their Floating IP service. To get the actual IP you need to expose you need to ssh into your gateway droplet and find its anchor IP by hitting up the metadata service:
curl -s
and you will get something like
This is the address that you can use as an external ip in LoadBalancer type service in kubernetes.
kubectl expose rc my-nginx --port=80 --public-ip=10.x.x.x --type=LoadBalancer