Sprite Animation for PNG [Flutter] - flutter

I have a single PNG image(32px X 128px). Each 32px square contains a image as shown below.
What widget(s) should i use in flutter to provide this image as input and expect a GIF like animated image?
If that is not possible, how can i import few images(maybe 4 images) and display them one after the other inside the same Container, to make the image look like its animating?

Use this package spritewidget https://pub.dev/packages/spritewidget


How to move or change position of the Image by dragging

I am trying to make Gallery App. Where I need to fit images into a fixed-size widget, and it can be moveable.
Here is Example.

Is there a way to display animated SVG with flutter?

I am trying to display an animated SVG on Flutter,
this SVG itself contain animations, I don't want to animated from outside using an other library, if I try to apply SvgPicture.asset() to show it, it bring it without any animation.
Flutter currently doesn't provide any SVG support directly.
You can use https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_svg for basic SVG support
and Lottie or Fluttie for animated vector graphics.

Flutter How to create pixel-art?

Imagine this, where I can render a picture as a canvas & then interact with whatever pixel I want.
Firstly I'd need to parse the pixels somehow, I've tried parsing this picture by it's on-picture pixel amount by using filesize/12x12 & trying to only render sub-lists of the bytes with Image.memory, but it didn't really work out well since it still doesn't make the pixels interactable & it renders it top-down. Maybe I would need to use an image that's true to size pixel amount instead but I'd then need to upscale it somehow.
Do I map each pixel to an container widget? Do I use the flutter canvas library? Im pretty confused.
How would I go about doing this?
Our app,you want code like that??
: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/pixel-art-editor-for-mcpe/id1603567060
First: you need this: https://pub.dev/packages/image
img.Image image = img.decodeImage(file.readAsBytesSync());
image.setPixelSafe(x,y,color);// this line draw a color to pixel at x,y
next step paint image to canvas or Image.memory()

How to add image on canvas using Render object in flutter?

I want to add image on canvas(color:White) using Render object in flutter.
Initially I want the canvas to be white in color and Rectangular in shape.
After I load an image, That image should be in top canvas.
I dont know how to do it.Please help me to do this.

Integrate PaintcodeApp swift code into Xcode

I have an svg image from the designer. I want to get equivalent swift code from Paintcode app so that it fits perfectly inside a circular button . How do i set the frame?
Suppose i have two circular buttons as shown in below screenshot and i wanna add a new image to the empty circular button.
Below is the image i want to add into the empty circular button so that it fits proportionally inside the circle. Please help me to get swift code from Paintcodeapp.
Use PaintCode Mac App to convert SVG to Swift CoreGraphics drawing code.
It is very simple
Just import svg file to paint code, it will automatically generate swift code.
Refer screen shots