How do I export GLBudgetLineDetail via Rest API? - rest

My goal is to export data from the [GLBudgetlineDetail] table via the Rest API.
To accomplish this:
1) I created created a custom endpoint based on the Budgets screen (Finance > General Ledger > Work Area > Enter > Budgets)
2) I populated the endpoint by adding all the fields from the Budget Articles container
When I query this endpoint, I only get an empty array returned "[]".
Here is the query:
GET http ://servername/WebServiceAPITest/entity/MyStore/6.00.001/Budget
Content-Type -> application/json
("Budget" is the name I gave to the endpoint)
I can successfully query other endpoints (Accounts, Vendors, JournalTransactions, etc) but I can't get any data back from this one.
I created the MyStore Demo (Course I210) and have access to the [GLBudgetLineDetail] table and can verify that it has data. On the Budgets screen, if I filter to year 2013, Ledger 'Budget', Branch 'SOFT', I can see Budget information.
How do I get access to this info via the Rest API?

Since you mentioned the Course I210, You might want to refer yourself to the section 3.4.1 about Retrieving the Price of an Item for a Customer.
In that section, they are saying that if you want to retrieve data from an inquiry, you must use the Put command:
"Because you are retrieving the price of an item from the inquiry, you will use the Put() method to obtain data."
Since the Budget Screen is an Inquiry Screen you must use the Put command to set the parameter you want.
Here is one that I tried and that worked on an Acumatica web site with demo
PUT http://localhost/Demo610u04/entity/BudgetEndpoint/6.00.001/Budget
Headers (Key -> Value):
Content-Type -> application/json
Accept -> application/json
Body :
EDIT: Looking at the image you added, you should have your budget Filter fields in the main entity and have a sub entity of type Detail containing the Budget Articles fields


Determine Correct JSON Fields for REST API based on Endpoint and Screen names (Customers & Sales Orders) - Acumatica

My project is to import Customers and Sales orders. I take a CSV file from an external program, and am to import them -- field by field -- into Sales Orders and Customers.
My challenge is determining the correct field names to get the REST API to work correctly.
I have the following fields:
I am looking to include the three fields: Description, Gift Message, and Public Comment. I inspect the element, which gives me nothing useful that I can tell. (i.e. none of the values map to the field name that I would use in JSON.)
When I go to the Endpoint for Customers, Description already exists:
And therefore, this JSON Record succeeds in an ADD or UPDATE:
"OrderNbr" : {"value": "SO003525"},
"Description" : {"value": "This is the Description"},
I extend the default customer (version 18.200.001) and I find and add the "Gift Description" and the "Public Comments" -- and they are listed as part of the "Order Summary" -- which is exactly where Description was.
However, this JSON data does add anything to Gift or Public:
"OrderNbr" : {"value": "SO003525"},
"Description" : {"value": "This is the Description"},
"PublicComment" : {"value": "This is the Public Comment"},
"GiftMessage": { "value": "This is the Gift Message"},
In talking to the (in-house) developer who set up the screen, he told me that the "Gift Message" and "Public Comments" fields were added on. But they are not showing as "User Defined" fields in the Endpoint.
1) How can I know what the JSON structure should look like? Is there some sort of a mapping document, or a printout that shows JSON-to-Endpoint data? What I mean is that sometimes I need to use a sub-object to reference data in JSON, for example, if I want to update "Main Contact" information, I do it like this:
"CustomerName":{"value":"TEST CUSTOMER "},
"CompanyName":{"value":"TEST CUSTOMER COMPANY"},
"DisplayName":{"value": "TEST CUSTOMER DISPLAY"},
How can I know to do that? (I know only because I saw it in the data that got returned when I added a record... Which brings up a second question:
2) Is there a way for retrieving an entire data record in its JSON format. Sort of like a : "GET - SELECT ALL - EXPAND ALL" so I can see all of the data in a record in a properly set up JSON format?
3) Any idea why the gift Message and Public Comments are showing as "Order Summary" but aren't updating like Description is?
4) Why are some things "un-expandable?" For example, I cannot expand Payments in Sales Order. I get an error:
1) How can I know what the JSON structure should look like
The easiest way is to execute a GET request. The field names are equivalent to the DisplayName property stripped of whitespaces. So if on screen the field is labelled Order Type the field name will be OrderType in the request.
To make a GET request, the URL format is /Entity/Keys.
For example entity SalesOrder has two keys: OrderType and OrderNbr.
To get entity SalesOrder of type SO and with the number SO005051 the URL would end with: /SalesOrder/SO/SO005051.
2) Is there a way for retrieving an entire data record in its JSON
format. Sort of like a : "GET - SELECT ALL - EXPAND ALL" so I can see
all of the data in a record in a properly set up JSON format?
If you want all the details, you need to specify them all in the expand clause of the GET query: $expand=Contacts,MainContact,BillingContact
The name of the details array can be looked up in the Web Service Endpoint screen SM207060. They are the tree view elements with a empty array [] suffix.
3) Any idea why the gift Message and Public Comments are showing as
"Order Summary" but aren't updating like Description is?
Those are custom fields. You need to extend the endpoint to add those custom fields otherwise they will be ignored. If there's no issue with the custom endpoint maybe the field aren't bound to database.
But they are not showing as "User Defined" fields in the Endpoint.
If by User Defined you mean those fields were added with a wizard (without programming) then this is likely the reason why they don't work in the web service. You would need to add custom field with a DAC extension which requires programming instead of the User Defined field.

