Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed - oracle12c

Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed: not found
I tried running without deploying the application. I tried to run a pipeline in Jdev but it is throwing this error in test console. Tried restarting my machine also, but no luck. Please help.

I have edited the question, do not know how to go about. Last time somebody has deleted my answer. So here is the answer: When I first deploy it on WebLogic, and then run the pipeline, it ran successfully.


Jenkins JobDSL - Found multiple extensions which provide method kubectlBuildWrapper with arguments []

I'm new to Jenkins and Groovy Scripts, but I came to the community in order to get help, because I couldn't find anything valuable so far on the web...
We have a set of JobDSL groovy script which i'm trying to learning, but I'm not an developer, so... I'm stucked!
This is the Error message, which Jenkins returns me:
Found multiple extensions which provide method kubectlBuildWrapper
with arguments
I don't have a clue where start fixing this.
We have 2 installations of jenkins. One of them is running in a VM (normal deploy) and the second one, it is running on Kubernetes.
On the first installation, this pipeline runs pretty fine, but the second it gives me the error that i've mentioned above.
So, if anyone could help, I will be very thankful.
Thank you!

Apollo IOS - Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

I have an app that uses graphql and connected to Apollo. Everything works as expected until one day it produces this error (please see image). I follow the solution found in this thread
I enabled the run script for install builds only on my build phase settings. My apps runs again as expected but whenever I try to archive my app, I encountered the error again. I tried to clean my project, reintall pod. delete worxspace and generate again but still encounter the same error. I dont understand why I keep having this error. Please help. Thank you

BlobAccessDenied with Application packages

I have been having an issue with application packages where there will be days/times where I just get a null exit code and BlobAccessDenied Error for the exact same application package and exact same command line that previously worked and gave a non-null exit code. For instance, today, I've been getting this error for the exact same packages and commands that I ran yesterday. What am I missing? Or is this a bug in the application packages service? (for VM configuration)
This fix is been released and deployed, this error will no longer exist for the specified case.
Also something I wrote in an hour jsut to test and might come handy apart from good dotnet samples :
Thanks j.B. & Jan

Where are pgAdmin logs for failed server connections?

How do you find out WHY the connecting Server failed? There must be log the reports why it fails, but I can’t find it in the pgAdmin3 program. I cannot get PpgAdmin connection to the server.
Below See Screen Shot below.
Please note I am beginner in SQL databases—so I don’t know a lot yet. There must be a way in the program to find out WHY it failed.
Without any clues to why it failed, it is very hard to diagnose the issue. Which is the focus of this question.
I tried a re-install of Postgresql, I discovered a install error that happen the first time but I missed noticing the first time. Install Error
Also found install logs at C:\PostgreSQL\logs\PostgreSQL-installLog Which lead me to event viewer and I found these errors.
Event View
Anyone have idea of what they mean or more IMPORTANTLY how to solve this issue?

Getting error "Timeouts can be caused by AngularJS services $http and $timeout which fail to complete quick enough."

I have wrote a function which technically and logically is correct and while running it runs perfectly locally. But on server I am getting the above error which I could not figure out. I am on protractor version 1.6.0 as same as server but still not able to figure out what causes this.
Scenario is like, I have created many it functions inside my spec.js. But when I ran my spec starting two it functions execute precisely, but on third it scripts fails with above error on server. But when I ran the same spec on my local system with similar settings and configuration, it runs smoothly. Please give me any suggestion if you have encounter the same issue earlier. You can also share the link of a blog if you have any. I am a newbie. Thanks in advance.
Actually , I did a mistake, when we use non angular locators we have to use findElementDriver instead of findElement. Locally, its runs whithout any issues but on server it gives the above error.