Warning when using custom segues - iphone

I am using SERevealViewController with swift , after I made a segue from a button on the sidebar menu to another Viewcontroller and set the Segue Class to the SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController I got a warning that said
Only Custom segues support class name prior to iOS 9.0
any help to bypass this warning ?


How to connect a storyboard interface to a SwiftUI (macOS) AppDelegate?

Since there seems to be no direct way to create a toolbar (NSToolbar) in macOS SwiftUI, I am trying to create the toolbar on storyboard and then link it to the application. However, as expected, Xcode does not allow me to create outlets to an unlinked file, which goes into NSViewController territory. Is there a way to link a storyboard toolbar to a SwiftUI structure? If required, how does NSViewRepresentable takes a role in this?
Thank you in advance!

How to open another view when button is clicked in iOS app development?

I am trying to build an app, and I want another view to open up once I click a button. I have searched for an answer, but nothing came up. I already have the button done, but I don't know how to get another view to show up. The view should be another view within the app. I am just a beginner in xCode. Thanks.
I am currently using xCode 9, and swift 4. Thanks.
You can approach this either using the storyboard or programmatically. Using the storyboard, you can ctrl-drag from the button to the other view controller and the segue will be wired up for you, like so:
If you aren't using storyboards at all, you can use the .show method of the ViewController in the button action. Apple has a good guide on segues.

Button in swift to connect to a random storyboard (Xcode version 8.2.1

I am new to swift / Xcode and I am trying to create a button in Xcode that can randomly transfer to a different storyboard. I tried following the instructions in this post to do it (I also tried other ideas, but this answer was the most intuitive)
How to Segue Randomly to ViewControllers in Swift?
I've written the IBAction and connected the extra storyboards with different segues to the root view controller but when I start the simulation nothing happens when I click the "go" button. I cannot connect this button with the IBAction by a control drag, so I think that may be the problem.
I've tried creating new projects, connecting the "go" button to the root view controller, and editing the classes (it doesn't let me). What else could be wrong? My code is exactly like the answer to the link I posted. Is there a step missing to that answer?
First make sure you created a custom class for your root view controller. Also make sure you assigned your custom class to the view controller in Interface Builder.
Try dragging from your button to the view controller code pane and let XCode create the IBAction stub for you. Now touching the button should trigger your IBAction.

XCODE 5 - Storyboard Segues Push vs Modal

I am currently learning iOS development and I began with a simple Tabbed Application. It has the default First and Second View in it. I added a TableView with static cells content. I then added another View Controller. I created a Segue using the storyboard. When I set the transition to modal, it works fine. When I set it to push, the app is crashing (Uncaught exception).
Any idea why?
How can I get more information regarding the exception? Can I make the app stops when it encounters an exception?
Figured it out.. I need to add a Navigation Controller to use push...

IPhone Storyboard - Assigning class to view controller in storyboard

I have created a simple app using storyboard. In storyboard file, i have dragged one view controller. I want to assign a class to the newly added view controller. To do this, I clicked on new file in Xcode, clicked on Objective c class, entered class name MyViewController and subclass is of UIViewController. I went back to storyboard and clicked on Custom class type and given MyViewController in class tab. But it is not taking this. If i unselect the viewcontroller and select, custom class shows "UIView" again.
I am using Xcode version 4.3.3 (4E3002).
xcode does this problem even if everything is fine. Close your xcode project and then quit xcode. Start again and you will be able to find the class in the dropdown menu.