How can I access my photos from flickr account inside iPhone App - iphone

I'm interested in accessing photos from my flickr account by entering my username and password. I know how to access random images from flickr, but to get my accounts images is the trick.
I had a look at this link but link flickr but this uses web based authrorization, which I'm not a big fan of. Any ideas/insights would be appreciated.

Web based authorisation is the way the actual flickr app works -so I would say that's your only option


Flickr API: Uploading without authentication?

I'm working on an application that pulls images from Flickr, and it also offers the ability to upload to Flickr. The problem is that the Flickr API doesn't seem to accept photo uploads without authentication.
In other words, end-users using my application would have to pass through the Flickr website and log in with their Flickr account and grant permissions, and only after that, Flickr starts the upload process.
After doing some searching, I've seen things like having a permanent token for the authentication and upload as since user all the time...
If anyone can offer any solutions or workarounds, please help.
I recently wrote a blog post regarding triple tags and pulling flickr photos into a single wordpress post:
The wordpress stuff is irrelevant, but tagging photos with triple or "machine" tags is ideal for associating photos across multiple accounts and extracting them using the api.
You might need to inform your app users about the tag they need to use e.g. myapp:article=123, but you can then use the search method in the flickr api and use the machine_tags argument to pull all photos on flickr with this tag.
This isn't my idea, Jeremy Kieth did it first:
The beauty of this approach is that no flickr authentication is required.

Upload photo from my system to company Facebook page without having users authenticate individually

I have an application where my staff upload photos for specific tours. My priority is to have the photos uploaded to my system to use in my site and product display. However, every time any of my staff upload a photo in my system, I want to send the photo to our corporate facebook presence. Preferably with a little story about each photo.
Everything I have found seems to require each user to log in with their own facebook accounts individually. Is there a way to code authentication with my facebook account details regardless of who the user is and then take the photo uploaded on my system using cffile and send it to our corporate facebook presence?
I would post code attempts here, but at this point I am still not sure if this is possible. Any guidance would be appreciated.
posting photo with some text is possible on Facebook using your system. all you need to do is to visit and register an app and get the required authentication key. and follow documentation of graph API. ColdFusion Facebook SDK is also available on Git Hub. that makes you job more easy.

How to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website

I would like to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website. However everything I have tried requires an access token that I seem to only get if I login to FB. I don't want visitors to my site to have to login to FB to see my photos.
Is there a way to get this data and not require a login? I want to pull data from my own FB account. Or is there a different way to authenticate my access behind the scenes so visitors don't have to login, to see my photos?
Facebook has recently launched a way to share the album with public without having to Signin. Every album will have link below this key word Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link. Take a look at this HOW TO for more information.
EDIT: However, for embedding refer this SO which explains how to grant permanent access to your photo albums
Another option is using 8 photo restricted Facebook Photo Badge
Showzey seems to be working on liberating your photos and provides widgets.
Facebook has a badges page that has different options for embedding Facebook content onto your site. The photo badge should fit your criteria.
May be this method could help you guys.
You can do it through a public fan page or a business page.
I put this script together a while back: Working on a more legit version - will post when complete.
You can combine galleria (open source javascript image gallery framework) with a plug-in to integrate with facebook.
You can find the links bellow:
I'm using this very nice plugin for Joomla. Take a look.

How to use Facebook Photos in an iPhone App?

I have a client who wants to use their Facebook photos in an iPhone app. We want to embed their account into the app so that when people download the app, they see the client's Facebook photos. The user should not need to login or connect to Facebook.
This is different than the standard "connect to facebook so we can access you data" - we have no need to access the users data.
Do I need to create a Facebook App, connect the client's Facebook account to the Facebook app, then use that to get the photo data ?
Ok, here is what I found
My business page is
That number at the end (128861547181352) is the business' "Facebook Graph ID"
Then use the Business Graph ID and go to and you will see a list of all of the Photo Albums associated with the business' page. There is only one album, so that is all the info you get. The first valuable line on that page says "id": "133208113413362" - this is the Facebook Graph ID for the album.
Then use the Album's Graph ID and go to - this will give you a JSON file with all the data you need for all the photos in the album.
You can also use ?limit=25 and ?offset=50 or both ?limit=25&offset=50 to page through the results.
This should be easy. Facebook gives a public URL for albums that are public to be viewed by the Internet without necessity of logging in. You can see this URL al the bottom of the album page that you may want to share.
It looks like this:
Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link:[ALBUM_ID]&id=[USER_ID]&l=[SOME_PARAM]
(quoted from a public album)
you can easily leach data and extract images from there.
However it is more sane to create a Facebook app (takes hardy a minute) and use Facebook graph-API to make REST calls to retrieve all the data about albums and photos within them in well formatted JSON that will be far easier to handle the HTML. Once you have Facebook App in place, you may use it to fetch all the FB data but it violates both of your requirements (1)Not using Facebook app, and (2) user don't have to sign-in.
But it may worth looking at
Well, there is some trick. If you go to the API page( Copy the URL given for Coca-Cola album ( and make a request with photos REST command like you can access all the details of all the photos in the album in JSON format. I could not get it work for my personal public album though.

Facebook Connect and Photo Albums

I am currently developing a site for models/actors, and at this point I am just trying to ascertain what I can and can't do with Facebook Connect (I have virtually no experience in using Facebook Connect or FQL).
Basically there is going to be a facility whereby users will be able to upload their pictures. I want to know is it possible to use Facebook Connect to get the user's photo albums, in order to save the user from re-uploading all the photo's that are already on FB?
If so, do I/should I LINK to these photos, or FETCH them from Facebook and save a copy on my server?
EDIT: Just to clarify, this is what I want to do:
User will register on my site and agree to associate their Facebook ID with my site.
I then want to present the user with a list of all their albums that are on Facebook, the user can then select which albums they want to display on my site.
(optional) The user can select which specific photos in each album they want to display on my site.
Is this possible to do at all?
You can upload photos using the API. Check out this:
If it were me, I would just upload the photo to Facebook and save the URL of the image rather than store it on my own server. You could do either one, but I don't see the sense is storing the image twice. The one issue could be if you wanted your photo at a higher quality than Facebook allows, but their quality is pretty high.