faster way to add many large matrix in matlab - matlab

Say I have many (around 1000) large matrices (about 1000 by 1000) and I want to add them together element-wise. The very naive way is using a temp variable and accumulates in a loop. For example,
for ii=1:20
for jj=1:20
summ=summ+ rand(400);
After searching on the Internet for some while, someone said it's better to do with the help of sum(). For example,
for ii=1:20
for j=1:20
However, after I tested two ways, the result is
Elapsed time is 0.780819 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.085279 seconds.
which means the second method is even worse.
So I am just wondering if there any effective way to do addition? Assume that I am working on a computer with very large memory and a GTX 1080 (CUDA might be helpful but I don't know whether it's worthy to do so since communication also takes time.)
Thanks for your time! Any reply will be highly appreciated!.

The fastes way is to not use any loops in matlab at all.
In many cases, the internal functions of matlab all well optimized to use SIMD or other acceleration techniques.
An example for using the build in functionalities to create matrices of the desired size is X = rand(sz1,...,szN).
In your explicit case sum(rand(400,400,400),3) should give you then the fastest result.


Too many for loop iterations - for loop terminates

In a classification task, I need to do feature selection. So out of featSize = 98 features (variables), I want to know which ones are applicable. For each combination I train the classifier by tuning its hyperparameters. I've come across a problem in my usage of a for loop:
for b = 1:(2^featSize) - 1
% this is to choose the features. e.g. [1 0 0] selects the first
% feature out of three features if featSize = 3.
Matlab gives a warning: Warning: Too many FOR loop iterations. Stopping after 9223372036854775806 iterations.
Am I using the for loop in a prohibitive way? Is there another alternative method of completing this step?
Building a model for every possible combination of features is intractable. It's clear from your for loop that you would have to build an exponential number of models to cover every feature subset.
There are many approaches to feature selection that are practical to implement. The one most similar to your method is forward-selection. Many algorithms offer a regularization parameter instead (e.g. LASSO or ridge-regression). Some options for regression are discussed here
This talk covers many approaches to the problem of feature selection
2^98 = 316.9e27 = 300 thousand million million million million. If you run a billion* loop iterations a second, it would take ten thousand million** years to run that loop. I don't think you can afford the electricity bill... :)
It is scary, isn't it, how quickly exponential things explode?
Luckily, you don't need to loop this often to visit all pairs of features. If you have 98 features, then you have 98^2 pairs, not 2^98. Actually, you have 98*97, if you don't want to pair a feature with itself, and 98*97/2 if the order doesn't matter.
You can write a double loop to visit each pair:
N = 98
for ii = 1:N-1
for jj = ii+1:N
% do something with the pair [ii,jj]
* A billion as in a million million -- not the US billion.
** 2^98 /1e12 /60 /60 /24 /365 == 10.049e+9 -- I didn't take leap years or leap seconds into account... :)
I think you are requesting the for loop to do 2^98 = 316,910,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 iterations, so you will need to reduce the number of iterations.
As others have noted, yes, you are using the for loop in a prohibitive way, almost destructively. It's absurd to ask any regular computer, much less a super computer to run that many iterations of a loop. So that is that part of your question answered.
Regarding developing another method of tackling this, I don't know much about machine learning (I guess this is bad to say as I'm attempting to solve this), but regardless, it doesn't seem like you've provided enough information for us to help you there. Either way, you will need to somehow drastically reduce the number of iterations of the loop for this to run efficiently, and avoid the error.

3D matrix summation (complex double) very slow - possible reasons?

