Xbox-live Sign-in issues with IL2CPP scripting backend - unity3d

I signed up for the Creators program and am now testing the Xbox Live plugin for Unity.
For testing I only want to sign in a user.
Using .Net as scripting backend everything works just fine and I can see a fake user signed in in unity and I can also use the sandbox on Windows and on the Xbox.
Once I switch to the scripting backend IL2CPP I can still see the fake user if I run the scene in Unity. However, if I build I get a FileNotFound exception for the .csproj that was obviously not generated as Unity generates a .vcxproj file instead (using IL2CPP backend). The build however is still creating a VS Project. I can manually rename the file in the XBoxLivePostProcessing.cs which removes the exception but does not make the build work.
Opening the build in Visual Studio the XBoxServices.config file has not been added to the project. If I run the build everything looks normal but no user is being signed in (it shows "Gamertag" and "Gamerscore"). Adding the XBoxServices.config and setting "Content" to "True" will cause the build to crash once executed at a line that says NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ICALL. Also there is an error which complains that the XBoxServices.config file has no valid XML structure, which is weird as the file is set to be a text file and does not contain any XML, am I missing something here? Can I somehow tell VS to not interpret the file as XML file?
More importantly is there a way to fix the build issue in Unity? Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong and how to fix it?

So it seems like I simply had an old version of the Xbox Live plugin. The full IL2CPP support was added in version 1801.


Compiler Problems on MAUI RC1

I have an app that I started using the out of the box MAUI project template. I have been running it on both a local Android emulator and a remote Mac emulator. It had been working on both, and then today after running it on Android for a while, I changed the debugger to use the Mac emulator. It immediately refused to compile, and listed every Android class reference as "type or namespace [blah] could not be found". After playing with several things, I found that if I commented out the "using Java.Net" on the default MainPage.xaml.cs, all of the compiler errors went away. If I uncomment it again, then all 20 something compiler errors show up again. This is the out of the box MainPage.xaml that came with the project template, plus one click event handler that I added - is there some known issue here?
As I said, it was working fine for nearly two weeks, and then just went bananas on me today. Haven't added any nuget packages or anything like that - just been writing code.
You've described the issue in your question:
using "Java.Net" on the default MainPage.xaml.cs.
That won't compile for any platform except Android.
It doesn't exist on the default MainPage.xaml.cs (which you could have verified by creating a new project).
My recommendation: Start over with a fresh project. Add again whatever you added, and see if that using appears again. If it does, you've added something Android specific. Which doesn't make sense, on a cross-platform page.
If using does appear again, and you don't understand why, then add to your question the exact code which, when added to page, causes using; to appear.
If you were following some example, also add a link to the example web page.
I have a theory about how that using got there:
I bet you added a reference to some class which exists in namespace.
So Visual Studio gave you an option to add a "using".
If that happens again, and a "using" mentions Android or Java, DON'T add the using, UNLESS you are in a file inside your project's Platforms/Android folder.
Some class names exist both in an Android or Java namespace, and in a .Net or Maui namespace. In cross-platform code, pick the cross-platform using, not the platform-specific one. If they are in different namespaces, they are different classes - even if the names are the same.

Unity + ClearScript - Importing DLL

I'm trying to use ClearScript in Unity, but fail because Unity does not see the DLL.
To be sure, I cloned the project and had the DLLs built. I did this using the instructions from ClearScript.
The goal is to use the DLL on HoloLens, which in turn means I have UWP as the platform and ARM64 as the architecture.
But I also want to have valid references during the implementation in Unity and not have constantly grayed out code because of the scripting symbols (such as UNITY_WSA).
So what did I do?
Screenshot - I took the dlls out of the output-net4.5-folder and set the api compatibility level in unity to .NET 4.x. The red ones are the dlls that I need and the blue ones only if I realy need to use V8, like already mentioned by the instruction from ClearScript.
All the dlls, except "|86.dll", are managed dlls and should work out of the box in unity. So this are the import settings for the managed dlls and the settings for the unmanaged|native dlls.
So what did I miss or what did I do wrong? I used in the past for example another javascript interpreter, called Jint, where I also just took the managed dll out of the .net-4.5-build folder, imported it under Assets/Plugins/Jint and used it in my code just by adding the using in my classes.
I'm not sure if I should actually be happy or sad. Unity does what it feels like doing. The whole time (2 days) it didn't want to load the DLL for me. Just now I opened Unity for the 30th time and suddenly Unity recognized the DLL and listed it under references in the vs-unity-project.
So I doubted whether Unity, after making changes in Unity, actually reassembles the VS project.What did I do to confirm the guess and what do you need to do to solve the problem? I added a new DLL, this of course was not seen by unity and not referenced in the vs-unity-project. Then I deleted the solution file and the C# project file from the Unity project and restarted Unity. And when I reopened the VS Unity project (by opening a c# script), all the DLLs including the new DLL were suddenly referenced and the usings worked!

