Unity Ads and IAP not working after Apple reviews the app - unity3d

I've had this problem for a couple weeks now, and I can't seem to find the fix.
I'm using Unity 5.5.1. The app I've created contains ads and IAP, but neither work whenever I upload the game to the App Store, and download it from there. (After Apple reviews it and I publish it)
To my surprise, however, the ads work whenever I upload the game to the iPhone directly, through Xcode. (The fact that IAP doesn't is common)
Below are my Xcode settings. I do not get any errors throughout the uploading and review processes, so I am completely lost right now.
PS. Similar build works perfectly on Play Store.


How to deactivate an app once in production - can code be added?

After a tiring 3.5 months I learned how to build and launch an app using Flutter and Android Studio. I tested in debug mode on various emulators and all worked well.
I then built the app bundle and uploaded on to Google Play Store as an internal release - again everything ran well.
I pushed this in to Production. After a week of waiting for a review, the app launched. I uninstalled the test version and installed the live production version - and that's when the problems started. The app began to crash in places it hadn't before. Namely on certain pages (and often after the render of certain pages the app closes after c.3 seconds) or upon button presses on certain pages.
I have now added Crashlytics to the app (which I didn't have before), and have pushed this as a second version on to the Google Play Store - and again it's pending review. The questions I have are:
Can I deactivate an app once it's live on the app store to prevent any more downloads? - Is there any code that can be added to the app to do this internally? I can not see any options or instructions within the Play Store. It seems a little crazy that I now know my app has 'bugs' which never materalised in test, but i can't 'switch it off'?
I have only been able to add Crashlytics this time for a new production release, and once installed and I can try and work out what the problem is with error logs. Once I have I will have to create a third version and again add as a new release and wait for Google to approve - is this really the most efficient way?
Why would or could a Production release of an app crash when the Debug version, or Production release version in Internal Test mode, did not? - I find it so strange that I have so many tools available and yet none detected a problem until launch
Thanks in advance!
you can unpublish your app from playstore
goto console>select your app>setup>advanced setting>unpublish app
this will stop your app from appearing to new users and getting new download from
2.fixing bugs always need a new release to update your app there is no way to get around
uploading a new release and waiting for the review to end (this is for production app)
3.your testing might not have encountered any bugs because you might be testing on one
device or emulator with a specific api for example api 30 ,and the bugs are being
detected on other apis or device properties you haven't covered in your testing

Updating App Store image for production iOS App

I released a new iPhone App recently, but once it appeared in the App Store following Apple's review, the App Store icon was surprisingly ugly; so I want to replace it right away.
However, whilst I'd expected to be able to do that through iTunesConnect or the Developer Portal, I haven't been able to find any way to revisit all the App meta data and screenshots etc. that I'd uploaded during the App ID registration phase.
My suspicion is that I may need to make this minor change to the App officially, as a version update; can anyone confirm this, or suggest how I should be replacing the App Store icon image quickly, please?
Bad news. Seems like you have to release an update for this purpose. Check this link
It states
Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app

iAds are not displayed

I have implemented iAds as in Ray's Tutorial. It was showing sample adds in the development build. I made a app store build, and upload it on app store.
Now apple approved it and I downloaded same build from the iTunes. When I am running app there are no adds shown. I checked the iTunes connect for iAds network settings. its showing it is live. does any one has any idea why this is happening??
Everything is probably fine. The fill rate -- the percentage of requests for ads that are fulfilled -- is pretty low for iAd usually (last time I checked, the fill rate for my app was less than 20%) and it's not supported in every country. If you're in a country that has inventory, if you keep trying you'll eventually see an ad.

iPhone iAd Enabled App Published Still Showing Test Ads

I integrated iAd in my application which got approved by Apple. I downloaded the app (FREE) to my device and ran it. For some reason instead of displaying real world ads it still says "Test Ads". Anyone experience this issue? The app got approved yesterday maybe it is too early to get the ads but I think Apple should not show test ads.
It seems like Apple will always display TEST ads on the machine it was tested on.
Hey, make sure you delete the binary you used in testing off of your phone, and off of iTunes if you distributed that way. The phone will see that the version numbers are the same, and skip some of the code upgrades. Once you reinstall from iTunes, you should be good to go! Congrats on getting the app out into the store.

iPhone + In App purchase testing

I have implemented In App purchase in one of the existing application. I have also created SandBox account for testing it. I have run the application and tested it, its working perfect. Since, I have tested it, by buying the feature, it means I have bought that feature.
Now, there is a change in code and I want to re-test it (In App purchase thing), but since the feature is already bought I cannot test it again.
I am running and testing the application from Xcode, so I tried to delete the application from device and run / test it again by from Xcode, still no result.
If you just want to test re-downloading the content, deleting the application works.
If you want to actually re-buy it, how about creating a new additional sandbox account?