Get Outreach Activity data from ORN via SOAP calls - soap

I use Oracle RightNow via SOAP API.
Using QueryCSV option, I can get a lot of information (E.g.: about an incident SELECT * FROM Incident WHERE ...), but I don't know how to get information about Outreach Activity.
I saw on the RightNow forum that I could get this kind of information from ma_trans table, but I don't know how to select data from this table.
Outreach Activity tab that should show data from the ma_trans table
I tried different approaches, but I always get responses like this:
SELECT * FROM ma_trans
<n0:RequestErrorFault xmlns:n0="" xmlns:xsi="">
<n0:exceptionMessage>no such table: ma_trans</n0:exceptionMessage>
SELECT Contact.ma_trans FROM Contact
<n0:RequestErrorFault xmlns:n0="" xmlns:xsi="">
<n0:exceptionMessage>Non-existent column: 'ma_trans'</n0:exceptionMessage>
How can I get information about Outreach Activity and how can I get data from this ma_trans table?

The ma_trans table is not exposed through the Connect Object Model or ROQL. transactions is exposed through ROQL, as well as some of the other "managed tables", which you can view in any of the documentation for services that expose connect APIs (i.e. the PHP, SOAP, REST, etc. APIs).
You could get this data by creating a report to query for the data that you need, and then use the runAnalyticsReport method to get data from the report. But, since ma_trans can contain a lot of data, be sure that your report is filtered properly as to not extend beyond run time or data threshold limits.


Extend Grafana table using JSON API request

I was wondering if my scenario is possible with the Grafana extension JSON API.
I am displaying in my Grafana dashboard the result from my Application Insights kusto query. The table in my dashboard currently has two columns with timestamp and a serial number.
I would like to add a third column to my table e.g. name. I.e. I have to request an external API, use per row the serial number displayed there and wait for the result of the API request. In the return value of my API is my needed value for column 3.
Anyone here have experience with extending Grafana with JSON API to request values dynamically?

How set parameters in SQL Server table from Copy Data Activity - Source: XML / Sink: SQL Server Table / Mapping: XML column

I have a question, hopefully someone in the forum could give some help here. I am able to pull data from Soap API call to SQL Server table (xml data type field actually) via Copy Data Activity. The pipeline that runs this process is metadata driven, so how could I write other parameters in the same SQL Server table for the same run? I am using a Copy Data Activity to load XML data to SQL Server table but in Mapping tab I am not able to select other parameters in order to point them to others SQL table columns.
In addition, I am using a ForEach Activity in order the Copy Data Activity iterates for several values of one column on SQL Server table.
I will appreciate any advice on this.
Thank you for your interest, I will try to be more explicit with this image: Hopefully this clarify a little bit. Given the current escenario, how could I pass StoreId and CustomerNumber parameters to the table Stage.XmlDataTable?
Taking in to account in the mapping step I am just able to map XML data from the current API call and then write it into Stage.XmlDataTable - XmlData column.
Thanks in advance David
You can add your parameters using Additional Columns in the Copy data activity Source.
When you import schema in mapping you can see the additional columns added in source.
Refer to this MS document for more details on adding additional columns during the copy.

How to send SQL table data with Web Activity of Azure Data Factory?

I have Lookup with query "Select CustomerName, CustomerSales From Customers"
I have Web Activity for Notification purpose and I would like to send list of CustomerNames and Customer Sales. (For example Tesla, 1234000. There are 1-50 rows)
I can successfully send static text with Web Activity, but don't know how to build body for sending all data.
How to send data from table with Web Activity?
I assume you have unselected "firs row" only option inside Lookup activity. If yes, then your lookup data will actually come as array in output json of lookup activity.
So, you should consider writing below expression to get that array.

How do I export GLBudgetLineDetail via Rest API?

My goal is to export data from the [GLBudgetlineDetail] table via the Rest API.
To accomplish this:
1) I created created a custom endpoint based on the Budgets screen (Finance > General Ledger > Work Area > Enter > Budgets)
2) I populated the endpoint by adding all the fields from the Budget Articles container
When I query this endpoint, I only get an empty array returned "[]".
Here is the query:
GET http ://servername/WebServiceAPITest/entity/MyStore/6.00.001/Budget
Content-Type -> application/json
("Budget" is the name I gave to the endpoint)
I can successfully query other endpoints (Accounts, Vendors, JournalTransactions, etc) but I can't get any data back from this one.
I created the MyStore Demo (Course I210) and have access to the [GLBudgetLineDetail] table and can verify that it has data. On the Budgets screen, if I filter to year 2013, Ledger 'Budget', Branch 'SOFT', I can see Budget information.
How do I get access to this info via the Rest API?
Since you mentioned the Course I210, You might want to refer yourself to the section 3.4.1 about Retrieving the Price of an Item for a Customer.
In that section, they are saying that if you want to retrieve data from an inquiry, you must use the Put command:
"Because you are retrieving the price of an item from the inquiry, you will use the Put() method to obtain data."
Since the Budget Screen is an Inquiry Screen you must use the Put command to set the parameter you want.
Here is one that I tried and that worked on an Acumatica web site with demo
PUT http://localhost/Demo610u04/entity/BudgetEndpoint/6.00.001/Budget
Headers (Key -> Value):
Content-Type -> application/json
Accept -> application/json
Body :
EDIT: Looking at the image you added, you should have your budget Filter fields in the main entity and have a sub entity of type Detail containing the Budget Articles fields

SSRS - Data Driven Subscription -

What I'm trying to do:
I have a report already created that looks for something existing in one database and not in another. 99% of the time the report comes up empty. We do not need to know when there are no results to show. I only want to know when the query returns a result.
What I've done so far:
I have a the Data Source created and a table (view) created to where I can query for Subscriber information.
What I hope can be answered:
Is it all possible to have this report run and email my selected Subscribers only when there is data in the output?
I see you've already looked into Data-Driven subscriptions. You should be able to write your query in the data-driven subscription to test if the report should return results, and if not, send it to a dummy address, and only send it to your subscriber list if there will be data in it.
If you put the dummy address in your table with an IsDummy flag column, you could do something like this:
SELECT [EmailTo]
FROM SubscriptionTable
WHERE IsDummy=0
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable)>0 --report should have results
SELECT [EmailTo]
FROM SubscriptionTable
WHERE IsDummy=1
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable)=0 --report should not have results
And that's only one way, there are probably lots of other ways that might suit your needs as well or better.