I am trying to run some code that creates a sketch from an image:
After getting it going on windows, im running into what I think are performance issues. The program is supposed to complete the task in 5 minutes, but my computer wont complete the task at all (ive waited at least 30 minutes)
My computer has only 4GB of RAM and is an Intel I3.
The code uses parallel computing apparently, so to active Parfor I did:
if matlabpool('size') == 0
matlabpool open 2
Which gave me "connected to 2 workers"
The CPU usage looks like: https://imgur.com/a/lkMRg
Im wondering if someone could explain it to me simply how I might be able to speed it up to complete the image in under 5 minutes, or tell me if I need to upgrade my RAM or amount of cores.
The guy who wrote the code said he ran it originally on an 8-core server.
The code that includes the parfor loop comes from
https://github.com/panly099/sketchSynthesis/blob/master/functions/sketchDetect.m :
function [ detection ] = sketchDetect(sample, strokeModel, configurations, searchRatio, threshold, appGeoWeight)
% This function anchors the stroke model on the given input sketch or edge
% map sample via a dynamic programming process.
% Input :
% sample : the input sketch or edge map sample.
% strokeModel : the stroke model.
% configurations : the sampled configurations of the object.
% searchRatio : the search ratio of the original stroke bounding box.
% threshold : the chamfer matching threshold.
% appGeoWeight : the balance between the appearance and the geometry.
% Output :
% detection : the detected model instance.
% Author :
% panly099#gmail.com
% Version :
% 1.1 07/06/2016
if nargin < 5
threshold = 0.5;
if nargin < 6
appGeoWeight = 0.5;
baseScale = 1;
baseAspect = 1;
overlapWeight = 0.001;
mst = strokeModel.mst;
avgWidth = strokeModel.avgWidth;
avgHeight = strokeModel.avgHeight;
clusterBbox = strokeModel.clusterBbox;
[height, width] = size(sample);
numConf = length(configurations);
detections = cell(1, numConf);
energy = zeros(1,numConf);
for a = 1 : numConf
configuration = configurations{a};
%% sampling by fast directional chamfer matching (fdcm)
numCluster = length(configuration);
strokeCandidates = cell(1, numCluster);
parfor j = 1 : numCluster
fprintf('current stroke id: %d\n', j);
strokeImg = configuration{j};
strBbox = getBoundingBox(strokeImg,0);
strokeImg = strokeImg(strBbox(2):strBbox(4), strBbox(1):strBbox(3));
% compute the search region
curBbox = clusterBbox(:,j)';
% curBbox = strBbox;
curWidth = curBbox(3) - curBbox(1);
curHeight = curBbox(4) - curBbox(2);
searchRegion = [curBbox(1) - ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curWidth), curBbox(2) - ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curHeight), ...
curBbox(3) + ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curWidth), curBbox(4) + ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curHeight)];
if searchRegion(1) < 1
searchRegion(1) = 1;
if searchRegion(2) < 1
searchRegion(2) = 1;
if searchRegion(3) > width
searchRegion(3) = width;
if searchRegion(4) > height
searchRegion(4) = height;
img = sample(searchRegion(2):searchRegion(4), searchRegion(1):searchRegion(3));
% fdcm anchoring
[strokeMatched, cost] = chamferLocate(img, strokeImg, baseScale, baseAspect, threshold);
% figure;imshow(~strokeImg);figure;imshow(~img);
if size(strokeMatched,1) > 1000
stop = 1;
for s = 1 : length(strokeMatched)
tmpSample = zeros(height, width);
tmpSample(searchRegion(2):searchRegion(4), searchRegion(1):searchRegion(3)) = strokeMatched{s};
if cost(s) <= 0
cost(s) = 1;
strokeCandidates{j}(s,:) = [{tmpSample}, cost(s)];
% figure;imshow(~strokeMatched{s});
% figure;imshow(sample);
%% energy minimization by dynamic programming
% backward
fprintf('Backward propogation\n');
for i = length(mst) : -1 : 2
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', i);
curLayer = mst{i};
for j = 1 : length(curLayer)
% parents = [];
curEdge = curLayer{j};
curParent = curEdge{1}(2);
% parents = [parents curParent];
curChild = curEdge{1}(1);
curParam = curEdge{2};
curParentChildIdx = size(strokeCandidates{curParent},2) + 1;
curParentCandidates = strokeCandidates{curParent}(:,1);
curChildCandidates = strokeCandidates{curChild};
for p = 1 : length(curParentCandidates)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curParentCandidates{p}, 0);
curParentCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
childCosts = ones(1, size(curChildCandidates, 1))*Inf;
for c = 1 : size(curChildCandidates, 1)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curChildCandidates{c,1},0);
curChildCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
geoNorm = 1/40;
curCost = appGeoWeight * curChildCandidates{c,2} - (1-appGeoWeight) * geoNorm * log(mvnpdf(curChildCenter-curParentCenter, ...
