facebook share js sdk about gmail account - facebook

I found a problem using sdk from facebook js.
When I use gmail account login facebook and share pictures, the picture is display like this.
enter image description here
When I use a non-gmail account login facebook and share pictures, the picture is display like this.
enter image description here
The picture is 1200 * 630 pixels.
So I'm confused.
I tried several accounts, are in line with this law, is it a facebook bug?


Facebook Marketing API: Page Backed Instagram Accounts asking for a profile picture

I preview ads using AdAccount's getGeneratePreviews().
It works great for AdPreviewAdFormatValues::DESKTOP_FEED_STANDARD.
When trying AdPreviewAdFormatValues::INSTAGRAM_STANDARD, with a real Instagram accounts also works.
But when trying AdPreviewAdFormatValues::INSTAGRAM_STANDARD with a Page Backed Account I get an error message:
The Instagram account you have selected for your ad does not have a
profile photo. Please add a profile photo before creating your ad.
Documentation says it should work fine. Am I doing something wrong? How can I assign a profile photo to an account it doesn't exist?
EDIT: Like #aprouja1 mention, the facebook page needs a profile picture.

How does facebook pixel knows which conversion came from which facebook ad?

I was going through facebook pixel and was a lot confused about how does facebook pixel knows which conversion came from which facebook ad ?
Suppose i have this url http://example.com with facebook pixel installed and i have posted two ads on facebook namely Ad1 and Ad2. Users clicks on some ad and land on my url page.
So how does pixel tell facebook that that particular user came from which ad ? and does the pixel even get into such detail ?
And also, does a pixel fire whenever a user lands on above mentioned url or only when the user came from a facebook ad ?
Facebook knows which facebook users were exposed to ads and provided that same user has been using Facebook in that same browser, they can attribute the pixel fire back to that user.
The pixel should fire for all page loads not just those for when people visit from a Facebook ad.
If there are multiple ads that a user was exposed to, Facebook would give credit to the ad that was most recent.

how to show facebook and twitter user profile image on my website's comments

I am showing Gravatar's Avatar on my webpage comments
like that
$hash = md5(trim($row['email']));
$default_usr = urlencode('http://localhost/example/images/user-icon.jpg');
but i want that as avatar's when someone post a comment on my website using an email
which belong to its facebook account or twitter account his/her 's image shows on my website's comments too.
But i don't know how?
Any Facebook Lover or twitter lover who can help me Please Please.
I do not want to use facebook app i am developing my own comment widget using php where i want to use it
will get you the profile picture of a user from the Facebook graph API. file_get_contents() with PHP should allow you to grab that. However, it looks like you only have the email address of the user. In that case, you'll need authorisation from Facebook to get the user from just an email address.
See: Is there a way to get an user's email ID after verifying his/her Twitter identity using OAuth?
Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requiring the user to "Allow" the application)
You are most likely going to have to do some OAuth stuff.

How to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website

I would like to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website. However everything I have tried requires an access token that I seem to only get if I login to FB. I don't want visitors to my site to have to login to FB to see my photos.
Is there a way to get this data and not require a login? I want to pull data from my own FB account. Or is there a different way to authenticate my access behind the scenes so visitors don't have to login, to see my photos?
Facebook has recently launched a way to share the album with public without having to Signin. Every album will have link below this key word Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link. Take a look at this HOW TO for more information.
EDIT: However, for embedding refer this SO which explains how to grant permanent access to your photo albums
Another option is using 8 photo restricted Facebook Photo Badge
Showzey seems to be working on liberating your photos and provides widgets.
Facebook has a badges page that has different options for embedding Facebook content onto your site. The photo badge should fit your criteria.
May be this method could help you guys.
You can do it through a public fan page or a business page.
I put this script together a while back: http://roughgiraffed.com/FBalbum/. Working on a more legit version - will post when complete.
You can combine galleria (open source javascript image gallery framework) with a plug-in to integrate with facebook.
You can find the links bellow:
I'm using this very nice plugin for Joomla. Take a look.

How can I access my photos from flickr account inside iPhone App

I'm interested in accessing photos from my flickr account by entering my username and password. I know how to access random images from flickr, but to get my accounts images is the trick.
I had a look at this link but link flickr but this uses web based authrorization, which I'm not a big fan of. Any ideas/insights would be appreciated.
Web based authorisation is the way the actual flickr app works -so I would say that's your only option