aws EMR cluster via cloud formation: not seeing hdfs on one - aws-cloudformation

okay i have a EMR cluster which writes to HDFS and I am able to view the directory and see the files
hadoop fs -ls /user/hadoop/jobs - i am not seeing /user/hive or jobs directory in hadoop, but its supposed to be there.
I need to get in to the spark shell and perform sparql, so i created identical cluster with same vpc,security groups, and subnet id.
What i am supposed to see
Why this is happending i am not sure but i think this might be it? Or any suggestions
Could this be something to with a stale rule?


Finding the location of my spark job output file

I am testing pyspark jobs in an EMR cluster on AWS. The goal is to use a Lambda function to fire the spark job, but for now I am manually running the spark job. So, I SSH to the master node and then run the spark job as below:
spark-submit /home/hadoop/ mybucket
mybucket - parameter passed to the spark job.
The line that saves the RDD is
The spark job seems to run but it puts the output file in some location - Output directory hdfs://ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx.ec2.internal:8020/home/hadoop/output.txt.
Where is this exactly located and how can I view the contents? Forgive my ignorance on HDFS and Hadoop.
Eventually, I want to rename output.txt to something meaningful and then transfer to S3, just haven't gotten there yet.
If I re-run the spark job it says "Output directory hdfs://ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx.ec2.internal:8020/home/hadoop/output.txt already exists". How do I prevent this or at least overwrite the file?
Based on the EMR documentation:
if you do not specify prefix, spark will write data to HDFS by default. You can check EMR HDFS with this command:
hadoop fs -ls /home/hadoop/
You can also transfer from HDFS to S3 with S3DistCp:
Unfortunately you cannot overwrite the existing file using saveAsTextFile:
As I can see you re-partitioned the file into one partition, so you can write it into the local file-system as well:
Note, if you are using distributed cluster you have to collect() back to driver first!

How can I execute a S3-dist-cp command within a spark-submit application

I have a jar file that is being provided to spark-submit.With in the method in a jar. I’m trying to do a
Import sys.process._
s3-dist-cp —src hdfs:///tasks/ —dest s3://<destination-bucket>
I also installed s3-dist-cp on all salves along with master.
The application starts and succeeded without error but does not move the data to S3.
This isn't a proper direct answer to your question, but I've used hadoop distcp ( instead and it sucessfully moved the data. In my tests it's quite slow compared to spark.write.parquet(path) though (when accounting in the time taken by the additional write to hdfs that is required in order to use hadoop distcp). I'm also very interested in the answer to your question though; I think s3-dist-cp might be faster given the aditional optimizations done by Amazon.
s3-dist-cp is now a default thing on the Master node of the EMR cluster.
I was able to do an s3-dist-cp from with in the spark-submit successfully if the spark application is submitted in "client" mode.

Spark fails with too many open files on HDInsight YARN cluster

I am running into the same issue as in this thread with my Scala Spark Streaming application: Why does Spark job fail with "too many open files"?
But given that I am using Azure HDInsights to deploy my YARN cluster, and I don't think I can log into that machine and update the ulimit in all machines.
Is there any other way to solve this problem? I cannot reduce the number of reducers by too much either, or my job will become much slower.
You can ssh into all nodes from the head node (ambari ui show fqdn of all nodes).
You can the write a custom action that alters the settings on the necessary nodes if you want to automate this action.

spark-jobserver - managing multiple EMR clusters

I have a production environment that consists of several (persistent and ad-hoc) EMR Spark clusters.
I would like to use one instance of spark-jobserver to manage the job JARs for this environment in general, and be able to specify the intended master right when I POST /jobs, and not permanently in the config file (using master = "local[4]" configuration key).
Obviously I would prefer to have spark-jobserver running on a standalone machine, and not on any of the masters.
Is this somehow possible?
You can write a SparkMasterProvider
A complex example is here
I think all you have to do is write one that will return the config input as spark master, that way you can pass it as part of job config.

Pointing a file to the hadoop cluster

I have a file stored in a server. I want the file to be pointed on the Hadoop cluster upon running spark. What I have is that I can point the spark context to the hadoop cluster but the data cannot be accessed in Spark now that it is pointing to the cluster. I have the data stored locally so in order for me to access the data, I have to point it locally. However, this causes a lot of memory error. What I hope to do is to point Spark on the cluster but at the same time accessed my data stored locally. Please provide me some ways how I can do this.
Spark (on Hadoop) cannot read a file stored locally. Remember spark is a distributed system running on multiple machines, thus it cannot read data on one of the nodes (other than localhost) directly.
You should put the file on HDFS and have spark read it from there.
To access it locally you should use hadoop fs -get <hdfs filepath> or hadoop fs -cat <hdfs filepath> command.