How to package a PySide/Phonon app under Mac OSX?

I have a PySide/Phonon app (developed for and working flawlessly on Windows) that I need to "port" to Mac OSX - where I have no development experience whatsoever.
The app works as expected if I just run the Python file - the problems arise when I try to package it (which I need to do) with py2app.
If I leave the resulting .app as is, Phonon doesn't work, because it fails to load the required phonon_backend ; if I add the plugin path to qt.conf, as various sources suggest, Phonon seems to load (that is, I don't get the corresponding error message anymore), but I start getting the "so-and-so library is loaded twice, one will be used, which one is undefined" error, and the app crashes right away.
Finally, if I try to use the macdeploy_qt tool, I receive a message to the effect of "no external framework" and the results are functionally equivalent to what I get without using the tool, except there are a few more plugins in the relevant directory.
Any ideas/pointers/tutorials/etc? I'm using PySide1.1.1 for Qt4.7, by the way, and python binaries (otherwise py2app can't even start to build a standalone app, it seems).
I suggest you do it like in this tutorial.
Then you just have to add the following line somewhere at the top of your main module:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(os.environ['_MEIPASS2'], 'qt4_plugins'), os.environ['_MEIPASS2'] ])
For PyInstaller >1.5 the following code should be used instead:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'qt4_plugins'), sys._MEIPASS])

Using Soap in Shared Mono Library for WP 7 and Android

I'm currently working on an shared library based on mono, where I want to put as much business logic of my app as possible.
I used this helpful tutorial.
I managed putting the whole logic for rest-requests in this shared library, but now I'm stuck with soap.
I used the wsdl command of mono to generate Client Stubcode from my wsdl (as described here
When I put the generated class to my C# library, which is the root project of my shared library, there is a warning that the Reference to System.Web.Services cannot be found.
So I included the System.Web.Services.dll manually.
For the Android Library Project I added a Reference to ...\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\System.Web.Services.dll. It compiles without warnings.
But now it comes to the Windows Phone Library Project.
There is no System.Web.Services.dll for WP 7.5, right? I tried with the Mono-Touch dll but it gives me a lot compilation Errors.
Someone knows how I can get out of this?
I actually had some issues with the generated WSDL myself. Turns out that the classes that were generated through the "Create Web Reference" piece of Visual Studio inside of a Mono for Android project ended up causing some big issues when connected to a WCF Web Service. Not sure where I ran into this information, but this is what I ended up doing.
What you need to do is manually create a Service Reference using the SILVERLIGHT SVCUtil.
On my development system it was located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0\Tools
I called it with the below command line:
slsvcutil.exe http://localhost/<path to WCF service endpoint>/service.svc /directory:"<temp directory to store generated cs file>" /noConfig /namespace:"*,<Full namespace of the generated class>"
That will actually generate a CS file that is saved into the path specified by the /directory tag above. Copy that generated cs file to your project directory and then include it in the project.
The problem that I was having that forced me to look for another option was that I was able to pull the data properly using the WSDL generated through the "Add Web Reference" option in Visual Studio, but as soon as I tried to pass the data back up the wire to the web service, everything blew up. Using the Service Reference generated by the Silverlight Service Util actually generated all the code properly for Async operations and after learning how to properly manage those Async operations everything works like a dream.
Since you are generating this new WSDL using the Silverlight Utility, it should work just fine through Windows Phone 7. I believe that the DLL to reference for all of this is the System.ServiceModel dll.
I wish I could remember where I ran across this information, as I would like to give the original author credit, but unfortunately, I don't recall that.
Hope that helps out!
Chaitanya Marvici

How can I fix this Android SDK build problem in Eclipse?

I am using Eclipse for Android dev and everything was going fine until I tried to incorporate the facebook SDK. Now when I tried to back it out, there appears to be an artifact left behind that Eclipse tries to link the FB library?!?
[2010-11-17 18:50:22 - Library Project] Unable to set linked path var '' for library /Users/mobibob/Projects/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook: Path variable name cannot contain character: ..
Any clue where this command / reference is in the build configuration? I have scoured it as best that I can, but I still get the same error.
Problem solved ... as it turns out, it was not so much the Facebook SDK but something that I did in the process of configuring the library reference. I am not entirely certain of how I misconfigured, but I was tweaking the various "path" settings such that, once when the automatic build tried to build my project, an import for android.R was added to my source module. This superseded com.myproject.R and would not resolve the values for resource references.
There were other problems with path order and setting that I modified during the troubleshooting that made it worse. Recreating the project without Facebook was the first step to discovery and fixing.
Either way, the lesson I learned is that the build error messages can misdirect one to the configuration when the problem is in the source code.