How to disable Gem Manager in Rubymine? - rubymine

There's no way to do it in here?
I just want to install gems through the terminal.
I'm very confused about this.
Any help would be great.
RubyMine 2017.3.

Balloon about missing gems and their highlighting in Gemfile can be disabled via corresponding settings:
Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Notifications | Gem Manager (no popup and no log)
Settings | Editor | Inspections | Gems | Missing gems


VS Code - pylint is not running

I have a workspace setup in VS Code where I do python development. I have linting enabled, pylint enabled as the provider, and lint on save enabled, but I continue to see no errors in the Problems panel. When I run pylint via the command line in the virtual environment i see a bunch of issues - so I know pylint works. I am also using black formatting(on save) which works without issue. I have tried using both the default pylint path as well as updating it manually to the exact location and still no results. When I look at the Output panel for python it looks like pylint is never even running (i.e. I see the commands for black running there but nothing for pylint).
My pylint version is 2.4.4 and VS Code version 1.46
Any idea how to get this working?
This is due to a bug in the newer version of python extension see here.
For now you can either wait for the fix to arrive, use jedi language server or install previous version of the extension
"python.linting.enabled" : true
"python.linting.lintOnSave" : true
to your settings.json
Uninstall Python Extension
Reinstall Python Extension
And with that there will will be one more extension of "Python Extension" named - "PYLANCE" don't forget to install that too.
Reload VS Code

issue with vscode-neovim navigations

I am using VsCode on MAC OSX.
I installed vscode-vim and editor works fine.
Now, I installed vscode-neovim extension and updated settings.json with below
"vim.enableNeovim": true,
"vim.neovimPath": "/usr/local/bin/nvim"
However, when I press arrow-keys in editor, I am getting below message
command 'vscode-neovim.up' not found
I checked the Keyboard Shortcuts see below entries for vscode-neovim.up, etc. like below
Am I missing any other configurations?
I had a similar issue after just installing vscode-neovim. It appears the current extension requires version 0.5.0 or later of neovim, which is a nightly/development release. On OSX, you can install it with brew install --HEAD neovim or see here for releases.
You probably also want to uninstall the vscode-vim extension from VSCode: these are conflicting extensions, not complementary.

PlasticSCM - Icon 'unknown' not present in theme

I'm using CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708, Gnome 3.22.2 and I've installed PlasticSCM
I created a new repository and everything worked fine until I use the Workspace explorer or the Pending changes tabs (only when changes exists). Plastic shows several error pop-ups with the message:
Icon 'unknown' not present in theme
I've checked the logs in ${HOME}/.plastic4/gtkplastic.log.txt:
2017-12-04 16:43:15,252 (null) user at (null) ERROR ExceptionHandler - [HandleUnhandledGLibException] Unexpected error: Icon 'unknown' not present in theme.
I tried to change the icon theme from Adawait to Gnome using the Gnome Tweak Tool with no success.
Is there anything that I should configure to fix this problem?
Thank you.
I'm using pretty much the same setup and works for me. I installed from the latest iso at
Centos 7.4.1708:
> cat /etc/*elease
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
gnome 3.22.2:
> cat /usr/share/gnome/gnome-version.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Plastic version (Latest available as I write)
cm version
This is what I have in the theme directory:
> ls -l -R /opt/plasticscm5/theme/*
Can you try changing your OS icon set?

How to install grafana-cli and grafana plugin

I'm trying to install Simple JSON plugin which needs grafana-cli.
But my Terminal says command not found. Can someone please help how to install grafana-cli and grafana plugin
OS - Mac, grafana v3.0
Old question but for me I found it using
ps -ef | grep grafana
To find the location of grafana (which was /usr/sbin/grafana) and grafana-cli was there too. That dir is only in the path for the root user so switching to root (sudo su) solved the issue also.
for S.O windows, you need add manually the path of grafana-cli.exe to environment variables.
follow this steps.
open control panel.
select the option "system".
select option "advanced features"
select environment variables,
on variables of user select the row "path", select the button edit
add your path of grafana-cli.exe.
save changes.
open a new cmd terminal.
write grafana-cli and console return view of help of grafana cli commands
you can find grafana-cli on c:/programfiles/grafanalasbs/grafana/bin
grafane-cli is not present in 2.6.0 package. So i suppose you should build grafana from scratch or get an older version.

Automatically install extensions in VS Code?

Is there some way to automatically install VS Code extensions when opening a project (like package.json but for vscode?)
If not, is there some way to install extensions at the command line?
Neither of those are currently possible. I created an issue some time ago for installing extensions via the command line, be sure to give it a +1 to show your interest.
The recommended way of doing this is through workspace recommended extensions, this is a .vscode/extensions.json in your project that will prompt the user to install them when they first open the folder, the file looks like this:
"recommendations": [
You can also try setting up a bash/bat script or some other automation to directly install the extensions using the CLI as suggested by parsley72 in the other answer. You will likely annoy users by doing this though, unless this is in a personal dotfiles project or something similar.
The issue that #daniel-imms created was resolved in June 2017. You can see this in the latest version:
$ code -h
Visual Studio Code 1.16.0
Usage: code [options] [paths...]
--extensions-dir <dir> Set the root path for extensions.
--list-extensions List the installed extensions.
--show-versions Show versions of installed extensions, when using --list-extension.
--install-extension (<extension-id> | <extension-vsix-path>) Installs an extension.
--uninstall-extension <extension-id> Uninstalls an extension.
--enable-proposed-api <extension-id> Enables proposed api features for an extension.
--disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions.
Thanks to Daniel's suggestion, and I find if you want to keep a list of vscode extensions and install all of them in single click, you can try this approach:
Create the list of extensions you want using the workspace recommended extensions
Use the Configure Recommended Extensions command to create the extensions.json file
You will create a file like this:
// See to learn about workspace recommendations.
// Extension identifier format: ${publisher}.${name}. Example: vscode.csharp
// List of extensions which should be recommended for users of this workspace.
"recommendations": [
// List of extensions recommended by VS Code that should not be recommended for users of this workspace.
"unwantedRecommendations": []
Add your favorite vscode extension id into the list in JSON
Re-launch vscode to open the workspace folder (the parent folder for .vscode folder)
Navigate to "Extensions", filter extensions using "Recommended" filter
A list of extensions will be shown in "Workspace Recommendations"
Click the ☁️ button to install all extensions at once
I wrote this Makefile to automatically install extensions
code --list-extensions > extensions.txt
cat extensions.txt | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
For projects where Node.JS/npm is available, this one-liner(-ish) will install all recommended extensions for the workspace via the command line in a single step:
npx json5 .vscode/extensions.json | \
npx json-cli-tool --path=recommendations --output=newline | \
xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
You could imagine documenting this step in a README's local development setup instructions.
Breakdown of the command:
It uses npx, which will install the json-cli-tool and json5 packages from npm if they're not already installed.
# Compile the extensions.json file from JSON (with comments) to valid JSON
# That's because VS Code's setting files often contain comments
# If yours doesn't, you can skip this step
npx json5 .vscode/extensions.json | \
# Traverse the JSON and extract all extension names
# on a new line from the "recommendations" array
npx json-cli-tool --path=recommendations --output=newline | \
# Which should output:
# "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
# "stylelint.vscode-stylelint"
# Pass each line from the command above to VS Code's CLI
# as seen in [#weaming's solution][2]
xargs -L 1 code --install-extension