Preserving when building via sbt assembly - scala

When I build my project using sbt assembly, I get duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The solution that google recommends, is to use MergeStrategy.discard.
That works in getting the project to build - but it crashes at runtime, because Dropwizard (a dependency) relies on info contained in (full issue details: ).
The recommendation when encountering that error, is to merge the manifests.
I've tried all the MergeStrategies on Manifest.MF that seem like they'd do the trick (filterDistinctLines, concat, first, last), they all cause the build to fail with duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The only thing that compiles is discard, but that causes the program to crash at runtime due to Dropwizard relying on the mf file.
Any ideas what to do here? Is there a way to merge the manifests as described in the comments at ?

So I ended up doing this:
Separated the Scala & Java projects
Build the sbt project as is - copy it to the java project/lib directory
Added a system dep for lib/scala project, and used the add-jar plugin to add this jar to the classpath when building the fatjar:
Build the java project fatjar and deploy it - it now has access to the scala jar on the classpath.
Script (server is the name of the java project i made):
sbt clean assembly
cp target/scala*/project*.jar server/lib
cd server
mvn clean install
cd ../
cp server/target/server*.jar target


Apache CXF using eclipse: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.:wsdl2java

When trying to build our project from within Eclipse I keep getting the following error:
Execution generate-sources of goal
org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required
class was missing while executing
The reason for that is that - while we still compile for a Java-8 target environment - the tool chain (i.e. Eclipse, M2E (Eclipe's Maven-plugin), Maven, and CXF) is executed using Java-11.
In Java 9+ javax/xml/bind is not part of the rt.jar anymore, hence the class is missing when the plugin tries to start up. Elsewhere I found that one can enable it by specifying an "--add-modules java.xml.bind" JVM option.
I tried adding that option to the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable but that is apparently ignored when M2E starts up Maven (and with it the CXF plugin) in a separate VM.
Next I tried to specify that option in the plugin's configuration in the pom.xml like so:
<additionalJvmArgs>--add-modules java.xml.bind</additionalJvmArgs>
... but that also didn't fly. :-(
Any idea anyone, how and where one can specify that option or how I can make the former standard javax-classes available to a Maven-plugin running under Java 9+ (when executed from Eclipse M2E) ?
Just in case: this is NOT an Eclipse or M2E issues! Even when I start Maven on the command line using Java 9+ I get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java (generate-sources) on project my_project: Execution generate-sources of goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java: javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/HexBinaryAdapter

how to include third parties library in maven-bundle-plugin(v2.3.7)

I am using servicemix(v4.5.3) and want to deploy my application(depends upon hundreds of third party library) as bundle via maven-bundle-plugin.
Below is my pom.xml
I've followed this for creating bundle, but when I execute mvn bundle:wrap than it convert the external jars into bundle and placed into target/classes folder of my project.
Now, my query is should I have to copy all bundle and placed into deploy folder of servicemix installation directory to run my application. I've followed this approach, but still I am getting some error in while my application starts.
Manifest file :
Imported Packages
com.dhtmlx.connector from dhtmlxgridConnector (476),version=[1.7,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.googlecode.ehcache.annotations,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.hazelcast.core,version=[2.6,3) from com.hazelcast (437)
com.tinkerpop.blueprints -- Cannot be resolved
com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient -- Cannot be resolved
com.tinkerpop.frames -- Cannot be resolved
This is just a little part of my Manifest file of bundle. Here some bundle are still unresolved that I think the problem for starting my bundle.
And 2nd query: is there any better approach to handle all 3rd parties libraries while using maven-bundle-plugin.
waiting for some valuable suggestion.
When I need to convert a JAR to a bundle in Servicemix and import I use:
osgi:install -s wrap:file:////"jar_location Ex: /lib/ojdbc6-13.jar"
Execute shutdown command, choose yes option.
Now your JAR will be available as a bundle in ServiceMix.

