Apache CXF using eclipse: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.:wsdl2java - eclipse

When trying to build our project from within Eclipse I keep getting the following error:
Execution generate-sources of goal
org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required
class was missing while executing
The reason for that is that - while we still compile for a Java-8 target environment - the tool chain (i.e. Eclipse, M2E (Eclipe's Maven-plugin), Maven, and CXF) is executed using Java-11.
In Java 9+ javax/xml/bind is not part of the rt.jar anymore, hence the class is missing when the plugin tries to start up. Elsewhere I found that one can enable it by specifying an "--add-modules java.xml.bind" JVM option.
I tried adding that option to the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable but that is apparently ignored when M2E starts up Maven (and with it the CXF plugin) in a separate VM.
Next I tried to specify that option in the plugin's configuration in the pom.xml like so:
<additionalJvmArgs>--add-modules java.xml.bind</additionalJvmArgs>
... but that also didn't fly. :-(
Any idea anyone, how and where one can specify that option or how I can make the former standard javax-classes available to a Maven-plugin running under Java 9+ (when executed from Eclipse M2E) ?
Just in case: this is NOT an Eclipse or M2E issues! Even when I start Maven on the command line using Java 9+ I get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java (generate-sources) on project my_project: Execution generate-sources of goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java: javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/HexBinaryAdapter


Why is maven running the same pom differently on two computers?

Me and my workmate are trying to call the same Maven command (mvn site) on exactly the same pom and getting totally different output.
The code of which we think is going wrong, is the javadoc-plugin we added lately:
<!-- https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/ -->
<doctitle>${project.name} API Documentation
<footer>Specification: ${specification.title}</footer>
<header>${project.name} API Documentation
<windowtitle>${project.name} API Documentation
Running this gets me the correct javadoc-generation in the targeted folder. When I pushed it to the svn repository and my mate downloaded, it was not working for him.
There is no Error and no warning, it just does not generate the javadoc.
Additional info:
We are not using any local settings.xml.
The output of mvn site -X (debug mode) does not make any difference regarding the javadoc-plugin.
He already reinstalled jdk and re-set his $JAVA_HOME.
Same Maven version
What could be the problem?
Thank you in advance
Run mvn -v to make sure you're using the same Maven and Java versions. The command will print the paths to the Java runtime, make sure they are same and correct.
If that checks out, run mvn help:effective-pom to see what Maven will execute. Redirect the output on both machines to a file and compare them.
Next, try to invoke the plugin directly from the command line. If that works, attaching to the life cycle doesn't work for some reason. If it doesn't work, check for error messages and use -X to check the plugin configuration.
If everything else fails, delete your local Maven repository (or at least the involved plugins).

How to run the project after building with maven

I am new to maven. So I have a project with pom.xml file. So I ran that with maven and the build was successful. I have glassfish. Glassfish is already running separately. So now what is the next step to run the project with Glassfish? My IDE is eclipse.
You have to first tell Maven to build the WAR, check out this plugin for that: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/.
Then you need to tell maven how to deploy to glassfish, you can either configure a Maven execution plugin to do this (see here: https://www.mojohaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/). Or you can look around for a custom plugin devoted to integrating maven with glassfish. This one looks promising, but I have not used it: http://maven-glassfish-plugin.java.net/.
Maven provides a lot of basic functionality out of the box, but most of the cooler stuff with build automation is done through plugins.
Just updating to add a very simple Pom that will do a auto-deployment. Note: if you just run a "mvn clean install", with the packaging set to 'war', maven will build the .war file for you and place it in the target/ folder. You can take this and deploy it to glassfish manually if you just want to get started.
Below is part of a very simple pom that uses the Maven execution plugin to auto-deploy to glassfish as a function of the build:
This basically just calls the deploy command on the glassfish asadmin utility[1]. You need to fill in the following variables:
${path-to-asadmin-util} --> this is the path to your asadmin utility
(normally in the glassfish_home/bin)
${username} --> glassfish admin username
${password-file} --> password file for logging into glassfish
${project.name} --> name of your war
If you want to get more complicated I suggest taking a look at this thread: GlassFish v3 and glassfish-maven-plugin (Mac).
[1] - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2433/deploy-1.html#SJSASEEREFMANdeploy-1
[2] - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2435/ghgrp.html#ghytn
Additonnaly, you should have a glance at this StackOverflow thread, dealing with maven deployement in glassifsh : https://stackoverflow.com/a/1836691/1047365.
For further understanding of Maven, you should REALLY read this (free) book : http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/. This is THE reference for Maven.
We can explain you what Maven is doing, producing, etc ... but Sonatype made a great work and you'll probably learn more reading it than we could ever do !
I found this tutorial useful: http://tshikatshikaaa.blogspot.com/2012/05/introduction-to-maven-concepts-crash.html

AspectJ Maven Plugin <weaveDependency>

I am trying to use aspectj maven plugin in our project that has multiple modules. Following the instructions given in this link http://mojo.codehaus.org/aspectj-maven-plugin/weaveJars.html
I am using #Aspectj annotation. My aspect is in a separate maven module called
artifactId - consumer
And the class whose method i want to intercept or advice is in
artifactId - producer
I have added the following configuration in the pom file of the consumer module:
Also added "producer" as a dependency in the same pom file.
When i am doing mvn clean install for the consumer module the following information comes in the console.
[INFO] [aspectj:compile {execution: default}]
[INFO] Join point 'method-execution(void com.home.demo.producer.messaging.MomServiceEndpointListener.handle(com.home.messaging.service.MessageContext, com.home.messaging.service.MessageContext))' in
Type 'com.home.demo.producer.messaging.MomServiceEndpointListener' (MomServiceEndpointListener.java:21) advised by before advice from 'com.home.demo.ods.app.OdsConsumer' (OdsConsumer.java:38)
But while executing the application, it's not working. The aspect is not getting invoked.
I am not able to understand whether i am missing something.
Also i am having confusion whether the plugin configuration shown above should be in which module consumer(where my aspects are) or producer.
The problem is that weaveDependencies act like sources only.
Your consumer module takes original "sources" from weaveDependencies (producer), weaves them with aspects and put weaved classes into consumer(!!!) target/classes.
Therefore, producer artifact never knows about aspects and you use it unchanged.
You have to re-build a producer jar using classes from consumer/target/classes.
I don't think it's convenient, so i left my attempts to use this plugin in this way.
Also, several weaveDependencies will be merged into one scrap-heap of classes.
You better try Aspects from your external jar dependency and plugin config that is built into producer.