for gc = 3 : size(curChildCandidates,2)
curCost = curCost + curChildCandidates{c,gc}(2);
childCosts(c) = curCost;
[minCost, minIdx] = min(childCosts);
if minCost == Inf
stop = 1;
strokeCandidates{curParent}{p, curParentChildIdx} = [curChild, minCost, minIdx];
% % adding overlapping penalty
% parents = unique(parents);
% for u = 1 : length(parents)
% curParent = parents(u);
% for p = 1 : size(strokeCandidates{curParent}, 1)
% curParentImg = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,1};
% overlapCost = 0;
% for c = 3 : size(strokeCandidates{curParent}, 2)
% curChild = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,c}(1);
% curChildIdx = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,c}(3);
% curChildImg = strokeCandidates{curChild}{curChildIdx,1};
% curOverlap = curParentImg.*curChildImg;
% overlapCost = overlapCost + sum(curOverlap(:)) * overlapWeight;
% end
% strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,2} = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,2} + overlapCost;
% end
% end
% forward
fprintf('forward propogation\n');
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', 1);
detection = cell(1, numCluster);
root = mst{1};
rootCosts = [];
for i = 1 : size(strokeCandidates{root},1)
cost = strokeCandidates{root}{i,2};
for j = 3 : size(strokeCandidates{root},2)
cost = cost + strokeCandidates{root}{i,j}(2);
rootCosts(end+1) = cost;
[~,rootSelected] = min(rootCosts);
minCost = rootCosts(rootSelected);
detection{root} = strokeCandidates{root}{rootSelected, 1};
for i = 2 : length(mst)
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', i);
curLayer = mst{i};
for j = 1 : length(curLayer)
curEdge = curLayer{j};
curParent = curEdge{1}(2);
curChild = curEdge{1}(1);
curParam = curEdge{2};
curParentCandidate = detection{curParent};
curChildCandidates = strokeCandidates{curChild};
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curParentCandidate, 0);
curParentCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
childCosts = ones(1, size(curChildCandidates, 1))*Inf;
for c = 1 : size(curChildCandidates, 1)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curChildCandidates{c,1},0);
curChildCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
geoNorm = 1/40;
curCost = appGeoWeight * curChildCandidates{c,2} - (1-appGeoWeight) * geoNorm * log(mvnpdf(curChildCenter-curParentCenter, ...
for gc = 3 : size(curChildCandidates,2)
curCost = curCost + curChildCandidates{c,gc}(2);
childCosts(c) = curCost;
[~, minId] = min(childCosts);
detection{curChild} = curChildCandidates{minId,1};
detections{a} = detection;
energy(a) = minCost;
[~,minIdx] = min(energy);
detection = detections{minIdx};
% visualize the detection
% synthesized = zeros(height, width);
% for i = 1 : length(detection)
% if sum(detection{i}(:))>1
% synthesized = synthesized + detection{i};
% end
% end
% figure;imshow(~sample);
% figure;imshow(~synthesized);
I am trying to follow Lin, Costello's explanation of the simplified BM algorithm for the binary case in page 210 of chapter 6 with no success on finding the error locator polynomial.
I'm trying to implement it in MATLAB like this:
function [locator_polynom] = compute_error_locator(syndrome, t, m, field, alpha_powers)
% Initial conditions for the BM algorithm
polynom_length = 2*t;
syndrome = [syndrome; zeros(3, 1)];
% Delta matrix storing the powers of alpha in the corresponding place
delta_rho = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1)); delta_rho(1)=1;
delta_next = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1));
% Premilimnary values
n_max = uint32(2^m - 1);
% Initialize step mu = 1
delta_next(1) = 1; delta_next(2) = syndrome(1); % 1 + S1*X
% The discrepancy is stored in polynomial representation as uint32 numbers
value = gf_mul_elements(delta_next(2), syndrome(2), field, alpha_powers, n_max);
discrepancy_next = bitxor(syndrome(3), value);
% The degree of the locator polynomial
locator_degree_rho = 0;
locator_degree_next = 1;
% Update all values
locator_polynom = delta_next;
delta_current = delta_next;
discrepancy_rho = syndrome(1);
discrepancy_current = discrepancy_next;
locator_degree_current = locator_degree_next;
rho = 0; % The row with the maximum value of 2mu - l starts at 1
for i = 1:t % Only the even steps are needed (so make t out of 2*t)
if discrepancy_current ~= 0
% Compute the correction factor
correction_factor = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1));
x_exponent = 2*(i - rho);
if (discrepancy_current == 1 || discrepancy_rho == 1)
d_mu_times_rho = discrepancy_current * discrepancy_rho;
alpha_discrepancy_mu = alpha_powers(discrepancy_current);
alpha_discrepancy_rho = alpha_powers(discrepancy_rho);
alpha_inver_discrepancy_rho = n_max - alpha_discrepancy_rho;
% The alpha power for dmu * drho^-1 is
alpha_d_mu_times_rho = alpha_discrepancy_mu + alpha_inver_discrepancy_rho;
% Equivalent to aux mod(2^m - 1)
alpha_d_mu_times_rho = alpha_d_mu_times_rho - ...
n_max * uint32(alpha_d_mu_times_rho > n_max);
d_mu_times_rho = field(alpha_d_mu_times_rho);
correction_factor(x_exponent+1) = d_mu_times_rho;
correction_factor = gf_mul_polynoms(correction_factor,...
field, alpha_powers, n_max);
% Finally we add the correction factor to get the new delta
delta_next = bitxor(delta_current, correction_factor(1:polynom_length));
% Update used data
l = polynom_length;
while delta_next(l) == 0 && l>0
l = l - 1;
locator_degree_next = l-1;
% Update previous maximum if the degree is higher than recorded
if (2*i - locator_degree_current) > (2*rho - locator_degree_rho)
locator_degree_rho = locator_degree_current;
delta_rho = delta_current;
discrepancy_rho = discrepancy_current;
rho = i;
% If the discrepancy is 0, the locator polynomial for this step
% is passed to the next one. It satifies all newtons' equations
% until now.
delta_next = delta_current;
% Compute the discrepancy for the next step
syndrome_start_index = 2 * i + 3;
discrepancy_next = syndrome(syndrome_start_index); % First value
for k = 1:locator_degree_next
value = gf_mul_elements(delta_next(k + 1), ...
syndrome(syndrome_start_index - k), ...
field, alpha_powers, n_max);
discrepancy_next = bitxor(discrepancy_next, value);
% Update all values
locator_polynom = delta_next;
delta_current = delta_next;
discrepancy_current = discrepancy_next;
locator_degree_current = locator_degree_next;
I'm trying to see what's wrong but I can't. It works for the examples in the book, but not always. As an aside, to compute the discrepancy S_2mu+3 is needed, but when I have only 24 syndrome coefficients how is it computed on step 11 where 2*11 + 3 is 25?