This might sound a little like a beginner's question but bear with me.
I have two large matrices A and B with the dimensions (1502x128x128 complex double)
I am trying to add them together but its seems like a forever lasting processes for some reasons.
I was wondering if you could direct me to a faster way of doing this
So far I have tried the following two scripts:
for ss=1:128
Is it slow because it is complex and there is no way around that or what are your thoughts on this.
Thank you
How much free memory do you have?
A = rand(1502,128,128)+1i*rand(1502,128,128);
B = rand(1502,128,128)+1i*rand(1502,128,128);
C = A+B;
Elapsed time is 0.211576 seconds.
and it occupies about 1.2 GB RAM.
I can't imagine another reason than memory issues.
Preallocating (C=zeros(1502,128,128);) is not necessary in this case. But you could try to clear C at the beginning.

Fast Algorithms for Finding Pairwise Euclidean Distance (Distance Matrix)

I know matlab has a built in pdist function that will calculate pairwise distances. However, my matrix is so large that its 60000 by 300 and matlab runs out of memory.
This question is a follow up on Matlab euclidean pairwise square distance function.
Is there any workaround for this computational inefficiency. I tried manually coding the pairwise distance calculations and it usually takes a full day to run (sometimes 6 to 7 hours).
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Well, I couldn't resist playing around. I created a Matlab mex C file called pdistc that implements pairwise Euclidean distance for single and double precision. On my machine using Matlab R2012b and R2015a it's 20–25% faster than pdist(and the underlying pdistmex helper function) for large inputs (e.g., 60,000-by-300).
As has been pointed out, this problem is fundamentally bounded by memory and you're asking for a lot of it. My mex C code uses minimal memory beyond that needed for the output. In comparing its memory usage to that of pdist, it looks like the two are virtually the same. In other words, pdist is not using lots of extra memory. Your memory problem is likely in the memory used up before calling pdist (can you use clear to remove any large arrays?) or simply because you're trying to solve a big computational problem on tiny hardware.
So, my pdistc function likely won't be able to save you memory overall, but you may be able to use another feature I built in. You can calculate chunks of your overall pairwise distance vector. Something like this:
m = 6e3;
n = 3e2;
X = rand(m,n);
sz = m*(m-1)/2;
for i = 1:m:sz-m
D = pdistc(X', i, i+m); % mex C function, X is transposed relative to pdist
... % Process chunk of pairwise distances
This is considerably slower (10 times or so) and this part of my C code is not optimized well, but it will allow much less memory use – assuming that you don't need the entire array at one time. Note that you could do the same thing much more efficiently with pdist (or pdistc) by creating a loop where you passed in subsets of X directly, rather than all of it.
If you have a 64-bit Intel Mac, you won't need to compile as I've included the .mexmaci64 binary, but otherwise you'll need to figure out how to compile the code for your machine. I can't help you with that. It's possible that you may not be able to get it to compile or that there will be compatibility issues that you'll need to solve by editing the code yourself. It's also possible that there are bugs and the code will crash Matlab. Also, note that you may get slightly different outputs relative to pdist with differences between the two in the range of machine epsilon (eps). pdist may or may not do fancy things to avoid overflows for large inputs and other numeric issues, but be aware that my code does not.
Additionally, I created a simple pure Matlab implementation. It is massively slower than the mex code, but still faster than a naïve implementation or the code found in pdist.
All of the files can be found here. The ZIP archive includes all of the files. It's BSD licensed. Feel free to optimize (I tried BLAS calls and OpenMP in the C code to no avail – maybe some pointer magic or GPU/OpenCL could further speed it up). I hope that it can be helpful to you or someone else.
On my system the following is the fastest (Even faster than the C code pdistc by #horchler):
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2);
mD = sqrt(bsxfun(#plus, vSsqX.', vSsqX) - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
You'll need a very well tuned C code to beat this, I think.
Since MATLAB R2016b MATLAB supports implicit broadcasting without the use of bsxfun().
Hence the code can be written:
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2, 1);
mD = sqrt(vSsqX.'+ vSsqX - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
A generalization is given in my Calculate Distance Matrix project.
P. S.
Using MATLAB's pdist for comparison: squareform(pdist(mX.')) is equivalent to CalcDistMtx(mX).
Namely the input should be transposed.
Computers are not infinitely large, or infinitely fast. People think that they have a lot of memory, a fast CPU, so they just create larger and larger problems, and then eventually wonder why their problem runs slowly. The fact is, this is NOT computational inefficiency. It is JUST an overloaded CPU.
As Oli points out in a comment, there are something like 2e9 values to compute, even assuming you only compute the upper or lower half of the distance matrix. (6e4^2/2 is approximately 2e9.) This will require roughly 16 gigabytes of RAM to store, assuming that only ONE copy of the array is created in memory. If your code is sloppy, you might easily double or triple that. As soon as you go into virtual memory, things get much slower.
Wanting a big problem to run fast is not enough. To really help you, we need to know how much RAM is available. Is this a virtual memory issue? Are you using 64 bit MATLAB, on a CPU that can handle all the needed RAM?

