Tutorial OpenCl event handling - event-handling

In my last question, OpenCl cleanup causes segfault. , somebody hinted that missing event handling, i.e. not waiting for code to finish, could cause the seg faults. Since then I looked again into the tutorials I used, but they don't pay attention to events (Matrix Multiplication 1 (OpenCL) and NVIDIA_OpenCL_GettingStartedLinux.pdf) or talk about it in detail and (for me) understandable.
Do you know a tutorial on where and how to wait in OpenCL?

I don't have a tutorial on events in OpenCL, and I'm by no means an expert, but since no one else is responding...
As a rule of thumb, you'll need to wait for any function named clEnqueue*. Those functions return immediately before the job is done. The easiest way to make sure your queue is finished is to call clFinish(). It won't return until the entire queue has completed.
If you want to get a little fancier, most of the clEnqueue* functions have an optional cl_event parameter that you can pass in. You can check on a particular event with clGetEventInfo(), and you can wait for a particular set of events to finish with clWaitForEvents().


How I can match bags an passenger in the reclaim area?

I'm simulating a security control process, and i can't do that each passenger pickup their baggage. I have tried with Match, Combine, Pickup, but I still can't execute the commands correctly.
I've created the follow flowchart, and the problem is in the wReclaimPax, pickup and wReclaimBags blocks (you can see them in the picture).
I saw this link Anylogic - Combined multiple items back to original owner to understand something, but I still need help.
I've created 3 functions:
return true;
return false;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Pasajero p=(Pasajero)wait.get(i);
return p;
return null;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Equipaje e=(Equipaje)wait.get(i);
return e;
return null;
Assumed context
You haven't really explained how your code is related to your process but I'm assuming the following:
Because this is luggage-retrieval, you want to ensure that a passenger
agent (Pasajero) only enters the Pickup block (representing taking bag from
carousel) when his bag (Equipaje agent by the look of it) has
arrived into the wReclaimBag Wait, and been released from it to
queue4 Queue.
For this you need triggers (to remove agents from Wait blocks) when
either a passenger (Pasajero) arrives in wReclaimPax Wait, or a bag (Equipaje) arrives
in the wReclaimBag Wait (because you don't know whether the passenger or their bag will get to their respective Wait blocks first).
So your paxBags function is called in on-entry action of the wReclaimBag Wait, and your bagsPax function in the on-entry action of the wReclaimPax Wait.
Possible problems with current approach
Without knowing more of your model it's hard to say but problems I can think of based on what you've supplied are:
Your functions return the Pasajero or Equipaje if there is one that matches. Your match check relies seemingly on bidirectional connections (links) between Pasajero and Equipaje. Obviously if they're not setup properly the model won't work and, if you're using bidirectional connections you shouldn't need to check both ends.
Your functions need calling so that, if they return non null, they then free the matching agent from the other Wait block, and free themselves. Are you doing that? Without checking, there may be issues with calling free for yourself as you enter a Wait block (since this kind of depends on AnyLogic internals as to whether you count as being 'in' the block at this stage and can be freed). If this seems to be the problem you could create a timeout 0 dynamic event instance to do the free so that you're not doing it within the scope of the on-enter action.
Your pickup block (since it's been setup so that the entering agent will always want to pickup the first agent (Equipaje) in queue4) just needs to be set as waiting for quantity 1 (though see below).
If you've done all this the most likely problem is that the underlying events ordering of AnyLogic is affecting things. When you free agents I'm fairly sure the freeing actually happens in a timeout 0 event scheduled under-the-covers. So it may be that the passenger arrives at the Pickup before their Equipment arrives in queue4 though, if you set the Pickup to be "Exact quantity (wait for)", with quantity of 1, it should handle that.
The animation of the process (numbers in/out/within each block and details when clicking on blocks) should also help you debug what is going wrong; e.g., are bags being left in the Wait when they should have been released, etc.
P.S. With this kind of thing you should always create a minimal example model to make testing the issue/solution easier (and for sharing in help forums such as this where the rest of the complexity of your model is irrelevant). Often you find the problem 'naturally' in the process of trying to construct such a model that reproduces your problem in a minimal way.