Thanks in advance!
It turns out the code is ok. I made a different implementation from Error Correction and Coding. Mathematical Methods and gives the same result. My problem is at the Chien Search.
Code for the interested:
function [c] = compute_error_locator_v2(syndrome, m, field, alpha_powers)
% Initial conditions for the BM algorithm
% Premilimnary values
N = length(syndrome);
n_max = uint32(2^m - 1);
polynom_length = N/2 + 1;
L = 0; % The curent length of the LFSR
% The current connection polynomial
c = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1)); c(1) = 1;
% The connection polynomial before last length change
p = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1)); p(1) = 1;
l = 1; % l is k - m, the amount of shift in update
dm = 1; % The previous discrepancy
for k = 1:2:N % For k = 1 to N in steps of 2
% ========= Compute discrepancy ==========
d = syndrome(k);
for i = 1:L
aux = gf_mul_elements(c(i+1), syndrome(k-i), field, alpha_powers, n_max);
d = bitxor(d, aux);
if d == 0 % No change in polynomial
l = l + 1;
% ======== Update c ========
t = c;
% Compute the correction factor
correction_factor = uint32(zeros(polynom_length, 1));
% This is d * dm^-1
dd_sum = modulo(alpha_powers(d) + n_max - alpha_powers(dm), n_max);
for i = 0:polynom_length - 1
if p(i+1) ~= 0
% Here we compute d*d^-1*p(x_i)
ddp_sum = modulo(dd_sum + alpha_powers(p(i+1)), n_max);
if ddp_sum == 0
correction_factor(i + l + 1) = 1;
correction_factor(i + l + 1) = field(ddp_sum);
% Finally we add the correction factor to get the new locator
c = bitxor(c, correction_factor);
if (2*L >= k) % No length change in update
l = l + 1;
p = t;
L = k - L;
dm = d;
l = 1;
l = l + 1;
The code comes from this implementation of the Massey algorithm
I'm new in Matlab and now I have a problem for the implementation of a simple speaker recognition system using PNCC and MFFC.
My problem is on matrix dimension in fact, when I run my program, it give me this error:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in disteu (line 43)
d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1);
Error in test (line 22)
d = disteu(v, code{l});
Error in main (line 4)
test('C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\MATLAB\test',5, code);
Just for the sake of clarity I have attached my code.
Could anyone help me please?
function d = disteu(x, y)
% DISTEU Pairwise Euclidean distances between columns of two matrices
% Input:
% x, y: Two matrices whose each column is an a vector data.
% Output:
% d: Element d(i,j) will be the Euclidean distance between two
% column vectors X(:,i) and Y(:,j)
% Note:
% The Euclidean distance D between two vectors X and Y is:
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
[M, N] = size(x);
[M2, P] = size(y);
if (M ~= M2)
[M, N] = size(x)
[M2, P] = size(y)
[M2, P] = size(y)
%error('Matrix dimensions do not match.')
d = zeros(N, P);
if (N < P)
copies = zeros(1,P);
for n = 1:N
d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1);
copies = zeros(1,N);
for p = 1:P
d(:,p) = sum((x - y(:, p+copies)) .^2, 1)';
d = d.^0.5;
function [aadDCT] = PNCC(rawdata, fsamp)
ad_x = rawdata;
%addpath voicebox/; % With Spectral Subtraction - default parameters
%ad_x = specsub(rawdata, fsamp);
dLamda_L = 0.999;
dLamda_S = 0.999;
dSampRate = fsamp;
dLowFreq = 200;% Changed to 40 from 200 as low freq is 40 in gabor as well
dHighFreq = dSampRate / 2;
dPowerCoeff = 1 / 15;
iFiltType = 1;
dFactor = 2.0;
dGammaThreshold = 0.005;
iM = 0; % Changed from 2 to 0 as number of frames coming out to be different due to queue
iN = 4;
iSMType = 0;
dLamda = 0.999;
dLamda2 = 0.5;
dDelta1 = 1;
dLamda3 = 0.85;
dDelta2 = 0.2;
% Flags
bPreem = 1; % pre-emphasis flag
bSSF = 1;
bPowerLaw = 1;
bDisplay = 0;
dFrameLen = 0.025; % 25.6 ms window length, which is the default setting in CMU Sphinx
dFramePeriod = 0.010; % 10 ms frame period
iPowerFactor = 1;
global iNumFilts;
iNumFilts = 40;
if iNumFilts<30
iFFTSize = 512;
iFFTSize = 1024;
% For derivatives
deltawindow = 2; % to calculate 1st derivative
accwindow = 2; % to calculate 2nd derivative
% numcoeffs = 13; % number of cepstral coefficients to be used
numcoeffs = 13;
% Flags
% Array Queue Ring-buffer
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
Queue_iWindow = 2 * iM + 1;
Queue_aad_P = zeros(Queue_iWindow, iNumFilts);
Queue_iHead = 0;
Queue_iTail = 0;
Queue_iNumElem = 0;
iFL = floor(dFrameLen * dSampRate);
iFP = floor(dFramePeriod * dSampRate);
iNumFrames = floor((length(ad_x) - iFL) / iFP) + 1;
iSpeechLen = length(ad_x);
% Pre-emphasis using H(z) = 1 - 0.97 z ^ -1
if (bPreem == 1)
ad_x = filter([1 -0.97], 1, double(ad_x));
% Obtaning the gammatone coefficient.
% Based on M. Snelly's auditory toolbox.
