Pinout for movesense Sensor - movesense

I have encountered a problem with the DFU mode of my senor. Probably caused by my own application.
I compiled and uploaded a sample application with the newest firmware (1.4.1 ) and bootloader and it worked like a charm. Then I uploaded my own firmware without the bootloader, this resulted in a semi responsive device, where i can see the device but not connect to it long enough to set it in DFU mode. I tried to manually set it in DFU mode by removing the battery, shorting the terminals, waiting and removing the short as described in the FAQ but the device still refuses to enter DFU mode.
As I have a j-link and pogopins I would like to flash the sensor myself, but can't find a pinout for the sensor (I have seen that movesense (Suunto) has a programming jig but would like not to buy more equipment due to limited storage space). Does anybody have a pinout for the sensor?

I found my answer when version 1.5.0 of the firmware was released. They added a pdf with the pinout to the movesense-device-lib.
The pdf with the pinout can be found here!


Olimax STM32-E407 cannot connect over SWD

Good day
The problem:
I am trying to connect/flash/debug a Olimax STM32-E407 dev board over SWD and I am not able
When trying to connect, using CubeProgrammer, I get: "No STM32 Target Found"
What I have tried:
I have connected a ST-link V3 mini to the pinout of the the 20pin header of the Olimax board including 3.3V, GND, SWDIO (PA13/Pin7), SWCLK (PA14/Pin9) and NRST (Pin15).
I am powering the powering the board from a power supply into the power jack
All jumpers and solder bridges are in stock places.
I have also tried manually pulling NRST to ground and doing a full chip erase, but that has not worked either.
I have used these ST-link debuggers on other boards I made and it works perfectly fine
I have 3 Olimax boards and none of them work
Any help would he hugely appreciated.
Debugging problems on microcontrollers have two general common methodes.
Hardware Problems:
In this part, it is highly recommended that use an oscilloscope to monitor circuit.
Make sure the microcontroller is powered with a correct and stable power supply.
Check the soldering quality and there is no short circuit on the board (especially between ground pins and other pins).
Check the NRST pin is high when the board is powered.
Remember that this reset is active low so during programming or debugging this pin should be high. Also, check this pin is debounced with a capacitor.
Also you can check the JTAG pins signals with an Oscilloscope to check if the programmer device is working fine.
Sometimes adding a capacitor between debugging pins and GND increases the bus capacitance and solves the problem. The value of the capacitor should be found by trying.
Software Problems
Check the programmer driver is correctly installed on your PC.
Check the programming method is true(for example maybe the board is designed to be programmed with SWD, not JATG).
Sometimes reducing the programming clock of the programmer solved the problem.
If all of these methods didn't work and you are sure that the board is fine, probably the programmer is broken, so change the programmer with another one.

How to boot STM32F405RGT6 with DFU

I have designed and assembled a PCB. All connections are fine and leds are blinking when i open the CUBEMX. But I don't know what to do after this point. Do I need to put some drivers before using DFU?
If so, i don't have an ST-LINK Programmer how can i use the only input for this pcb (which is PB11,PB12 as AN2662 suggests). Its also interesting that device is responding to CubeMX . Does device has any code in it?
Your question is not clear. But i will try to answer to your question with my understanding from the question. First thing that you need to find the datasheet of mcu. Now, you can able to find related pins for programming. Using these pins, you can program your hw.
if you want to put dfu mode to your hw, Please check "Application Note 2606 STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode".
Also, i wrote post about system memory bootloader, here is the link:
If I understood well, you want to learn how to upload code into your uC. If you are not familiar with DFU, I suggest that you can use ST LINK V2. However, the important point is whether, or not you put output terminals for SW pins (SWDIO, NRST, SWCLK, SWO).
For the DFU, you should check Bootloader properties and bootloader configurations specifcally related to your uC. After these, you can watch this video EEVBlog STM32 DFU and inspire from it.

Issue with freeswitch mod_Port audio in raspberry pi 4 (debian buster)

I have loaded mod_portaudio in freeswich. But after that when pa rescan the device, i found no device in the device list. While the pi is connected to a bluetooth speaker and also a headset with a aux cable and those are working fine in the system.
Can anyone please help me to sort out this issue.
I am also working on this and shortly believed to have solved it (see and, but it wasn't true:
I was testing with my headset and had successful "pa looptest" indicating both indev & outdev were working
Then, when I tested that in the context of my application for auto-answering incoming calls (I called with my mobile phone while putting it in front of a tv so that I can test if I would hear anything on my headset), I didn't notice that in that case the mic was not working because I had the headset on my ears and was hearing the tv (because of success of looptest, I was just assuming that the mic would also be working)
But when I finally got a Plantronics Calisto 620-M Bluetooth Speakerphone, even the looptest failed. At this moment, I tested more carefully my headset again, and there I found out that the mic was not working.
Because it seemed that something device-specific should be the reason for failure, I also tested with my bluetooth earphones; there the effect was equivalent to Calisto speakerphone.
I finally got a USB speakerphone and tried that one, but in that case "pa rescan" failed to find any devices.
With all four devices, always arecord and aplay were working perfectly, and the above issues appeared only with mod_portaudio.
I don't have any idea what the issue could be with the usb, but with the three bluetooth devices, I still believe that something device-specific should be causing the problems here, e.g. the sample rate. But, currently I am lacking time to further work on this...

How to flash without STLINK

My STLINKV2 is not working anymore, not detected by Linux, it failed after the first successful flash. I ordered a new one but it will take 60+ days to arrive. Meanwhile I have heard on Youtube you can program Bluepills directly by connecting cut open USB cable to certain pins and then using a jumper. But I cannot get any precie information on this, is this really possible and how?
You should use the embedded bootloader. You can flash it through several interfaces. Look at AN2606, maybe you can find an already written flasher. Good luck STM32CubeProgrammer handle it.
If you intend to program it through usb, look also at AN3156 all protocols document are referred in chapter 2 of AN2606
THOSE AREN'T CUT OPEN USB CABLES they are USB to serial adapters for arduino's bootloader
They connect them like this:
The problem is that this requires the Arduino STM32 bootloader to be flashed in it.
Another option will be to use STM32CubeProg this program allows you to program your stm over
You'll need to set the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins to the correct value (HIGH slash LOW) to allow it to go in flash mode during boot.
Here is semi outdated tutorial which tells most of the steps to program a STM using serial. (the Flash Loader Demonstrator is outdated and you should use STM32CubeProg)

How can I check the firmware version of a primesense Xtion camera?

How can I check the firmware version of a primesense Xtion camera?
I have a couple of these cameras which I suspect have different firmware versions. One works with NiViewer, the other doesn't. Although both are detected as connected to a usb port (I repeat the test on the same usb port). I don't want to flash firmware upgrades directly without knowing the current versions (I recently screwup another camera by just trying different firmwares). Ideally, I'm looking for some app I could run from ubuntu that can show the firmware version of the camera.
Looking at APIs, I found a getFirmwareRevision() call for the Structure SDK but I think that's for the occipital camera only. I've checked OpeneNI2 API and the most similar sounding function I've found is a call to GetFirmwareParams() but I can't see any example that refers to the firmware version, so I suspect that's for a different use.