How to skip an error inside a loop and let the loop continue - matlab

The following is my full code: (Most of it isn't useful for what I'm asking, but I just put in the entire code for context, the part of the code that is causing me trouble is towards the end)
P = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'P');
d = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'd');
CM = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'Cov');
Original_PD = P; %Store original PD
LM_rows = size(P,1)+1; %Expected LM rows
LM_columns = size(P,2); %Expected LM columns
LM_FINAL = zeros(LM_rows,LM_columns); %Dimensions of LM_FINAL
% Start of the outside loop
for k = 1:size(P,2)
P = Original_PD(:,k);
interval = cell(size(P,1)+2,1);
for i = 1:size(P,1)
interval{i,1} = NaN(size(P,1),2);
interval{i,1}(:,1) = -Inf;
interval{i,1}(:,2) = d;
interval{i,1}(i,1) = d(i,1);
interval{i,1}(i,2) = Inf;
interval{i+1,1} = [-Inf*ones(size(P,1),1) d];
interval{i+2,1} = [d Inf*ones(size(P,1),1)];
c = NaN(size(interval,1),1);
for i = 1:size(c,1)
c(i,1) = mvncdf(interval{i,1}(:,1),interval{i,1}(:,2),0,CM);
c0 = c(size(P,1)+1,1);
f = c(size(P,1)+2,1);
c = c(1:size(P,1),:);
b0 = exp(1);
b = exp(1)*P;
syms x;
eqn = f*x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
eqn = eqn*(c0/c(i,1)*x + (b(i,1)-b0)/c(i,1));
eqn = c0*x^(size(P,1)+1) + eqn - b0*x^size(P,1);
x0 = solve(eqn);
for i = 1:size(x0)
id(i,1) = isreal(x0(i,1));
x0 = x0(id,:);
x0 = x0(x0 > 0,:);
clear x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
x(i,:) = (b(i,1) - b0)./(c(i,1)*x0) + c0/c(i,1);
x = [x0'; x];
x = double(x);
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
lamda = -log(x);
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
% end of the outside loop
The important part of the above loop is towards the end:
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
This condition is sometimes not satisfied and hence the variable x is empty, which means LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda is also empty. When this happens, I get the error:
x =
Empty matrix: 43-by-0
Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.
Error in Solution (line 75)
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
How can I skip this error so that the column for LM_FINAL remains as empty, but the loop continues (so that the rest of LM_FINAL's columns are filled) rather than terminating?

You can use try and catch phrase to explicitly handle errors inside loop (or elsewhere in your code).


Swapping fragments of matrices Matlab

I wrote a program implementing Gaussian Elimination with Complete Pivoting:
function x = gecp(A,b)
x = b;
n = length(A);
p = 1:n;
l = b;
for k = 1:n
[i,j] = find(A(k:n,k:n)==max(abs(A(k:n,k:n)),[],'all'));
i = i+k-1;
j = j+k-1;
[A(k,:),A(i,:)] = deal(A(i,:),A(k,:));
[A(:,j),A(:,k)] = deal(A(:,k),A(:,j));
[b(i),b(k)] = deal(b(k),b(i));
[p(k),p(j)] = deal(p(j),p(k));
temp = (k+1):n;
l(temp) = A(temp,k)/A(k,k);
b(temp) = b(temp)-l(temp).*b(k);
A(temp,temp) = A(temp,temp)-l(temp).*A(k,temp);
x(n) = b(n)/A(n,n);
for k = (n-1):-1:1
s = 0;
for h = (k+1):n
s = s+A(k,h)*x(h);
x(k) = (b(k)-s)/A(k,k);
x(p) = x;
And it is called like this:
N = 5; A = randn(N); b = randn(N,1); x = gecp(A,b)
Unfortunately all lines containing deal function (used for swapping rows of columns of matrices), give me following (or similar) error: "Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-5 and the size of the right side is 0-by-5."
Unfortunately I have no idead why would the width of these vectors be changed to 0 as I wrote excatly the same thing on both sides.