% In actual C-implementation, we just use a table
bGamma = 1;
[wts,binfrqs] = fft2melmx(iFFTSize, dSampRate, iNumFilts, 1, dLowFreq, dHighFreq, iFiltType);
wts = wts';
wts(size(wts, 1) / 2 + 1 : size(wts, 1), : ) = [];
aad_H = wts;
i_FI = 0;
i_FI_Out = 0;
if bSSF == 1
adSumPower = zeros(1, iNumFrames - 2 * iM);
adSumPower = zeros(1, iNumFrames);
%dLamda_L = 0.998;
aad_P = zeros(iNumFrames, iNumFilts);
aad_P_Out = zeros(iNumFrames - 2 * iM, iNumFilts);
ad_Q = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_Q_Out = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_QMVAvg = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_w = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_w_sm = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_QMVAvg_LA = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
MEAN_POWER = 1e10;
dMean = 5.8471e+08;
dPeak = 2.7873e+09 / 15.6250;
% (1.7839e8, 2.0517e8, 2.4120e8, 2.9715e8, 3.9795e8) 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
% percentile from WSJ-si84
dPeakVal = 4e+07;% % 4.0638e+07 --> Mean from WSJ0-si84 (Important!!!)
dMean = dPeakVal;
% Obtaining the short-time Power P(i, j)
for m = 0 : iFP : iSpeechLen - iFL
ad_x_st = ad_x(m + 1 : m + iFL) .* hamming(iFL);
adSpec = fft(ad_x_st, iFFTSize);
ad_X = abs(adSpec(1: iFFTSize / 2));
aadX(:, i_FI + 1) = ad_X;
% Calculating the Power P(i, j)
for j = 1 : iNumFilts
% Squared integration
if iFiltType == 2
aad_P(i_FI + 1, j) = sum((ad_X .* aad_H(:, j)) .^ 2);
aad_P(i_FI + 1, j) = sum((ad_X .^ 2 .* aad_H(:, j)));
% Calculating the Power P(i, j)
dSumPower = sum(aad_P(i_FI + 1, : ));
if bSSF == 1
% Ring buffer (using a Queue)
if (i_FI >= 2 * iM + 1)
Queue_offer(aad_P(i_FI + 1, :));
ad_Q = Queue_avg();
if (i_FI == 2 * iM)
ad_QMVAvg = ad_Q.^ (1 / 15);
ad_PBias = (ad_Q) * 0.9;
if (i_FI >= 2 * iM)
% Bias Update
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
if (ad_Q(i) > ad_PBias(i))
ad_PBias(i) = dLamda * ad_PBias(i) + (1 - dLamda) * ad_Q(i);
ad_PBias(i) = dLamda2 * ad_PBias(i) + (1 - dLamda2) * ad_Q(i);
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
ad_Q_Out(i) = max(ad_Q(i) - ad_PBias(i), 0) ;
if (i_FI == 2 * iM)
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = 0.9 * ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVPeak(i) = ad_Q_Out(i);
if (ad_Q_Out(i) > ad_QMVAvg2(i))
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = dLamda * ad_QMVAvg2(i) + (1 - dLamda) * ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = dLamda2 * ad_QMVAvg2(i) + (1 - dLamda2) * ad_Q_Out(i);
dOrg = ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = dLamda3 * ad_QMVAvg3(i);
if (ad_Q(i) < dFactor * ad_PBias(i))
ad_Q_Out(i) = ad_QMVAvg2(i);
if (ad_Q_Out(i) <= dDelta1 * ad_QMVAvg3(i))
ad_Q_Out(i) = dDelta2 * ad_QMVAvg3(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = max(ad_QMVAvg3(i), dOrg);
ad_Q_Out(i) = max(ad_Q_Out(i), ad_QMVAvg2(i));
ad_w = ad_Q_Out ./ max(ad_Q, eps);
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
if iSMType == 0
ad_w_sm(i) = mean(ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts)));
elseif iSMType == 1
ad_w_sm(i) = exp(mean(log(ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts)))));
elseif iSMType == 2
ad_w_sm(i) = mean((ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts))).^(1/15))^15;
elseif iSMType == 3
ad_w_sm(i) = (mean( (ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts))).^15 )) ^ (1 / 15);
aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) = ad_w_sm .* aad_P(i_FI - iM + 1, :);
adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) = sum(aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :));
if adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) > dMean
dMean = dLamda_S * dMean + (1 - dLamda_S) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
dMean = dLamda_L * dMean + (1 - dLamda_L) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) = aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) / (dMean) * MEAN_POWER;
i_FI_Out = i_FI_Out + 1;
else % if not SSF
adSumPower(i_FI + 1) = sum(aad_P(i_FI + 1, :));
if adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) > dMean
dMean = dLamda_S * dMean + (1 - dLamda_S) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
dMean = dLamda_L * dMean + (1 - dLamda_L) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
aad_P_Out(i_FI + 1, :) = aad_P(i_FI + 1, :) / (dMean) * MEAN_POWER;
i_FI = i_FI + 1;
%adSorted = sort(adSumPower);
%dMaxPower = adSorted(round(0.98 * length(adSumPower)));
%aad_P_Out = aad_P_Out / dMaxPower * 1e10;
% Apply the nonlinearity
if bPowerLaw == 1
aadSpec = aad_P_Out .^ dPowerCoeff;
aadSpec = log(aad_P_Out + eps);
aadDCT = dct(aadSpec')';
%aadDCT(:, numcoeffs+1:iNumFilts) = [];
% for i = 1 : numcoeffs
% aadDCT( :, i ) = (aadDCT( : , i ) - mean(aadDCT( : , i)))/std(aadDCT(:,i));
% end
% Temporal Derivatives
% calculate 1st derivative (velocity)
dt1 = deltacc(aadDCT', deltawindow);
% calculate 2nd derivative (acceleration)
dt2 = deltacc(dt1, accwindow);
% append dt1 and dt2 to mfcco
aadDCT = [aadDCT'; dt2];
