Print all Segues used in iOS App - uistoryboardsegue

I have a list of Buildtime warnings and several of them are related to Deprecated Push Segues (Push segues are deprecated since iOS 8.0).
I am unable to find these segues within the Storyboard because all segues are already in Show (e.g Push) kind.
Is it possible to print all existing segues via Xcode console?


Failed to automatically update constraints, iOS 11 Xcode 9

Xcode 9 repeatedly gives me this error everytime I try to Add Missing Constraints or Reset to Suggested Constraints in a view controller that is attached to a navigation controller.
If I remove the segue connection between the navigation and view controller, adding missing constraints in the view controller works perfectly. This functionality appears to break whenever it is embedded in a navigation controller.
Is there a solution to this bug? I've only seen one other user having this problem on Stackoverflow. I've tested this in three of my Xcode projects and it's barring me from completing any work at all on my apps.
Apparently this is a known bug in Xcode 9. I just downloaded Xcode 8 from the Apple Developer Portal and everything is working fine using that.

Warning when using custom segues

I am using SERevealViewController with swift , after I made a segue from a button on the sidebar menu to another Viewcontroller and set the Segue Class to the SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController I got a warning that said
Only Custom segues support class name prior to iOS 9.0
any help to bypass this warning ?

XCODE 5 - Storyboard Segues Push vs Modal

I am currently learning iOS development and I began with a simple Tabbed Application. It has the default First and Second View in it. I added a TableView with static cells content. I then added another View Controller. I created a Segue using the storyboard. When I set the transition to modal, it works fine. When I set it to push, the app is crashing (Uncaught exception).
Any idea why?
How can I get more information regarding the exception? Can I make the app stops when it encounters an exception?
Figured it out.. I need to add a Navigation Controller to use push...

Segues vs addSubView on iOS

What are the advantages of using segues vs managing view controllers and subviews like we did pre-iOS 5.
Pre iOS 5 I might:
Build XIB files for my various Views then do something like [myVC.view addSubView:newVC.view];
vs Segues
You get the advantage of working with storyboards and the functionality of passing data between view controllers (which was easily accomplished pre iOS 5 in multiple ways).
So to me it looks like the only advantage of using segues is that you can use storyboards and pass data between VCs.
Is that right? Or are there other advantages?
one of the down sides that can be added to Kunai Balani's answer is that it makes working with a team with version control more difficult if many people are working on the same storyboard. my svn gets really confused when 2 people make an edit on the storyboard.
if you are not working with a team then you can disregard this disadvantage
There are several advantages :
1) Communication. Storyboard (and thus use of segues) is makes it easy to understand the flow of your application. This gives other developers an ease of understanding of the structure of view controllers without looking through any code or debugging.
2) You save time by using segues. Just imagine doing push and pop everywhere all around your application. If you need to change transition (lets say modal transition animation style) for all your view-controllers you have to go and search for each and every view controller then modify it. With storyboard all of them are at one place. It's easy to modify their transition style with just modifying one attribute.
3) Ease of debugging. Lets say your application crashed during a push in navigation controllers. With story board you get the identifier for your segue which caused this. No need to follow stack trace across your UINavigation Controller.

Iphone dev - Multiview app with storyboard

I have seen some tutorials about iphone development, but they're before ARC and before storyboard it seems.
The guy creates a switch that will switch between two views.
A class with a blue background, and a class with a red background.
How would you do this in IOS5 with storyboard?
I've heard about segues, but they get a 'back' button, which the guy in the tutorial didnt get - he simply changed between views my tapping the switch/button.
You better go through this tutorials to understand how to develop app in IOS 5. The tutorials, which you have already seen are for ios4 and prior to it. Also you can use those in IOS 5 too. But Storyboard is much easier than XIB.
Anyway #dew given you the correct answer.
You need to add 2 View Controllers into your storyboard and then embed in navigation controller. After you create some button in one view, you just gotta ctrl-drag it to the other view and select push, that should do it. Or simply chech out this tutorial :)
I would highly suggest watching the first 2 or 3 lectures of Stanford's CS193P introductory iPhone programming course. It's free and will start you off on the right foot. It's also targeted for iOS5 and Xcode 4. Check it out at:
To answer your question, moving between view controllers is usually done using a container controller or pushing view controllers 'modally'. I would suggest reading the View Controller Programming Guide put out by apple for an overview of how these things work.
In iOS5 you can use storyboards to set-up segues (as you suggested). They don't always 'give you a back' button, only when you segue between view controllers within a navigation controller. You can have a button push a view controller onto a screen by setting up target-action.
Again, the iTunesU lectures will cover all this. Check it out!