Clarification about Scala Future that never complete and its effect on other callbacks

While re-reading scala.lan.org's page detailing Future here, I have stumbled up on the following sentence:
In the event that some of the callbacks never complete (e.g. the callback contains an infinite loop), the other callbacks may not be executed at all. In these cases, a potentially blocking callback must use the blocking construct (see below).
Why may the other callbacks not be executed at all? I may install a number of callbacks for a given Future. The thread that completes the Future, may or may not execute the callbacks. But, because one callback is not playing footsie, the rest should not be penalized, I think.
One possibility I can think of is the way ExecutionContext is configured. If it is configured with one thread, then this may happen, but that is a specific behaviour and a not generally expected behaviour.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Callbacks are called within an ExecutionContext that has an eventually limited number of threads - if not by the specific context implementation, then by the underlying operating system and/or hardware itself.
Let's say your system's limit is OS_LIMIT threads. You create OS_LIMIT + 1 callbacks. From those, OS_LIMIT callbacks immediately get a thread each - and none ever terminate.
How can you guarantee that the remaining 1 callback ever gets a thread?
Sure, there could be some detection mechanisms built into the Scala library, but it's not possible in the general case to make an optimal implementation: maybe you want the callback to run for a month.
Instead (and this seems to be the approach in the Scala library), you could provide facilities for handling situations that you, the developer, know are risky. This removes the element of surprise from the system.
Perhaps most importantly - it enables the developer to "bake in" the necessary information about handler/task characteristics directly into his/her program, rather than relying on some obscure piece of language functionality (which may change from version to version).

iOS Threads Wait for Action

I have a processing thread that I use to fill a data buffer. Elsewhere a piece of hardware triggers a callback which reads from this data buffer. The processing thread then kicks in and refills the buffer.
When the buffer fills up I am currently telling the thread to wait by:
while( [self FreeWriteSpace] < mProcessBufferSize && InActive) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.0001];
However when I profile I am getting a lot of CPU time spent in sleep. Is there a better way to wait? Do I even care if the profiles says time is spent in sleep?
Time spent in sleep is effectively free. In Instruments, look at "running samples" rather than "all samples." But this still isn't an ideal solution.
First, your sleep interval is crazy. Do you really need .1µs granularity? The system almost certainly isn't giving you because the processor isn't that fast. I have to believe you could up this to .1 or .01. But that's still busy-waiting which is not ideal if you can help it.
The better solution is to use an NSCondition. In this thread, wait on the condition, and in your processing thread, trigger the condition when there's room to write.
Do be careful with your naming. Do not name methods with leading caps (that indicates that it's a class name). And avoid accessing ivars directly (InActive) like this. "InActive" is also a very confusing name. Does it mean the system is active (In Active) or not active (inactive). Naming in Objective-C is extremely important. The compiler will not protect you the way it does in C# and C++. Good naming is how you keep your programs working, and many parts of ObjC rely on it.
You may also want to investigate Grand Central Dispatch, which is particularly designed for these kinds of problems. Look at dispatch_async() to run things when new data comes in.
However when I profile I am getting a
lot of CPU time spent in sleep. Is
there a better way to wait? Do I even
care if the profiles says time is
spent in sleep?
Yes -- never, never poll. Polling eats CPU, makes your app less responsive, eats battery, and is an all around waste.
Notify instead.
The easiest way is to use one of the variants of "perform selector on main thread" (see NSThread's documentation). Or dispatch to a queue (including something like dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ ... yo, data be ready ...});).

