How set parameters in SQL Server table from Copy Data Activity - Source: XML / Sink: SQL Server Table / Mapping: XML column - azure-data-factory

I have a question, hopefully someone in the forum could give some help here. I am able to pull data from Soap API call to SQL Server table (xml data type field actually) via Copy Data Activity. The pipeline that runs this process is metadata driven, so how could I write other parameters in the same SQL Server table for the same run? I am using a Copy Data Activity to load XML data to SQL Server table but in Mapping tab I am not able to select other parameters in order to point them to others SQL table columns.
In addition, I am using a ForEach Activity in order the Copy Data Activity iterates for several values of one column on SQL Server table.
I will appreciate any advice on this.
Thank you for your interest, I will try to be more explicit with this image: Hopefully this clarify a little bit. Given the current escenario, how could I pass StoreId and CustomerNumber parameters to the table Stage.XmlDataTable?
Taking in to account in the mapping step I am just able to map XML data from the current API call and then write it into Stage.XmlDataTable - XmlData column.
Thanks in advance David

You can add your parameters using Additional Columns in the Copy data activity Source.
When you import schema in mapping you can see the additional columns added in source.
Refer to this MS document for more details on adding additional columns during the copy.


logging all the information's of ADF pipelines on every run into a table

I have created a ADF pipeline which picks up the files does processing of the files and project it to Power BI, want to log all the information to a table as part of logging.
what all information should I log into the table? and how to achieve it?
want to log all the information to a table as part of logging
Use Copy Activity and add source as input from other activities also use sink as SQL Server.
You can use below query and add it to Add dynamic content:
SELECT ‘#{pipeline().DataFactory}’ as DataFactory_Name,
‘#{pipeline().Pipeline}’ as Pipeline_Name,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.executionDetails[0].source.type}’ as Source_Type,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.executionDetails[0].sink.type}’ as Sink_Type,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.executionDetails[0].status}’ as Execution_Status,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.rowsRead}’ as RowsRead,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.rowsCopied}’ as RowsWritten
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.copyDuration}’ as CopyDurationInSecs,
‘#{activity(‘copytables’).output.executionDetails[0].start}’ as CopyActivity_Start_Time,
‘#{utcnow()}’ as CopyActivity_End_Time,
‘#{pipeline().RunId}’ as RunId,
‘#{pipeline().TriggerType}’ as TriggerType,
‘#{pipeline().TriggerName}’ as TriggerName,
‘#{pipeline().TriggerTime}’ as TriggerTime
Refer this article by Rohit Dhande for more information

Schema compliance in Azure data factory

I am trying to do schema compliance of an input file in ADF. I have tried the below.
Get Metadata Activity
The schema validation that is available in source activity
But the above seems to only check if a particular field is present or not in the specified position. Also Azure by default takes the datatype of all these fields as string since the input is flat file.
I want to check the position and datatype as well. for eg:-
The row with empid as xyz needs to be rejected as it is not of number data type. Any help is appreciated.
You can use data flow and create a filter to achieve this.
Below is my test:
1.create a source
2.create a filter and use this expression:regexMatch(empid,'(\\d+)')
Hope this can help you.

How to copy data from an a csv to Azure SQL Server table?

I have a dataset based on a csv file. This exposes a data as follows:
I have an Azure SQL Server instance with a table named: [People]
This has columns
Name, Age
I am using the Copy Data task activity and trying to copy data from the csv data set into the azure table.
There is no option to indicate the table name as a source. Instead I have a space to input a Stored Procedure name?
How does this work? Where do I put the target table name in the image below?
You should DEFINITELY have a table name to write to. If you don't have a table, something is wrong with your setup. Anyway, make sure you have a table to write to; make sure the field names in your table match the fields in the CSV file. Then, follow the steps outlined in the description below. There are several steps to click through, but all are pretty intuitive, so just follow the instructions step by step and you should be fine.
You can add records into the SQL Database table directly without stored procedures, by configuring the table value on the Sink Dataset rather than the Copy Activity which is what is happening.
Have a look at the below screenshot which shows the Table field within my dataset.

Loading JSON files via Azure Data Factory

I have over 100 JSON files which is nested and I am trying to Load the JSON files via Data FactoryV2 into SQL Data Warehouse. I have created the Data FactoryV2 and everything seems fine the connection below seems fine and the Data Preview seems fine also.
When I run the Data Factory I get this error:
I am not sure what the issue is. I have tried to re-create the Data Factory several times.
The error message is clear enough when it says "All columns of the table must be specified...". This means that the table in the data warehouse has more columns than what you are seeing in the preview of the json file. You will need to create a table in the data warehouse with the same columns that are shown in the preview of the json files.
If you need to insert them in a table with more fields, create a "staging" table with the same columns as the json file, and then call a stored procedure to insert the content of this staging table in the corresponding table.
Hope this helped!

Copy Data - How to skip Identity columns

I'm designing a Copy Data task where the Sink SQL Server table contains an Identity column. The Copy Data task always wants me to map that column when, in my opinion, it should just not include the column in the list of columns to map. Does anyone know how I can get the ADF Copy Data task to ignore Sink Identity columns?
If you are using copy data tool, and in your sql server, the ID is set as auto-increment, then it should not show out at the mapping step. Please tell us if it is not the case.
If you are using the create pipeline/dataset, you could just go to the sink dataset schema tab, remove the id column. And then go to the copy activity mapping tab, click import schemes again. ID column should has disappeared now.
You could include a SET_IDENTITY_INSERT_ON statement for the given table before executing the copy step. After completed, set it to OFF.