Function in Octave does not run - matlab

I made the following function in octave for the Householder algorithm:
function [matQ, matR] = HS(A)
Q = eye(n);
for (k = 1:n)
x=A(k:m, k);
I = eye(m-k+1);
e1 = I(:,1);
if( (sign(x(1)) == 0) )
sinal = 1;
sinal = sign(x(1));
v = x + sign(x(1))*norm(x)*e1;
Hk = eye(m-k+1) - 2/(v' * v) * (v * v');
Qk = [eye(k-1) , zeros(k-1, m-k+1); zeros(m-k+1, k-1), Hk];
A = Qk*A;
Q = Q*Qk;
matQ = Q
matR = A
But when I call it in octave, I get the following message: 'HS' undefined near line 5, column 1
I have no idea what am I doing wrong, since I've made other functions that works well. I also know that the algorithm works well because I have tested it before.
What am I doing wrong?


How to manually code 1-norm regression as a matlab function, using the below algorithm

I am not sure if what I have done so far is correct, and I need help with the iterative step as I don't understand what is going on in the algorithm. Here is my code. Help to finish this would be much appreciated. Thank you
function x_opt = out(A,b)
%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
b_vect = b';
m = size(A,1);
n = size(1,A);
set_B = 1:n;
set_B_Comp = n+1:m;
M = inv(A(set_B, :));
is_opt = 0;
x_temp = M*b_vect(set_B);
h = A*x_temp - b_vect;
y_vect = zeros(m, 1);
y_vect(set_B_Comp) = sign(h(set_B_Comp));
y_vect(set_B) = -inv(A(set_B, :))*(A(set_B_Comp, :))'*y_vect(set_B_Comp);
abs_y_B = abs(y_vect(set_B));
if all(abs_y_B <= 1)
x_opt = x_temp;
all_index_y_vect_more_than_1 = find(abs(y_vect) >= 1);
set_B_index_y_vect_more_than_1 = intersect(set_B, all_index_y_vect_more_than_1);
s = set_B_index_y_vect_more_than_1(1);
y_s = y(s)
t_vect = zeros(m, 1);
temp = inv(A(set_B,:));
t_vect(set_B_Comp) = -(sign(y_s))*(y(set_B_Comp)).*(A(set_B_Comp, :)*temp(:, s));
cur_min = h(set_B_Comp(1))/t_vect(set_B_Comp(1)) + 1;
cur_r = set_B_Comp(1);
for j = set_B_Comp
h_j = h(j);
t_j = t_vect(j);
temp1 = abs(h_j)/t_j;
if (temp1 < cur_min) && (temp1 > 0)
cur_min = temp1;
cur_r = j;
r = cur_r;
set_B_new = union(setdiff(set_B, s), r);
set_B_Comp_new = setdiff(1:m,set_B_new);
x_new = inv(A(set_B_new, :))*b_vect(set_B_new);
x_opt = x_temp;
I don't understand what's going on in your algorithm either. It's written without comments or explanations.
However, you can model your problem as a convex optimization problem. A formulation in Python using cvxpy is then quite simple and readable:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
# Coefficient of regularization
alpha = 1e-4
# Dimensionality
N = 400
d = 20
# Synthetic data
A = np.random.randn(N, d)
b = np.random.randn(N)
# Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
x = cp.Variable(d)
objective = cp.sum_squares(A # x - b) + alpha * cp.norm1(x)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective))
optval = prob.solve()
# Print result.
print("Optimal value ", optval)
print("The optimal x is")
print("The norm of the residual is ", cp.norm(A # x - b, p=2).value)
and gives
Optimal value 328.41957961297607
The optimal x is
[-0.02041302 -0.16156503 0.07215877 0.00505087 0.01188415 -0.01029848
-0.0237066 0.0370556 0.02205413 0.00137185 0.04055319 -0.01157271
0.00369032 0.06349145 0.07494259 -0.04172275 0.04376864 0.02698337
-0.04696984 0.05245699]
The norm of the residual is 18.122348149231115

"Spotting" probability density functions of distributions programmatically (Symbolic Toolbox)

