Output of k3_1 is capped at -3.1445e+24 - matlab

I'm solving a system of ODEs using RK4. I'm generating a straight line plot that seems to be due to the fact that k3_1 is capped at -3.1445e+24. I don't understand why it is capped.
function RK4system_MNModel()
parsec = 3.08*10^18;
r_1 = 8.5*1000.0*parsec; % in cm
z_1 = 0.0; % in cm also
theta_1 = 0.0;
grav = 6.6720*10^-8;
amsun = 1.989*10^33; % in grams
amg = 1.5d11*amsun; % in grams
gm = grav*amg; % constant
q = 0.9; % axial ratio
u_1 = 130.0; % in cm/sec
w_1 = 95*10^4.0; % in cm/sec
v = 180*10^4.0; % in cm/sec
vcirc = sqrt(gm/r_1); % circular speed (constant)
nsteps = 50000;
deltat = 5.0*10^11; % in seconds
angmom = r_1*v; % these are the same
angmom2 = angmom^2.0;
e = -gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1);
for i=1:nsteps
k3_1 = deltat*u_1 %%%%% THIS LINE
k4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1/((r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5) + angmom2/(r_1^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0) with lz=vi*ri this gives deltau
k5_1 = deltat*(angmom/(r_1^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2 this gives deltatheta
k6_1 = deltat*w_1;
k7_1 = deltat*(-gm*z_1*(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_1^2.0)*(r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_2 = r_1+k3_1/2.0;
u_2 = u_1+k4_1/2.0;
theta_2 = theta_1+k5_1/2.0;
z_2 = z_1 + k6_1/2.0;
w_2 = w_1 + k7_1/2.0;
k3_2 = deltat*u_2;
k4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2/((r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
k5_2 = deltat*(angmom/(r_2^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2 =====> deltatheta
k6_2 = deltat*w_2;
k7_2 = deltat*(-gm*z_2*(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_2^2.0)*(r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_3 = r_1+k3_2/2.0;
u_3 = u_1+k4_2/2.0;
theta_3 = theta_1+k5_2/2.0;
z_3 = z_1 + k6_2/2.0;
w_3 = w_1 + k7_2/2.0;
k3_3 = deltat*u_3; % r'=u
k4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3/((r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));% u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k5_3 = deltat*(angmom/(r_3^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2
k6_3 = deltat*w_3;
k7_3 = deltat*(-gm*z_3*(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_3^2.0)*(r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_4 = r_1+k3_2;
u_4 = u_1+k4_2;
theta_4 = theta_1+k5_2;
z_4 = z_1 + k6_2;
w_4 = w_1 + k7_2;
k3_4 = deltat*u_4; % r'=u
k4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4/((r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k5_4 = deltat*(angmom/(r_4^2.0)); % theta'=lz/r^2
k6_4 = deltat*w_4;
k7_4 = deltat*(-gm*z_4*(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))/(sqrt(1+z_4^2.0)*(r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5));
r_1 = r_1+(k3_1+2.0*k3_2+2.0*k3_3+k3_4)/6.0; % New value of R for next step
u_1 = u_1+(k4_1+2.0*k4_2+2.0*k4_3+k4_4)/6.0; % New value of U for next step
theta_1 = theta_1+(k5_1+2.0*k5_2+2.0*k5_3+k5_4)/6.0; % New value of theta
z_1 = z_1+(k6_1+2.0*k6_2+2.0*k6_3+k6_4)/6.0;
w_1 = w_1+(k7_1+2.0*k7_2+2.0*k7_3+k7_4)/6.0;
e = -gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1); % energy
ecc = (1.0+(2.0*e*angmom2)/(gm^2.0))^0.5; % eccentricity
x(i) = r_1*cos(theta_1)/(1000.0*parsec); % X for plotting orbit
y(i) = r_1*sin(theta_1)/(1000.0*parsec); % Y for plotting orbit
time = time+deltat;
r(i) = r_1;
z(i) = z_1;
time1(i)= time;
Note that the anomally occurs on the indicated line.

