issue with vscode-neovim navigations - visual-studio-code

I am using VsCode on MAC OSX.
I installed vscode-vim and editor works fine.
Now, I installed vscode-neovim extension and updated settings.json with below
"vim.enableNeovim": true,
"vim.neovimPath": "/usr/local/bin/nvim"
However, when I press arrow-keys in editor, I am getting below message
command 'vscode-neovim.up' not found
I checked the Keyboard Shortcuts see below entries for vscode-neovim.up, etc. like below
Am I missing any other configurations?

I had a similar issue after just installing vscode-neovim. It appears the current extension requires version 0.5.0 or later of neovim, which is a nightly/development release. On OSX, you can install it with brew install --HEAD neovim or see here for releases.
You probably also want to uninstall the vscode-vim extension from VSCode: these are conflicting extensions, not complementary.


Why cannot I use the Vim VSCode extension over ssh or wsl?

I cannot install the Vim VSCode extension on my headless machine through VSCode remote development nor in WSL. I think I used to be able to but I uninstalled it once and since then I haven't been able to install it again. I can only install and uninstall on my Windows computer but not remotely: when I click the button to install Windows extensions to server, the Vim VSCode extension is not part of the batch:
Edit: actually the extension stopped working in Windows as well without obvious reason.
Here is a list of my extensions: maybe I introduced incompatibilities I am not aware of:
I wonder how to get a JSON list of the extensions by the way :(
I might be wrong but I don't believe the normal VSCodeVim extension requires Vim itself to be installed as it just emulates it, so it shouldn't need installed in the remote environment as long as it is installed/enabled which it looks to be. Is it not working?
There was a bug in the settings JSON file. There was some syntax error, possibly caused by the installation of some other extension.

Playwright VSCode gives `No tests found` message

I've installed the Playwright vscode extension but when I go to the testing area I get a "No tests have been found in this workspace" message. But when I run $> playwright test on the CLI it works like a charm. The weird thing is, that some time ago it was perfectly working in VSCode.
When I click the reload icon I get
But then after a couple of seconds I get back where I started.
When I click the blue button I go to the list of extension
I'm not very sure what I am suppose to install here. Also, it did work in the past already.
This is the extension I installed for Playwright:
Any suggestion what is going on here in my VSCode?
I had the same issue, the only thing that helps me is VS code update, this extension works only on the latest version on VS code.
tests section
I had the Microsoft extension installed and latest VSCode and got the same message in the Testing panel after using the "Install Playwright" command.
For me it was restarting VSCode completely that made the extension work. Note this was a full app restart and not just the "Developer: Reload Window" command.
Update Node on your system to the latest and it will resolve it. I had the same issue and by updating node, Vs Code immidiately detected all the test files and it works like a charm.
Check that you're using a supported version of playwright.
In the "details" section, the extention I have installed says
This extension works with Playwright Test version v1.19+ or newer.
I was using Playwright version 1.17, and faced this same issue. Updating to use version 1.19 fixed it.
I had the same issue with Playwright version 1.26.0
I actually had a github issue open
Updating to Playwright version 1.26.1 solved the problem and tests were found once again.
I've had the same issue with a vs code which has been installed on a ubuntu box using the "ubuntu software" installer. This only installs snaps, which probably caused the issue. First I uninstalled the snap and deleted the .vscode folder in the users home directory.
After using apt for installation ( as explained here ), the playwright plugin worked without any issues.
Please update your Playwright version (Version 1.28.1 at the time of this post) to the latest, (Steps below),
First Check your current version
npx #playwright/test --version
Update to the latest version
npm install #playwright/test#latest
Install Browsers
npx playwright install
Check the updated version
npx #playwright/test --version
And also install/update the latest version of the Playwright Test for VSCode (v1.0.1 at the time of this post) and reload the IDE.
This can be done by simply as follows,
Go to Extensions
Search for "Playwright Test for VSCode"
Update or install the given latest version
It Worked for me.
I had the same issue when trying to use existing tests and the latest available version of VSCode and NodeJS just installed on my PC. It that the issue is in the lock files (yarn.lock and parameters-lock.json) contained conflicting requirements, I left only those files that already were with the tests and everything immediately worked after clicking the "update tests" button.