How to run the project after building with maven

I am new to maven. So I have a project with pom.xml file. So I ran that with maven and the build was successful. I have glassfish. Glassfish is already running separately. So now what is the next step to run the project with Glassfish? My IDE is eclipse.
You have to first tell Maven to build the WAR, check out this plugin for that:
Then you need to tell maven how to deploy to glassfish, you can either configure a Maven execution plugin to do this (see here: Or you can look around for a custom plugin devoted to integrating maven with glassfish. This one looks promising, but I have not used it:
Maven provides a lot of basic functionality out of the box, but most of the cooler stuff with build automation is done through plugins.
Just updating to add a very simple Pom that will do a auto-deployment. Note: if you just run a "mvn clean install", with the packaging set to 'war', maven will build the .war file for you and place it in the target/ folder. You can take this and deploy it to glassfish manually if you just want to get started.
Below is part of a very simple pom that uses the Maven execution plugin to auto-deploy to glassfish as a function of the build:
This basically just calls the deploy command on the glassfish asadmin utility[1]. You need to fill in the following variables:
${path-to-asadmin-util} --> this is the path to your asadmin utility
(normally in the glassfish_home/bin)
${username} --> glassfish admin username
${password-file} --> password file for logging into glassfish
${} --> name of your war
If you want to get more complicated I suggest taking a look at this thread: GlassFish v3 and glassfish-maven-plugin (Mac).
[1] -
[2] -
Additonnaly, you should have a glance at this StackOverflow thread, dealing with maven deployement in glassifsh :
For further understanding of Maven, you should REALLY read this (free) book : This is THE reference for Maven.
We can explain you what Maven is doing, producing, etc ... but Sonatype made a great work and you'll probably learn more reading it than we could ever do !
I found this tutorial useful:

How to resolve the playN asset path error?

I am getting the following error when I run my playN project.
"No file found for: /myproject/myproject.nocache.js"
Also I am getting only a black screen in the browser.
In the file I am giving the path as
How can I resolve this problem. I am not finding any file with the name "nocache".
Note: The comment in one of my previous question's answer will be useful: How to Run my playN game in production mode locally?
Thank you.
SOLVED: the resource folder under war was getting generated using eclipse compile only.I have created a source folder src/main/resources and moved all my resources package to it. Before it was under src/main/java. Now it works..! I can compile from terminal and run.
Are you running the project via Maven (mvn test -Ptest-html) or as GWT project (mvn gwt:run)?
The first case should work if your path is set correctly, but running it as a GWT project has always failed for me.
I also suggest doing a mvn clean install, and seeing which resources are contained within your .war file. Your .nocache.js file should be in there, if not, you probably have a bigger issue (incorrect project setup).
Seeing as you don't have the .nocache.js file in your war something is wrong with your Maven configuration. See if the following config has been added to your HTML pom in your plugins tags:
Either way, your HTML version won't run until you see the .nocache.js in your war file. Double-check your Maven configuration with a new PlayN project, and see where there are differences.

deploying a maven project

I have a maven project and I'd like to create a distribution of it with the dependencies. I've tried the maven-assembly-plugin and built the jar with dependencies, but that unpacked all of the jars and repackaged them all into a big, single jar. What I'd like is something like my jar file and a lib folder that has all of the dependencies. Then when I run it, I could run "java -cp lib/* my.package.MainClass".
What's the best way to go about doing this with maven? Or the recommended way to deploy?
I have used the Maven assembly just for that in my project.
First enable your plugin in your POM and call your assembly config :
<!--I recommend 2.1 as later versions have a bug that may
Duplicate files in your archive
<!--Executes the packaging along with the mvn package phase
<!--Relative path to your descriptor -->
Then in your descriptor you can decide how you want your layout to be before you package the whole thing
<!-- this will create an extra resource, you can
choose jar as well in the format-->
<!-- Insert here extra files as configs or, batch files, resources, docs etc-->
<!-- I like to integrate the jre as well... simplifies my deployement -->
<!-- This will scrub your dependencies and add them to your lib folder, I excluded
Test stuff as it is not needed, could have declared the resource as a test
only phase as well would not have had to exclude it here
This will create a zip file with the layout you have specified in your output directory config, package the whole thing as a zip file (you can choose zip, jar, war ...) and deploy it in my repository with the rest.
I skipped bits and pieces to make it simpler but my package expands to include batch files, dlls, config, doc and the JRE so everything needed is in the same zip... all is needed to run the thing is extract and click start.bat !
I could also probably make it in to a jar properly formatted with METADATA and just double click the jar itself to start it all, I did not need or have time to toy around this option but you may try it as well.
Beware of versions above 2.1 of the assembly plugin, it will create duplicate entries if your directives enable it to find the same file in different locations, this will give you a lib folder with the same jars repeating twice. not very dangerous as unzipping will collapse them but still annoying to have the unzip ask you if you want to overwrite files. Plus the fact that you do not know which won if somehow they turned out to be different in content.
Maven is great but I find that it is sometimes frustrating to get it working, Plus documentation can sometimes be hard to find and use. However, used appropriately it will save you tons of time.
good luck
You should be able to use the maven-jar plugin to package up an archive, specify the main class to execute along with the classpath. It can generate a manifest file for you for your project.