How to install MongoDB driver on mac - mongodb

I've been trying to install the MongoDB driver on my mac for a while now but nothing seems to work, I was wondering if anyone knew how to do it.

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Back to your question, If I understand it correctly, you want to run mondob on your mac and access it, there are different ways to do this:
You can check the mongodb manual Mongodb Installation Manual and install it
Or use Homebrew to do it, just do brew install mongodb after you setup homebrew correctly


Raspbian update independent of Motioneyeos update?

I have installed Motioneyeos on a Pi Zero and on a Pi2, and it works like a charm in both of them. The control of the 2 systems can be unified on the web server of any one of them. The web interface is clear and allows to customize hundreds aspects of the program. Anything perfect so far.
Trying to understand a little bit how does it work, I have logged to one of the 2 Pis through ssh and I have checked that the OS is kept to a bare minimum. uname -r returns 4.19.65.
On the web interface of the app it is possible to check if the last version of the program is the one running. I have checked, and yes, I have the last version.
My question is: does it make sense to upgrade the OS components used by the program (apt update, apt dist-upgrade) even if the last version of the program is the one running in my Pis? Apt is not even installed, so the first thing would be to bring it there and install it, but I am afraid that if I update the OS, the program may stop to work...
I answer myself thanks to the feedback received in another forum. Motioneyeos is an embedded software based on Buildroot and as such it is not possible to install any package on it. To be able to install a package on Motioneyeos, Motioneyeos has to be installed on an full OS as Raspbian following the instructions in Motioneyeos web ==>>

I want to install MongoDb 3.6 passively without including Compass

I am trying to install MongoDb 3.6.2 community in passive mode. I do not want to include MongoCompass. I cannot seem to find an option in the documentation for this.
This parameter was added in version 3.6.5 I believe
I'm not sure what you mean by passive but in the installation process you will get something like this
Hope this helps

How to install PgBouncer on Windows 7 (x64)

I am attempting to install PgBouncer on my computer with no success. In the installation page, im told that PgBouncer has two dependencies GNU Make 3.81+ and libevent 2.0. Never having used or heard of these two software before, Im completely lost.
I have read a little on both but have yet to find or fully understand what they actually do and how they will help me set up PgBouncer. From what I've read, PgBouncer does not come compiled for windows and I need the other two to compile it. I have searched for tutorials online but it seems that im falling into a black hole of misunderstanding.
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer or how these software work with one another. Thanks.
If anyone now searches the binaries because is offline now, check out my page under I have all the binaries from the Saito page but didn't yet succeed to build the project on my own. If anyone has ideas, don't hesitate to contact me here or on Github :)
EDIT: I'm now able to build pgbouncer for windows just having some issues with the pandoc thing (Follow I will provide binaries soon. The instructions are already online under the page listed above :)
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer
A little late, but if you use the EDB installer for PostgreSQL, as linked on (, you can install Stack Builder. From inside Stack Builder, PgBouncer can be installed (EDB build).
Unfortunately, it's not the latest version. Now, PgBouncer 1.17.0 is available and Stack Builder provides 1.16.1.
Personally, I don't understand why the PgBouncer project doesn't just offer a Windows build. So everybody would be able to get the latest release.
I have not messed with pgbouncer in years but have had multiple comments on what I did to solve my problem.
In the link bellow is the pgbouncer build I last used on my project. From what I remember, all you would need to do is replace the users in the config/user.txt with yours and go into config/pgbouncer.ini and change the configuration to work with your set up. To start it, just run the run.bat file or pgbouncer.exe config/pgbouncer.iniin the cmd prompt. You want to download everything in the folder.

Xen on Centos 7

I am a newbie to Xen and want to download it on my machine which currently has CentOS7. I have been researching and experimenting for a couple of days but can't seem to find a straightforward answer on how to install a fully functioning Xen on CentOS7. I tried using the workaround at, but it seems that some of the packages it uses might be outdated.
Is it even possible to install Xen on CentOS7, even if it is missing some parts to it? Would it be better just to go back to CentOS6.x so that I can install Xen4CentOS?
Thanks in advance! Any advice is appreciated!
Afaik RedHat therefore CentOS is not supporting Xen whoever in fact it is possible.
I am using xen4centos on my Centos7 server, it was installed along with official article from wiki:
It it is not, please provide some logs, errors etc

Document database for ARM Debian

Lately I started writing an application for which document database seems like a perfect match for data storage.
I wanted to use MongoDB but as I later discovered there is no proper package for my "hosting machine" (Sheeva Plug with debian on it).
I was looking around the web for something similiar to mongoDB but couldn't find satisfactory result.
Anyone knows any document database that runs on ARM?
Python module is welcomed addition.
CouchDB is a no.
I know there is non-x86 Mongo package on git but it is also a no.