Scala: convert string to Int or None - scala

I am trying to get a number out of an xml field
Some((recipe \ "Main" \ "Quantity").text.toInt)
Sometimes there may not be a value in the xml, though. The text will be "" and this throws an java.lang.NumberFormatException.
What is a clean way to get either an Int or a None?

scala> import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Try
scala> def tryToInt( s: String ) = Try(s.toInt).toOption
tryToInt: (s: String)Option[Int]
scala> tryToInt("123")
res0: Option[Int] = Some(123)
scala> tryToInt("")
res1: Option[Int] = None

Scala 2.13 introduced String::toIntOption:
"5".toIntOption // Option[Int] = Some(5)
"abc".toIntOption // Option[Int] = None
"abc".toIntOption.getOrElse(-1) // Int = -1

More of a side note on usage following accepted answer. After import scala.util.Try, consider
implicit class RichOptionConvert(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def toOptInt() = Try (s.toInt) toOption
or similarly but in a bit more elaborated form that addresses only the relevant exception in converting onto integral values, after import java.lang.NumberFormatException,
implicit class RichOptionConvert(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def toOptInt() =
try {
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
res: Option[Int] = Some(123)
res: Option[Int] = Some(456)
res: Option[Int] = None

Here's another way of doing this that doesn't require writing your own function and which can also be used to lift to Either.
scala> import util.control.Exception._
import util.control.Exception._
scala> allCatch.opt { "42".toInt }
res0: Option[Int] = Some(42)
scala> allCatch.opt { "answer".toInt }
res1: Option[Int] = None
scala> allCatch.either { "42".toInt }
res3: scala.util.Either[Throwable,Int] = Right(42)
(A nice blog post on the subject.)


scala string interpolation with a variable length

I use scala f string interpolator as follows:
def format(id: Int) = f"A$id%04d"
format(21) // A0021
However, I would like to be able to define a length once and for all (before fixed to 4), and get a function that it is going to format the string with that length.
So, instead of having
def format(length: Int, id: Int) = ???
f(5, 21) // A00021
I would like to have this:
def format(length: Int)(id: Int) = ???
val f = format(5)
f(21) // A00021
How can I implement this using scala f interpolator or other?
I was not looking for such a solution involving the compiler at runtime, but I appreciate som-snytt's answer. Here there is a working solution based on his answer:
def defFormat(length: Int): Int => String = {
val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$$i%0${length}d""""
tb.eval(tb.parse(code)).asInstanceOf[Int => String]
val format = defFormat(length = 5)
scala> def format(n: Int)(i: Int) =
| f"A%%0${n}d" format i
format: (n: Int)(i: Int)String
scala> format(5) _
res0: Int => String = <function1>
scala> .apply(21)
res1: String = A00021
scala> import,scala.reflect.runtime._,universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import universe._
scala> val tb = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
tb:[reflect.runtime.universe.type] =$ToolBoxImpl#2d10e0b1
scala> def f(n: Int)(i: Int): String = {
| val code = raw"""f"A$${$i}%0${n}d""""
| tb.eval(tb.parse(code)).asInstanceOf[String]
| }
f: (n: Int)(i: Int)String
scala> val g = f(5) _
g: Int => String = <function1>
scala> g(21)
res9: String = A00021
That doesn't actually help much. You really want to
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code)) reflective typecheck has failed: illegal conversion character 'k'
which throws if the format is bad.
scala> val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$${i}%k0${10}d""""
code: String = (i: Int) => f"A${i}%k010d"
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code)) reflective typecheck has failed: illegal conversion character 'k'
at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$class.wrappingIntoTerm(Trees.scala:1716)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.wrappingIntoTerm(SymbolTable.scala:16)
... 32 elided
scala> val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$${i}%0${10}d""""
code: String = (i: Int) => f"A${i}%010d"
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code))
res19: tb.u.Tree =
((i: Int) => ({
val arg$macro$9: Int = i;
new scala.collection.immutable.StringOps("A%010d").format(arg$macro$9)
}: String))
You can't do it using f because its whole point is to make sure it can check the format string for type errors, so the format string has to be static. f could support this scenario explicitly, but it doesn't.
You could make format a macro, but this seems like an overkill. Not to mention that it would have to be defined in a separate module, which looks very inconvenient for this scenario.