It's not k3_1 that's capped, it's the calculation of u_1 that returns a value of -3.1445e+24 / deltat (deltat is constant).
u_1 is calculated in the line:
u_1 = u_1+(k4_1+2.0*k4_2+2.0*k4_3+k4_4)/6.0;
After the first iteration, this returns:
u_1(1) = 6.500e+13 % Hard coded before the loop
u_1(2) = -1.432966614767040e+04 % Calculated using the equation above
u_1(3) = -2.878934017859105e+04 % Calculated using the equation above
u_1(4) = -4.324903004768405e+04
Based on the equation u_1(n+1) = u_1(n) + du it looks like du represents a relatively small difference. The difference between the two first values is very large, so I'm assuming it is this calculation that's incorrect.
If you find that that calculation is correct, then your error is in one of these lines:
k4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1/((r_1^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_1^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_1^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0) with lz=vi*ri this gives delta
k4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2/((r_2^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_2^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
k4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3/((r_3^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_3^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));% u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)
k4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4/((r_4^2.0+(1+sqrt(1+z_4^2.0))^2.0)^1.5)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0)); % u'=-dphi_dr+lz^2/(r^3.0)


How to compute the psnr value for a denoised image corrupted with Cauchy noise?

The following is my implementation of a paper for cauchy noise removal.
The psnr value of the noisy image is 19 as the paper but when I compute the psnr value for the restored image un, it returns 17 which is even smaller than the psnr value of the noisy image. I guess there is something wrong in psnr computation with my code.
clear memory;
clear all
close all
%% Initialization
refimg = im2double(imread('cameraman256.png')); % original image
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
refimg = refimg(1:img_height,1:img_width);
padNum = 5;
refimg = padarray(refimg,[padNum,padNum],'symmetric');
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
%% Producing the degraded image
A = 1; % A =1 for image denoising
sz = size(refimg);
r1 = randn(sz); % (using randn because I don't have the statistics toolbox)
r2 = randn(sz);
n = 0.02; % the noise level
u0 = refimg + n.*(r1./r2);
u0 = min(u0,1); % clamp large values to 1
u0 = max(u0,0); % clamp small values to 0
figure(1); imshow(u0(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum),'border','tight');
%% Initial values for the primal-dual algorithm
tol = 1e-3;
nIter = 1e3;
options.order = 1; options.bound = 'sym';
un = u0;
wn = u0;
bun = un;
bwn = wn;
pxn = zeros(ny,nx);
pyn = zeros(ny,nx);
q = zeros(ny,nx);
[gxn,gyn] = grad(u0,options);
bgxn = gxn;
bgyn = gyn;
gamma = sqrt(2)/10;
lambda = 0.7;
mu = 6.25;
tau = 0.3;
sigma = 0.3;
%% Primal-dual Algorithm
for j = 1:nIter
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem p
pxn = pxn+sigma*(bgxn-ux);
pyn = pyn+sigma*(bgyn-uy);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem q
AUk = Au(bun);
q = q+sigma*(bwn-AUk);
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem g
goldxn = gxn;
goldyn = gyn;
txn = gxn-tau*pxn;
tyn = gyn-tau*pyn;
sn = max(1e-6,sqrt(txn.^2+tyn.^2));
gxn = txn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
gyn = tyn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem wn
u_medfilter = medfilt2(u0);
wold = wn;
a = mu.*lambda.*tau+1;
b = -(mu.*lambda.*tau.*(2.*u0+u_medfilter)-tau.*q+2.*u0+wold);
c = tau.*lambda+mu.*lambda.*tau.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2+2.*u_medfilter.*u0)-2.*tau.*q.*u0+...
d = -tau.*lambda.*u0-mu.*lambda.*tau.*u_medfilter.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)+tau.*q.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)...
