What is the use of Kubernetes cluster? - kubernetes

Every where its mentioned "cluster type of service makes pod accessible within a Kubernetes cluster"
Does it mean, after adding cluster service to a POD, then that POD can be connected only using cluster service IP of POD, we will not be able to connect POD using the IP of POD generated before adding cluster ?
Please help me understanding, am learning Kubernetes so.

When a service is created using the ClusterIP then that service is accessible only inside the cluster as service IP's are virtual IP.
Although if you want to access the pod from outside using the service IP then you can use the nodeport or loadbalancer type service which will allow you to access the pod using the Node's IP or the loadbalancer's IP.
Main reason behind using services to access pod is that it give a fixed location (ClusterIP or service name) to access. Pod's can come an go but service IP will remain same.


How to access pods without services in Kubernetes

I was wondering how pods are accessed when no service is defined for that specific pod. If it's through the environment variables, how does the cluster retrieve these?
Also, when services are defined, where on the master node is it stored?
Kind regards,
If you define a service for your app , you can access it outside the cluster using that service
Services are of several types , including nodePort , where you can access that port on any cluster node and you will have access to the service regardless of the actual location of the pod
you can access the endpoints or actual pod ports inside the cluster as well , but not outside
all of the above uses the kubernetes service discovery
There are two type of service dicovery though
Internal Service discovery
External Service Discovery.
You cannot "access" a pods container port(s) without a service. Services are objects that define the desired state of an ultimate set of iptable rule(s).
Also, services, like all other objects, are stored in etcd and maintained through your master(s).
You could however manually create an iptable rule forwarding traffic to the local container port that docker has exposed.
Hope this helps! If you still have any questions drop them here.
Just for debugging purposes, you can forward a port from your machine to one in the pod:
kubectl port-forward POD_NAME HOST_PORT:POD_PORT
If you have to access it from anywhere, you should use services, but you got to have a deployment created
Create deployment
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/website/master/content/en/examples/service/networking/run-my-nginx.yaml
Expose the deployment with a NodePort service
kubectl expose deployment deployment/my-nginx --type=NodePort --name=nginx-service
Then list the services and get the port of the service
kubectl get services | grep nginx-service
All cluster data is stored in etcd which is a distributed key-value store. If etcd goes down, cluster becomes unstable and no new pods can come up.
Kubernetes has a way to access any pod within the cluster. Service is a logical way to access a set of pods bound by a selector. An individual pod can still be accessed irrespective of the service. Further service can be created to access the pods from outside the cluster (NodePort service)

Kubernetes IP service IP and ports

I've deployed a hello-world application on my Kubernetes cluster. When I access the app via <cluster ip>:<port> in my browser I get the following webpage: hello-kuleuven app webpage.
I understand that from outside the cluster you have to access the app via the cluster IP and the port specified in the deployment file (which in my case is 30001). From inside the cluster you have to contact the master node with its local IP and another port number, in my case
My question is about the last line of the webpage:
Kubernetes listening in 443 available at tcp://
Since, the service is already accessible from inside and outside the cluster by other ports and IP's, I'm not sure what this does.
The IP is a cluster IP of kube-dns service. You can see it using
kubectl get svc -n kube-apiserver
Kubernetes DNS schedules a DNS Pod and Service on the cluster, and configures the kubelets to tell individual containers to use the DNS Service’s IP to resolve DNS names.
So every pod you deploy uses kube-dns service (ClusterIP to resolve the dns names.
Read more about kube dns at kubernetes official document here

Accessing micro service end point from deployed micro service using Kubernetes orchestration