How to get return type string of a method using Scala reflection?

consider the following code:
object Foo{def foo(a:Int):List[(String, Int)] = ???}
class Bar{def bar(a:Int, b:Any):Option[(String, Long)] = ???}
Given either the object or class, I need to first find the method names (does not seem to be that difficult).
After that, for each method, I want to find a string description of the Scala return types (not the Java ones) . So for instance, for, I would need the String List[(String, Int)] and for, I would need the String Option[(String, Long)].
I saw this and this tutorial but could not figure it out.
EDIT: Here is what I tried based on the comments:
class RetTypeFinder(obj:AnyRef) {
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val im = m.reflect(obj)
def getRetType(methodName:String) = {
object A { def foo(a:Int):String = ??? } // define dummy object
class B { def bar(a:Int):String = ??? } // define dummy class
val a = new RetTypeFinder(A)
a.getRetType("foo") // exception here
val b = new RetTypeFinder(new B)
b.getRetType("bar") // exception here
The error I get is:
scala.ScalaReflectionException: <none> is not a method
at scala.reflect.api.Symbols$SymbolApi$class.asMethod(Symbols.scala:228)
at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$SymbolContextApiImpl.asMethod(Symbols.scala:84)
at cs.reflect.Test.getRetCls(Test.scala:11)
However, this works (tried in REPL):
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
object A { def foo(a:Int):String = ??? } // define dummy object
val im = m.reflect(A)
class B { def bar(a:Int):String = ??? } // define dummy class
val im = m.reflect(new B)
I need to use it in the first way, where I don't know in advance what objects/classes will be passed. Any help will be appreciated.
Once you have a universe.Type you can use the way from the comments to get the return type of one of its methods:
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
def getRetTypeOfMethod(tpe: ru.Type)(methodName: String) =
To get a universe.Type the easiest way is to capture in an implicit TypeTag:
class RetTypeFinder[T <: AnyRef](obj: T)(implicit tag: ru.TypeTag[T]) {
def getRetType(methodName: String) = {
val tpe = tag.tpe
But if you don't have a TypeTag, but just an object of type AnyRef, you can go through a mirror to reflect it. The resulting Type will have some information lost due to Java's type erasure, but it would still be enough to get the return type of a method by name, because that's supported by JVM reflection:
class RetTypeFinder2(obj: AnyRef) {
def getRetType(methodName: String) = {
val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val tpe = mirror.reflect(obj)
Both methods work fine for your problem:
scala> new RetTypeFinder(A).getRetType("foo")
res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = String
scala> new RetTypeFinder2(A).getRetType("foo")
res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = String
scala> new RetTypeFinder(new B).getRetType("bar")
res2: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = String
scala> new RetTypeFinder2(new B).getRetType("bar")
res3: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = String

How to find if a Scala String is parseable as a Double or not?