qval = (3.*a.*c-(b.^2))./(9.*(a.^2));
rval = (9.*a.*b.*c-27.*(a.^2).*d-2.*(b.^3))./(54.*(a.^3));
deltaval = qval.^3+rval.^2;
wn = nthroot(rval+real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)+nthroot(rval-real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)-((b)./(3.*a));
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem un
uold = un;
Asqk = Atu(q);
un = un+tau*(Asqk-div(pxn,pyn,options)); % the restored image
% un = min(1,max(0.01,un));
if (norm(un-uold, 'fro')/norm(uold,'fro')<tol)
bun = 2*un-uold;
bwn = 2*wn-wold;
bgxn = 2*gxn-goldxn;
bgyn = 2*gyn-goldyn;
% PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(refimg(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-b
%% Dispaly results
New_un = un;
refimg = refimg(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
u0 = u0(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
u_medfilter = u_medfilter(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
New_un = New_un(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
PSNR_noisy = psnr(refimg,u0)
PSNR_med = psnr(refimg,u_medfilter)
PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(New_un,refimg)
figure(2); imshow([refimg,u_medfilter,New_un],'border','tight');
The problem was not in psnr computation. The problem with my code in this question was that I was considering the denoising case but I had forgotten to omit the blur kernel in primal-dual algorithm. Also, the initial parameters corresponding to the deblurring case must be zero. The following is the corrected code. Now the psnr value is 28 similar to the paper.
%% Initialization
refimg = im2double(imread('cameraman256.png')); % original image
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
refimg = refimg(1:img_height,1:img_width);
%% Producing the noisy image
sz = size(refimg);
r1 = randn(sz); % (using randn because I don't have the statistics toolbox)
r2 = randn(sz);
n = 0.02; % the noise level
u0 = refimg + n.*(r1./r2);
u0 = min(u0,1); % clamp large values to 1
u0 = max(u0,0); % clamp small values to 0
figure(1); imshow(u0,'border','tight');
%% Initial values for the primal-dual algorithm
init = u0;
[ny,nx] = size(init);
tol = 1e-3;
nIter = 1e3;
options.order = 1; options.bound = 'sym';
un = u0;
wn = zeros(ny,nx);
bun = un;
bwn = zeros(ny,nx);
pxn = zeros(ny,nx);
pyn = zeros(ny,nx);
q = zeros(ny,nx);
[gxn,gyn] = grad(u0,options);
bgxn = gxn;
bgyn = gyn;
gamma = sqrt(2)/10;
lambda = 0.7;
mu = 6.25;
tau = 0.3;
sigma = 0.3;
%% Primal-dual Algorithm
for j = 1:nIter
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem p
pxn = pxn+sigma*(bgxn-ux);
pyn = pyn+sigma*(bgyn-uy);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem q
AUk = bun;
q = q+sigma*(bwn-AUk);
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem g
goldxn = gxn;
goldyn = gyn;
txn = gxn-tau*pxn;
tyn = gyn-tau*pyn;
sn = max(1e-6,sqrt(txn.^2+tyn.^2));
gxn = txn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
gyn = tyn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem wn
u_medfilter = medfilt2(u0);
wold = wn;
a = mu.*lambda.*tau+1;
b = -(mu.*lambda.*tau.*(2.*u0+u_medfilter)-tau.*q+2.*u0+wold);
c = tau.*lambda+mu.*lambda.*tau.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2+2.*u_medfilter.*u0)-2.*tau.*q.*u0+...
d = -tau.*lambda.*u0-mu.*lambda.*tau.*u_medfilter.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)+tau.*q.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)...
qval = (3.*a.*c-(b.^2))./(9.*(a.^2));
rval = (9.*a.*b.*c-27.*(a.^2).*d-2.*(b.^3))./(54.*(a.^3));
deltaval = qval.^3+rval.^2;
wn = nthroot(rval+real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)+nthroot(rval-real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)-((b)./(3.*a));
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem un
uold = un;
Asqk = q;
un = un+tau*(Asqk-div(pxn,pyn,options)); % the restored image
if (norm(un-uold, 'fro')/norm(uold,'fro')<tol)
bun = 2*un-uold;
bwn = 2*wn-wold;
bgxn = 2*gxn-goldxn;
bgyn = 2*gyn-goldyn;
%% Dispaly results
PSNR_noisy = psnr(u0,refimg)
PSNR_med = psnr(u_medfilter,refimg)
PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(un,refimg)
figure(2); imshow([refimg,u_medfilter,un],'border','tight');

Why do i get "wrong number of output arguments" error when converting from Matlab to Scilab?

