PlasticSCM - Icon 'unknown' not present in theme - gtk

I'm using CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708, Gnome 3.22.2 and I've installed PlasticSCM
I created a new repository and everything worked fine until I use the Workspace explorer or the Pending changes tabs (only when changes exists). Plastic shows several error pop-ups with the message:
Icon 'unknown' not present in theme
I've checked the logs in ${HOME}/.plastic4/gtkplastic.log.txt:
2017-12-04 16:43:15,252 (null) user at (null) ERROR ExceptionHandler - [HandleUnhandledGLibException] Unexpected error: Icon 'unknown' not present in theme.
I tried to change the icon theme from Adawait to Gnome using the Gnome Tweak Tool with no success.
Is there anything that I should configure to fix this problem?
Thank you.

I'm using pretty much the same setup and works for me. I installed from the latest iso at
Centos 7.4.1708:
> cat /etc/*elease
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
gnome 3.22.2:
> cat /usr/share/gnome/gnome-version.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Plastic version (Latest available as I write)
cm version
This is what I have in the theme directory:
> ls -l -R /opt/plasticscm5/theme/*
Can you try changing your OS icon set?


JSON Settings editor in JupyterLab not working?

I recently updated python to the latest version 3.10.5 on my Windows 10 desktop using pyenv-win. Everything went fine, except when I launched jupyter lab and found out I can't access the JSON settings editor anymore. I was following the same procedure as always:
Launching jupyterlab from the terminal using the command jupyter lab
Going to the settings menu and choosing Advanced Settings Editor
The settings editor GUI is opened as always and I can change settings through the UI, but I prefer using the JSON settings file.
On the top right of the settings editor there is a button to open the JSON Settings Editor. I click it and nothing happens. This button doesn't do anything. it used to open a text editor with all the JSON settings files. Now it simply does nothing.
I tried reinstalling jupyter lab completly, including removing every custom extension and reseting all setting to the default, and it didn't help. The JSON Settings Editor button still doesn't do anything.
Can anyone explain to me why this happens and how I can fix this?
This is a bug in the latest JupyterLab release v3.4.4. I have reproduced it on 3.4.4 and opened a pull request to fix it: jupyterlab#12892. The fix should be included in the next patch release. In the meantime you can downgrade to 3.4.3 which is not affected.
Thank you for highlighting it (next time if it looks like a bug feel welcome to report directly at
Edit: JupyterLab 3.4.5 is now released. Please upgrade using your package manager to get the fix.

Extension Host Terminated Unexpectedly (vs code) Mac

I have been struggling with this vs code issue (extension host terminated unexpectedly).
I've tried uninstalling/ reinstalling vs code, I've uninstalled and disabled all my extensions and still get the error, I've downloaded an older version which worked temporarily, I'm out of ideas.
I don't understand how I can have no extensions but the still get the error?
does anybody know the answer to this?
it seems I'm having the same issue as your from around the same time. I would suggest to add more infos, in my case for example
> MacOS X : 10.11.6 El Capitan
> VS Code Version: 1.57.1
> Commit: 507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
> Date: 2021-06-17T13:28:32.912Z
> Electron: 12.0.7
> Chrome: 89.0.4389.128
> Node.js: 14.16.0
> V8:
> OS: Darwin x64 15.6.0
After a long period of not using VS Code I found this alert always popping up
-Extension host terminated unexpectedly
-Open Developer Tools -Restart Extension Host
And restarting just repeated this alert.
If I choose from the context menu (aka right click) Run a line/selection or Run Current File, either on terminal or in interactive window with Jupyter, it has no reaction (while a couple of days ago it worked perfectly, when I used it in offline cause there was no wifi)
In hope it could help you, here are what I tried:
to deactivate and reactivate the extension (cmd+shift+p > Reload With
Extensions disabled)
to install a previous extension of Python ms-python.python (or whatever suit your case)
to run the command Bisect (cmd+shift+p > Help: Start Extension
So far I found no solution for me.
Soon I will try to follow what sumitparakh commented in this github issue , meaning to save the former extensionHostProcess.js file (renaming it) and adding in its stead the file he provided
On Windows the location should be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\services\extensions\node\extensionHostProcess.js
While MacOS path should be:
'/Applications/Visual Studio'
UPDATE 1: after adding the file and reloading I get even this message
-Your Code installation appears to be corrupt. Please Reinstall
-More information
UPDATE 2: I tried to follow this fix from a github issue . Here is the quote:
ehamwey commented on Jan 4
The following steps worked for me, after upgrading from an x86 build
of vscode-insiders to Darwin arm64 (version 1.53.0-insider) I got the
behavior described above.
Remove the folder: /Users/[your-home-folder]/.vscode/ # **NOTE:** I renamed it as a backup
This will remove all extensions and any vscode configurations from your system!
Reinstall vscode and any extensions
BUT, even after I reinstalled the same version 1.57.1 of Code the extension host error is there, without any extension yet installed...
So maybe, I should try to revert to a previous update and maybe even reporting this issue
I'm open to suggestion aswell
I solved it running in the notebook kernel:
pip install six

