I want to install MongoDb 3.6 passively without including Compass - mongodb

I am trying to install MongoDb 3.6.2 community in passive mode. I do not want to include MongoCompass. I cannot seem to find an option in the documentation for this.

This parameter was added in version 3.6.5 I believe

I'm not sure what you mean by passive but in the installation process you will get something like this
Hope this helps


How to ensure if MongoDB is enterprise?

I know there are a lot about this out there and I almost checked all of them. But to my best knowledge, our mongodb is enterprise, but I can't get this info.
I run this command
and it returns [] which means it is community version according to this question on Stackoverflow
Is there any other way to make sure if it's community or enterprise? Thanks very much for help and not unvoting the question in advance! :)
MongoDB Version: 4.0.12
Equivalent for the above is (mongo shell):
MongoDB Enterprise replset:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({buildInfo:1})["modules"]
[ "enterprise" ]
also you may see a prefix MongoDB Enterprise (added by the shell).
Additionally, you may check the bin folder where server files are placed. Servers after 4.2 will contain mongocryptd binary in enterprise version.

How to install MongoDB driver on mac

I've been trying to install the MongoDB driver on my mac for a while now but nothing seems to work, I was wondering if anyone knew how to do it.
This question is less specific, it is really hard to answer, please check here to make sure you have a question people can easily understand: How To Ask A Good Question
Back to your question, If I understand it correctly, you want to run mondob on your mac and access it, there are different ways to do this:
You can check the mongodb manual Mongodb Installation Manual and install it
Or use Homebrew to do it, just do brew install mongodb after you setup homebrew correctly

MongoDB - installation error - mongodb setup wizard ended prematurely

I earlier had this issue while installing. Checked with other threads too, but could not able to find a proper solution in my case.
Uncheck the Install MongoDB Compass option in the setup wizard. Worked for me.
unchecking Install MongoDB Compass solves the issue directly from startup wizard while installing in windows10
For Windows 10, you will have to install MongoDB Compass separately.
After install MongoDB, then download MongoDB Compass separately from here.
For MongoDB Compass, make sure to select the correct Version (note: the Community Edition version is not the default version) and Platform to download. It should install successfully.
I face exactly the same error, my solution:
My windows user didn't have a password, I set a password for it and used my username and password to "Run as a local or domain user", and my problem fixed.
Tip*: I also installed Compass (not separately) and it was not the problem.
Just ensure you are connected to internet for MongoDB Compass to be installed too,its mongoDb user graphical interface unchecking it blocks you from enjoying graphical interface.
For those trying to install version 4.0.x
Compass is the problem, but you don't get to untick straight away.
According to https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-34451 it's a firewall problem. Disable the firewall or allow access fixed it for me.
Unchecking the Install MongoDB Compass works for me.
If you are using Microsoft Account then solution is to login with local account instead, that is available in account settings.
Once you are logged in with local account, you can complete the installation with local username and password.

mongoDB GUI that supports the new mongodb authentication system

is there a mongoDB GUI that supports mongo 2.6+ authentication?
I have a mongoDB 3.0.3 server and can't manage it with robomongo anymore. I also tried MongoHub with no luck :(
I want to access from a MacOS
Try MongoChef. It's free for non-commercial and personal using. It seems good.
Try MongoBooster. Essential MongoDB Admin GUI.
Disclaimer, I am one of developers of MongoBooster.
I use "adminMongo" which supports latest MongoDB version.
Please raise any issues in Github.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer.
I've just released Mongoclient which supports OSx, Linux and Windows as well as mobile platforms, since it's written in meteorJS.
By the way it's completely free and open-source.

MongoDB on AIX Server

I am new to mongoDb. I am trying to install mongo Db on AIX server. Can someone suggest whether AIX supports MongoDb and specify which version, installation steps as well.
Thanks in advance.
MongoDB doesn't support AIX. You can see the supported platforms on the download page.
Yes, we are all expecting for a support of big endian (AIX/HP-UX...) for mongoDB. But, it is quite possible to install mongo on AIX... but really no simple! You have two options to do it :
using SpiderMonkey and his JS engine (learn more about SpiderMonkey here: spidermonkey )
with this option at the install " --js-engine=none --server-js=off " it allows you making MongoDB work in AIX.