I have a joint probability density f(x,y,z) and I wish to find the conditional distribution X|Y=y,Z=z, which is equivalent to treating x as data and y and z as parameters (constants).
For example, if I have X|Y=y,Z=z being the pdf of a N(1-2y,3z^2+2), the function would be:
syms x y z
f(y,z) = 1/sqrt(2*pi*(3*z^2+2)) * exp(-1/(2*(3*z^2+2)) * (x-(1-2*y))^2);
I would like to compare it to the following:
syms mu s L a b
Normal(mu,s) = (1/sqrt(2*pi*s^2)) * exp(-1/(2*s^2) * (x-mu)^2);
Exponential(L) = L * exp(-L*x);
Gamma(a,b) = (b^a / gamma(a)) * x^(a-1)*exp(-b*x);
Beta(a,b) = (1/beta(a,b)) * x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1);
How do I make a program whichDistribution that would be able to print which of these four, f is equivalent to (up to proportionality) with respect to the variable x, and what are the parameters? E.g. f and x as above, the distribution is Normal, mu=1-2*y, s=3*z^2+2.
NB: there would not always be a unique solution, since some distributions are are equivalent (e.g. Gamma(1,L)==Exponential(L))
Desired outputs
syms x y z
f = 1/sqrt(2*pi*(3*z^2+2)) * exp(-1/(2*(3*z^2+2)) * (x-(1-2*y))^2)
whichDistribution(f,x) %Conditional X|Y,Z
% Normal(1-2*y,3*z^2+2)
syms x y
f = y^(1/2)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - y/2 * (1+(4-x)^2+(6-x)^2)) % this is not a pdf because it is missing a constant of proportionality, but it should still work
whichDistribution(f,x) %Conditional X|Y
% Normal(10*y/(2*y+1), 1/(2*y+1))
whichDistribution(f,y) %Conditional Y|X
% Gamma(3/2, x^2 - 10*x + 53/2)
f = exp(-x) %also missing a constant of proportionality
% Exponential(1)
f = 1/(2*pi)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - (y^2)/2)
% Normal(0,1)
% Normal(0,1)
What I have tried so far:
Using solve():
q = solve(f(y,z) == Normal(mu,s), mu, s)
Which gives wrong results, since parameters can't depend on x:
ans =
(z1^2*(log((2^(1/2)*exp(x^2/(2*z1^2) - (x + 2*y - 1)^2/(6*z^2 + 4)))/(2*pi^(1/2)*(3*z^2 + 2)^(1/2))) + pi*k*2i))/x
>> q.s
ans =
Attempting to simplify f(y,z) up to proportionality (in x variable) using a propto() function that I wrote:
>> propto(f(y,z),x)
ans =
exp(-(x*(x + 4*y - 2))/(2*(3*z^2 + 2)))
>> propto(Normal(mu,s),x)
ans =
exp((x*(2*mu - x))/(2*s^2))
This is almost on the money, since it is easy to spot that s^2=3*z^2 + 2 and 2*mu=-(4*y - 2), but I don't know how to deduce this programmatically.
In case it is useful: propto(f,x) attempts to simplify f by dividing f by children of f which don't involve x, and then output whichever form has the least number of children. Here is the routine:
function out = propto(f,x)
oldf = f;
newf = propto2(f,x);
while (~strcmp(char(oldf),char(newf))) % if the form of f changed, do propto2 again. When propto2(f) == f, stop
oldf = newf;
newf = propto2(oldf,x);
out = newf;
function out = propto2(f,x)
t1 = children(expand(f)); % expanded f
i1 = ~has([t1{:}],x);
out1 = simplify(f/prod([t1{i1}])); % divides expanded f by terms that do not involve x
t2 = children(f); % unexpanded f
i2 = ~has([t2{:}],x);
out2 = simplify(f/prod([t2{i2}])); % divides f by terms that do not involve x
A = [f, symlength(f); out1, symlength(out1); out2, symlength(out2)];
A = sortrows(A,2); % outputs whichever form has the fewest number of children
out = A(1,1);
function L = symlength(f)
% counts the number of children of f by repeatingly applying children() to itself
t = children(f);
t = [t{:}];
L = length(t);
if (L == 1)
oldt = f;
oldt = t;
t = children(t);
t = [t{:}];
t = [t{:}];
L = length(t);
edit: added desired outputs
edit2: clarified the desired function
I have managed to solve my own problem using solve() from Symbolic Toolbox. There were two issues with my original approach: I needed to set up n simultaneous equations for n parameters, and the solve() doesn't cope well with exponentials:
solve(f(3) == g(3), f(4) == g(4), mu,s)
yields no solutions, but
logf(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(f),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
logg(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(g),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
solve(logf(3) == logg(3), logf(4) == logg(4), mu,s)
yields good solutions.
Given f(x), for each PDF g(x) we attempt to solve simultaneously
log(f(r1)) == log(g(r1)) and log(f(r2)) == log(g(r2))
for some simple non-equal numbers r1, r2. Then output g for which the solution has the lowest complexity.
The code is:
function whichDist(f,x)
syms mu s L a b x0 x1 x2 v n p g
f = propto(f,x); % simplify up to proportionality
logf(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(f),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
Normal(mu,s,x) = propto((1/sqrt(2*pi*s)) * exp(-1/(2*s) * (x-mu)^2),x);
Exponential(L,x) = exp(-L*x);
Gamma(a,b,x) = x^(a-1)*exp(-b*x);
Beta(a,b,x) = x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1);
ChiSq(v,x) = x^(v/2 - 1) * exp(-x/2);
tdist(v,x) = (1+x^2 / v)^(-(v+1)/2);
Cauchy(g,x0,x) = 1/(1+((x-x0)/g)^2);
logf = logf(x);
best_sol = {'none', inf};
r1 = randi(10); r2 = randi(10); r3 = randi(10);
while (r1 == r2 || r2 == r3 || r1 == r3) r1 = randi(10); r2 = randi(10); r3 = randi(10); end
%% check Exponential:
if (propto(logf,x) == x) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = -logf/x;