% aadDCT = [aadDCT'; dt2];
% Display
if bDisplay == 1
aadSpec = idct(aadDCT', iNumFilts);
imagesc(aadSpec); axis xy;
aadDCT = aadDCT';
% Writing the feature in Sphinx format
[iM, iN] = size(aadDCT);
iNumData = iM * iN;
fid = fopen(szOutFeatFileName, 'wb');
fwrite(fid, iNumData, 'int32');
iCount = fwrite(fid, aadDCT(:), 'float32');
function dt = deltacc(input, winlen)
% calculates derivatives of a matrix, whose columns are feature vectors
tmp = 0;
for cnt = 1 : winlen
tmp = tmp + cnt*cnt;
nrm = 1 / (2*tmp);
dt = zeros(size(input));
rows = size(input,1);
cols = size(input,2);
for col = 1 : cols
for cnt = 1 : winlen
inx1 = col - cnt; inx2 = col + cnt;
if inx1 < 1; inx1 = 1; end
if inx2 > cols; inx2 = cols; end
dt(:, col) = dt(:, col) + (input(:, inx2) - input(:, inx1)) * cnt;
dt = dt * nrm;
function [] = Queue_offer(ad_x)
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
Queue_aad_P(Queue_iTail + 1, :) = ad_x;
Queue_iTail = mod(Queue_iTail + 1, Queue_iWindow);
Queue_iNumElem = Queue_iNumElem + 1;
if Queue_iNumElem > Queue_iWindow
error ('Queue overflow');
function [ad_x] = Queue_poll()
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
if Queue_iNumElem <= 0
error ('No elements');
ad_x = Queue_aad_P(Queue_iHead + 1, :);
Queue_iHead = mod(Queue_iHead + 1, Queue_iWindow);
Queue_iNumElem = Queue_iNumElem - 1;
function[adMean] = Queue_avg()
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
global iNumFilts;
adMean = zeros(1, iNumFilts); % Changed from 40 (number of filter banks)
iPos = Queue_iHead;
for i = 1 : Queue_iNumElem
adMean = adMean + Queue_aad_P(iPos + 1 ,: );
iPos = mod(iPos + 1, Queue_iWindow);
adMean = adMean / Queue_iNumElem;
function test(testdir, n, code)
for k = 1:n % read test sound file of each speaker
file = sprintf('%ss%d.wav', testdir, k);
[s, fs] = audioread(file);
%x = s + 0.01*randn(length(s),1); %AWGN Noise
%[SNR1] = snr(s);
%[SNR2] = snr(x) ;
v = PNCC(s, fs); % Compute MFCC's
distmin = inf;
k1 = 0;
for l = 1:length(code) % each trained codebook, compute distortion
d = disteu(v, code{l});
dist = sum(min(d,[],2)) / size(d,1);
if dist < distmin
distmin = dist;
k1 = l;
msg = sprintf('speaker%d -->> s%d', k, k1);
function r = vqlbg(d,k)
% Inputs: d contains training data vectors (one per column)
% k is number of centroids required
e = .01;
r = mean(d, 2);
dpr = 10000;
for i = 1:log2(k)
r = [r*(1+e), r*(1-e)];
while (1 == 1)
z = interdists(d, r);
[m,ind] = min(z, [], 2);
t = 0;
for j = 1:2^i
r(:, j) = mean(d(:, find(ind == j)), 2);
x = interdists(d(:, find(ind == j)), r(:, j));
for q = 1:length(x)
t = t + x(q);
if (((dpr - t)/t) < e)
dpr = t;
end %Output: r contains the result VQ codebook (k columns, one for each centroids)
I am trying to run some code that creates a sketch from an image:
After getting it going on windows, im running into what I think are performance issues. The program is supposed to complete the task in 5 minutes, but my computer wont complete the task at all (ive waited at least 30 minutes)
I got some advice that I need to look into "parfor" and multiprocessing to speed it up/get it to complete the task.
Im wondering if someone could explain it to me simply how I might be able to speed it up to complete the image in under 5 minutes.
The code im supposed to edit is:
function [ detection ] = sketchDetect(sample, strokeModel, configurations, searchRatio, threshold, appGeoWeight)
% This function anchors the stroke model on the given input sketch or edge
% map sample via a dynamic programming process.
% Input :
% sample : the input sketch or edge map sample.
% strokeModel : the stroke model.
% configurations : the sampled configurations of the object.
% searchRatio : the search ratio of the original stroke bounding box.
% threshold : the chamfer matching threshold.
% appGeoWeight : the balance between the appearance and the geometry.
% Output :
% detection : the detected model instance.
% Author :
% panly099#gmail.com
% Version :
% 1.1 07/06/2016
if nargin < 5
threshold = 0.5;
if nargin < 6
appGeoWeight = 0.5;
baseScale = 1;
baseAspect = 1;
overlapWeight = 0.001;
mst = strokeModel.mst;
avgWidth = strokeModel.avgWidth;
avgHeight = strokeModel.avgHeight;
clusterBbox = strokeModel.clusterBbox;
[height, width] = size(sample);
numConf = length(configurations);
detections = cell(1, numConf);
energy = zeros(1,numConf);
for a = 1 : numConf
configuration = configurations{a};
%% sampling by fast directional chamfer matching (fdcm)
numCluster = length(configuration);
strokeCandidates = cell(1, numCluster);
parfor j = 1 : numCluster
fprintf('current stroke id: %d\n', j);
strokeImg = configuration{j};
strBbox = getBoundingBox(strokeImg,0);
strokeImg = strokeImg(strBbox(2):strBbox(4), strBbox(1):strBbox(3));
% compute the search region
curBbox = clusterBbox(:,j)';
% curBbox = strBbox;
curWidth = curBbox(3) - curBbox(1);
curHeight = curBbox(4) - curBbox(2);
searchRegion = [curBbox(1) - ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curWidth), curBbox(2) - ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curHeight), ...