Compile test source files with scala fsc and maven

Using the maven scala plugin, I'm managing to use the fsc daemon to compile my main classes, thanks to this previous answer Fastest way to compile scala with maven
However, this doesn't work for test source files. I can add a maven execution for the test-compile phase, but if I specify the cc goal it compiles the src/main classes (fast, but wrong classes). If I specify the compileTest goal, it compiles the src/test classes using the standard compiler (right classes, but slow).
What am I missing?
... some progress has been made, reported in the answer I've posted below.
However.. this has revealed that the Compile server is not starting up. It appears that the scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner class is failing to find scala.tools.nsc.CompileServer on the classpath. Now I know that it's in the java classpath as it's in the same jar file that provides MainGenericRunner, but do I need to specify a 'user' classpath somehow?
The command being run to start the CompileServer by the maven plugin looks like this:
cmd.exe /C C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0\jre\bin\java -classpath
-target:jvm-1.5 -unchecked
And running it gets this error in the MainGenericRunner.err file
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot figure out how to run target: scala.tools.nsc.CompileServer
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerCommand.scala$tools$nsc$GenericRunnerCommand$$guessHowToRun(GenericRunnerCommand.scala:38)
at scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerCommand$$anonfun$2.apply(GenericRunnerCommand.scala:48)
at scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerCommand$$anonfun$2.apply(GenericRunnerCommand.scala:48)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:109)
at scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerCommand.<init>(GenericRunnerCommand.scala:48)
at scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerCommand.<init>(GenericRunnerCommand.scala:17)
at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.process(MainGenericRunner.scala:33)
at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner$.main(MainGenericRunner.scala:89)
at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.main(MainGenericRunner.scala)
Suggestions welcome..!
You may want to consider using SBT.
It has all the advantages of FSC (i.e. keeping a "warm" compiler around to speed things up)
Unlike maven, you don't need tricky manual configuration to enable support for dependency tracking (only recompiling what you really need to).
Unlike fsc, it also doesn't tie you to the version of scala installed on your path, and doesn't break in the face of a misconfigured hostname (and other similar problems)
I had the same problem, the other solutions did not solve the problem correctly, or were not appropriate, what worked was to use a snapshot version of the maven-scala-plugin:
Further investigation has produced this solution: Add a new execution with a cc goal and a fixed up main source path:
Which runs the cc 'fast' compile goal against the /test/scala directory rather than the (default) /main/scala
Is this the best/only way to do this?

Weblogic maven plugin with ssl problem

I am now trying to use oracle weblogic maven plugin to deploy an application to an admin server with administration port.
I am using t3s protocol to connect but I am wondering whether I can set my custom keystore and certs in the maven plugin/parameters
in pom.xml or command line.
I cannot find the solution on the internet.
Help would greatly be appreciated.
In theory you can set the weblogic ssl headers in maven opts - like so
-Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName=
But the plugin doesn't seem to pick these up where as the weblogic.Deployer will. This is a little odd since the maven plugin just runs the deployer anyway.
I've also tried setting the java keystore to a custom one (also with no luck)
well the question is like "old" :) - but it seems there is no conclusive answer around and since this question pops up at google in the top10 here is what I did to make the maven -> weblogic deployment work
Using: maven 3.2.3 to deploy to WLS 12.1.3 and the WLS 12.1.3 DEV (Do not forget to execute the configure script prior to starting - well - anything)
Setup (done once)
Follow the Oracle Docs for the Maven Plugin to setup the plugin. In short:
Mainly you will install a maven plugin from the WLS DEV zip to install another maven plugin:
cd %WL_HOME%\oracle_common\plugins\maven\com\oracle\maven\oracle-maven-sync\12.1.3
mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.pom -Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.jar
install the plugin to be used to deploy:
mvn com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:push -DoracleHome=%WL_HOME%
Verify the plugin is ok:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=com.oracle.weblogic -DartifactId=weblogic-maven-plugin -Dversion=12.1.3-0-0
If you need this to be added to a Maven repository proxy you can temporarily change the path to your local repository, executes those commands and that's what will be required (around 230MB in my case). I would add another thirdparty repository on the maven proxy and put everything in there in case you need to clean up later.
Then use the InstallCert tool to import the SSL certificate into a new keystore. We will place this keystore in the maven module that creates the EAR file and executes the deployment.
Once you have your EAR file ready you need to add this to your build section:
(not the SSL / keystore messing around is only required when using t3s, you obviously skip the property setting if there is no self-signed certificate involved)
The "TrustKeyStore=CustomStore" parameter is somehow required! The name must not be changed.
The above configuration will deploy the EAR during install phase - feel free to change to phase of the weblogic-maven-plugin. It could also be in a profile I guess.
Happy Deploying :)
weblogic.Deployer command line reference
Docummentation of the WLS maven plugin
Properties Maven Plugin
InstallCert Tool