VS Code - WSL - Go To Definition not working

Pressing F12 to Go To Definition in VS Code is not working for me with WSL extension.
I verified F12 was being recognized by turning on Screencast Mode, and that WSL is causing the Go To Definition issue by uninstalling the WSL extension and trying F12 in another project.
Is there any other information I can provide? This was working for me a few days ago and nothing changed that I know of. I tried older versions of WSL extension and was not able to get Go To Definition to work.
Thank you!
I'am using VsCode with WSL extension for C# project and the next thing helped me. It looks like you have to install extensions for each language again in 'wsl version of vsCode'. Once you open project go to ExtensionManager and try to install adequate extension (in my case for C# that was omnisharp), instead regular install button there should be 'Install in WSL:ubuntu' button. Once installation is completed restart VsCode and it should/may work.
I noticed that the terminal was stuck in "starting..." state. I think I was able to resolve this issue by installing the "Terminal Here" WSL extension.

Rust autocompletion not shown for items from the standard library

I can't get working autocompletion on VS Code on Ubuntu 16.04.
I've installed rustup from and installed the "rust-lang.rust" package. This extension installed rustfmt and tried to use both stable and nightly toolchains.
If I type std:: no suggestions are shown. Suggestions show on local mod import but not with the standard library. I tried to reinstall by removing via and manually removing ~/.multirust and ~/.cargo and then installed again, but nothing changed.
What did I do wrong?
I didn't have the RUST_SRC_PATH variable set. In my VS Code settings, I added
"rust.rustLangSrcPath": "/home/ilya/.rustup/toolchains/**your_toolchain**/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/"
and it did the job. This option comes from the kalitaalexey.vscode-rust package.

VSCode - TypeScript language service died unexpectedly 5 times in the last 5 minutes

This error message keeps sliding down from the top every few seconds. I click on the close button and it comes back again. I am not and don't plan on using TypeScript in any of my projects.
Is there a way to "silent" this warning message?
Is there a way to change the frequency that the warnings slide down on the screen?
This is happening in VSCode 1.8.1 and 1.9 on Windows 10 and Windows 8.
I work on TypeScript for VSCode.
The TypeScript language service powers language features for both TypeScript and JavaScript code. Without it, you do not get any suggestions or intellisense or any other nice language support.
Please open an issue against VSCode if you are seeing this error. You can also try upgrading the version of TypeScript that VS Code uses to pick up the latest fixes and features:
(I'm also looking into a better way to handle this message since it can be very spammy when the TypeScript service crashes continually)
I resolve my problem by use this way:
first, open your typescript.tsserver.log to "verbose"
restart vscode, and open ts log
and you will find when make your tsserver so slow, as for me, jest_cache is the problem. so I add a exclude in my tsconfig.json
restart, and the problem solve.
I the same problem with VSCode using a workspace Yarn and Typescript. After a couple months without a solution, I tried updating the Yarn VSCode SDK using yarn dlx #yarnpkg/sdks vscode as part of these instructions and that fixed my problem.
you can try to install this vscode extension to make vscode use latest typescript version
To people getting here using WSL2 & Ubuntu(?)
rm -rf ./vscode-server worked for me
Disabling the "JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly" extension worked for me.
The error always said that the workspace was using an old verison of typescript and that I should upgrade although I was up to date. It looks the workspace was using the latest dev build of typescript because of the extension or something like that maybe caused the error.
For a temprary solution you need to rollback to an older version. In my case it worked with:
upgrading to TypeScript v3.7.3 and using VSCode Insider's Edition seems to fix the issue for me.
There are multiple ways to upgrade. One way is:
yarn add -D typescript#3.7.3
Here is my solution which I spent 1 week.
Fallback version to Version: 1.61.2 (Universal)
Rmove your local VsCode totaly.
quit it
remove it from your Application folder
remove the file ~/.vscode
rm -rf ~/.vscode
Install the vsCode v1.61.2 and open it;
Close the aoto update. it's important
find the menu Code > preferences > settings
search keyword of update
set Application/Update/update > mode > none
Open your ts project
Hope help you
took me a few confusing days, as it kept trying to default to 16.8 which I had not installed via nvm
I installed and un-installed 16.8, set the default and system aliases (always alias to a version number without any letters ['v']
Finally I found a posting that said, no matter what you have installed for nvm MacOS will always use the system Node if there is one.
So: brew uninstall node got rid of a version that I didn't was on my mac... I've been using nvm for many years, so I don't know how it got there. Perhaps it came in as a dependency...
Since I use nvm, and always want the typescript support I pinned it to a particular version of node that I know has typescript installed globally
tsdk: /Users/ajoslin/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.0/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/
In my case, I didn't have the typescript compiler (tsc) installed on my system. So npm install -g typescript resolve my problem.