if (~has(soln,x)) % any solution can't depend on x
fprintf('\nExponential: rate L = %s\n\n', soln);
%% check Chi-sq:
if (propto(logf + x/2, log(x)) == log(x)) % can read off v directly
soln = 2*(1+(logf + x/2) / log(x));
if (~has(soln,x))
dof = feval(symengine,'simplify',soln,'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
fprintf('\nChi-Squared: v = %s\n\n', dof);
%% check t-dist:
h1 = propto(logf,x);
h = simplify(exp(h1) - 1);
if (propto(h,x^2) == x^2) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = simplify(x^2 / h);
if (~has(soln,x))
fprintf('\nt-dist: v = %s\n\n', soln);
h = simplify(exp(-h1) - 1); % try again if propto flipped a sign
if (propto(h,x^2) == x^2) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = simplify(x^2 / h);
if (~has(soln,x))
fprintf('\nt-dist: v = %s\n\n', soln);
%% check Normal:
logn(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Normal(mu,s,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
% A = (x - propto(logf/x, x))/2;
% B = simplify(-x/(logf/x - mu/s)/2);
% if (~has(A,x) && ~has(B,x))
% fprintf('Normal: mu = %s, s^2 = %s', A, B);
% return
% end
logf(x) = logf;
try % attempt to solve the equation
% solve simultaneously for two random non-equal integer values r1,r2
qn = solve(logf(r1) == logn(r1), logf(r2) == logn(r2), mu, s);
catch error
if (exist('qn','var')) % if solve() managed to run
if (~isempty( && ~isempty(qn.s) && ~any(has([,qn.s],x))) % if solution exists
complexity = symlength( + symlength(qn.s);
if complexity < best_sol{2} % store best solution so far
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Normal: mu = %s, s^2 = %s',, qn.s);
best_sol{2} = complexity;
%% check Cauchy:
logcau(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Cauchy(g,x0,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
f(x) = f;
qcau = solve(f(r1) == Cauchy(g,x0,r1), f(r2) == Cauchy(g,x0,r2), g, x0);
catch error
if (exist('qcau','var'))
if (~isempty(qcau.g) && ~isempty(qcau.x0) && ~any(has([qcau.g(1),qcau.x0(1)],x)))
complexity = symlength(qcau.g(1)) + symlength(qcau.x0(1));
if complexity < best_sol{2}
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Cauchy: g = %s, x0 = %s', qcau.g(1), qcau.x0(1));
best_sol{2} = complexity;
f = f(x);
%% check Gamma:
logg(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Gamma(a,b,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
t = children(logf); t = [t{:}];
if (length(t) == 2)
if (propto(t(1),log(x)) == log(x) && propto(t(2),x) == x)
soln = [t(1)/log(x) + 1, -t(2)/x];
if (~any(has(soln,x)))
fprintf('\nGamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s\n\n',soln);
elseif (propto(t(2),log(x)) == log(x) && propto(t(1),x) == x)
soln = [t(2)/log(x) + 1, -t(1)/x];
if (~any(has(soln,x)))
fprintf('\nGamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s\n\n',soln);
logf(x) = logf;
try % also try using solve(), just in case.
qg = solve(logf(r1) == logg(r1), logf(r2) == logg(r2), a, b);
catch error
if (exist('qg','var'))
if (~isempty(qg.a) && ~isempty(qg.b) && ~any(has([qg.a,qg.b],x)))
complexity = symlength(qg.a) + symlength(qg.b);
if complexity < best_sol{2}
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Gamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s', qg.a, qg.b);
best_sol{2} = complexity;
logf = logf(x);
%% check Beta:
B = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(propto(f,x-1)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(B,log(x-1)) == log(x-1))
B = B / log(x-1) + 1;
A = f / (x-1)^(B-1);
A = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(abs(A)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(A,log(abs(x))) == log(abs(x)))
A = A / log(abs(x)) + 1;
if (~any(has([A,B],x)))
fprintf('\nBeta1: a = %s, b = %s\n\n', A, B);
elseif (propto(B,log(1-x)) == log(1-x))
B = B / log(1-x);
A = simplify(f / (1-x)^(B-1));
A = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(A),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(A,log(x)) == log(x))
A = A / log(x) + 1;
if (~any(has([A,B],x)))
fprintf('\nBeta1: a = %s, b = %s\n\n', A, B);
%% Print solution with lowest complexity
fprintf('\n%s\n\n', best_sol{1});
>> syms x y z
>> f = y^(1/2)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - y/2 * (1+(4-x)^2+(6-x)^2))
>> whichDist(f,x)
Normal: mu = (10*y)/(2*y + 1), s^2 = 1/(2*y + 1)
>> whichDist(f,y)
Gamma: a = 3/2, b = x^2 - 10*x + 53/2
>> Beta(a,b,x) = propto((1/beta(a,b)) * x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1), x);
>> f = Beta(1/z + 7*y/(1-sqrt(z)), z/y + 1/(1-z), x)
Beta: a = -(7*y*z - z^(1/2) + 1)/(z*(z^(1/2) - 1)), b = -(y + z - z^2)/(y*(z - 1))
All correct.
Sometimes bogus answers if the parameters are numeric:
Beta: a = -(pi*log(2)*1i + pi*log(3/10)*1i - log(2)*log(3/10) + log(2)*log(7/10) - log(3/10)*log(32) + log(2)*log(1323/100000))/(log(2)*(log(3/10) - log(7/10))), b = (pi*log(2)*1i + pi*log(7/10)*1i + log(2)*log(3/10) - log(2)*log(7/10) - log(7/10)*log(32) + log(2)*log(1323/100000))/(log(2)*(log(3/10) - log(7/10)))
So there is room for improvement and I will still award bounty to a better solution than this.
Edit: Added more distributions. Improved Gamma and Beta distribution identifications by spotting them directly without needing solve().