curBbox(3) + ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curWidth), curBbox(4) + ceil((searchRatio - 1) / 2 * curHeight)];
if searchRegion(1) < 1
searchRegion(1) = 1;
if searchRegion(2) < 1
searchRegion(2) = 1;
if searchRegion(3) > width
searchRegion(3) = width;
if searchRegion(4) > height
searchRegion(4) = height;
img = sample(searchRegion(2):searchRegion(4), searchRegion(1):searchRegion(3));
% fdcm anchoring
[strokeMatched, cost] = chamferLocate(img, strokeImg, baseScale, baseAspect, threshold);
% figure;imshow(~strokeImg);figure;imshow(~img);
if size(strokeMatched,1) > 1000
stop = 1;
for s = 1 : length(strokeMatched)
tmpSample = zeros(height, width);
tmpSample(searchRegion(2):searchRegion(4), searchRegion(1):searchRegion(3)) = strokeMatched{s};
if cost(s) <= 0
cost(s) = 1;
strokeCandidates{j}(s,:) = [{tmpSample}, cost(s)];
% figure;imshow(~strokeMatched{s});
% figure;imshow(sample);
%% energy minimization by dynamic programming
% backward
fprintf('Backward propogation\n');
for i = length(mst) : -1 : 2
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', i);
curLayer = mst{i};
for j = 1 : length(curLayer)
% parents = [];
curEdge = curLayer{j};
curParent = curEdge{1}(2);
% parents = [parents curParent];
curChild = curEdge{1}(1);
curParam = curEdge{2};
curParentChildIdx = size(strokeCandidates{curParent},2) + 1;
curParentCandidates = strokeCandidates{curParent}(:,1);
curChildCandidates = strokeCandidates{curChild};
for p = 1 : length(curParentCandidates)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curParentCandidates{p}, 0);
curParentCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
childCosts = ones(1, size(curChildCandidates, 1))*Inf;
for c = 1 : size(curChildCandidates, 1)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curChildCandidates{c,1},0);
curChildCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
geoNorm = 1/40;
curCost = appGeoWeight * curChildCandidates{c,2} - (1-appGeoWeight) * geoNorm * log(mvnpdf(curChildCenter-curParentCenter, ...
for gc = 3 : size(curChildCandidates,2)
curCost = curCost + curChildCandidates{c,gc}(2);
childCosts(c) = curCost;
[minCost, minIdx] = min(childCosts);
if minCost == Inf
stop = 1;
strokeCandidates{curParent}{p, curParentChildIdx} = [curChild, minCost, minIdx];
% % adding overlapping penalty
% parents = unique(parents);
% for u = 1 : length(parents)
% curParent = parents(u);
% for p = 1 : size(strokeCandidates{curParent}, 1)
% curParentImg = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,1};
% overlapCost = 0;
% for c = 3 : size(strokeCandidates{curParent}, 2)
% curChild = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,c}(1);
% curChildIdx = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,c}(3);
% curChildImg = strokeCandidates{curChild}{curChildIdx,1};
% curOverlap = curParentImg.*curChildImg;
% overlapCost = overlapCost + sum(curOverlap(:)) * overlapWeight;
% end
% strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,2} = strokeCandidates{curParent}{p,2} + overlapCost;
% end
% end
% forward
fprintf('forward propogation\n');
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', 1);
detection = cell(1, numCluster);
root = mst{1};
rootCosts = [];
for i = 1 : size(strokeCandidates{root},1)
cost = strokeCandidates{root}{i,2};
for j = 3 : size(strokeCandidates{root},2)
cost = cost + strokeCandidates{root}{i,j}(2);
rootCosts(end+1) = cost;
[~,rootSelected] = min(rootCosts);
minCost = rootCosts(rootSelected);
detection{root} = strokeCandidates{root}{rootSelected, 1};
for i = 2 : length(mst)
fprintf('Scanning MST layer: %d\n', i);
curLayer = mst{i};
for j = 1 : length(curLayer)
curEdge = curLayer{j};
curParent = curEdge{1}(2);
curChild = curEdge{1}(1);
curParam = curEdge{2};
curParentCandidate = detection{curParent};
curChildCandidates = strokeCandidates{curChild};
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curParentCandidate, 0);
curParentCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
childCosts = ones(1, size(curChildCandidates, 1))*Inf;
for c = 1 : size(curChildCandidates, 1)
tmpBbox = getBoundingBox(curChildCandidates{c,1},0);
curChildCenter = ceil([(tmpBbox(2)+tmpBbox(4))/2, (tmpBbox(1)+tmpBbox(3))/2]);
geoNorm = 1/40;
curCost = appGeoWeight * curChildCandidates{c,2} - (1-appGeoWeight) * geoNorm * log(mvnpdf(curChildCenter-curParentCenter, ...
for gc = 3 : size(curChildCandidates,2)
curCost = curCost + curChildCandidates{c,gc}(2);
childCosts(c) = curCost;
[~, minId] = min(childCosts);
detection{curChild} = curChildCandidates{minId,1};
detections{a} = detection;
energy(a) = minCost;
[~,minIdx] = min(energy);
detection = detections{minIdx};
% visualize the detection
% synthesized = zeros(height, width);
% for i = 1 : length(detection)
% if sum(detection{i}(:))>1
% synthesized = synthesized + detection{i};
% end
% end
% figure;imshow(~sample);
% figure;imshow(~synthesized);
what I'm trying to do is to testify the fact that if I add one more layer into CNN, the accuracy goes higher.
The code is below here.
This code is from https://github.com/lhoang29/DigitRecognition/blob/master/cnnload.m
I'm at the beginner stage of CNN and trying to expand one more layer including
convolution and pooling stage. I tried several ways but seems not working. Could someone show me how to expand one more layer?