Calculate time of script execution previously with Matlab

Good morning,
I have a question about the time execution of a script on Matlab. Is it possible to know previously how long spend the execution of a script before running it (an estimated time, for example)? I know that with tic and toc command, among others, is it possible to know the time at the end but I don't know if it's possible to know it before.
Thanks in advance,
It is not too hard to make an estimate of how long your calculation will take.
You already know how to record calculation times with tic and toc, so now you can do this:
Start with a small scale test (example, n=1) and record the calculation time
Multiply n with a constant k (I usually choose 2 or 10 for easy calculations), record the calculation time
Keep multiplying with n untill you find a consistent relation: 'If I multiply my input size with k, my calculation time changes like so ...'
Now you can extrapolate your estimated calculation time by:
calculating how many times you need to multiply input size of the biggest small scale example to get your real data size
Applying the consistent relation that you found exactly that many times to the calculation time of your biggest small scale example
Of course this combines well with some common sense, like if you do certain things t times they will take about t times as long. This can easily be used when you have to perform a certain calculation a million times. Just interrupt the loop after a minute or so, if it is still in the first ten calculations you may want to give up!

optimization, reduction variables, and MATLAB parfor

I'm trying to write a simple generic parallel code for minimizing a function in MATLAB. The idea is very simple, essentially:
parfor k = 1:N
(...find a good solution xcurrent with cost fcurrent ... )
% keep best current value
fmin = min(fmin,fxcurrent)
This works fine, because fmin is a reduction variable, and thus I can use this construction to update the current best value.
However, I couldn't find a nice elegant way of keeping (or storing) the best current solution ("xcurrent").
How do I keep track of the best solution found so far?
In other words, if the current value is strictly smaller than fmin, how can I save xcurrent (subject to the constraints that parallel loops impose in MATLAB)?
[Of course, the serial version is trivial, just prepend
if fxcurrent < fmin;
xbest = xcurrent;
but this does not work on a parfor loop.]
A few approaches that come to mind:
I could just store all solutions and costs (using sliced variables), but this is hugely memory inefficient (the number of iterations N is very large, and the solutions themselves are very big).
Similarly, I could use a (set or matrix) reduction variable and do:
solutionset = [solutionset,xcurrent]
but this is almost as bad in terms of memory requirement.
I could also save xcurrent to disk every time the solution is improved.
I tried to look around for a simpler solution, but nothing was very useful.
The question seems to be well-defined (so it's not like in other problems, where the output could depend on iteration order), but I couldn't find an elegant way of doing this.
Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious, and thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks so I copy the suggestion down here.
Just an idea- what if you write your own reduction function - basically just containing the if block and a save or output?
You will presumably need to maintain multiple xcurrent structures in memory anyway, since there will have to be a separate copy for each worker executing the loop-body. I would try splitting your loop into an outer parallel part and an inner serial part -- this will allow you to adjust the number of copies of xcurrent separately to the total iteration count.
The inner (serial) loop can use the normal if fxcurrent < fmin; xmin = xcurrent; end construct to update its best solution, and the outer (parallel) loop can just store all solutions using slicing. As a final step you select the best solution from your (small) set.