I am trying to deploy my sample micro service Docker image in Kubernetes cluster having 2 node. I explored everything about Pods, Services, Deployment, StatefulSets and Daemon-sets etc.
I am trying to create a sample deployment and Service for that. Here I explored about how deployment provides the scalability and load balancing functionality. And exploring about service discovery by providing Services ClusterIp.
I have two questions:
My scenario is that I am trying to deploy microservice on my on-premise Ubuntu machine. The machine has the IP address of When I am referring Kubernetes, service will also have one clusterIP.
If my microservice end point is /api/v1/loadCustomer, how I can call this end point? Do I need to use clusterIP also ? Can I call simply ?
What is the role of clusterIP when I am calling my end point ? Can I directly use port?
I am referring to the following link for exploration:
you can not access the application using the clusterIP from the outside of the cluster. you can access the application using either loadbalancer's IP (type=LoadBalaner) or Node's IP (type=NodePort).
benefit of clusterIP:
As you know that pods can be created and terminated during its life-cycle consequently IP (endpoint IP)address created and terminated.Therefore, clusterIP is static which does not depends of the life-cycle of the pods.
Long Answer
In a Kubernetes cluster
an application or pod has following abstraction.
Endpoint IP and Port:It is provided by the CNI Plugins such as flannel, calico.
Each pod has an IP and tragetPort which is UNIQUE.
you can list and watch the endpoints by the following commands.
kubectl get endpoints --all-namespaces
clusterIP and port : It is provided by the kube-proxy component.
The replicated pods share a clusterIP and Port.
Load-balancing of request to the replicated pods.
internally expose so that other pod can discover it
you can list and watch clusterIP and port with the following command
kubectl get services --all-namespaces
externalIP and port: It can be layer 3-4 load balancer's IP and port or node's IP and Nodeport.
if you want to use loadbalancer's IP and port, you can use type=LoadBalaner in service file.
If you want to use node's IP, you need to use type=NodePort in service file.

kubernetes service exposed to host ip

I created a kubernetes service something like this on my 4 node cluster:
kubectl expose deployment distcc-deploy --name=distccsvc --port=8080
--target-port=3632 --type=LoadBalancer
The problem is how do I expose this service to an external ip. Without an external ip you can not ping or reach this service endpoint from outside network.
I am not sure if i need to change the kubedns or put some kind of changes.
Ideally I would like the service to be exposed on the host ip.
Like http://localhost:32876
hypothetically let's say
i have a 4 node vm on which i am running let's say nginx service. i expose it as a lodabalancer service. how can i access the nginx using this service from the vm ?
let's say the service name is nginxsvc is there a way i can do http://:8080. how will i get this here for my 4 node vm ?
LoadBalancer does different things depending on where you deployed kubernetes. If you deployed on AWS (using kops or some other tool) it'll create an elastic load balancer to expose the service. If you deployed on GCP it'll do something similar - Google terminology escapes me at the moment. These are separate VMs in the cloud routing traffic to your service. If you're playing around in minikube LoadBalancer doesn't really do anything, it does a node port with the assumption that the user understands minikube isn't capable of providing a true load balancer.
LoadBalancer is supposed to expose your service via a brand new IP address. So this is what happens on the cloud providers, they requisition VMs with a separate public IP address (GCP gives a static address and AWS a DNS). NodePort will expose as a port on kubernetes node running the pod. This isn't a workable solution for a general deployment but works ok while developing.

Access NodePort through PortForward from the kubernetes master

What I Have: A Kubernetes Cluster on GCE with three Nodes. Lets suppose the master has the IP <MasterIP>. Additionally I have a Service within the cluster of Type NodePort which listens to the port <PORT>. I can access the service using <NodeIP>:<PORT>
What I would like to do: Access the service with <MasterIP>:<PORT> How can I forward the port from <MasterIP> to within the cluster? in other words: <MasterIP>:<PORT> --> <NodeIP>:<PORT>
The reason why I would like to do this is simply I don't want to rely on a specific NodeIP since the Pod can be rescheduled to another Node.
Thank you
A Kubernetes Service with type: NodePort opens the same port on every Node and sends the traffic to wherever the pod is currently scheduled using internal IP routing. You should be able to access the service at <AnyNodeIP>:<PORT>.
In Google's Kubernetes cluster, the master machines are not available for routing traffic. The way to reliably expose your services is to use a Service with type: LoadBalancer which will provide a single IP that resolves to your service regardless of which Nodes are up or what their IPs are.