Suppose that I have a string in scala and I want to try to parse a double out of it.
I know that, I can just call toDouble and then catch the java num format exception if this fails, but is there a cleaner way to do this? For example if there was a parseDouble function that returned Option[Double] this would qualify.
I don't want to put this in my own code if it already exists in the standard library and I am just looking for it in the wrong place.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
For Scala 2.13+ see Xavier's answer below. Apparently there's a toDoubleOption method now.
For older versions:
def parseDouble(s: String) = try { Some(s.toDouble) } catch { case _ => None }
Fancy version (edit: don't do this except for amusement value; I was a callow youth years ago when I used to write such monstrosities):
case class ParseOp[T](op: String => T)
implicit val popDouble = ParseOp[Double](_.toDouble)
implicit val popInt = ParseOp[Int](_.toInt)
// etc.
def parse[T: ParseOp](s: String) = try { Some(implicitly[ParseOp[T]].op(s)) }
catch {case _ => None}
scala> parse[Double]("1.23")
res13: Option[Double] = Some(1.23)
scala> parse[Int]("1.23")
res14: Option[Int] = None
scala> parse[Int]("1")
res15: Option[Int] = Some(1)
Scalaz provides an extension method parseDouble on Strings, which gives a value of type Validation[NumberFormatException, Double].
scala> "34.5".parseDouble
res34: scalaz.Validation[NumberFormatException,Double] = Success(34.5)
scala> "34.bad".parseDouble
res35: scalaz.Validation[NumberFormatException,Double] = Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "34.bad")
You can convert it to Option if so required.
scala> "34.bad".parseDouble.toOption
res36: Option[Double] = None
scala> import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Try
scala> def parseDouble(s: String): Option[Double] = Try { s.toDouble }.toOption
parseDouble: (s: String)Option[Double]
scala> parseDouble("3.14")
res0: Option[Double] = Some(3.14)
scala> parseDouble("hello")
res1: Option[Double] = None
Scala 2.13 introduced String::toDoubleOption:
"5.7".toDoubleOption // Option[Double] = Some(5.7)
"abc".toDoubleOption // Option[Double] = None
"abc".toDoubleOption.getOrElse(-1d) // Double = -1.0
You could try using util.control.Exception.catching which returns an Either type.
So using the following returns a Left wrapping a NumberFormatException or a Right wrapping a Double
import util.control.Exception._
catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) either "12.W3".toDouble
Unfortunately, this isn't in the standard library. Here's what I use:
class SafeParsePrimitive(s: String) {
private def nfe[T](t: => T) = {
try { Some(t) }
catch { case nfe: NumberFormatException => None }
def booleanOption = s.toLowerCase match {
case "yes" | "true" => Some(true)
case "no" | "false" => Some(false)
case _ => None
def byteOption = nfe(s.toByte)
def doubleOption = nfe(s.toDouble)
def floatOption = nfe(s.toFloat)
def hexOption = nfe(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(s,16))
def hexLongOption = nfe(java.lang.Long.valueOf(s,16))
def intOption = nfe(s.toInt)
def longOption = nfe(s.toLong)
def shortOption = nfe(s.toShort)
implicit def string_parses_safely(s: String) = new SafeParsePrimitive(s)
There's nothing like this not only in Scala, but even in basic Java.
Here's a piece code that does it without exceptions, though:
def parseDouble(s: String)(implicit nf: NumberFormat) = {
val pp = new ParsePosition(0)
val d = nf.parse(s, pp)
if (pp.getErrorIndex == -1) Some(d.doubleValue) else None
implicit val formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH)
Console println parseDouble("184.33")
Console println parseDouble("hello, world")
I'd usually go with an "in place" Try:
def strTimesTen (s: String) = for (d <- Try(s.toDouble)) yield d * 10
strTimesTen("0.1") match {
Success(d) => println( s"It is $d" )
Failure(ex) => println( "I've asked for a number!" )
Note, that you can do further calculation in the for and any exception would project into a Failure(ex). AFAIK this is the idiomatic way of handling a sequence of unreliable operations.

How to write asInstanceOfOpt[T] where T <: Any

There's a handy implementation of asInstanceOfOpt, a safe version of asInstanceOf, given in the answer to How to write "asInstanceOfOption" in Scala. It appears that, Scala 2.9.1, this solution now only works with AnyRef:
class WithAsInstanceOfOpt(obj: AnyRef) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Option[B] =
if (Manifest.singleType(obj) <:< m)
Can this be rewritten to support Any?
If you look in the Scala API the function singleType takes a parameter of type AnyRef. I don't really know the background for this decision, but it seems you need to work around it. Instead of using the method singleType I'd suggest using the classType method which basically can make a manifest for any class. It'll take a bit more code, but it could look something like this:
class WithAsInstanceOfOpt(obj : Any) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[B : Manifest] : Option[B] = // [B : Manifest] is shorthand for [B](implicit m : Manifest[B])
if (Manifest.classType(manifest, obj.getClass) <:< manifest)
else None
You could use shapeless's Typeable from Miles Sabin:
Type casting using type parameter
It handles primitives and boxing:
scala> import shapeless._; import syntax.typeable._
import shapeless._
import syntax.typeable._
scala> 1.cast[Int]
res1: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> 1.cast[String]
res2: Option[String] = None
scala> "hello".cast[String]
res4: Option[String] = Some(hello)
scala> "foo".cast[Int]
res5: Option[Int] = None
You can see the source here to see how it's written:
Here's working code for 2.9.x. It will give deprecation warnings for 2.10.x, but using ClassTag instead of Manifest and runtimeClass instead of erasure will fix them.
//Precondition: classS must have been produced through primitiveToBoxed, because v will be boxed.
def ifInstanceOfBody[T, S](v: T, classS: Class[_]): Option[S] = {
if (v == null || !classS.isInstance(v))
object ClassUtil {
import java.{lang => jl}
private val primitiveToBoxedMap = Map[Class[_], Class[_]](
classOf[Byte] -> classOf[jl.Byte],
classOf[Short] -> classOf[jl.Short],
classOf[Char] -> classOf[jl.Character],
classOf[Int] -> classOf[jl.Integer],
classOf[Long] -> classOf[jl.Long],
classOf[Float] -> classOf[jl.Float],
classOf[Double] -> classOf[jl.Double],
classOf[Boolean] -> classOf[jl.Boolean],
classOf[Unit] -> classOf[jl.Void]
def primitiveToBoxed(classS: Class[_]) =
primitiveToBoxedMap.getOrElse(classS, classS)
class IfInstanceOfAble[T](v: T) {
def asInstanceOfOpt[S](implicit cS: Manifest[S]): Option[S] =
ifInstanceOfBody[T, S](v, ClassUtil.primitiveToBoxed(cS.erasure))
implicit def pimpInstanceOf[T](t: T) = new IfInstanceOfAble(t)
Testing results:
scala> 1.asInstanceOfOpt[Int]
res9: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> "".asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res10: Option[String] = Some()
scala> "foo".asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res11: Option[String] = Some(foo)
scala> 1.asInstanceOfOpt[String]
res12: Option[String] = None
scala> "".asInstanceOfOpt[Int]
res13: Option[Int] = None
The code is slightly more verbose than needed here, mostly because I took it from an existing codebase of mine where I reuse ifInstanceOfBody elsewhere. Inlining into asInstanceOfOpt would fix that and shorten the code somewhat, but most of it is for primitiveToBoxedMap, and trust me that I could not find something like that available in the Scala standard library.