Is there a way to assign the primary category for a product in demandware using the Open Commerce API (OCAPI)?

The primary category of a product is present in the product document (primary_category_id) in the DATA API but cannot be written. After sending a PATCH update of the product with a different primary_category_id, it doesn't change.
Is there a way of doing this through the OCAPI?
Can be some limitation for PATCH Method.Fields that can be updated:
Try with PUT Method. PUT https://hostname:port/dw/data/v19_1/products/{id}. Also,
please check Request Document.
At this time it does not appear that this is possible to manage via OCAPI.
I suspect that in the future you'd be able to achieve it using the following resources:
DELETE /catalogs/{catalog_id}/categories/{category_id}/products/{product_id}
followed by:
PUT /catalogs/{catalog_id}/categories/{category_id}/products/{product_id}
With a ProductCategoryAssignment document in the PUT call.
However, this would require that Salesforce adds those attributes to the ProductCategoryAssignment document.
The reason I suggest this is where it would be added is that within a catalog import document (XML) the flags are associated with a similar resource representation. eg:
<category-assignment category-id="gear-bags-backpacks" product-id="NSF4003100">

Post into Confluence table using REST API

Found many examples on simple API queries but nothing close to what i want.
I have my space key and page ID, this is my table
How can i append hyperlinks, and attach a file in cell 3 for each build using REST API.
get the page : add as a query parameter to get the which holds the html tags. Then parse the get response to edit the specific value in the 's then when updating the page update the withing your json like in the example:

Get TFS work item and its links using REST API

I'm using TFS REST API and am trying to retrieve work items & their child items by title (parent's title is the parameter). I can't find a way to retrieve these linked items using TFS REST API.
This is what I've tried. First I query for the work items by title:
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=1.0
query = SELECT * FROM WorkItem WHERE [System.Title] = 'some title'
The above returns me an object WorkItems which has only the ID/URL of the matching work item. Then, I use the returned ID on the query below (lets say the id is 1234):
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/workitems/1234?fields=System.Title&api-version=1.0
This returns the title of the item & other fields I might include on the fields list. However, I cannot find a way to include the child items in the returns. I've tried including System.RelatedLinks but this does not change the returned fields. Example:
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/workitems/1234?fields=System.Title,System.RelatedLinkCount,System.RelatedLinks&api-version=1.0
"fields":{"System.RelatedLinkCount":4,"System.Title":"some title"}
Which means there are 4 related links to the work item "some title", but they are not being returned.
What am I missing here? How do I get these related links/child items?
Append &$expand=relations to the querystring to fetch the links collection of a workitem:
$expand enum { all, relations, none } none
Gets work item relationships (work item links, hyperlinks, file attachements, etc.).
To get a work item with all details as well as the links with details, you'll need to use the APIs that are intended for reporting purposes. Due to the possible shear size of the returned document, it will be chunked and you will be given a watermark. You may need to do multiple requests.

ItemInventoryQuery is not returning all the available fields.

We are using Web Connector on the end where QBPOS 10.0 is installed.
On the server end we issue an ItemInventoryQuery request using QBPOSFC3.0 (QB POS Foundation Classes).
The response we receive from Quickbooks contains most of the fields available on an inventory item, but there are some fields that are not being returned, specifically, "Unit of Measure" is not being returned on the XML we receive from Quickbooks.
Per the on screen reference, the "UnitOfMeasure" is a field available on the response of an ItemInventoryQuery
Nonetheless I am unable to obtain these values, the "UnitOfMeasure" nodes do not even exist on the XML response we get from Quickbooks, everything else is good in the response (e.g. item ListID, name, vendor, etc.)
What am I missing here ?
Here is a sample of the XML response we receive:
I just checked some of my old source code and found that I was explicitly telling it which fields to return. For example:
I don't remember if I did this because of the same problem you're having, but I do know I got the UOM fields in the response. Hope this helps!
Check unit of measure is enabled for the company file in preferences -> items & inventory -> Company preferences tab. It is disabled by default in new companies.
You are missing other fields too such as time created.
If you included any IncludeRetElementList lines in your request that will limit your results.
So You will have to add IncludeRetElements for UOM as Mike suggested.
If that doesn't work I'd suggest posting your request.