How can I execute a S3-dist-cp command within a spark-submit application - scala

I have a jar file that is being provided to spark-submit.With in the method in a jar. I’m trying to do a
Import sys.process._
s3-dist-cp —src hdfs:///tasks/ —dest s3://<destination-bucket>
I also installed s3-dist-cp on all salves along with master.
The application starts and succeeded without error but does not move the data to S3.

This isn't a proper direct answer to your question, but I've used hadoop distcp ( instead and it sucessfully moved the data. In my tests it's quite slow compared to spark.write.parquet(path) though (when accounting in the time taken by the additional write to hdfs that is required in order to use hadoop distcp). I'm also very interested in the answer to your question though; I think s3-dist-cp might be faster given the aditional optimizations done by Amazon.

s3-dist-cp is now a default thing on the Master node of the EMR cluster.
I was able to do an s3-dist-cp from with in the spark-submit successfully if the spark application is submitted in "client" mode.


aws EMR cluster via cloud formation: not seeing hdfs on one

okay i have a EMR cluster which writes to HDFS and I am able to view the directory and see the files
hadoop fs -ls /user/hadoop/jobs - i am not seeing /user/hive or jobs directory in hadoop, but its supposed to be there.
I need to get in to the spark shell and perform sparql, so i created identical cluster with same vpc,security groups, and subnet id.
What i am supposed to see
Why this is happending i am not sure but i think this might be it? Or any suggestions
Could this be something to with a stale rule?

Create a new session as a copy of another on Livy

I use livy to use Spark as a service. My application send some commands to livy as code, however, spark needs to initialize some variables(read some files, make some map&reduce operations etc.) and this take time. This initializing part is common for all sessions. After the construction, different statements may be sent to these sessions.
What i wonder is when livy creates a session, is it possible to copy an old session line an image or should it start everything from scratch?
Thank you in advance.
After some amount of researches, it is not possible with Livy server. The only responsibility of Livy is serving a rest service for applications to reach the Spark framework in the Hadoop cluster. For each request (whether batch or session), it opens a seperate spark-shell. Therefore, it is not possible to clone an existing session.
Also one more addition, I really didn't like the way livy server handles the external dependencies. Generating a fat jar is not an appropriate way for hadoop environment, since there are a lot of them. However, if you implement a spark application with command-line arguments it is an easy way to communicate with the Hadoop environment via HTTP with an interactive manner.

Spark (Scala) Writing (and reading) to local file system from driver

1st Question :
I have a 2 node virtual cluster with hadoop.
I have a jar that runs a spark job.
This jar accepts as a cli argument : a path to a commands.txt file which tells the jar which commands to run.
I run the job with spark-submit, and i have noticed that my slave node wasn't running because it couldn't find the commands.txt file which was local on the master.
This is the command i used to run it :
./spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-submit --class
univ.bigdata.course.MainRunner --master yarn\
--deploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 1g \
--num-executors 4 \
final-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar commands commands.txt
Do i need to upload commands.txt to the hdfs and give the hdfs path instead as follows ? :
2nd Question :
How do i write to a file on the driver machine in the cwd ?
I used a normal scala filewriter to write output to queries_out.txt and it worked fine when using spark submit with
-master local[]
But, when running in
-master yarn
I cant find the file, No exceptions are thrown but i just cant locate the file. It doesn't exist as if it was never written. Is there a way to write the results to a file on the driver machine locally ? Or should i only write results to HDFS ?
Question 1: Yes, uploading it to hdfs or any network accessible file system is how you solve your problem.
Question 2:
This is a bit tricky. Assuming your results are in a RDD you could call collect(), that will aggregate all the data on your driver process. Then, you have a standard collection in your hands which you could simply write on disk. Note that you should give your driver's process enough memory to be able to hold all results in memory, do not forget to also increase the maximum result size. The parameters are:
--driver-memory 16G
--conf "spark.driver.maxResultSize=15g"
This is has absolutely poor scaling behaviour in both communication complexity and memory (both in the size of the result RDD). This is the easiest way and perfectly fine for a toy project or when the data set is always small. In all other cases it will certainly blow up at some point.
The better way, as you may have mentioned, is to use the build-in "saveAs" methods to write to i.e. hdfs (or another storage format). You can check the documentation for that:
Note that if you only want to persist the RDD, because you are reusing it in several computations (like cache, but instead of holding it in memory hold it in disk) there is also a persist method on RDDs.
Solution was very simple, i changed --deploy-mode cluster to --deploy-mode client and then the file writes were done correctly on the machine where i ran the driver.
Answer to Question 1:
Submitting spark job with the --files tag followed by path to a local file downloads the file from the driver node to the cwd of all the worker nodes and thus be accessed just by using its name.

Spark: retrieving a file saved on the driver

I am using spark in yarn-cluster mode. I save some results contained in Strings on the driver node with import
HOwever, in yarn-cluster mode, the dirver is one of the cluster nodes. And I cannot manage to retrieve these files at the end of the process. I haven't find any yet.
the best possible solution is to save them on HDFS.
I didn’t tried but you should be able to do this:

Is there a way to submit a Spark application to a cluster without creating a jar?

I am building a service which takes in a string of Spark code to execute on a cluster. Is there any way for me to set the Spark context to the cluster and execute without building a jar and submitting it?
Indeed, you can use the spark shell, or look at something like the IBM Spark Kernel, Zeppelin, etc. to have a long running Spark Context you can submit code to and have it run. As you are almost certainly already aware of, be very careful with accepting strings and executing them on the cluster (e.g. only from a trusted source).