My approximate entropy script for MATLAB isn't working

This is my Approximate entropy Calculator in MATLAB.
I'm not sure why it isn't working. It's returning a negative value.Can anyone help me with this? R1 being the data.
FindSize = size(R1);
N = FindSize(1);
% N = input ('insert number of data values');
%if you want to put your own N in, take away the % from the line above
%insert the % before the N = FindSize(1)
%m = input ('insert m: integer representing length of data, embedding
dimension ');
m = 2;
%r = input ('insert r: positive real number for filtering, threshold
r = 0.2*std(R1);
for x1= R1(1:N-m+1,1)
D1 = pdist2(x1,x1);
C11 = (D1 <= r)/(N-m+1);
c1 = C11(1);
for i1 = 1:N-m+1
s1 = sum(log(c1));
phi1 = (s1/(N-m+1));
for x2= R1(1:N-m+2,1)
D2 = pdist2(x2,x2);
C21 = (D2 <= r)/(N-m+2);
c2 = C21(1);
for i2 = 1:N-m+2
s2 = sum(log(c2));
phi2 = (s2/(N-m+2));
Ap = phi1 - phi2;
Apen = Ap(1)
Following the documentation provided by the Wikipedia article, I developed this small function that calculates the approximate entropy:
function res = approximate_entropy(U,m,r)
N = numel(U);
res = zeros(1,2);
for i = [1 2]
off = m + i - 1;
off_N = N - off;
off_N1 = off_N + 1;
x = zeros(off_N1,off);
for j = 1:off
x(:,j) = U(j:off_N+j);
C = zeros(off_N1,1);
for j = 1:off_N1
dist = abs(x - repmat(x(j,:),off_N1,1));
C(j) = sum(~any((dist > r),2)) / off_N1;
res(i) = sum(log(C)) / off_N1;
res = res(1) - res(2);
I first tried to replicate the computation shown the article, and the result I obtain matches the result shown in the example:
U = repmat([85 80 89],1,17);
ans =
Then I created another example that shows a case in which approximate entropy produces a meaningful result (the entropy of the first sample is always less than the entropy of the second one):
% starting variables...
s1 = repmat([10 20],1,10);
s1_m = mean(s1);
s1_s = std(s1);
s2_m = 0;
s2_s = 0;
% datasample will not always return a perfect M and S match
% so let's repeat this until equality is achieved...
while ((s1_m ~= s2_m) && (s1_s ~= s2_s))
s2 = datasample([10 20],20,'Replace',true,'Weights',[0.5 0.5]);
s2_m = mean(s2);
s2_s = std(s2);
m = 2;
r = 3;
ae1 = approximate_entropy(s1,m,r)
ae2 = approximate_entropy(s2,m,r)
ae1 =
ae2 =
Finally, I tried with your sample data:
fid = fopen('O1.txt','r');
U = cell2mat(textscan(fid,'%f'));
m = 2;
r = 0.2 * std(U);
ans =