I'm trying to covert this Matlab code to Scilab, but I have some problems.
N = 101;
L = 4*pi;
x = linspace(0,L,N);
% It has three data set; 1: past, 2: current, 3: future.
u = zeros(N,3);
s = 0.5;
% Gaussian Pulse
y = 2*exp(-(x-L/2).^2);
u(:,1) = y;
u(:,2) = y;
% Plot the initial condition.
handle_line = plot(x,u(:,2),'LineWidth',2);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('u');
title('Wave equation');
% Dirichet Boundary conditions
u(1,:) = 0;
u(end,:) = 0;
filename = 'wave.gif';
for ii=1:100
disp(['at ii= ', num2str(ii)]);
u(2:end-1,3) = s*(u(3:end,2)+u(1:end-2,2)) ...
+ 2*(1-s)*u(2:end-1,2) ...
- u(2:end-1,1);
u(:,1) = u(:,2);
u(:,2) = u(:,3);
handle_line.YData = u(:,2);
frame = getframe(gcf);
im = frame2im(frame);
[A,map] = rgb2ind(im,256);
if ii==1
I get an error for this line:
handle_line = plot(x,u(:,2),'LineWidth',2);
Error states: Wrong number of output arguments
What should i change to fix it?
The line
has to be translated in Scilab to
Try this out:
N = 101;
L = 4*pi;
x = linspace(0,L,N);
% It has three data set; 1: past, 2: current, 3: future.
u = zeros(N,3);
s = 0.5;
% Gaussian Pulse
y = 2*exp(-(x-L/2).^2);
u(:,1) = y;
u(:,2) = y;
% Define a standard plot range for x and y
x_range=[min(x) max(x)];
y_range=[-max(y) max(y)];
% Plot the initial condition.
xlabel('x'); ylabel('u');
title('Wave equation');
% Dirichet Boundary conditions
u(1,:) = 0;
u(end,:) = 0;
filename = 'wave.gif';
for ii=1:100
disp(['at ii= ', num2str(ii)]);
u(2:end-1,3) = s*(u(3:end,2)+u(1:end-2,2)) ...
+ 2*(1-s)*u(2:end-1,2) ...
- u(2:end-1,1);
u(:,1) = u(:,2);
u(:,2) = u(:,3);
axis([x_range y_range]);
frame = getframe(gcf);
im = frame2im(frame);
[A,map] = rgb2ind(im,256);
if ii==1
I removed the output and added axis limit independently.

Matlab: Orbits of Planetary Bodies

The below code is something that I am cooking up. I am plotting the orbits of the Sun, Mercury, Earth and the Moon. I have gotten this far into the project but the orbit of Mercury is terrifyingly wrong. This is seen by typing "SunEarthMoon(2,50)" at the command prompt and viewing the bottom left plot. The logic behind the project is utilizing Newton's Second Law toggled with the command "ode45" to find the positions of the bodies during a given time interval. I've been staring at this for far too long. Can anyone help to fix the orbit of Mercury?
