Matlab error with differential equations and syms - matlab

I have 2 differential equations that are related to each other by their B.C.
I try to solve them with the following code:
syms v1(x) v2(x) L;
E = 1; %Modulous young
I = 1; %Moment of inertia
P = 1; %Force
Differintial_Equation1 = E*I*diff(v1,x,2) == -(sqrt(2)/2)*P*x;
Differintial_Equation2 = E*I*diff(v2,x,2) == -(sqrt(2)/2)*P*(L-x);
eqs = [Differintial_Equation1, Differintial_Equation2];
Dv1 = diff(v1,x); %v1'
Dv2 = diff(v2,x); %v2'
cond1 = [v1(0)==0, v1(L)+L*cos(pi/4) == v2(0)-L*cos(pi/4)]; %B.C
cond2 = [v2(L)==0, Dv1(L)+(pi/4) == Dv2(0)-(pi/4)]; %B.C 2
conds = [cond1, cond2];
vSol(x) = dsolve(eqs, conds);
I am getting an error:
Error using sym/subsindex (line 766)
Invalid indexing or function definition. When defining a function, ensure
that the arguments are
symbolic variables and the body of the function is a SYM expression. When
indexing, the input must be
numeric, logical, or ':'.
Error in sol_2nd (line 29)
vSol(x) = dsolve(eqs, conds);
If I remove the B.C on Dv and change it to v it works fine, what am I missing here?
Thanks in advance.

In your code dsolvereturns a structure containing the solutions.
You can use [v1sol(x) v2sol(x)]= dsolve(eqs, conds);
So we have this:
syms v1(x) v2(x) L;
E = 1; %Modulous young
I = 1; %Moment of inertia
P = 1; %Force
Differintial_Equation1 = E*I*diff(v1,x,2) == -(sqrt(2)/2)*P*x;
Differintial_Equation2 = E*I*diff(v2,x,2) == -(sqrt(2)/2)*P*(L-x);
eqs = [Differintial_Equation1, Differintial_Equation2];
Dv1 = diff(v1,x); %v1'
Dv2 = diff(v2,x); %v2'
cond1 = [v1(0)==0, v1(L)+L*cos(pi/4) == v2(0)-L*cos(pi/4)]; %B.C
cond2 = [v2(L)==0, Dv1(L)+(pi/4) == Dv2(0)-(pi/4)]; %B.C 2
conds = [cond1, cond2];
[v1sol(x) v2sol(x)]= dsolve(eqs, conds);


Matlab GUI ODE solver 'Value' must be a double scalar

I am trying to make an 2nd order ODE solver but it's not working (Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.model.AbstractNumericComponent/set.Value (line 111)
'Value' must be a double scalar.) when I run it on the normal matlab (not the app designer), I get the right answer.
m1 = app.m.Value;
c1 = app.c.Value;
k1 = app.k.Value;
syms y(x)
Dy = diff(y);
ode = m1*diff(y,x,2) == app.u.Value - c1*Dy - k1*y;
cond1 = y(0) == 1;
cond2 = Dy(0) == 0;
conds = [cond1 cond2];
ySol(x) = dsolve(ode,conds);
ySol = simplify(ySol);
app.EditField.Value = ySol;

Matlab : system of four coupled odes

So, I've been working on this physics problem where I face a system of four coupled differential equations which I can't seem to find the answer to
TT0 = 0; %initial release angle Theta
l0 = 1; %initial left line length (in meters)
m = 1;
M = 3;
R = 0.3;
g = 9.8;
mu = 0.5;
syms t Ti(t) Tx(t) TT(t) l(t);
ode1 = (M*g) - Tx == -M*(diff(l,t,2)+R*diff(TT,t,2));
ode2 = m*g*sin(TT) - Ti == m*(R*diff(TT,t,2)-l*(diff(TT,t))^2 + diff(l,t,2));
ode3 = m*g*cos(TT) == m*(R*(diff(TT,t))^2 + 2*diff(l,t)*diff(TT,t) + l*diff(TT,t,2));
ode4 = Tx == Ti*exp(mu*(pi/2 + TT));
odes = [ode1; ode2; ode3; ode4];
conds = [TT(0) == TT0; l(0) == l0;Ti(0) == 0; Tx(0) == M*g];
D = dsolve(odes,conds);
Here's the code I've written. There are four equations and four indeterminates but I get this error when I run the code:
Error using mupadengine/feval (line 163)
Cannot reduce to the square system because the number of equations
differs from the number of indeterminates.
Error in dsolve>mupadDsolve (line 332)
T = feval(symengine,'symobj::dsolve',sys,x,options);
Error in dsolve (line 193)
sol = mupadDsolve(args, options);
Error in Untitled (line 16)
D = dsolve(odes,conds)
I've searched the internet and altered my code several times but it didn't seem to work. I'll highly appreciate any kind of help.

Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch in matlab

I executed this code using Feature Matrix 517*11 and Label Matrix 517*1. But once the dimensions of matrices change the code cant be run. How can I fix this?
The error is:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
in this line :
edges(k,j) = quantlevels(a);
Here is my code:
function [features,weights] = MI(features,labels,Q)
if nargin <3
Q = 12;
edges = zeros(size(features,2),Q+1);
for k = 1:size(features,2)
minval = min(features(:,k));
maxval = max(features(:,k));
if minval==maxval
quantlevels = minval:(maxval-minval)/500:maxval;
N = histc(features(:,k),quantlevels);
totsamples = size(features,1);
N_cum = cumsum(N);
edges(k,1) = -Inf;
stepsize = totsamples/Q;
for j = 1:Q-1
a = find(N_cum > j.*stepsize,1);
edges(k,j) = quantlevels(a);
edges(k,j+2) = Inf;
S = zeros(size(features));
for k = 1:size(S,2)
S(:,k) = quantize(features(:,k),edges(k,:))+1;
I = zeros(size(features,2),1);
for k = 1:size(features,2)
I(k) = computeMI(S(:,k),labels,0);
[weights,features] = sort(I,'descend');
%% EOF
function [I,M,SP] = computeMI(seq1,seq2,lag)
if nargin <3
lag = 0;
if(length(seq1) ~= length(seq2))
error('Input sequences are of different length');
lambda1 = max(seq1);
symbol_count1 = zeros(lambda1,1);
for k = 1:lambda1
symbol_count1(k) = sum(seq1 == k);
symbol_prob1 = symbol_count1./sum(symbol_count1)+0.000001;
lambda2 = max(seq2);
symbol_count2 = zeros(lambda2,1);
for k = 1:lambda2
symbol_count2(k) = sum(seq2 == k);
symbol_prob2 = symbol_count2./sum(symbol_count2)+0.000001;
M = zeros(lambda1,lambda2);
if(lag > 0)
for k = 1:length(seq1)-lag
loc1 = seq1(k);
loc2 = seq2(k+lag);
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
for k = abs(lag)+1:length(seq1)
loc1 = seq1(k);
loc2 = seq2(k+lag);
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
SP = symbol_prob1*symbol_prob2';
M = M./sum(M(:))+0.000001;
I = sum(sum(M.*log2(M./SP)));
function y = quantize(x, q)
x = x(:);
nx = length(x);
nq = length(q);
y = sum(repmat(x,1,nq)>repmat(q,nx,1),2);
I've run the function several times without getting any error.
I've used as input for "seq1" and "seq2" arrays such as 1:10 and 11:20
Possible error might rise in the loops
for k = 1:lambda1
symbol_count1(k) = sum(seq1 == k);
if "seq1" and "seq2" are defined as matrices since sum will return an array while
is expected to be single value.
Another possible error might rise if seq1 and seq2 are not of type integer since they are used as indexes in
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
Hope this helps.

Function in Octave does not run

I made the following function in octave for the Householder algorithm:
function [matQ, matR] = HS(A)
Q = eye(n);
for (k = 1:n)
x=A(k:m, k);
I = eye(m-k+1);
e1 = I(:,1);
if( (sign(x(1)) == 0) )
sinal = 1;
sinal = sign(x(1));
v = x + sign(x(1))*norm(x)*e1;
Hk = eye(m-k+1) - 2/(v' * v) * (v * v');
Qk = [eye(k-1) , zeros(k-1, m-k+1); zeros(m-k+1, k-1), Hk];
A = Qk*A;
Q = Q*Qk;
matQ = Q
matR = A
But when I call it in octave, I get the following message: 'HS' undefined near line 5, column 1
I have no idea what am I doing wrong, since I've made other functions that works well. I also know that the algorithm works well because I have tested it before.
What am I doing wrong?

How to skip an error inside a loop and let the loop continue

The following is my full code: (Most of it isn't useful for what I'm asking, but I just put in the entire code for context, the part of the code that is causing me trouble is towards the end)
P = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'P');
d = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'd');
CM = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'Cov');
Original_PD = P; %Store original PD
LM_rows = size(P,1)+1; %Expected LM rows
LM_columns = size(P,2); %Expected LM columns
LM_FINAL = zeros(LM_rows,LM_columns); %Dimensions of LM_FINAL
% Start of the outside loop
for k = 1:size(P,2)
P = Original_PD(:,k);
interval = cell(size(P,1)+2,1);
for i = 1:size(P,1)
interval{i,1} = NaN(size(P,1),2);
interval{i,1}(:,1) = -Inf;
interval{i,1}(:,2) = d;
interval{i,1}(i,1) = d(i,1);
interval{i,1}(i,2) = Inf;
interval{i+1,1} = [-Inf*ones(size(P,1),1) d];
interval{i+2,1} = [d Inf*ones(size(P,1),1)];
c = NaN(size(interval,1),1);
for i = 1:size(c,1)
c(i,1) = mvncdf(interval{i,1}(:,1),interval{i,1}(:,2),0,CM);
c0 = c(size(P,1)+1,1);
f = c(size(P,1)+2,1);
c = c(1:size(P,1),:);
b0 = exp(1);
b = exp(1)*P;
syms x;
eqn = f*x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
eqn = eqn*(c0/c(i,1)*x + (b(i,1)-b0)/c(i,1));
eqn = c0*x^(size(P,1)+1) + eqn - b0*x^size(P,1);
x0 = solve(eqn);
for i = 1:size(x0)
id(i,1) = isreal(x0(i,1));
x0 = x0(id,:);
x0 = x0(x0 > 0,:);
clear x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
x(i,:) = (b(i,1) - b0)./(c(i,1)*x0) + c0/c(i,1);
x = [x0'; x];
x = double(x);
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
lamda = -log(x);
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
% end of the outside loop
The important part of the above loop is towards the end:
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
This condition is sometimes not satisfied and hence the variable x is empty, which means LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda is also empty. When this happens, I get the error:
x =
Empty matrix: 43-by-0
Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.
Error in Solution (line 75)
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
How can I skip this error so that the column for LM_FINAL remains as empty, but the loop continues (so that the rest of LM_FINAL's columns are filled) rather than terminating?
You can use try and catch phrase to explicitly handle errors inside loop (or elsewhere in your code).