Terminal started behaving badly when Zshell theme is present

Originally from here.
VSCode Version: 1.46.1
OS Version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.20161
Steps to Reproduce:
Install debian-dev-boilerplate inside WSL.
Setup powerlevel 10k.
Clone a git repo and enter its folder.
git clone
cd debian-dev-boilerplate
You should now see something like:
Open vscode from zshell. By typing at the zshell prompt:
code .
At this point the bug is revealed when the terminal is opened for the first time inside vscode. At first glance, the terminal renders correctly the powerlevel10k theme. After half a second, the theme is deactivated as can be seen in the next picture.
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?:
Yes. The first time vscode is launched, it installs a vanilla (with no extensions) vscode-server to the linux distro. And still the bug happens.
It is interesting to note that in prior vscode versions this functionality was working alright. For any reason I don't know this issue started to happen in the last couple weeks.
Additional Info:
Here is the log file when running the commands:
code . --log trace
Most likely Powerlevel10k has been installed and/or loaded from ~/.zshrc incorrectly. The screenshot of VS Code shows robbyrussell theme, so I surmise that you are using Oh My Zsh. To install Powerlevel10k on top of Oh My Zsh you need to follow these instructions:
Run: git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Set ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" in ~/.zshrc.
Try running grep -E 'ZSH_THEME|/powerlevel10k' ~/.zshrc. The output must be exactly like below.
If it's not, you need to fix ~/.zshrc.

Changing fonts in vscode remote SSH

I am currently settings up a vscode remote environment, almost everything is working fine but fonts on Editor, output, debugger, terminal are not the one I chose.
OS : Windows 10 64bits
vscode version 1.43.1 (NOT portable)
User : has administrator privileges
OS : Debian 10.3 64bits
User : is not root, ofc
Root access is possible
Current status
When running a local workspace, custom font is used (Source Code Pro Light) in editor, terminal, debugger, output ...
When running a remote (SSH) workspace on the debian box, custom font is not used (I check that it is installed)
$ fc-list | grep -i source
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/sourcecodepro/SourceCodePro-Light.ttf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Light:style=Light,Regular
Here is a screenshot of the font it uses:
I did run a text editor through x11forwarding and it was able to use the font.
Where did I made a mistake?

Visual Studio Code can't run in Ubuntu 18.04

I have been using VSCode for a while and never had any big problem with it. Today I tried to start my VSCode from left taskbar on my Ubuntu 18.04 and it not showing up. Also, I tried to run in terminal as 'code .' again nothing.
VSCode version is latest 1.23.1 I tried few time today with install/remove and nothing. Somehow I am thinking maybe it something with permissions but not sure.
When click on task bar icon its shows like loading on top taskbar in ubuntu 18.04 for a few seconds and stops.
Also when tried to run in terminal as:
$ code . --verbose
[15027:0603/] Gtk: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[15027:0603/] Gtk: GModule (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/ initialization check failed: GLib version too old (micro mismatch)
[15027:0603/] Gtk: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed
pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:07:00.0/resource: No such file or directory
just getting an error, but not sure is this error connected with problem I did some investigation and Gtk is already installed and works well on my OS.
Fixed it with "delete the /home/user/.config/Code folder"