Why is this function producing a value of 'Inf'?

I have the following function below which I need to translate into MATLAB code, I'm pretty sure I've got the function translated properly. However I've got a small issue with the code.
Function to translate:
When I attempt to run this function the value of phi comes out as being inf I'm really not sure why this is happening?
Also, can someone tell me if I'm doing the right thing with the sum part of this function? In my mind this is telling me to apply this function to every value and then take that value and add it to phi, but I'm not sure if that's what I'm actually doing.
function [exists] = detectHaarWatermark(watermarkedCoefs, watermark)
coefsSize = size(watermarkedCoefs,1);
phi = 0;
numeratorTotal = 0;
denomanatorTotal = 0;
for i = 1 : coefsSize
for j = 1 : coefsSize
y = watermarkedCoefs(i,j) %Watermarked coefficient
w = watermark(i,j) %Watermark
% val = ((w * sign(y))^2) / (w^2)
numerator = (w * sign(y))
numeratorTotal = numeratorTotal + numerator;
numeratorTotal = numeratorTotal^2;
denomanator = (w^2)
denomanatorTotal = denomanatorTotal + denomanator;
val = numeratorTotal / denomanatorTotal;
phi = val;
stdDev = std2(watermarkedCoefs)
if phi > (10*stdDev)
exists = true;
exists = false;
end %end function
numerator = (sum(sum(watermark.*(sign(watermarkedCoefs)))));
numerator = power(numerator, 2);
denomanator = sum(sum(watermark.^2));
phi = numerator / denomanator

Why is the MATLAB output of this numerical method precision not getting more accurate?