function [] = SunEarthMoon(years,framerate)
%% Clean Up
close all
%% Initializaion
x_earth = 147300000000; % [m]
x_mercury = 57.91e9; % [m]
v_earth = 30257; % [m/s]
v_mercury = 47362; % [m/s]
r_sat = 384748000; % earth surface [m]
r_earth = 6367000; % earth radius [m]
v_sat = 1023; % relative velocity from earth [m/s]
a = 5.145; % Angle to vertical (y) axis
b = 90; % Angle to horizontal (x) axis in xz plane
x_earth_o = [x_earth; 0; 0];
x_sun_o = [0; 0; 0];
x_mercury_o = [x_mercury; 0; 0];
x_sat_o = [x_earth+r_sat+r_earth; 0; 0];
v_earth_o = [0; v_earth; 0];
v_sun_o = [0; 0; 0];
v_mercury_o = [0; v_mercury; 0];
v_sat_o = v_sat*[cos(pi/180*b)*sin(pi/180*a); cos(pi/180*a); sin(pi/180*b)*sin(pi/180*a)] + v_earth_o;
interval = years*[0 31536000];
%% Error Control
h = [0.01 36000];
tol = 100000;
Options.AbsTol = tol;
Options.MaxStep = h(2);
Options.InitialStep = h(1);
%% Analysis
ao = [x_earth_o; v_earth_o; x_sun_o; v_sun_o; x_sat_o; v_sat_o; x_mercury_o; v_mercury_o];
[t, x] = ode45(#earthfinal,interval,ao,Options);
for i = 1:length(t)
R1(i) = (x(i,13)-x(i,1));
R2(i) = (x(i,14)-x(i,2));
R3(i) = (x(i,15)-x(i,3));
R(i) = sqrt(R1(i)^2+R2(i)^2+R3(i)^2);
T_index_earth = find([1; x(:,4)].*[x(:,4);1]<=0);
T_index_moon = find([1; R2(:)].*[R2(:); 1]<=0);
for i = 4:length(T_index_earth)
T_earth_semi(i-3) = (t(T_index_earth(i)-1)-t(T_index_earth(i-2)-1))/24/60/60;
T_earth = mean(T_earth_semi);
for i = 4:length(T_index_moon)
T_moon_semi(i-3) = (t(T_index_moon(i)-1)-t(T_index_moon(i-2)-1))/24/60/60;
T_moon = mean(T_moon_semi);
D_earth = 0;
for i = 2:(T_index_earth(4)-1)
D_earth = D_earth + sqrt((x(i,1)-x(i-1,1))^2+(x(i,2)-x(i-1,2))^2+(x(i,3)-x(i-1,3))^2);
D_moon = 0;
for i = 2:(T_index_moon(4)-1)
D_moon = D_moon + sqrt((R1(i)-R1(i-1))^2+(R2(i)-R2(i-1))^2+(R3(i)-R3(i-1))^2);
%% Plots
q = framerate;
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
figure('position', [0.05*scrsz(3) 0.05*scrsz(4) 0.75*scrsz(3) 0.85*scrsz(4)])
set(gcf,'name','Sun, Earth, and Moon Orbits')
for i = 1:length(t)/q
axis(1.1*[min(x(:,1)) max(x(:,1)) min(x(:,2)) max(x(:,2)) 2*min(x(:,15)) 2*max(x(:,15))])
xlabel('Universal X Coordinate (m)')
ylabel('Universal Y Coordinate (m)')
zlabel('Universal Z Coordinate (m)')
title('Relative Orbits')
hold on
hold off
axis(1.5*[min(R1) max(R1) min(R2) max(R2) min(R3) max(R3)])
xlabel('Universal X Coordinate (m)')
ylabel('Universal Y Coordinate (m)')
zlabel('Universal Z Coordinate (m)')
title('Relative Moon Orbit About Earth')
hold on
text(0,1.45*max(R2),1.40*max(R3),sprintf('Orbital Period, T = %3.5g days',T_moon))
text(0,1.45*max(R2),1.15*max(R3),sprintf('Orbital Circumference, D = %3.5g gigameters',D_moon*1e-9))
hold off
plot(x(1:i*q,1),x(1:i*q,2),'g',x(1:i*q,7),x(1:i*q,8),'r', x(1:i*q,19),x(1:i*q,20),'black')
axis(1.5*[min(x(:,1)) max(x(:,1)) min(x(:,2)) max(x(:,2))])
xlabel('Universal X Coordinate (m)')
ylabel('Universal Y Coordinate (m)')
title('Relative Earth Orbit About Sun')
hold on
text(1.45*min(x(:,1)),1.40*max(x(:,2)),sprintf('Orbital Period, T = %3.5g days',T_earth))
text(1.45*min(x(:,1)),1.25*max(x(:,2)),sprintf('Orbital Circumference, D = %3.5g gigameters',D_earth*1e-9))
text(1.45*min(x(:,1)),1.40*min(x(:,2)),sprintf('Time, t = %3.3g days',round(t(q*i)/24/60/60)))
hold off
axis([t(1)/24/60/60 t(end)/24/60/60 0.999*min(R)/1000 1.001*max(R)/1000])
xlabel('Time,t (days)')
ylabel('Orbit Radius, R (km)')
title('Moon-Earth Distance')
hold on
hold off
%% Differential Equation Function
