Fast Algorithms for Finding Pairwise Euclidean Distance (Distance Matrix) - matlab

I know matlab has a built in pdist function that will calculate pairwise distances. However, my matrix is so large that its 60000 by 300 and matlab runs out of memory.
This question is a follow up on Matlab euclidean pairwise square distance function.
Is there any workaround for this computational inefficiency. I tried manually coding the pairwise distance calculations and it usually takes a full day to run (sometimes 6 to 7 hours).
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Well, I couldn't resist playing around. I created a Matlab mex C file called pdistc that implements pairwise Euclidean distance for single and double precision. On my machine using Matlab R2012b and R2015a it's 20–25% faster than pdist(and the underlying pdistmex helper function) for large inputs (e.g., 60,000-by-300).
As has been pointed out, this problem is fundamentally bounded by memory and you're asking for a lot of it. My mex C code uses minimal memory beyond that needed for the output. In comparing its memory usage to that of pdist, it looks like the two are virtually the same. In other words, pdist is not using lots of extra memory. Your memory problem is likely in the memory used up before calling pdist (can you use clear to remove any large arrays?) or simply because you're trying to solve a big computational problem on tiny hardware.
So, my pdistc function likely won't be able to save you memory overall, but you may be able to use another feature I built in. You can calculate chunks of your overall pairwise distance vector. Something like this:
m = 6e3;
n = 3e2;
X = rand(m,n);
sz = m*(m-1)/2;
for i = 1:m:sz-m
D = pdistc(X', i, i+m); % mex C function, X is transposed relative to pdist
... % Process chunk of pairwise distances
This is considerably slower (10 times or so) and this part of my C code is not optimized well, but it will allow much less memory use – assuming that you don't need the entire array at one time. Note that you could do the same thing much more efficiently with pdist (or pdistc) by creating a loop where you passed in subsets of X directly, rather than all of it.
If you have a 64-bit Intel Mac, you won't need to compile as I've included the .mexmaci64 binary, but otherwise you'll need to figure out how to compile the code for your machine. I can't help you with that. It's possible that you may not be able to get it to compile or that there will be compatibility issues that you'll need to solve by editing the code yourself. It's also possible that there are bugs and the code will crash Matlab. Also, note that you may get slightly different outputs relative to pdist with differences between the two in the range of machine epsilon (eps). pdist may or may not do fancy things to avoid overflows for large inputs and other numeric issues, but be aware that my code does not.
Additionally, I created a simple pure Matlab implementation. It is massively slower than the mex code, but still faster than a naïve implementation or the code found in pdist.
All of the files can be found here. The ZIP archive includes all of the files. It's BSD licensed. Feel free to optimize (I tried BLAS calls and OpenMP in the C code to no avail – maybe some pointer magic or GPU/OpenCL could further speed it up). I hope that it can be helpful to you or someone else.

On my system the following is the fastest (Even faster than the C code pdistc by #horchler):
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2);
mD = sqrt(bsxfun(#plus, vSsqX.', vSsqX) - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
You'll need a very well tuned C code to beat this, I think.
Since MATLAB R2016b MATLAB supports implicit broadcasting without the use of bsxfun().
Hence the code can be written:
function [ mD ] = CalcDistMtx ( mX )
vSsqX = sum(mX .^ 2, 1);
mD = sqrt(vSsqX.'+ vSsqX - (2 * (mX.' * mX)));
A generalization is given in my Calculate Distance Matrix project.
P. S.
Using MATLAB's pdist for comparison: squareform(pdist(mX.')) is equivalent to CalcDistMtx(mX).
Namely the input should be transposed.

Computers are not infinitely large, or infinitely fast. People think that they have a lot of memory, a fast CPU, so they just create larger and larger problems, and then eventually wonder why their problem runs slowly. The fact is, this is NOT computational inefficiency. It is JUST an overloaded CPU.
As Oli points out in a comment, there are something like 2e9 values to compute, even assuming you only compute the upper or lower half of the distance matrix. (6e4^2/2 is approximately 2e9.) This will require roughly 16 gigabytes of RAM to store, assuming that only ONE copy of the array is created in memory. If your code is sloppy, you might easily double or triple that. As soon as you go into virtual memory, things get much slower.
Wanting a big problem to run fast is not enough. To really help you, we need to know how much RAM is available. Is this a virtual memory issue? Are you using 64 bit MATLAB, on a CPU that can handle all the needed RAM?


How to 'copy' matrix without creating a temporary matrix in memory that caused memory overflow?

