Apollo IOS - Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code - swift

I have an app that uses graphql and connected to Apollo. Everything works as expected until one day it produces this error (please see image). I follow the solution found in this thread
I enabled the run script for install builds only on my build phase settings. My apps runs again as expected but whenever I try to archive my app, I encountered the error again. I tried to clean my project, reintall pod. delete worxspace and generate again but still encounter the same error. I dont understand why I keep having this error. Please help. Thank you


CompiledSwiftSources failed with a non-zero exit code

I was recently using Xcode 13.4.1. Downloaded and installed the 14.3 beta. Deleted the beta completely, ran 13.4.1 and it wouldn’t build my project anymore. I don't receive any “errors”, I just get a warning saying, “Could not read serialized diagnostics file: error(“Failed to open diagnostics file”).” for a couple of my package dependencies(no specific package, shows the error for different ones everytime I try to build). Or sometimes I get the warning above AND an error that says, “CompiledSwiftSources failed with a non-zero exit code”.
At one point, I did see this warning, “Failed to retrieve search paths with pkg-config; maybe pkg-config is not installed.” I'm not seeing it anymore, but maybe it still applies?
I've tried cleaning my project, reset packages cache, deleting derived data, restarting Xcode, restarting my machine, deleting 13.4.1 and re-downloading it. No cigar.
Anyone else run into this and/or have an idea on how to resolve this?

Command Compile Storyboard failed with nonzero exit code

I have been getting that error message when ever I try to build my app, I am stuck and unable to develop my app until I get this fixed. I know there is a post similar to this although none of the options have helped me.
I have tried restarting x-code
Deleting Derived Data folder (when I build the project the derived folder just reappears)
And I have also searched the entire web
Nothing has worked
clean your project Command shift k

Flutter ios build fails

I was successfully able to build my app for android in codemagic, but ios is just killing me. I got all sorts of errors I've seen for the first time. Many of them I hope I resolved successfully, but I haven't find the answer for this one:
The path does not exist
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
So I did some googling, and if I understand correctly DerivedData hold the builds for the project. I had a look into the folder and I didn't find the Runner-edaimyiflreloheqntgnhkmwcclv which explains the error.
However when I tried to build the app in xcode I had the same error except the Runner-***** directory was different and this time it was present with every other directory down to assetcatalog_generated_info.plist which then didn't make sense to me since it was present.
I tried flutter clean and wanted to build it again, but the same error would come up.
The link github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/23465 from #MikhailTokarev helped big time.
By the end of the thread scut204 commented:
Select "Run script only when installing" in Xcode Build Phase script.
Encountered and solved.
Tutorial update demanding.
That solved it.

Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed

Validation of ServiceMetadataDerivedType failed: not found
I tried running without deploying the application. I tried to run a pipeline in Jdev but it is throwing this error in test console. Tried restarting my machine also, but no luck. Please help.
I have edited the question, do not know how to go about. Last time somebody has deleted my answer. So here is the answer: When I first deploy it on WebLogic, and then run the pipeline, it ran successfully.

iPhone Application crashes in "AdHoc" mode

i got a little application which is working very well with my "debug" configuration on my phone and in simulator.
i created a adhoc provisioning profile, and added a "beta" configuration to it.
trying to launch the application with the ad-hoc configuration crashes my application immediatelly.
the console output is:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 2434.
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 2434.
The program being debugged is not being run.
The program being debugged is not being run.
i also created a dist.plsit, unchecked the get-tast-allow and setted this file in my built settings under code signing.
does anyone have an idea?
Sometimes when you change lots of things, especially build configs, xcodebuild doesn't seem to figure out which files are stale and links in old stuff that needs to be rebuilt. Try doing a Clean All or just delete your build directory from the project dir. That seems to solve most of these bizarre-ass unexplainable problems for me.
simple thing. i clicked "built and run" instead of "built".
an ad-hoc version cannot be debugged :D