Integrate PaintcodeApp swift code into Xcode - swift

I have an svg image from the designer. I want to get equivalent swift code from Paintcode app so that it fits perfectly inside a circular button . How do i set the frame?
Suppose i have two circular buttons as shown in below screenshot and i wanna add a new image to the empty circular button.
Below is the image i want to add into the empty circular button so that it fits proportionally inside the circle. Please help me to get swift code from Paintcodeapp.

Use PaintCode Mac App to convert SVG to Swift CoreGraphics drawing code.
It is very simple
Just import svg file to paint code, it will automatically generate swift code.
Refer screen shots


I have attached a image. I am trying to get such effect on flutter. Can anyone tell how such effects are created?

I am doing Flutter development. I want to add image like this and want to know how such effects or images are created. I think 3D effect is used. But I don't know how to create such image. Please help.
[![Attached Image][1]]
You can either directly create this kind of image using your picture editor (PS, Figma, Paint, anything really). Add manually a margin to your Card and set the Runner for it to be out of the Card. Then simply display the picture file in Flutter using Image.assets(...).
In the case you want to programmatically create a similar image you can use a Stack in Flutter in order to make the runner picture overflow the card positioning manually both pictures.

Sprite Animation for PNG [Flutter]

I have a single PNG image(32px X 128px). Each 32px square contains a image as shown below.
What widget(s) should i use in flutter to provide this image as input and expect a GIF like animated image?
If that is not possible, how can i import few images(maybe 4 images) and display them one after the other inside the same Container, to make the image look like its animating?
Use this package spritewidget

Modifying, coloring and dragging pre-existing images iPhone application

I am developing an iphone application which would let me modify the image by dragging other images over its top along with functionality that would let me choose a specific color from the image and replace it with some other color shades i choose. If anyone has some clue like how to actually implement it or some code, that would be great help for me to proceed in right direction
Thanks in advance :)
If you just want to overlay images, you can simply drag UIImageViews around and position them within the view hierarchy such that the appropriate images are overlaid one on top of the other.
For generating a new image out of those composited images, you may want to use something like CGContextDrawImage() within a UIView subclass's -drawRect: method or in a custom CGContext. You can also refer to these similar questions:
How can we combine images and get image object from this two images in iphone apps
Combining images
As far as selectively replacing a specific color within a UIImage, that's a commonly asked question here:
In a UIImage (or its derivatives), how can I replace one color with another?
How to make one color transparent on a UIImage?

How to draw an outline to an image in iPhone sdk

I want to draw an outline to an image. Is there any simple way to do that in iPhone sdk.
Besides drawing it urself on the screen you can maybe have an image of the outline and put 2 image views on top of each other to get the picture with it's outline
If you have limited number of images that you need to do this with, use a drawing program to create an outlined version of each image, then use setImage: on a UIImageView to display one or the other image.
If you need to draw an outline around sone arbitrary image at run time, that's a bit harder.
Use this Header file and also import QuartzCore.framework framework. Your job is done.
#import "QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h"
mImage.layer.borderWidth = 2;

Interface Builder vs. What's Displayed on iPhone

Hello and thanks for giving this question a gander.
It seems that PNG files that I drag/drop into IB do not display in the same manner that they are shown in the iPhone simulator. What gives? For example, if I want to drop in a PNG with rounded corners, IB shows hard rectangular corners but when I build to the simulator, I see the rounded edges.
I don't understand the purpose of IB for UI if I can't accurately reflect what will be shown for that view.
Can you verify that the PNG files are saved with a pixel density of 72dpi? Also, what type of UI element are you using? (UIButton, UIImageView, etc). It would help if you could post a sample image.