Error in evaluating a function

EDIT: The code that I have pasted is too long. Basicaly I dont know how to work with the second code, If I know how calculate alpha from the second code I think my problem will be solved. I have tried a lot of input arguments for the second code but it does not work!
I have written following code to solve a convex optimization problem using Gradient descend method:
function [optimumX,optimumF,counter,gNorm,dx] = grad_descent()
x0 = [3 3]';%'//
terminationThreshold = 1e-6;
maxIterations = 100;
dxMin = 1e-6;
gNorm = inf; x = x0; counter = 0; dx = inf;
% ************************************
f = #(x1,x2) 4.*x1.^2 + 2.*x1.*x2 +8.*x2.^2 + 10.*x1 + x2;
%alpha = 0.01;
% ************************************
figure(1); clf; ezcontour(f,[-5 5 -5 5]); axis equal; hold on
f2 = #(x) f(x(1),x(2));
% gradient descent algorithm:
while and(gNorm >= terminationThreshold, and(counter <= maxIterations, dx >= dxMin))
g = grad(x);
gNorm = norm(g);
alpha = linesearch_strongwolfe(f,-g, x0, 1);
xNew = x - alpha * g;
% check step
if ~isfinite(xNew)
display(['Number of iterations: ' num2str(counter)])
error('x is inf or NaN')
% **************************************
plot([x(1) xNew(1)],[x(2) xNew(2)],'ko-')
% **************************************
counter = counter + 1;
dx = norm(xNew-x);
x = xNew;
optimumX = x;
optimumF = f2(optimumX);
counter = counter - 1;
% define the gradient of the objective
function g = grad(x)
g = [(8*x(1) + 2*x(2) +10)
(2*x(1) + 16*x(2) + 1)];
As you can see, I have commented out the alpha = 0.01; part. I want to calculate alpha via an other code. Here is the code (This code is not mine)
function alphas = linesearch_strongwolfe(f,d,x0,alpham)
alpha0 = 0;
alphap = alpha0;
c1 = 1e-4;
c2 = 0.5;
alphax = alpham*rand(1);
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
fxp = fx0;
gxp = gx0;
while (1 ~= 2)
xx = x0 + alphax*d;
[fxx,gxx] = feval(f,xx,d);
if (fxx > fx0 + c1*alphax*gx0) | ((i > 1) & (fxx >= fxp)),
alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphap,alphax);
if abs(gxx) <= -c2*gx0,
alphas = alphax;
if gxx >= 0,
alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphax,alphap);
alphap = alphax;
fxp = fxx;
gxp = gxx;
alphax = alphax + (alpham-alphax)*rand(1);
i = i+1;
function alphas = zoom(f,x0,d,alphal,alphah)
c1 = 1e-4;
c2 = 0.5;
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
while (1~=2),
alphax = 1/2*(alphal+alphah);
xx = x0 + alphax*d;
[fxx,gxx] = feval(f,xx,d);
xl = x0 + alphal*d;
fxl = feval(f,xl,d);
if ((fxx > fx0 + c1*alphax*gx0) | (fxx >= fxl)),
alphah = alphax;
if abs(gxx) <= -c2*gx0,
alphas = alphax;
if gxx*(alphah-alphal) >= 0,
alphah = alphal;
alphal = alphax;
But I get this error:
Error in linesearch_strongwolfe (line 11) [fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,d);
As you can see I have written the f function and its gradient manually.
linesearch_strongwolfe(f,d,x0,alpham) takes a function f, Gradient of f, a vector x0 and a constant alpham. is there anything wrong with my declaration of f? This code works just fine if I put back alpha = 0.01;
As I see it:
x0 = [3; 3]; %2-element column vector
g = grad(x0); %2-element column vector
f = #(x1,x2) 4.*x1.^2 + 2.*x1.*x2 +8.*x2.^2 + 10.*x1 + x2;
linesearch_strongwolfe(f,-g, x0, 1); %passing variables
inside the function:
[fx0,gx0] = feval(f,x0,-g); %variable names substituted with input vars
This will in effect call
[fx0,gx0] = f(x0,-g);
but f(x0,-g) is a single 2-element column vector with these inputs. Assingning the output to two variables will not work.
You either have to define f as a proper named function (just like grad) to output 2 variables (one for each component), or edit the code of linesearch_strongwolfe to return a single variable, then slice that into 2 separate variables yourself afterwards.
If you experience a very rare kind of laziness and don't want to define a named function, you can still use an anonymous function at the cost of duplicating code for the two components (at least I couldn't come up with a cleaner solution):
f = #(x1,x2) deal(4.*x1(1)^2 + 2.*x1(1)*x2(1) +8.*x2(1)^2 + 10.*x1(1) + x2(1),...
4.*x1(2)^2 + 2.*x1(2)*x2(2) +8.*x2(2)^2 + 10.*x1(2) + x2(2));
[fx0,gx0] = f(x0,-g); %now works fine
as long as you always have 2 output variables. Note that this is more like a proof of concept, since this is ugly, inefficient, and very susceptible to typos.

Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch in matlab

I executed this code using Feature Matrix 517*11 and Label Matrix 517*1. But once the dimensions of matrices change the code cant be run. How can I fix this?
The error is:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
in this line :
edges(k,j) = quantlevels(a);
Here is my code:
function [features,weights] = MI(features,labels,Q)
if nargin <3
Q = 12;
edges = zeros(size(features,2),Q+1);
for k = 1:size(features,2)
minval = min(features(:,k));
maxval = max(features(:,k));
if minval==maxval
quantlevels = minval:(maxval-minval)/500:maxval;
N = histc(features(:,k),quantlevels);
totsamples = size(features,1);
N_cum = cumsum(N);
edges(k,1) = -Inf;
stepsize = totsamples/Q;
for j = 1:Q-1
a = find(N_cum > j.*stepsize,1);
edges(k,j) = quantlevels(a);
edges(k,j+2) = Inf;
S = zeros(size(features));
for k = 1:size(S,2)
S(:,k) = quantize(features(:,k),edges(k,:))+1;
I = zeros(size(features,2),1);
for k = 1:size(features,2)
I(k) = computeMI(S(:,k),labels,0);
[weights,features] = sort(I,'descend');
%% EOF
function [I,M,SP] = computeMI(seq1,seq2,lag)
if nargin <3
lag = 0;
if(length(seq1) ~= length(seq2))
error('Input sequences are of different length');
lambda1 = max(seq1);
symbol_count1 = zeros(lambda1,1);
for k = 1:lambda1
symbol_count1(k) = sum(seq1 == k);
symbol_prob1 = symbol_count1./sum(symbol_count1)+0.000001;
lambda2 = max(seq2);
symbol_count2 = zeros(lambda2,1);
for k = 1:lambda2
symbol_count2(k) = sum(seq2 == k);
symbol_prob2 = symbol_count2./sum(symbol_count2)+0.000001;
M = zeros(lambda1,lambda2);
if(lag > 0)
for k = 1:length(seq1)-lag
loc1 = seq1(k);
loc2 = seq2(k+lag);
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
for k = abs(lag)+1:length(seq1)
loc1 = seq1(k);
loc2 = seq2(k+lag);
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
SP = symbol_prob1*symbol_prob2';
M = M./sum(M(:))+0.000001;
I = sum(sum(M.*log2(M./SP)));
function y = quantize(x, q)
x = x(:);
nx = length(x);
nq = length(q);
y = sum(repmat(x,1,nq)>repmat(q,nx,1),2);
I've run the function several times without getting any error.
I've used as input for "seq1" and "seq2" arrays such as 1:10 and 11:20
Possible error might rise in the loops
for k = 1:lambda1
symbol_count1(k) = sum(seq1 == k);
if "seq1" and "seq2" are defined as matrices since sum will return an array while
is expected to be single value.
Another possible error might rise if seq1 and seq2 are not of type integer since they are used as indexes in
M(loc1,loc2) = M(loc1,loc2)+1;
Hope this helps.

Matlab. Create a loop to change variable size with each iteration

I am currently trying to run a script that calls a particular function, but want to call the function inside a loop that halfs one of the input variables for roughly 4 iterations.
in the code below the function has been replaced for another for loop and the inputs stated above.
the for loop is running an Euler method on the function, and works fine, its just trying to run it with the repeated smaller step size im having trouble with.
any help is welcomed.
f = '3*exp(-x)-0.4*y';
xa = 0;
xb = 3;
ya = 5;
n = 2;
x = xa:h:xb;
% h = zeros(1,4);
y = zeros(1,length(x));
F = inline(f);
y(1) = ya;
for j = 1:4
hOld = h;
hNew = hOld*0.5;
hOld = subs(y(1),'h',hNew);
for i = 1:(length(x)-1)
k1 = F(x(i),y(i));
y(i+1,j+1) = y(i) + h*k1;
after your comment, something like this
for j = 1:4
x = xa:h:xb;
y = zeros(1,length(x));
y(1) = ya;
for i = 1:(length(x)-1)
k1 = F(x(i),y(i));
y(i+1,j+1) = y(i) + h*k1;