Paypal sandbox blocking transactions - paypal

I am integrating Paypal into my website and I am currently testing it using 2 sandbox accounts (1 merchant and 1 buyer). I have tried about 30 transactions between them and it is all working but just now, Paypal has blocked the transactions with the error PimpAbort with return code 4002. I searched online and it seems this error occurs if Paypal decides this to be a risky transaction, most likely because I keep sending money from the same buyer account to the merchant account. I want to ask it is possible to change some settings so that I disable this checking? Or is there an alternative method?

I think there may be an issue on PayPal's end. I've had all my sandbox transactions end with that error yesterday and today.


Paypal Parallel/Adaptive Payments issue in Laravel app

I have a platform which uses Paypal Paralell/Adaptive payments. A fee is deducted and sent to admin and the other part of the order is sent to the seller of a marketplace. Everything worked in test mode but in live mode all money is sent to the seller. But now when testing in live mode no split (fee) is sent to admin. Also in Laravel app admin the order is shown as "pending" instead of "processed" even the money is sent on paypal. All calculations in the admin dashboard stay at $0 and 0 sales.
I have no idea where to start searching for the error. Any ideas how to sort out the problem?
Thank you!
Sadly, Paypal Stopped adaptive payments. Now they are working on, Paypal for marketplace.
Fortunately, They are supporting adaptive payments for old installations.

can't see completed payment in PayPal sandbox

we test our application on PayPal sandbox.
I was able to make payment form one account ( to another (, and status of this payment is completed on payer account (payment ID 3F335538TV000622E), but on receiver business account I can't see this payment and can't get it by API.
This question is to PayPal, as You recommend to ask on Your forum on Stackoverflow, however if anyone faced similar issue, please vote or response.
I don't believe in what I see; it seems I make some stupid mistake... I wasn't able to find any such issue on Google, here and in PayPal technical support.
I have reviewed both test accounts and I see transaction 3F335538TV000622E (buyer transaction ID)/28A51825L7124154N (seller transaction ID) appearing correctly. There is a difference in the date for the two payments due to the default timezone for the accounts. Based on your screenshots, you are seeing the correct information as the transaction would show on 6/3/14 in the as it defaults to PDT and 6/4/14 in the which defaults to BST.

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support

How to test buyer side of a Credit Card transaction on PayPal Website Payments Pro?

We are running an e-commerce web site on Ruby on Rails and for the processing of Credit Cards we use the ActiveMerchant plugin to interface to our PayPal Website Payments Pro account using our API credentials.
As part of the checkout process we first call the authorize function on our gateway object and then, after some further checks, we perform the capture part.
We have lately been experiencing a bug where an amount gets reserved twice on a customer's account: one charge being only the authorization and the second being the final purchase. So to the client it looks like we are billing him twice (once for authorization, once for final purchase) while we are actually receiving the money only once and the "second charge" on his account is simply an authorization that we don't clear for some reason. (This seems to happen particularly when PayPal FMF rejects our transaction and we re-process.)
I am trying to troubleshoot this by creating PayPal Sandbox Accounts for Buyer and for Seller. I am running through the code line by line via Rails Console and simulating different conditions to try and replicate the error. However, my successful Credit Card transactions only appear in my "seller"/"merchant" account and not in the "buyer" account on the PayPal Sandbox so I cannot see what the effect of my code sequence is having on a customer's card. This post seems to indicate that that is just the way things are and that it is indeed not possible to test the effect on Buyer Credit Card side. This post suggests using PayPal Express Checkout but that is not what we need on our site as we're specifically looking at Credit Card transactions here that are integrated to our site.
How can I test the effect of my code on a client's Credit Card? Is there perhaps something I missed in PayPal or is there maybe some mode/log/monitor in ActiveMerchant that I can use to see this? I need to find the line of code that is causing us to authorize twice.
If the initial transaction is being rejected by FMF, and then you reattempt another transaction this would cause a second hold on the buyers card as this would be a completely different transaction attempt. The bank may have approved the first transaction, but then the FMF filters declined it based on your settings. As far as the bank is concerned, it is still a valid charge that was approved. So when you run your second attempt, this will cause a second hold on the card for the same amount but for a different transaction.

How to verify paypal reference transactions is enabled

Hi I'm setting up paypal pro for a client. I need reference transactions to work as we would have to bill the customer each month and sometimes the amount may vary.
Credit card payment
The code flow has been tested with paypal sandbox and it completely works. But with the real account we get the following error.
"This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service."
Paypal Account Payment/Express Checkout
It did not work with paypal sandbox too owing to reference transactions not being enabled. i'm facing a similar situation with the paypal pro account too. I get the error
"Merchant not enabled for reference transactions"
We sent a request to paypal asking them to enable reference transactions. They replied back assuring they did but I still get the same error. I even tried removing the current api signature and recreating a new one. But I still get the same error.
Has anyone faced a similar situation ?
Is there any sure way of verifying if reference transactions is enabled?
If it is not, is there a way to enable it other than going through paypal's customer service (it's appalling) ?
Yes it's easy.
Just try to make a payment with a billing agreement.
Just above the confirmation message on the PayPal website it will show:
Use PayPal for future payments to XXX Inc. Payments will be made with
your default payment method unless you select a preferred payment
method. To make changes, go to My money in your Profile, and update
the My preapproved payments section.
If you don't see that message they're not enabled (or your request is wrong). But of course you can check in the sandbox to make sure the request is correct.