How to ensure if MongoDB is enterprise? - mongodb

I know there are a lot about this out there and I almost checked all of them. But to my best knowledge, our mongodb is enterprise, but I can't get this info.
I run this command
and it returns [] which means it is community version according to this question on Stackoverflow
Is there any other way to make sure if it's community or enterprise? Thanks very much for help and not unvoting the question in advance! :)
MongoDB Version: 4.0.12

Equivalent for the above is (mongo shell):
MongoDB Enterprise replset:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({buildInfo:1})["modules"]
[ "enterprise" ]
also you may see a prefix MongoDB Enterprise (added by the shell).
Additionally, you may check the bin folder where server files are placed. Servers after 4.2 will contain mongocryptd binary in enterprise version.


Why does MongoDB advise on upgrading MongoDB incrementally, version-by-version?

Apologies if this question is too open-ended.
I have inherited an aging tech stack and am required to upgrade our 200GB MongoDB Community Edition v3.4 installation (hosted on Ubuntu 20) to MongoDB v5 in order to support some new features.
MongoDB advises that to install v5.0, one must be already on MongoDB v4.4:
They say that if you are on a version older than 4.4, then you need to incrementally upgrade to v4.4 before upgrading to v5.
However, if you follow the links in that official upgrade tutorial, you will find that in order to upgrade to any version of MongoDB, they insist on you upgrading version-by-version, successively.
So for me on v3.4 the upgrade path will look like this:
v3.4 -> v3.6 -> v4.0 -> v4.2 -> v4.4 -> v5.0.13
Following these tutorials:
I'm not entirely sure why this is necessary, as the tutorials themselves seem to mostly involve copying over newer binaries and then setting a feature compatibility version in the database config.
To test whether this was necessary I did a mongodump of our entire v3.4 database and then installed a standalone MongoDB v5.0.13 on the same server and then mongorestore to the new v5.0.13 database. Everything seems to work fine, mongorestore spent two hours recreating all the indexes as its last step (something various articles told me would not happen using the mongodump/mongorestore method).
I am able to connect Mongo clients to this new v5.0.13 Community instance without issue. All the data is there and I am able to query it just fine.
So my question is, why does MongoDB strongly advise doing the upgrade incrementally, one version at a time when dumping the database and restoring it to a new version of MongoDB seems to work just fine?
The only issues I have currently is having to rewrite some client code which is using an older Mongo Java driver. This is something I am going to have to do regardless of the upgrade method I used.
Our MongoDB instance is Community Edition and is a single, standalone instance (not a replica set) so I don't know if this matters. Perhaps the upgrade process described by MongoDB is for Mongo Cloud or for Enterprise?
I'm just looking for clarification on whether the simpler method I tried is going to cause me issues. Maybe I've missed something I hadn't considered.

I want to install MongoDb 3.6 passively without including Compass

I am trying to install MongoDb 3.6.2 community in passive mode. I do not want to include MongoCompass. I cannot seem to find an option in the documentation for this.
This parameter was added in version 3.6.5 I believe
I'm not sure what you mean by passive but in the installation process you will get something like this
Hope this helps

Are there any up to date Mongo GUI's left?

This type of question has been asked before but needs a serious update. I'm looking for an up-to-date mongodb gui that supports v3.0.x. Ideally it would also support connection to a MongoDB v3.0.x on a mongos instance over SSL.
AFAIK, none exist.
The most well maintained one that I've found was Robomongo but that is only supporting MongoDB v2.4 and as far as I can see from the Github, their release for v3.0.x support hasn't had much movement for many months.
Other GUIs, like MongoVue and RockMongo seem even more out of date.
Has anyone seen a good up-to-date GUI?
I am using MongoChef on a regular basis and it seems to be actively maintained.
It does support mongodb 3.0.
Please note that the commercial license is not for free.

mongodb version 3.0.0 client robomongo mongovue

We are using mongo client tools such as Robomongo and MongoVUE from our windows/mac machines. On the mongodb server side, we decided to try out the new MongoDB 3.0.0rc8 with wiredtiger storage. However, we find that we are not able to list any collections from our client tools and mongo shell. If we login to the server box running mongodb, and then start a mongo shell, then we are able to view the collections.
Is this a known problem - that the existing tools like Robomongo and MongoVUE which have been supporting up to 2.6.X are not yet supporting mongodb 3.0.0?
Is there any mongo client that supports version 3.0.0?
Thanks and Regards,
Archanaa Panda
We encountered the same issue today and started evaluating MongoChef which looks promising, both seen to UI, features and support for WiredTiger.
Here is the answer to this question i got on google forums from Will Berkeley-
Yes, those tools need to be updated to support 3.0 on WiredTiger. Many
tools enumerate namespaces by querying system collections that do not
exist when MongoDB is running WiredTiger. The mongo shell function
db.getCollectionNames() and the show command pre-3.0 does this, too -
the reason you can list collections on the 3.0 mongod box is that you
have the 3.0 mongo shell installed there.
I use NoSQL Manager for MongoDB with Mongo 3.0/WiredTiger
This is fixed as of February 1, 2016 with Robomongo.
Using the right version that is robomongo-0.9.0-rc8 fixed my problem.

MongoDB on AIX Server

I am new to mongoDb. I am trying to install mongo Db on AIX server. Can someone suggest whether AIX supports MongoDb and specify which version, installation steps as well.
Thanks in advance.
MongoDB doesn't support AIX. You can see the supported platforms on the download page.
Yes, we are all expecting for a support of big endian (AIX/HP-UX...) for mongoDB. But, it is quite possible to install mongo on AIX... but really no simple! You have two options to do it :
using SpiderMonkey and his JS engine (learn more about SpiderMonkey here: spidermonkey )
with this option at the install " --js-engine=none --server-js=off " it allows you making MongoDB work in AIX.