using select in winsock2 - select

I'm trying to get select to work right and it seems to be returning 1 even when there is nothing to be read on the socket. So I end up calling recv and it blocks because nothing is there to read.
Also annoying is the fact that with winsock it is necessary to call FD_SET each time select is called, which isn't consistent with standard implementations.
Are there any other weird quirks I need to be aware of?

I fixed it but I cannot determine what exactly the cause of the problem was. I do know that it is very relevant that FD_SET must be used to re-set the set for each select() call. According to the documentation, after calling select it fills in the sets which are ready for read/write/etc.
Moral of the story today is: read the documentation.


Can we edit callback function HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback for our convenience?

I am a newbie to both FreeRTOS and STM32. I want to know how exactly callback function HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback for HAL_UART_Transmit_IT works ?
Can we edit that that callback function for our convenience ?
Thanks in Advance
You call HAL_UART_Transmit_IT to transmit your data in the "interrupt" (non-blocking) mode. This call returns immediately, likely well before your data gets fully trasmitted.
The sequence of events is as follows:
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT stores a pointer and length of the data buffer you provide. It doesn't perform a copy, so your buffer you passed needs to remain valid until callback gets called. For example it cannot be a buffer you'll perform delete [] / free on before callbacks happen or a buffer that's local in a function you're going to return from before a callback call.
It then enables TXE interrupt for this UART, which happens every time the DR (or TDR, depending on STM in use) is empty and can have new data written
At this point interrupt happens immediately. In the IRQ handler (HAL_UART_IRQHandler) a new byte is put in the DR (TDR) register which then gets transmitted - this happens in UART_Transmit_IT.
Once this byte gets transmitted, TXE interrupt gets triggered again and this process repeats until reaching the end of the buffer you've provided.
If any error happens, HAL_UART_ErrorCallback will get called, from IRQ handler
If no errors happened and end of buffer has been reached, HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback is called (from HAL_UART_IRQHandler -> UART_EndTransmit_IT).
On to your second question whether you can edit this callback "for convenience" - I'd say you can do whatever you want, but you'll have to live with the consequences of modifying code what's essentially a library:
Upgrading HAL to newer versions is going to be a nightmare. You'll have to manually re-apply all your changes you've done to that code and test them again. To some extent this can be automated with some form of version control (git / svn) or even patch files, but if the code you've modified gets changed by ST, those patches will likely not apply anymore and you'll have to do it all by hand again. This may require re-discovering how the implementation changed and doing all your work from scratch.
Nobody is going to be able to help you as your library code no longer matches code that everyone else has. If you introduced new bugs by modifying library code, no one will be able to reproduce them. Even if you provided your modifications, I honestly doubt many here will bother to apply your changes and test them in practice.
If I was to express my personal opinion it'd be this: if you think there's bugs in the HAL code - fix them locally and report them to ST. Once they're fixed in future update, fully overwrite your HAL modifications with updated official release. If you think HAL code lacks functionality or flexibility for your needs, you have two options here:
Suggest your changes to ST. You have to keep in mind that HAL aims to serve "general purpose" needs.
Just don't use HAL for this specific peripheral. This "mixed" approach is exactly what I do personally. In some cases functionality provided by HAL for given peripheral is "good enough" to serve my needs (in my case one example is SPI where I fully rely on HAL) while in some other cases - such as UART - I use HAL only for initialization, while handling transmission myself. Even when you decide not to use HAL functions, it can still provide some value - you can for example copy their IRQ handler to your code and call your functions instead. That way you at least skip some parts in development.

How to do a CNAME record lookup in swift

I found some example code online that I'm trying to use to do a CNAME record lookup (notice that I pass a callback block that I want to be run):
DNSServiceQueryRecord(serviceRef, 0, 0, domainName, UInt16(kDNSServiceType_CNAME), UInt16(kDNSServiceClass_IN), callback, &mutableCompletionHandler);
The problem is that this code is getting blocked at DNSServiceProcessResult(serviceRef.pointee) and the callback is never called. According to Apple's documentation for DNSServiceProcessResult, I need to
Use DNSServiceRefSockFD in conjunction with a run loop or select() to determine the presence of a response from the server before calling this function to process the reply without blocking.
So I looked at DNSServiceRefSockFD and found that I could create a dnssd_sock_t with DNSServiceRefSockFD(serviceRef.pointee). But now that I have the socket, I'm not sure how to "use it in conjunction with a run loop" as an event source for the run loop (according to the DNSServiceRefSockFD documentation).
I'm just not understanding how this works. I don't understand how to use the dnsssd_sock_t as an event source to a run loop so that I can call DNSServiceProcessResult at the right time without blocking so that my callback will actually run.
If it's better to use the socket as a kqueue event source or in a select() loop (as the documentation mentions), I'm fine with that, but I don't know how to do that either.
CoreFoundation can be quite cryptic, so any help is much appreciated!
And if there's a better way to do a CNAME record lookup then, by all means, please share!
See my (ethan-gerardot) comments on
The first paragraph answers how to get the callback to be called without blocking.