Thankyou. Below is the code
Code for main function:
clear all; close all; clc;
maxtrain = 10000;
iter = 10;
eta = 0.01;
%% Data Load
trlblid = fopen('train-labels-idx1-ubyte');
trimgid = fopen('train-images-idx3-ubyte');
tslblid = fopen('t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte');
tsimgid = fopen('t10k-images-idx3-ubyte');
% read train labels
fread(trlblid, 4);
numtrlbls = toint(fread(trlblid, 4));
trainlabels = fread(trlblid, numtrlbls);
% read train data
fread(trimgid, 4);
numtrimg = toint(fread(trimgid, 4));
trimgh = toint(fread(trimgid, 4));
trimgw = toint(fread(trimgid, 4));
trainimages = permute(reshape(fread(trimgid,trimgh*trimgw*numtrimg),trimgh,trimgw,numtrimg), [2 1 3]);
% read test labels
fread(tslblid, 4);
numtslbls = toint(fread(tslblid, 4));
testlabels = fread(tslblid, numtslbls);
% read test data
fread(tsimgid, 4);
numtsimg = toint(fread(tsimgid, 4));
tsimgh = toint(fread(tsimgid, 4));
tsimgw = toint(fread(tsimgid, 4));
testimages = permute(reshape(fread(tsimgid, tsimgh*tsimgw*numtsimg),tsimgh,tsimgw,numtsimg), [2 1 3]);
%% CNN Training
[missimages, misslabels] = cnntrain(trainlabels,trainimages,testlabels,testimages,maxtrain,iter,eta);
%% CNN Testing
Code for training:
function [missimages, misslabels] = cnntrain(trainlabels,trainimages,testlabels,testimages,maxtrain,iter,eta)
fn = 5; % number of kernels for layer 1
ks = 5; % size of kernel
[h,w,n] = size(trainimages);
n = min(n,maxtrain);
% normalize data to [-1,1] range
nitrain = (trainimages / 255) * 2 - 1;
nitest = (testimages / 255) * 2 - 1;
% train with backprop
h1 = h-ks+1;
w1 = w-ks+1;
A1 = zeros(h1,w1,fn);
h2 = h1/2;
w2 = w1/2;
I2 = zeros(h2,w2,fn);
A2 = zeros(h2,w2,fn);
A3 = zeros(10,1);
% kernels for layer 1
W1 = randn(ks,ks,fn) * .01;
B1 = ones(1,fn);
% scale parameter and bias for layer 2
S2 = randn(1,fn) * .01;
B2 = ones(1,fn);
% weights and bias parameters for fully-connected output layer
W3 = randn(h2,w2,fn,10) * .01;
B3 = ones(10,1);
% true outputs
Y = eye(10)*2-1;
for it=1:iter
err = 0;
for im=1:n
%------------ FORWARD PROP ------------%
% Layer 1: convolution with bias followed by sigmoidal squashing
for fm=1:fn
A1(:,:,fm) = convn(nitrain(:,:,im),W1(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,fm),'valid') + B1(fm);
Z1 = tanh(A1);
% Layer 2: average/subsample with scaling and bias
for fm=1:fn
I2(:,:,fm) = avgpool(Z1(:,:,fm));
A2(:,:,fm) = I2(:,:,fm) * S2(fm) + B2(fm);
Z2 = tanh(A2);
% Layer 3: fully connected
for cl=1:10
A3(cl) = convn(Z2,W3(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1,cl),'valid') + B3(cl);
Z3 = tanh(A3); % Final output
err = err + .5 * norm(Z3 - Y(:,trainlabels(im)+1),2)^2;
%------------ BACK PROP ------------%
% Compute error at output layer
Del3 = (1 - Z3.^2) .* (Z3 - Y(:,trainlabels(im)+1));
% Compute error at layer 2
Del2 = zeros(size(Z2));
for cl=1:10
Del2 = Del2 + Del3(cl) * W3(:,:,:,cl);
Del2 = Del2 .* (1 - Z2.^2);
% Compute error at layer 1
Del1 = zeros(size(Z1));
for fm=1:fn
Del1(:,:,fm) = (S2(fm)/4)*(1 - Z1(:,:,fm).^2);
for ih=1:h1
for iw=1:w1
Del1(ih,iw,fm) = Del1(ih,iw,fm) * Del2(floor((ih+1)/2),floor((iw+1)/2),fm);
% Update bias at layer 3
DB3 = Del3; % gradient w.r.t bias
B3 = B3 - eta*DB3;
% Update weights at layer 3
for cl=1:10
DW3 = DB3(cl) * Z2; % gradient w.r.t weights
W3(:,:,:,cl) = W3(:,:,:,cl) - eta * DW3;
% Update scale and bias parameters at layer 2
for fm=1:fn
DS2 = convn(Del2(:,:,fm),I2(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,fm),'valid');
S2(fm) = S2(fm) - eta * DS2;
DB2 = sum(sum(Del2(:,:,fm)));
B2(fm) = B2(fm) - eta * DB2;
% Update kernel weights and bias parameters at layer 1
for fm=1:fn
DW1 = convn(nitrain(:,:,im),Del1(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,fm),'valid');
W1(:,:,fm) = W1(:,:,fm) - eta * DW1;
DB1 = sum(sum(Del1(:,:,fm)));
B1(fm) = B1(fm) - eta * DB1;
disp(['Error: ' num2str(err) ' at iteration ' num2str(it)]);
miss = 0;
missimages = zeros(1,numtest);
misslabels = zeros(1,numtest);
for im=1:numtest
for fm=1:fn
A1(:,:,fm) = convn(nitest(:,:,im),W1(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,fm),'valid') + B1(fm);
Z1 = tanh(A1);
% Layer 2: average/subsample with scaling and bias
for fm=1:fn
I2(:,:,fm) = avgpool(Z1(:,:,fm));
A2(:,:,fm) = I2(:,:,fm) * S2(fm) + B2(fm);
Z2 = tanh(A2);
% Layer 3: fully connected
for cl=1:10
A3(cl) = convn(Z2,W3(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1,cl),'valid') + B3(cl);
Z3 = tanh(A3); % Final output
[pm,pl] = max(Z3);
if pl ~= testlabels(im)+1
miss = miss + 1;
missimages(miss) = im;
misslabels(miss) = pl - 1;
disp(['Miss: ' num2str(miss) ' out of ' num2str(numtest)]);
function [pr] = avgpool(img)
pr = zeros(size(img)/2);
for r=1:2:size(img,1)
for c=1:2:size(img,2)
pr((r+1)/2,(c+1)/2) = (img(r,c)+img(r+1,c)+img(r,c+1)+img(r+1,c+1))/4;
Code for showing accuracy
function [] = showmiss(missim,misslab,testimages,testlabels,numshow,numpages)
nummiss = nnz(missim);
page = 1;
showsize = floor(sqrt(numshow));
for f=1:numshow:nummiss
figure(floor(f/numshow) + 1);
for m=f:min(nummiss,f+numshow-1)
title(strcat(num2str(testlabels(missim(m))), ':', num2str(misslab(m))));
page = page + 1;
if page > numpages
Function toint
function [x] = toint(b)
x = b(1)*16777216 + b(2)*65536 + b(3)*256 + b(4);
I'm solving a system of ODEs using RK4. I'm generating a straight line plot that seems to be due to the fact that k3_1 is capped at -3.1445e+24. I don't understand why it is capped.
