Roblox regen script - roblox

Im trying to make it so after a player touches a certain brick it falls,that part works.But what I want it to do is to respawn after a set amount of time and the old one be destroyed.Im trying to make an obby with falling bricks.I have no clue what to do

That's pretty easy, all you need to do is add a wait() and then once it's waited said amount of time make it change the position of the block back to what it was. Here:
function onTouched(humanoid)
script.Parent.Position =, 1.2, 1.23)
Put this script in the brick you want 'regenerated' and change the wait and position to what you want.


Roblox - detect if mesh is hit by hand

I am not sure where to start so asking for some help. I want to create a script that detect if a certain mesh is hit by players right hand. Every time the mesh is hit I want to increase points for player by 1.
Anyone who can nudge me in the right direction here?
I have added this script in StarterCharacterScripts:
local part1 = workspace.CoinsClouds["Meshes/SackOfGoldNoCoins1"]
if hit.Name == "RightHand" then
This will register when I bump into the part with the right hand, BUT it will register it 5-20 times in a split second every time I bump into the part with the right hand. See attached image. Anyone know why? I would like it to register only once when the right hand is bumped against the part, or even better, only when the user punch the part/mesh. I have tried to add a wait after RightHand is found, but that doesn't work.
PS! I don't know if this is the right way to script it...
Below is an example of the code you would use. It will check if your part is touched by either the right or left hand and it will run whatever is inside of your if statement, in this case it will increase whatever your score is by 1.
local part = workspace.Part -- reference the part here
local debounce = false --used to check for debounce
if hit.Name == "RightHand" or "LeftHand" then -- checks if a hand touched it
if not debounce then --Check that debounce variable is not true
debounce = true --currently touching the part
debounce = false
In relation to your new question it is to do with debounce. Roblox has an entire article on it here:
Basically you would have to add a new if statement to check that the player isn't already touching this part if it is it wont repeat the what is inside the if statement. The code sample above has been edited to work with debounce.

How to force the next node to visit in VRPTWs without changing time window

Let's say I have 3 pairs of pickup and delivery(6 nodes), and their own time windows.
0-Node_start #Index(0)
1-Pickup, 2-Delivery #Index(1,2)
3-Pickup, 4-Delivery #Index(3,4)
5-Pickup, 6-Delivery #Index(5,6)
7-Node_end #Index(7)
How can I force my vehicle to go from node start to index_3, then continue with the rest of the route directly without changing the time window of a node in index_3, or changing the traveling time to 0 from node_0 to node_3? This should be possible regardless of the time taken from index_0 to index_3, as long as time windows allow.
Also, not sure if this is important in this case, but I use FirstSolutionStrategy.GLOBAL_CHEAPEST_ARC
I have found a solution that works for my case, hopeful it will work for others too. I used NextVar
consecutive_locations = [[1,3], [7,9]]
for location_index in consecutive_locations:
routing.solver().Add(routing.NextVar(location_index[0]) == location_index[1])
I used a loop because I have multiple vehicles, each vehicle has a specific starting point, and a location I want it to visit next after starting point.
The solution takes longer though, I think firstSolutionStrategy might be the issue(Not sure)

Unity - Navmesh event on navigation end

Is there a way to raise a flag on the Navmesh navigation end, or to use a callback when it finish?
I want to run a function when my objection reach to the desire position, I can check on every frame update if the navigation has finished but I want a more elegant and efficient solution.
It depends what you mean by "ends", if you want to know when a path is no longer available for the NavAgent, you can use pathStatus, for example you could write:
if(myNavAgent.pathStatus != NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) {
// Do stuff
If you me reaching a location such as a "waypoint" you can use myNavAgent.remainingDistance then check if it is less than a certain value.
Here's the unity NavAgent scriptingAPI doc link:
If this doesn't work, let me know!
I have Thought the same question and i couldn't find a callback, However i managed to solve with triggers. For example if my agent goes point a, i put trigger that position and when my agent touches it i stopped agent.

Editing Timeline from CCB file in cocos

I did some research into this and couldn't really find anything, so if this is a repetitive question I apologize. but anyway I have made a CCB file in CocosBuilder and I would like to start the timeline, for example, at one second instead of playing from the beginning. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for the help guys.
Edit: i would like this to be done in the code.
I am using 2.2.1 Cocos2DX version. I think there is no option to play it from given interval. But you can tweak yourself to get it done. (Not simple one)
You have to go to CCBAnimationManager and there you get "mNodeSequences".
It is dictionary and you get difference properties there like "rotation position etc..."
values there.
Internally AnimationManager reads this value (These values are specified in your CCB)
and puts in runAction queue.
So you have to break it as you want.(Ex. 5 min timeline you have. But you want to start
from 1 min then you have run first 1 min Actions without delay and for remaining you
have properly calculate tween intervals.
It's long procedure and needs calculation. If you don't know any other simpler way try this. If you know pls let us know (Post it).

How to switch sprite animation with cocos2d?

I have two animations of a goalkeeper with two different states (with ball and without ball). After keeper jumps I want to switch to a different action but I want to stay at the same frame index.
I mean if goalkeeper collides with the ball in the frame 19, the second action should start at frame 19 too.
I'm still not quite sure if I completely understand what your trying to do but I can help you with that action. If you want to run a check every frame you should do somethng like this
At the end of your scenes init method add:
` [self schedule: #selector(tick:) interval: 0.3f];
-(void)tick:(ccTime) dt {
if(CGRectIntersectsRect(goalKeeper.textureRect, ball.textureRect) {
[goalKeeper stopAction: myAction]; //where myAction is previously defined
} //now you can start the new action because you're using a timer, it'll be the same frame
That should do it. I hope that helps, if I still didn't quite answer your question feel free to clarify what in more vivid what exactly you're going for. `