function [udot]= earthfinal(t,u)
m_earth = 5.9742e24; % [kg]
m_mercury = 3.285e23; % [kg]
m_sun = 1.98892e30; % [kg]
m_sat = 11110; % [kg]
G = 6.67300e-11; %[(m)^3(kg)^-1(s)^-2];
d_earth_sun = sqrt((u( 7,1)-u(1,1))^2+(u( 8,1)-u(2,1))^2+(u( 9,1)-u(3,1))^2);
d_earth_sat = sqrt((u(13,1)-u(1,1))^2+(u(14,1)-u(2,1))^2+(u(15,1)-u(3,1))^2);
d_sun_sat = sqrt((u(13,1)-u(7,1))^2+(u(14,1)-u(8,1))^2+(u(15,1)-u(9,1))^2);
d_mercury_sun = sqrt((u(7,1) -u(19,1))^2 + (u(8,1) - u(20,1))^2 + (u(9,1)-u(21,1))^2);
d_mercury_earth = sqrt((u(1,1) -u(19,1))^2 + (u(2,1) - u(20,1))^2 + (u(3,1)-u(21,1))^2);
d_mercury_sat = sqrt((u(13,1) -u(19,1))^2 + (u(14,1) - u(20,1))^2 + (u(15,1)-u(21,1))^2);
% Earth motion
udot( 1,1) = u(4,1);
udot( 2,1) = u(5,1);
udot( 3,1) = u(6,1);
udot( 4,1) = m_sun*G*(u(7,1)-u(1,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(13,1)-u(1,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(19,1)-u(1,1))/d_mercury_earth^3;
udot( 5,1) = m_sun*G*(u(8,1)-u(2,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(14,1)-u(2,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(20,1)-u(2,1))/d_mercury_earth^3;
udot( 6,1) = m_sun*G*(u(9,1)-u(3,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(15,1)-u(3,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(21,1)-u(3,1))/d_mercury_earth^3;
% Sun Motion
udot( 7,1) = u(10,1);
udot( 8,1) = u(11,1);
udot( 9,1) = u(12,1);
udot(10,1) = m_earth*G*(u(1,1)-u(7,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(13,1)-u(7,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(19,1)-u(7,1))/d_mercury_sun^3;
udot(11,1) = m_earth*G*(u(2,1)-u(8,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(14,1)-u(8,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(20,1)-u(8,1))/d_mercury_sun^3;
udot(12,1) = m_earth*G*(u(3,1)-u(9,1))/d_earth_sun^3 + m_sat*G*(u(15,1)-u(9,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(21,1)-u(9,1))/d_mercury_sun^3;
% Satellite Motion
udot(13,1) = u(16,1);
udot(14,1) = u(17,1);
udot(15,1) = u(18,1);
udot(16,1) = m_earth*G*(u(1,1)-u(13,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_sun*G*(u(7,1)-u(13,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(19,1)-u(13,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;
udot(17,1) = m_earth*G*(u(2,1)-u(14,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_sun*G*(u(8,1)-u(14,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(20,1)-u(14,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;
udot(18,1) = m_earth*G*(u(3,1)-u(15,1))/d_earth_sat^3 + m_sun*G*(u(9,1)-u(15,1))/d_sun_sat^3 + m_mercury*G*(u(21,1)-u(15,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;
% Mercury Motion
udot(19,1) = u(22,1);
udot(20,1) = u(23,1);
udot(21,1) = u(24,1);
udot(22,1) = m_sun*G*(u(7,1)-u(19,1))/d_mercury_sun^3 + m_earth*G*(u(1,1)-u(19,1))/d_mercury_earth^3 + m_sat*G*(u(13,1)-u(19,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;
udot(23,1) = m_sun*G*(u(8,1)-u(20,1))/d_mercury_sun^3 + m_earth*G*(u(2,1)-u(20,1))/d_mercury_earth^3 + m_sat*G*(u(14,1)-u(20,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;
udot(24,1) = m_sun*G*(u(9,1)-u(21,1))/d_mercury_sun^3 + m_earth*G*(u(3,1)-u(21,1))/d_mercury_earth^3 + m_sat*G*(u(15,1)-u(21,1))/d_mercury_sat^3;

Matlab Neutron image reconstructions

I am trying to reconstruct an image using the projections from the Neutron image scanner. I am using the following code. I am not able to obtain a meaningful reconstructed image.