By assigning a matrix into a much bigger allocated memory, matlab somehow will duplicate it while 'copying' it, and if the matrix to be copied is large enough, there will be memory overflow. This is the sample code:
for k=1:4
parfor i=1:n
main_mat(:,:,1+(k-1)*n:1+(k-1)*n+n-1)=slice_matrix; %This is where the memory will likely overflow
Any way to just 'smash' the slice_matrix onto the main_mat without the overhead? Thanks in advance.
The overflow occurred when main_mat is allocated beforehand. If main_mat is initialized with main_mat=zeros(500,500,1); (smaller size), the overflow will not occur, but it will slowed down as allocation is not done before matrix is assigned into it. This will significantly reduce the performance as the range of k increases.
The main issue is that numbers take more space than zeros.
main_mat=zeros(500,500,2000); takes little RAM while main_mat = rand(500,500,2000); take a lot, no matter if you use GPU or parfor (in fact, parfor will make you use more RAM). So This is not an unnatural swelling of memory. Following Daniel's link below, it seems that the assignment of zeros only creates pointers to memory, and the physical memory is filled only when you use the matrix for "numbers". This is managed by the operating system. And it is expected for Windows, Mac and Linux, either you do it with Matlab or other languages such as C.
Removing parfor will likely fix your problem.
parfor is not useful there. MATLAB's parfor does not use shared memory parallelism (i.e. it doesn't start new threads) but rather distributed memory parallelism (it starts new processes). It is designed to distribute work over a set or worker nodes. And though it also works within one node (or a single desktop computer) to distribute work over multiple cores, it is not an optimal way of doing parallelism within one node.
This means that each of the processes started by parfor needs to have its own copy of slice_matrix, which is the cause of the large amount of memory used by your program.
See "Decide When to Use parfor" in the MATLAB documentation to learn more about parfor and when to use it.
I assume that your code is just a sample code and that rand() represents a custom in your MVE. So there are a few hints and tricks for the memory usage in matlab.
There is a snippet from The MathWorks training handbooks:
When assigning one variable to another in MATLAB, as occurs when passing parameters into a function, MATLAB transparently creates a reference to that variable. MATLAB breaks the reference, and creates a copy of that variable, only when code modifies one or more of teh values. This behavior, known as copy-on-write, or lazy-copying, defers the cost of copying large data sets until the code modifies a values. Therefore, if the code performs no modifications, there is no need for extra memory space and execution time to copy variables.
The first thing to do would be to check the (memory) efficiency of your code. Even the code of excellent programmers can be futher optimized with (a little) brain power. Here are a few hints regarding memory efficiency
make use of the nativ vectorization of matlab, e.g. sum(X,2), mean(X,2), std(X,[],2)
make sure that matlab does not have to expand matrices (implicit expanding was changed recently). It might be more efficient to use the bsxfun
use in-place-operations, e.g. x = 2*x+3 rather than x = 2*x+3
Be aware that optimum regarding memory usage is not the same as if you would want to reduce computation time. Therefore, you might want to consider reducing the number of workers or refrain from using the parfor-loop. (As parfor cannot use shared memory, there is no copy-on-write feature with using the Parallel Toolbox.
If you want to have a closer look at your memory, what is available and that can be used by Matlab, check out feature('memstats'). What is interesting for you is the Virtual Memory that is
Total and available memory associated with the whole MATLAB process. It is limited by processor architecture and operating system.
or use this command [user,sys] = memory.
Quick side node: Matlab stores matrices consistently in memory. You need to have a large block of free RAM for large matrices. That is also the reason why you want to allocate variables, because changing them dynamically forces Matlab to copy the entire matrix to a larger spot in the RAM every time it outgrows the current spot.
If you really have memory issues, you might just want to dig into the art of data types -- as is required in lower level languages. E.g. you can cut your memory usage in half by using single-precision directly from the start main_mat=zeros(500,500,2000,'single'); -- btw, this also works with rand(...,'single') and more native functions -- although a few of the more sophisticated matlab functions require input of type double, which you can upcast again.
If I understand correctly your main issue is that parfor does not allow to share memory. Think of every parfor worker as almost a separate matlab instance.
There is basically just one workaround for this that I know (that I have never tried), that is 'shared matrix' on Fileexchange:
More solutions: as others suggested: remove parfor is certainly one solution, get more ram, use tall arrays (that use harddrives when ram runs full, read here), divide operations in smaller chunks, last but not least, consider an alternative other than Matlab.
You may use following code. You actually don't need the slice_matrix
for k=1:4
parfor i=1:n
main_mat(:,:,1+(k-1)*n + i - 1) = gather(gpuArray(rand(500,500)));
%% now you don't need this main_mat(:,:,1+(k-1)*n:1+(k-1)*n+n-1)=slice_matrix; %This is where the memory will likely overflow

Faster way to compute `nchoosek` in MATLAB

I want to find a faster code than using P = nchoosek(1:100,i), which is located in a loop, and repeated i times in my code.
nchoosek(1:100,10) is absolutely vast, far bigger than any typical machine could hold in memory.
The MATLAB documentation for nchoosek says
C = nchoosek(v,k) is only practical for situations where length(v) is less than about 15.
You're not really going to be able to do this.
I found that VChoosek(v,k) is much faster than nchoosek.