function RK4system_MNModel()
parsec = 3.08*10^18;
r_1 = 8.5*1000.0*parsec; % in cm
z_1 = 0.0; % in cm also
theta_1 = 0.0;
grav = 6.6720*10^-8;
amsun = 1.989*10^33; % in grams
amg = 1.5d11*amsun; % in grams
gm = grav*amg; % constant
q = 0.9; % axial ratio
u_1 = 130.0; % in cm/sec
w_1 = 95*10^4.0; % in cm/sec
v = 180*10^4.0; % in cm/sec
vcirc = sqrt(gm/r_1); % circular speed (constant)
nsteps = 50000;
deltat = 5.0*10^11; % in seconds
angmom = r_1*v; % these are the same
angmom2 = angmom^2.0;
e = -gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1);
for i=1:nsteps
k3_1 = deltat*u_1 %%%%% THIS LINE
k4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1/((r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5) + angmom2/(r_1^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0) with lz=vi*ri this gives deltau
k5_1 = deltat*(angmom/(r_1^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2 this gives deltatheta
k6_1 = deltat*w_1;
k7_1 = deltat*(-gm*z_1*(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_1^2.0)*(r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_2 = r_1+k3_1/2.0;
u_2 = u_1+k4_1/2.0;
theta_2 = theta_1+k5_1/2.0;
z_2 = z_1 + k6_1/2.0;
w_2 = w_1 + k7_1/2.0;
k3_2 = deltat*u_2;
k4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2/((r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
k5_2 = deltat*(angmom/(r_2^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2 =====> deltatheta
k6_2 = deltat*w_2;
k7_2 = deltat*(-gm*z_2*(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_2^2.0)*(r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_3 = r_1+k3_2/2.0;
u_3 = u_1+k4_2/2.0;
theta_3 = theta_1+k5_2/2.0;
z_3 = z_1 + k6_2/2.0;
w_3 = w_1 + k7_2/2.0;
k3_3 = deltat*u_3; % r'=u
k4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3/((r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));% u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k5_3 = deltat*(angmom/(r_3^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2
k6_3 = deltat*w_3;
k7_3 = deltat*(-gm*z_3*(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_3^2.0)*(r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_4 = r_1+k3_2;
u_4 = u_1+k4_2;
theta_4 = theta_1+k5_2;
z_4 = z_1 + k6_2;
w_4 = w_1 + k7_2;
k3_4 = deltat*u_4; % r'=u
k4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4/((r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k5_4 = deltat*(angmom/(r_4^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2
k6_4 = deltat*w_4;
k7_4 = deltat*(-gm*z_4*(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_4^2.0)*(r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_1 = r_1+(k3_1+2.0*k3_2+2.0*k3_3+k3_4)/6.0; % New value of R for next step
u_1 = u_1+(k4_1+2.0*k4_2+2.0*k4_3+k4_4)/6.0; % New value of U for next step
theta_1 = theta_1+(k5_1+2.0*k5_2+2.0*k5_3+k5_4)/6.0; % New value of theta
z_1 = z_1+(k6_1+2.0*k6_2+2.0*k6_3+k6_4)/6.0;
w_1 = w_1+(k7_1+2.0*k7_2+2.0*k7_3+k7_4)/6.0;
e = -gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1); % energy
ecc = (1.0+(2.0*e*angmom2)/(gm^2.0))^0.5; % eccentricity
x(i) = r_1*cos(theta_1)/(1000.0*parsec); % X for plotting orbit
y(i) = r_1*sin(theta_1)/(1000.0*parsec); % Y for plotting orbit
time = time+deltat;
r(i) = r_1;
z(i) = z_1;
time1(i)= time;
Note that the anomally occurs on the indicated line.
It's not k3_1 that's capped, it's the calculation of u_1 that returns a value of -3.1445e+24 / deltat (deltat is constant).
u_1 is calculated in the line:
u_1 = u_1+(k4_1+2.0*k4_2+2.0*k4_3+k4_4)/6.0;
After the first iteration, this returns:
u_1(1) = 6.500e+13 % Hard coded before the loop
u_1(2) = -1.432966614767040e+04 % Calculated using the equation above
u_1(3) = -2.878934017859105e+04 % Calculated using the equation above
u_1(4) = -4.324903004768405e+04
Based on the equation u_1(n+1) = u_1(n) + du it looks like du represents a relatively small difference. The difference between the two first values is very large, so I'm assuming it is this calculation that's incorrect.
If you find that that calculation is correct, then your error is in one of these lines:
k4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1/((r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_1^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0) with lz=vi*ri this gives delta
k4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2/((r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
k4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3/((r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));% u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4/((r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)