Too many for loop iterations - for loop terminates - matlab

In a classification task, I need to do feature selection. So out of featSize = 98 features (variables), I want to know which ones are applicable. For each combination I train the classifier by tuning its hyperparameters. I've come across a problem in my usage of a for loop:
for b = 1:(2^featSize) - 1
% this is to choose the features. e.g. [1 0 0] selects the first
% feature out of three features if featSize = 3.
Matlab gives a warning: Warning: Too many FOR loop iterations. Stopping after 9223372036854775806 iterations.
Am I using the for loop in a prohibitive way? Is there another alternative method of completing this step?

Building a model for every possible combination of features is intractable. It's clear from your for loop that you would have to build an exponential number of models to cover every feature subset.
There are many approaches to feature selection that are practical to implement. The one most similar to your method is forward-selection. Many algorithms offer a regularization parameter instead (e.g. LASSO or ridge-regression). Some options for regression are discussed here
This talk covers many approaches to the problem of feature selection

2^98 = 316.9e27 = 300 thousand million million million million. If you run a billion* loop iterations a second, it would take ten thousand million** years to run that loop. I don't think you can afford the electricity bill... :)
It is scary, isn't it, how quickly exponential things explode?
Luckily, you don't need to loop this often to visit all pairs of features. If you have 98 features, then you have 98^2 pairs, not 2^98. Actually, you have 98*97, if you don't want to pair a feature with itself, and 98*97/2 if the order doesn't matter.
You can write a double loop to visit each pair:
N = 98
for ii = 1:N-1
for jj = ii+1:N
% do something with the pair [ii,jj]
* A billion as in a million million -- not the US billion.
** 2^98 /1e12 /60 /60 /24 /365 == 10.049e+9 -- I didn't take leap years or leap seconds into account... :)

I think you are requesting the for loop to do 2^98 = 316,910,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 iterations, so you will need to reduce the number of iterations.

As others have noted, yes, you are using the for loop in a prohibitive way, almost destructively. It's absurd to ask any regular computer, much less a super computer to run that many iterations of a loop. So that is that part of your question answered.
Regarding developing another method of tackling this, I don't know much about machine learning (I guess this is bad to say as I'm attempting to solve this), but regardless, it doesn't seem like you've provided enough information for us to help you there. Either way, you will need to somehow drastically reduce the number of iterations of the loop for this to run efficiently, and avoid the error.


Ways to Improve Universal Differential Equation Training with sciml_train

About a month ago I asked a question about strategies for better convergence when training a neural differential equation. I've since gotten that example to work using the advice I was given, but when I applied what the same advice to a more difficult model, I got stuck again. All of my code is in Julia, primarily making use of the DiffEqFlux library. In effort to keep this post as brief as possible, I won't share all of my code for everything I've tried, but if anyone wants access to it to troubleshoot I can provide it.
What I'm Trying to Do
The data I'm trying to learn comes from an SIRx model:
function SIRx!(du, u, p, t)
β, μ, γ, a, b = Float32.([280, 1/50, 365/22, 100, 0.05])
S, I, x = u
du[1] = μ*(1-x) - β*S*I - μ*S
du[2] = β*S*I - (μ+γ)*I
du[3] = a*I - b*x
The initial condition I used was u0 = Float32.([0.062047128, 1.3126149f-7, 0.9486445]);. I generated data from t=0 to 25, sampled every 0.02 (in training, I only use every 20 points or so for speed, and using more doesn't improve results). The data looks like this: Training Data
The UDE I'm training is
function SIRx_ude!(du, u, p, t)
μ, γ = Float32.([1/50, 365/22])
S,I,x = u
du[1] = μ*(1-x) - μ*S + ann_dS(u, #view p[1:lenS])[1]
du[2] = -(μ+γ)*I + ann_dI(u, #view p[lenS+1:lenS+lenI])[1]
du[3] = ann_dx(u, #view p[lenI+1:end])[1]
Each of the neural networks (ann_dS, ann_dI, ann_dx) are defined using FastChain(FastDense(3, 20, tanh), FastDense(20, 1)). I tried using a single neural network with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, but it was slower and didn't perform any better. I also tried normalizing inputs to the network first, but it doesn't make a significant difference outside of slowing things down.
What I've Tried
Single shooting
The network just fits a line through the middle of the data. This happens even when I weight the earlier datapoints more in the loss function. Single-shot Training
Multiple Shooting
The best result I had was with multiple shooting. As seen here, it's not simply fitting a straight line, but it's not exactly fitting the data eitherMultiple Shooting Result. I've tried continuity terms ranging from 0.1 to 100 and group sizes from 3 to 30 and it doesn't make a significant difference.
Various Other Strategies
I've also tried iteratively growing the fit, 2-stage training with a collocation, and mini-batching as outlined here:,, Iteratively growing the fit works well the first couple of iterations, but as the length increases it goes back to fitting a straight line again. 2-stage collocation training works really well for stage 1, but it doesn't actually improve performance on the second stage (I've tried both single and multiple shooting for the second stage). Finally, mini-batching worked about as well as single-shooting (which is to say not very well) but much more quickly.
My Question
In summary, I have no idea what to try. There are so many strategies, each with so many parameters that can be tweaked. I need a way to diagnose the problem more precisely so I can better decide how to proceed. If anyone has experience with this sort of problem, I'd appreciate any advice or guidance I can get.
This isn't a great SO question because it's more exploratory. Did you lower your ODE tolerances? That would improve your gradient calculation which could help. What activation function are you using? I would use something like softplus instead of tanh so that you don't have the saturating behavior. Did you scale the eigenvalues and take into account the issues explored in the stiff neural ODE paper? Larger neural networks? Different learning rates? ADAM? Etc.
This is much better suited for a forum for discussion like the JuliaLang Discourse. We can continue there since walking through this will not be fruitful without some back and forth.