Scala, partial functions

Is there any way to create a PartialFunction except through the case statement?
I'm curious, because I'd like to express the following (scala pseudo ahead!)...
val bi = BigInt(_)
if (bi.isValidInt) bi.intValue
... as a partial function, and doing
val toInt : PartialFunction[String, Int] = {
case s if BigInt(s).isValidInt => BigInt(s).intValue
seems redundant since I create a BigInt twice.
Not sure I understand the question. But here's my attempt: Why not create an extractor?
object ValidBigInt {
def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = {
val bi = BigInt(s)
if (bi.isValidInt) Some(bi.intValue) else None
val toInt: PartialFunction[String, Int] = {
case ValidBigInt(i) => i
The other option is (and that may answer the question as to whether one can create PartialFunction other than with a case literal):
val toInt = new PartialFunction[String, Int] {
def isDefinedAt(s: String) = BigInt(s).isValidInt
def apply(s: String) = BigInt(s).intValue
However since the idea of a partial function is that it's only partially defined, in the end you will still do redundant things -- you need to create a big int to test whether it's valid, and then in the function application you create the big int again...
I saw a project at Github that tried to come around this by somewhat caching the results from isDefinedAt. If you go down to the benchmarks, you'll see that it turned out to be slower than the default Scala implementation :)
So if you want to get around the double nature of isDefinedAt versus apply, you should just go straight for a (full) function that provides an Option[Int] as result.
I think you're looking for lift/unlift. lift takes a partial function and turns it into a function that returns an Option. Unlift takes a function with one argument that returns an option, and returns a partial function.
import scala.util.control.Exception._
scala> def fn(s: String) = catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt {BigInt(s)}
fn: (s: String)Option[scala.math.BigInt]
scala> val fnPf = Function.unlift(fn)
fnPf: PartialFunction[String,scala.math.BigInt] = <function1>
scala> val fn = fnPf.lift
fn: String => Option[scala.math.BigInt] = <function1>
Closely related, you also want to look at this answer for information about cond and condOpt:
scala> import PartialFunction._
import PartialFunction._
scala> cond("abc") { case "def" => true }
res0: Boolean = false
scala> condOpt("abc") { case x if x.length == 3 => x + x }
res1: Option[java.lang.String] = Some(abcabc)
You can write out a PartialFunction "longhand" if you'd like:
object pf extends PartialFunction[Int,String] {
def isDefinedAt(in: Int) = in % 2 == 0
def apply(in: Int) = {
if (in % 2 == 0)
throw new MatchError(in + " is odd")
Okay, I got this
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import scala.util.control.Exception._
val toInt: PartialFunction[String, Int] = {
catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt BigInt(_) match {
case Some(bi) if bi.isValidInt => bi.intValue
How about this?
val toInt: PartialFunction[String, Int] = (s: String) => BigInt(s) match {
case bi if bi.isValidInt => bi.intValue