Can anybody advise me on where I am going wrong.
much appreciated,
filename = strcat(' Z:\NIST_Data\2016\SEPT\example reconstructed\carboxylic\carboxylic reconstructed part 3\Coral\',srcFiles(i).name);
P = im2double(I);
if i == 1
array3d = P;
array3d = cat(3, array3d, P);
num = size(array3d,3);
for p = 1:num
PR = double(squeeze(array3d(p,:,:)));
w = [-pi : (2*pi)/L : pi-(2*pi)/L];
Filt = abs(sin(w));
Filt = Filt(1:463);
for i = 1:C,
IMG = fft(PR(:,i));
FiltIMG = IMG*Filt; %FiltIMG = filter (b, a, IMG);
% Remove any remaining imaginary parts
FIL = real(FiltIMG);
% filter the projections
%filtPR = projfilter(PR);
%filtPR = filterplus(PR);
filtPR = FIL;
% figure out how big our picture is going to be.
n = size(filtPR,1);
sideSize = n;
% convert THETA to radians
th = (pi/180)*THETA;
% set up the image
m = length(THETA);
BPI = zeros(sideSize,sideSize);
% find the middle index of the projections
midindex = (n+1)/2;
% set up x and y matrices
x = 1:sideSize;
y = 1:sideSize;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
xpr = X - (sideSize+1)/2;
ypr = Y - (sideSize+1)/2;
% loop over each projection
%M = moviein(m);
for i = 1:m
disp(['On angle ', num2str(THETA(i))]);
% figure out which projections to add to which spots
filtIndex = round(midindex + xpr*sin(th(i)) - ypr*cos(th(i)));
% if we are "in bounds" then add the point
BPIa = zeros(sideSize,sideSize);
spota = find((filtIndex > 0) & (filtIndex <= n));
newfiltIndex = filtIndex(spota);
BPIa(spota) = filtPR(newfiltIndex(:),i);
%M(:,i) = getframe;
BPI = BPI./m;

The Euler-Maruyama uses timestep Dt multiple of a step size dt

I wonder if you could help me with this?
why the Euler-Maruyama uses timestep Dt multiple of a step size of the increment dt for the Brownian path ?
%EM Euler-Maruyama method on linear SDE
% SDE is dX = lambda*X dt + mu*X dW, X(0) = Xzero,
% where lambda = 2, mu = 1 and Xzero = 1.
% Discretized Brownian path over [0,1] has dt = 2^(-8).
% Euler-Maruyama uses timestep R*dt.
lambda = 2; mu = 1; Xzero = 1; % problem parameters
T = 1; N = 2^8; dt = T/N;
dW = sqrt(dt)*randn(1,N); % Brownian increments
W = cumsum(dW); % discretized Brownian path
Xtrue = Xzero*exp((lambda-0.5*mu^2)*([dt:dt:T])+mu*W);
plot([0:dt:T],[Xzero,Xtrue],'m-'), hold on
R = 4; Dt = R*dt; L = N/R; % L EM steps of size Dt = R*dt
Xem = zeros(1,L); % preallocate for efficiency
Xtemp = Xzero;
for j = 1:L
Winc = sum(dW(R*(j-1)+1:R*j));
Xtemp = Xtemp + Dt*lambda*Xtemp + mu*Xtemp*Winc;
Xem(j) = Xtemp;
plot([0:Dt:T],[Xzero,Xem],'r--*'), hold off
emerr = abs(Xem(end)-Xtrue(end))