faster way to add many large matrix in matlab

Say I have many (around 1000) large matrices (about 1000 by 1000) and I want to add them together element-wise. The very naive way is using a temp variable and accumulates in a loop. For example,
for ii=1:20
for jj=1:20
summ=summ+ rand(400);
After searching on the Internet for some while, someone said it's better to do with the help of sum(). For example,
for ii=1:20
for j=1:20
However, after I tested two ways, the result is
Elapsed time is 0.780819 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.085279 seconds.
which means the second method is even worse.
So I am just wondering if there any effective way to do addition? Assume that I am working on a computer with very large memory and a GTX 1080 (CUDA might be helpful but I don't know whether it's worthy to do so since communication also takes time.)
Thanks for your time! Any reply will be highly appreciated!.
The fastes way is to not use any loops in matlab at all.
In many cases, the internal functions of matlab all well optimized to use SIMD or other acceleration techniques.
An example for using the build in functionalities to create matrices of the desired size is X = rand(sz1,...,szN).
In your explicit case sum(rand(400,400,400),3) should give you then the fastest result.

work stealing with Parallel Computing Toolbox

I have implemented a combinatorial search algorithm (for comparison to a more efficient optimization technique) and tried to improve its runtime with parfor.
Unfortunately, the work assignments appear to be very badly unbalanced.
Each subitem i has complexity of approximately nCr(N - i, 3). As you can see, the tasks i < N/4 involve significantly more work than i > 3*N/4, yet it seems MATLAB is assigning all of i < N/4 to a single worker.
Is it true that MATLAB divides the work based on equally sized subsets of the loop range?
No, this question cites the documentation saying it does not.
Is there a convenient way to rebalance this without hardcoding the number of workers (e.g. if I require exactly 4 workers in the pool, then I could swap the two lowest bits of i with two higher bits in order to ensure each worker received some mix of easy and hard tasks)?
I don't think a full "work-stealing" implementation is necessary, perhaps just assigning 1, 2, 3, 4 to the workers, then when 4 completes first, its worker begins on item 5, and so on. The size of each item is sufficiently larger than the number of iterations that I'm not too worried about the increased communication overhead.
If the loop iterations are indeed distributed ahead of time (which would mean that in the end, there is a single worker that will have to complete several iterations while the other workers are idle - is this really the case?), the easiest way to ensure a mix is to randomly permute the loop iterations:
permutedIterations = randperm(nIterations);
permutedResults = cell(nIterations,1); %# or whatever else you use for storing results
%# run the parfor loop, completing iterations in permuted order
parfor iIter = 1:nIterations
permutedResults(iIter) = f(permutedIterations(iIter));
%# reorder results for easier subsequent analysis
results = permutedResults(permutedIterations);

