Iphone dev - Multiview app with storyboard - iphone

I have seen some tutorials about iphone development, but they're before ARC and before storyboard it seems.
The guy creates a switch that will switch between two views.
A class with a blue background, and a class with a red background.
How would you do this in IOS5 with storyboard?
I've heard about segues, but they get a 'back' button, which the guy in the tutorial didnt get - he simply changed between views my tapping the switch/button.

You better go through this tutorials to understand how to develop app in IOS 5. The tutorials, which you have already seen are for ios4 and prior to it. Also you can use those in IOS 5 too. But Storyboard is much easier than XIB.
Anyway #dew given you the correct answer.

You need to add 2 View Controllers into your storyboard and then embed in navigation controller. After you create some button in one view, you just gotta ctrl-drag it to the other view and select push, that should do it. Or simply chech out this tutorial http://maybelost.com/2011/10/tutorial-storyboard-in-xcode-4-2-with-navigation-controller-and-tabbar-controller-part1/ :)

I would highly suggest watching the first 2 or 3 lectures of Stanford's CS193P introductory iPhone programming course. It's free and will start you off on the right foot. It's also targeted for iOS5 and Xcode 4. Check it out at:
To answer your question, moving between view controllers is usually done using a container controller or pushing view controllers 'modally'. I would suggest reading the View Controller Programming Guide put out by apple for an overview of how these things work.
In iOS5 you can use storyboards to set-up segues (as you suggested). They don't always 'give you a back' button, only when you segue between view controllers within a navigation controller. You can have a button push a view controller onto a screen by setting up target-action.
Again, the iTunesU lectures will cover all this. Check it out!


Switching between views not working for iPhone 5.1 (XCode 4.3.2)

I'm trying to develop an iPhone app that uses 4 views(View-based app), and I want to navigate from one view to the other. It would be ideal if for example the Submit ID button automatically sent a message to UIViewController to switch to View 2, and selecting a cell in View 2 would load View 3.
See a screenshot of the Storyboard here.
I'm not sure how to do that, so I've tried using a separate button to switch between views, but that isn't working either and I can't figure out why.
You can have a look at the source code which I've uploaded to Dropbox.
First, I would suggest posting your code in your question. As appreciative as I'm sure other people are that you provided a dropbox link to the code, most people presumably have little interest in downloading the file to their computer, unzipping, and launching the project (me being one of them).
That being said, let's make sure you're clear on Storyboards and the general view controller hierarchy principles. You have, in your storyboard, four UIViewControllers dragged out into your workspace. So, you're not switching the views of a single UIViewController, telling it to switch from View1 to View2 to View3 and so on. You need to be telling the view controller hierarchy (which, in your case, probably needs to be managed by a UINavigationController), to push and/or pop view controller on and off its stack. It appears that you have some segues set up between your view controllers. Are you calling performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: in your code? Alternatively, you could hook up the Submit ID button to perform a push segue to View Controller 2 in much the same manner.
Once you have that working, you can override prepareForSegue:sender: to send information from ViewController1 to ViewController2 and so on.

MGSplitViewController using Storyboards

I have been working on this for some time now and just cant quite get it to work... Has anyone implemented a MGSplitViewController app using storyboards in iOS 5? I just cant get anything to show up like in the example project and was wondering if there were any tutorials or just steps to getting this to work...
iOS 5 allows you to custom create View Controller containers.
Refer to "Implementing UIViewController Containment". They have a sample project demo, but not sure if they have published the source code.
I think you can create a root ViewController that holds two more child ViewControllers
Child 1 - Has UITableView and is aligned left.
Child 2 - Has UIView for the details on the right.
MGSplitViewController style transition could be achieved through transitionFromViewController:toViewController:

iOS5 - Storyboard - showing another view

This is simple one though:
I'm having XCode 4.2 with iOS beta7. I am just trying a to have to views with one button in first view. On click of button, it will show next view.
In many tutorials, when I click and drag the button to next view, it will show "performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:" view.
But in my interface builder, its showing "Storyboard Segues with Push, Modal, Popover, Custom......"
I don't know whether I'm doing wrong or its the behavior of the xcode itself....
can some one suggest me good tutorials for iOS5 storyboard please?
Yes, you doing everything right. Push, Modal are types of showing next screen (UIView). You need to select it according Human Interface Guidelines from Apple.

Navigation based application in IPAD

I could not find any Navigation Based Application template in Xcode. As of now, I am just pushing the viewControllers to the stack and then building the application. I wanted to know how can we create a navigation based application where we can set a RootViewController and add the viewControllers onto it.., So that it would be easy to add the NavigationItems to the navigation bar in every view. Thanks
Here is a tutorial for it: Tutorial
How to add this tempelate: add template
Apple suggest to use split-View based application on iPad, Read below for the iOS project types.
Creating an iOS Application Project
Read the blog post
All about iPad: Resolution, UI Elements, Gestures, UX Guidelines

Navigate to a SplitViewController

I've been playing around with the iPad SDK looking for ways to improve my current iPhone app. I've got a couple place where I think the new "SplitView" would look pretty good. My question is if it's possible to navigate to a "SplitView" with my current navigation based application? Mainly I'm not sure how to push that SplitViewController onto my current stack of views. Any thoughts?
It should always be the root controller according to Apple.
The split view controller’s view
should always be installed as the root
view of your application window. You
should never present a split view
inside of a navigation or tab bar
You can use a UISplitViewController in a UITabBarController without any problems. I have not attempted to push a UISplitViewController into an UINavigationController however.
(At least) with iOS 8 (which runs on any ipad except the first one) it's possible to use a "present modally"-segue to display a splitviewcontroller.
Drawback is that an existing navigation bar isn't displayed.
Check out the Multiple Detail Views sample app on Apple's Documentation, this could give you a good idea on how to deal with navigation structure and how to display views on the "splitViewController".