Who is affected when bypassing Perl safe signals?

Do the risks caused by bypassing Perl safe signals for example like shown in the second timeout example in the DBI documentation concern only the code that uses such bypassing?
The code in that example works hard to localize the change to just that section of code, or any code called from it.
There is not 100% guarantee that no code will be effected outside the code that bypasses safe signals, because signals are no longer safe. In the example the call being timed out is a DBI->connect. For most DBD's this will be implemented mostly in C, unless the C code can handle being aborted and tried again you might find that some data structures internal to the DBD, or the libraries it uses, are left in a inconstant state.
The chances of the example code going wrong is probably incredibly tiny. My personal anecdote on the issues is that I had used the traditional Perl signal handling for years before safe signals were introduced and for a long time I had never had a problem. I hadn't even been very cautious about what I did in my signal handlers. Then we managed to hit a data set that actually did trigger memory corruptions in about 1 out of ever 100 runs. Just modifying the signal handlers to use better practices, similar to those in the example, eliminated our issues.
What does that even mean? By using unsafe signals, you can corrupt Perl's internals and Perl variables. It can also cause problem if a non-reentrant C library call is interrupted.
This can lead to SEGFAULTs and other problems, and those may only manifest themselves outside the block where the timeout is in effect.

What is select supposed to do if you close a monitored fd?

I can test this to find the behavior but that's not the point. In my answer to another question, a commenter recommended closing a monitored fd from another thread to wake up select. Another commenter couldn't find a reference to this behavior in the standard, and I can't find one either.
Can someone provide a pointer to the standard on this behavior?
From the description of select in "The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7":
A descriptor shall be considered ready for reading when a call to an input function with O_NONBLOCK clear would not block, whether or not the function would transfer data successfully. (The function might return data, an end-of-file indication, or an error other than one indicating that it is blocked, and in each of these cases the descriptor shall be considered ready for reading.)
So, I would say this method is portable.

An IOCP documentation interpretation question - buffer ownership ambiguity

Since I'm not a native English speaker I might be missing something so maybe someone here knows better than me.
Taken from WSASend's doumentation at MSDN:
lpBuffers [in]
A pointer to an array of WSABUF
structures. Each WSABUF structure
contains a pointer to a buffer and the
length, in bytes, of the buffer. For a
Winsock application, once the WSASend
function is called, the system owns
these buffers and the application may
not access them. This array must
remain valid for the duration of the
send operation.
Ok, can you see the bold text? That's the unclear spot!
I can think of two translations for this line (might be something else, you name it):
Translation 1 - "buffers" refers to the OVERLAPPED structure that I pass this function when calling it. I may reuse the object again only when getting a completion notification about it.
Translation 2 - "buffers" refer to the actual buffers, those with the data I'm sending. If the WSABUF object points to one buffer, then I cannot touch this buffer until the operation is complete.
Can anyone tell what's the right interpretation to that line?
And..... If the answer is the second one - how would you resolve it?
Because to me it implies that for each and every data/buffer I'm sending I must retain a copy of it at the sender side - thus having MANY "pending" buffers (in different sizes) on an high traffic application, which really going to hurt "scalability".
Statement 1:
In addition to the above paragraph (the "And...."), I thought that IOCP copies the data to-be-sent to it's own buffer and sends from there, unless you set SO_SNDBUF to zero.
Statement 2:
I use stack-allocated buffers (you know, something like char cBuff[1024]; at the function body - if the translation to the main question is the second option (i.e buffers must stay as they are until the send is complete), then... that really screws things up big-time! Can you think of a way to resolve it? (I know, I asked it in other words above).
The answer is that the overlapped structure and the data buffer itself cannot be reused or released until the completion for the operation occurs.
This is because the operation is completed asynchronously so even if the data is eventually copied into operating system owned buffers in the TCP/IP stack that may not occur until some time in the future and you're notified of when by the write completion occurring. Note that with write completions these may be delayed for a surprising amount of time if you're sending without explicit flow control and relying on the the TCP stack to do flow control for you (see here: some OVERLAPS using WSASend not returning in a timely manner using GetQueuedCompletionStatus?) ...
You can't use stack allocated buffers unless you place an event in the overlapped structure and block on it until the async operation completes; there's not a lot of point in doing that as you add complexity over a normal blocking call and you don't gain a great deal by issuing the call async and then waiting on it.
In my IOCP server framework (which you can get for free from here) I use dynamically allocated buffers which include the OVERLAPPED structure and which are reference counted. This means that the cleanup (in my case they're returned to a pool for reuse) happens when the completion occurs and the reference is released. It also means that you can choose to continue to use the buffer after the operation and the cleanup is still simple.
See also here: I/O Completion Port, How to free Per Socket Context and Per I/O Context?