Matlab parallel computing toolbox, dynamic allocation of work in parfor loops

I'm working with a long running parfor loop in matlab.
parfor iter=1:1000
There are generally about 2-3 timing outliers per run. That is to say for every 1000 chunks of work performed there are 2-3 that take about 100 times longer than the rest. As the loop nears completion, the workers that evaluated the outliers continue to run while the rest of the workers have no computational load.
This is consistent with the parfor loop distributing work statically. This is in contrast with the documentation for the parallel computing toolbox found here:
"Work distribution is dynamic. Instead of being allocated a fixed
iteration range, the workers are allocated a new iteration only after
they finish processing their current iteration, which results in an
even work load distribution."
Any ideas about what's going on?
I think the doc you quote has a pretty good description what is considered a static allocation of work: each worker "being allocated a fixed iteration range". For 4 workers, this would mean the first being assigned iter 1:250, the second iter 251:500,... or the 1:4:100 for the first, 2:4:1000 for the second and so on.
You did not say exactly what you observe, but what you describe is well consistent with dynamic workload distribution: First, the four (example) workers work on one iter each, the first one that is finished works on a fifth, the next one that is done (which may well be the same if three of the first four take somewhat longer) works on a sixth, and so on. Now if your outliers are number 20, 850 and 900 in the order MATLAB chooses to process the loop iterations and each take 100 times as long, this only means that the 21st to 320th iterations will be solved by three of the four workers while one is busy with the 20th (by 320 it will be done, now assuming roughly even distribution of non-outlier calculation time). The worker being assigned the 850th iteration will, however, continue to run even after another has solved #1000, and the same for #900. In fact, if there were about 1100 iterations, the one working on #900 should be finished roughly at the time when the others are.
[edited as the orginal wording implied MATLAB would still assign the iterations of the parfor loop in order from 1 to 1000, which should not be assumed]
So long story short, unless you find a way to process your outliers first (which of course requires you to know a priori which ones are the outliers, and to find a way to make MATLAB start the parfor loop processing with these), dynamic workload distribution alone cannot avoid the effect you observe.
Addition: I think, however, that your observation that as "the loop nears completion, the worker*s* that evaluated the outliers continue to run" seems to imply at least one of the following
The outliers somehow are among the last iterations MATLAB starts to process
You have many workers, in the order of magnitude of the number of iterations
Your estimate of the number of outliers (2-3) or your estimate of their computation time penalty (factor 100) is too low
The work distribution in PARFOR is somewhat deterministic. You can observe precisely what's going on by having each worker log to disk how things go, but basically it turns out that PARFOR divides your loop up into chunks in a deterministic way, but farms them out dynamically. Unfortunately, there's currently no way to control that chunking.
However, if you cannot predict which of your 1000 cases are going to be outliers, it's hard to imagine an efficient scheme for distributing the work.
If you can predict your outliers, you might be able to take advantage of the fact that roughly speaking, PARFOR executes loop iterations in reverse order, so you could put them at the "end" of the loop so work starts on them immediately.
The problem you face is well described in #arne.b's answer, I have nothing to add to that.
But, the parallel compute toolbox does contain functions for decomposing a job into tasks for independent execution. From your question it's not possible to conclude either that this is suitable or that this is not suitable for your application. If it is, the general strategy is to break the job into tasks of some size and have each processor tackle a task, when finished go back to the stack of unfinished tasks and start on another.
You might be able to decompose your problem such that one task replaces one loop iteration (lots of tasks, lots of overhead in managing the computation but best load-balancing) or so that one task replaces N loop iterations (fewer tasks, less overhead, poorer load-balancing). Jobs and tasks are a little trickier to implement than parfor too.
As an alternative to PARFOR, in R2013b and later, you can use PARFEVAL and divide up the work any way you see fit. You could even cancel the 'timing outliers' once you've got sufficient results, if that's appropriate. There is, of course, overhead when dividing up your existing loop into 1000 individual remote PARFEVAL calls. Perhaps that's a problem, perhaps not. Here's the sort of thing I'm imagining:
for idx = 1:1000
futures(idx) = parfeval(#chunk_of_work, 1, idx);
done = false; numComplete = 0;
timer = tic();
while ~done
[idx, result] = fetchNext(futures, 10); % wait up to 10 seconds
if ~isempty(idx)
numComplete = numComplete + 1;
% stash result
done = (numComplete == 1000) || (toc(timer) > 100);
% cancel outstanding work, has no effect on completed futures

optimization, reduction variables, and MATLAB parfor

I'm trying to write a simple generic parallel code for minimizing a function in MATLAB. The idea is very simple, essentially:
parfor k = 1:N
(...find a good solution xcurrent with cost fcurrent ... )
% keep best current value
fmin = min(fmin,fxcurrent)
This works fine, because fmin is a reduction variable, and thus I can use this construction to update the current best value.
However, I couldn't find a nice elegant way of keeping (or storing) the best current solution ("xcurrent").
How do I keep track of the best solution found so far?
In other words, if the current value is strictly smaller than fmin, how can I save xcurrent (subject to the constraints that parallel loops impose in MATLAB)?
[Of course, the serial version is trivial, just prepend
if fxcurrent < fmin;
xbest = xcurrent;
but this does not work on a parfor loop.]
A few approaches that come to mind:
I could just store all solutions and costs (using sliced variables), but this is hugely memory inefficient (the number of iterations N is very large, and the solutions themselves are very big).
Similarly, I could use a (set or matrix) reduction variable and do:
solutionset = [solutionset,xcurrent]
but this is almost as bad in terms of memory requirement.
I could also save xcurrent to disk every time the solution is improved.
I tried to look around for a simpler solution, but nothing was very useful.
The question seems to be well-defined (so it's not like in other problems, where the output could depend on iteration order), but I couldn't find an elegant way of doing this.
Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious, and thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks so I copy the suggestion down here.
Just an idea- what if you write your own reduction function - basically just containing the if block and a save or output?
You will presumably need to maintain multiple xcurrent structures in memory anyway, since there will have to be a separate copy for each worker executing the loop-body. I would try splitting your loop into an outer parallel part and an inner serial part -- this will allow you to adjust the number of copies of xcurrent separately to the total iteration count.
The inner (serial) loop can use the normal if fxcurrent < fmin; xmin = xcurrent; end construct to update its best solution, and the outer (parallel) loop can just store all solutions using slicing. As a final step you select the best solution from your (small) set.