App Doesn't fetch any records from iCloud after downloading from TestFlight - cloudkit

I have finished building my app and i submitted it to TestFlight for testing by internal users, however after downloading it, it doesn't fetch any data from iCloud, i'm using CloudKit and when i run it in Xcode 9, it works perfect and everything is fetched, however after submission and downloading from TestFlight, the TableViews are empty which is weird and have no idea why it's happening.


Flutter iOS delete cache when reinstall or update the app

I developed an app on Flutter. There is registration on the app.
When I install the app on iOS Phone. I logged in on the app, then I directly deleted the app from the iPhone for the test. Then I reinstall the app to the same phone. But app shows that I already logged in even though I am not logged on the second installation.
I think the phone is caching the first-time login and even if I delete the app, the cache is not deleting. Could it be the case?
I want to delete all data when the app is deleted or updated.
P.S. There is no such kind of problem on Android. When I delete the app from Android phone, everything is deleted and after reinstalling it, I need to log in.
I think this is duplicated from this.
Thanks to shared_preferences you can exploit NSUserDefaults, which is deleted every time you uninstall the app, to check if the app is running for the first time.

Unity Ads and IAP not working after Apple reviews the app

I've had this problem for a couple weeks now, and I can't seem to find the fix.
I'm using Unity 5.5.1. The app I've created contains ads and IAP, but neither work whenever I upload the game to the App Store, and download it from there. (After Apple reviews it and I publish it)
To my surprise, however, the ads work whenever I upload the game to the iPhone directly, through Xcode. (The fact that IAP doesn't is common)
Below are my Xcode settings. I do not get any errors throughout the uploading and review processes, so I am completely lost right now.
PS. Similar build works perfectly on Play Store.

Updating App Store image for production iOS App

I released a new iPhone App recently, but once it appeared in the App Store following Apple's review, the App Store icon was surprisingly ugly; so I want to replace it right away.
However, whilst I'd expected to be able to do that through iTunesConnect or the Developer Portal, I haven't been able to find any way to revisit all the App meta data and screenshots etc. that I'd uploaded during the App ID registration phase.
My suspicion is that I may need to make this minor change to the App officially, as a version update; can anyone confirm this, or suggest how I should be replacing the App Store icon image quickly, please?
Bad news. Seems like you have to release an update for this purpose. Check this link
It states
Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app

TestFlight does not accept my release-IPA for FlightPath. Reason for concern?

So I did what many suggested and kept TestFlight SDK in the release build to be prepared when FlightPath finally launches.
However: After following TestFlight's instructions for the predecessor called "TestFlight Live", TestFlight refuses to accept my App Store IPA (continue reading) and gives this message:
Invalid IPA: The keychain-access-group in the embedded.mobileprovision
and your binary don't match.
I did what they said:
1) Made a release build and submitted to the App Store, with TestFlight SDK and checkpoint calls included, but -setDeviceIdentifier: call removed.
2) From Xcode Organizer window: Selected the submitted archive, clicked "Distribute" to re-structure it as a TestFlight-compatible binary, signed for AdHoc distribution over TestFlight.
Apparently this binary is garbage for TestFlight which lefts me wondering: How am I supposed to ever get to the analytics data once FlightPath arrives? Am I better off rejecting my submission and stripping out all the useless TestFlight SDK code or can this be fixed?
You don't have to upload the app store build of your app for it to work with flight path. As long as you have uploaded or created an app that has the same bundle id and app token the app will appear in flightpath without you having to upload.
Make sure you have the correct app token that matches your bundle id!

Does a TestFlight upgrade break Core Data schemes in an app?

I've got an app that I'd like to send to beta testers using TestFlight.
We won't be changing the Core Data model, but I'm curious about two things:
When I send out an updated beta, is there any risk that the Core Data will be corrupted with the update?
When the app goes to the App Store, will our beta testers have to start fresh from the App Store version, or will their Core Data still appear in the App Store version?
The user's data is stored in their own documents directory. If you haven't changed the scheme (or if you have and you have a proper migration set up) then just updating the app will not affect their own data - unless they delete and install the application again.
If you haven't changed the bundle identifier - and they don't delete and re-install their app - the data will still exist in the Document directory.