Posting here vs math.stackexchange because I think my issue is syntax:
I'm trying to analyze the 2nd order ODE: y'' + 2y' + 2y = e^(-x) * sin(x) using MATLAB code for the midpoint method. I first converted the ODE to a system of 1st order equations and then tried to apply it below, but as the discretizations [m] are increased, the output is stopping at .2718. For example, m=11 yields:
ans =
and m=101:
ans =
and m=10001
ans =
Here's the code:
function [y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND(F,y0,a,b,m)
if nargin < 5, m = 11; end
if nargin < 4, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 3, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 2, error('invalid number of inputs'); end
t = linspace(a,b,m)';
h = t(2)-t(1);
n = length(y0);
y = zeros(m,n);
y(1,:) = y0;
for i=2:m
Fty = feval(F,t(i-1),y(i-1,:));
th = t(i-1)+h/2;
y(i,:) = y(i-1,:) + ...
h*feval(F,th,y(i-1,:)+(h/2)*Fty );
Separate file:
function F = Fexample1(t,y)
F1 = y(2);
F2 = exp(-t).*sin(t)-2.*y(2)-2.*y(1);
F = [F1,F2];
Third file:
[Y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND('Fexample1',[0 0],0,1,11);
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)- t.*cos(t))];
Your ODE solver looks to me like it should work - however there's a typo in the analytic solution you're comparing to. It should be
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)+ t.*cos(t))];
i.e. with a + sign before the t.*cos(t) term in the derivative.

How to skip an error inside a loop and let the loop continue

The following is my full code: (Most of it isn't useful for what I'm asking, but I just put in the entire code for context, the part of the code that is causing me trouble is towards the end)
P = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'P');
d = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'd');
CM = xlsread('b3.xlsx', 'Cov');
Original_PD = P; %Store original PD
LM_rows = size(P,1)+1; %Expected LM rows
LM_columns = size(P,2); %Expected LM columns
LM_FINAL = zeros(LM_rows,LM_columns); %Dimensions of LM_FINAL
% Start of the outside loop
for k = 1:size(P,2)
P = Original_PD(:,k);
interval = cell(size(P,1)+2,1);
for i = 1:size(P,1)
interval{i,1} = NaN(size(P,1),2);
interval{i,1}(:,1) = -Inf;
interval{i,1}(:,2) = d;
interval{i,1}(i,1) = d(i,1);
interval{i,1}(i,2) = Inf;
interval{i+1,1} = [-Inf*ones(size(P,1),1) d];
interval{i+2,1} = [d Inf*ones(size(P,1),1)];
c = NaN(size(interval,1),1);
for i = 1:size(c,1)
c(i,1) = mvncdf(interval{i,1}(:,1),interval{i,1}(:,2),0,CM);
c0 = c(size(P,1)+1,1);
f = c(size(P,1)+2,1);
c = c(1:size(P,1),:);
b0 = exp(1);
b = exp(1)*P;
syms x;
eqn = f*x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
eqn = eqn*(c0/c(i,1)*x + (b(i,1)-b0)/c(i,1));
eqn = c0*x^(size(P,1)+1) + eqn - b0*x^size(P,1);
x0 = solve(eqn);
for i = 1:size(x0)
id(i,1) = isreal(x0(i,1));
x0 = x0(id,:);
x0 = x0(x0 > 0,:);
clear x;
for i = 1:size(P,1)
x(i,:) = (b(i,1) - b0)./(c(i,1)*x0) + c0/c(i,1);
x = [x0'; x];
x = double(x);
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
lamda = -log(x);
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
% end of the outside loop
The important part of the above loop is towards the end:
x = x(:,sum(x <= 0,1) == 0)
This condition is sometimes not satisfied and hence the variable x is empty, which means LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda is also empty. When this happens, I get the error:
x =
Empty matrix: 43-by-0
Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.
Error in Solution (line 75)
LM_FINAL(:,k) = lamda;
How can I skip this error so that the column for LM_FINAL remains as empty, but the loop continues (so that the rest of LM_FINAL's columns are filled) rather than terminating?
You can use try and catch phrase to explicitly handle errors inside loop (or elsewhere in your code).