How a runloop actually works

Earlier this month I asked this question 'What is a runloop?' After reading the answers and did some tries I got it to work, but still I do not understand it completely. If a runloop is just an loop that is associated with an thread and it don't spawn another thread behind the scenes how can any of the other code in my thread(mainthread to keep it simple) execute without getting "blocked"/not run because it somewhere make an infinite loop?
That was question number one. Then over to my second.
If I got something right about this after having worked with this, but not completely understood it a runloop is a loop where you attach 'flags' that notify the runloop that when it comes to the point where the flag is, it "stops" and execute whatever handler that is attached at that point? Then afterwards it keep running to the next in que.
So in this case no events is placed in que in connections, but when it comes to events it take whatever action associated with tap 1 and execute it before it runs to connections again and so on. Or am I as far as I can be from understanding the concept?
"Sort of."
Have you read this particular documentation?
It goes into considerable depth -- quite thorough depth -- into the architecture and operation of run loops.
A run loop will get blocked if it dispatches a method that takes too long or that loops forever.
That's the reason why an iPhone app will want to do everything which won't fit into 1 "tick" of the UI run loop (say at some animation frame rate or UI response rate), and with room to spare for any other event handlers that need to be done in that same "tick", either broken up asynchronously, on dispatched to another thread for execution.
Otherwise stuff will get blocked until control is returned to the run loop.

What do the various ISubject implementations do and when would they be used?

I have a fairly good idea of what the Subject class does and when to use it, but I've just been looking through the language reference on msdn and see there are various other ISubject implementations such as:
As the documentation is pretty thin on the ground, whats the point of each of these types and under what situations would you use them?
These subjects all share a common property - they take some (or all) of what gets posted to them via OnNext and record it and play it back to you - i.e. they take a Hot Observable and make it Cold. This means, that if you Subscribe to any of these more than once (i.e. Subscribe => Unsubscribe => Subscribe again), you'll see at least one of the same value again.
ReplaySubject: Every time you subscribe to the Subject, you get the entire history of what has been posted replayed back to you, as fast as possible (or a subset, like the last n items)
AsyncSubject: Always plays back the last item posted and completes, but only after the source has completed. This Subject is awesome for async functions, since you can write them without worrying about race conditions: even if someone Subscribes after the async method completes, they get the result.
BehaviorSubject: Kind of like ReplaySubject but with a buffer of one, so you always get the last thing that was posted. You also can provide an initial value. Always provides one item instantly on Subscribe.
In light of the latest version (v1.0.2856.0) and to keep this question up to date, there has been a new set of subject classes:
FastSubject, FastBehaviorSubject, FastAsyncSubject and FastReplaySubject
As per the release notes they
are much faster than regular subjects
don’t decouple producer and consumer by an IScheduler
(effectively limiting them to
don’t protect against stack overflow;
don’t synchronize input messages.
Fast subjects are used by Publish and
Prune operators if no scheduler is
In regards to AsyncSubject
This code:
var s = new AsyncSubject<int>();
prints a single value 3. And it prints same if subscription is moved to after completion. So it plays back not the first, but the last item, plays it after completion (until complete, it does not produce values), and it does not work like Subject before completion.
See this Prune discussion for more info (AsyncSubject is basically the same as Prune)
Paul's answer pretty much nails it. There's a few things worth adding, though:
AsyncSubject works as Paul says, but only after the source completes. Before that, it works like Subject (where "live" values are received by subscribers)
AsyncSubject has changed since I last ran tests against it. It no longer acts as a live subject before completion, but waits for completion before it emits a value. And, as Sergey mentions, it returns the last value, not the first (though I should have caught that as that's always been the case)
AsyncSubject is used by Prune, FromAsyncPattern, ToAsync and probably a few others
BehaviorSubject is used by overloads of Publish that accept an initial value
ReplaySubject is used by Replay
NOTE: All operator references above refer to the publishing set of operators as they were before they were replaced with generalised publish operators in rev 2838 (Christmas '10) as it has been mentioned that the original operators will be re-added