how to display only select powers of expansion maple

Say I have a super long polynomial of multiple variables. far too long to display on-screen, or print out, so collect is unlikely to help. I would like to tell maple to display only terms that contain a specific variable to one select power. I am sure there must be a simple way to do this. And no, I haven't looked into this extensively. feel free to just provide a link to the answer, if it already exists online.
If you care about speed -- perhaps because you need to do similar queries for other powers, of possibly other variables -- then consider using the coeff command. Eg, for polynomial f, the terms with x^2 could be obtained with the command,
For a trivariate dense polynomial of about 1000000 terms as in the following example, the coeff command is several hundred times faster in Maple 16 and 17 than is the has command approach as shown below.
nops(f); # number of terms
sol1:=CodeTools:-Usage( select(has,f,x^2) ):
memory used=105.36MiB, alloc change=58.22MiB, cpu time=842.00ms, real time=843.00ms
sol2:=CodeTools:-Usage( x^2*coeff(f,x,2) ):
memory used=156.84KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=4.00ms
# Check that the timing difference was not just due to the order in which
# the two approaches were done, by a simple repeat.
CodeTools:-Usage( select(has,f,x^2) ):
memory used=105.30MiB, alloc change=23.11MiB, cpu time=733.00ms, real time=691.00ms
CodeTools:-Usage( x^2*coeff(f,x,2) ):
memory used=156.81KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=3.00ms
That was all done in Maple 17 64bit on Windows 7, and timings are pretty similar in Maple 16. This is in stark contrast to Maple 15 and earlier, where the coeff approach is about 3 times slower than that has approach. Those improvements relate to major work done in handling polynomial structures in Maple 16 and 17. See here and here.
Let's say that you want to see all terms of polynomial poly with x^2. Then do select(has, poly, x^2);

2d matrix to a 3d matrix without using a loop

I have a 300x300 matrix. I need to make a 300x300x1024 matrix where each "slice" is the original 300x300 matrix. Is there any way to do this without a loop? I tried the following:
for j=2:N;
where N is 1024, but I run out of memory.
Know any shorter routes?
use repmat.
B = repmat(A,[m n p...])
produces a multidimensional array B composed of copies of A. The size of B is [size(A,1)*m, size(A,2)*n, size(A,3)*p, ...].
In your case ,
G=repmat(old,[1 1 1024]);
Will yield the result you wanted without the for loop. The memory issue is a completely different subject. A 300x300x1024 double matrix will "cost" you ~740 MB of memory, that's not a lot these days. Check your memory load before you try the repmat and see why you don't have these extra 700 MB. use memory and whos to see what is the available memory and which variables can be cleared.
You are likely running out of memory because you haven't pre-initialized your matrix.
if you do this first,
old = G;
G = zeros(size(old,1), size(old,2), 1024);
and then start the loop from 1 instead of 2, you will probably not run out of memory
Why this works is because you first set aside a block of memory large enough for the entire matrix. If you do not initialize your matrix, matlab first sets aside enough memory for a 300x300x1 matrix. Next when you add the second slice, it moves down the memory, and allocates a new block for a 300x300x2 matrix, and so on, never being able to access the memory allocated for the first matrices.
This occurs often in matlab, so it is important to never grow your matrices within a loop.
Quick answer is no, you will need to loop.
You might be able to do something smart like block-copying your array's memory but you didn't even give us a language to work with.
You will probably want to make sure each entry in your matrix is a minimum size, even at byte matrix size you will require 92mb, if you are storing a 64bit value we're talking nearly a gig. If it's an object your number will leap into the many-gig range in no time. Bit packing may come in handy... but again no idea what your other constraints are.
Edit: I updated your tags.
I'm not sure if I can help much, but doubles are 64bits each so at bare minimum you're talking about 2gb (You're already past impossible if you are on a 32 bit os). This could easily double if each cell involves one or two pointers to different memory locations (I don't know enough about matlab to tell you for sure).
If you're not running on an 8gb 64 bit machine I don't think you have a chance. If you are, allocate all the memory you can to matlab and pray.
Sorry I can't be of more help, maybe someone else knows more tricks.

iOS 4 Accelerate Cblas with 4x4 matrices

I’ve been looking into the Accelerate framework that was made available in iOS 4. Specifically, I made some attempts to use the Cblas routines in my linear algebra library in C. Now I can’t get the use of these functions to give me any performance gain over very basic routines. Specifically, the case of 4x4 matrix multiplication. Wherever I couldn’t make use of affine or homogeneous properties of the matrices, I’ve been using this routine (abridged):
float *mat4SetMat4Mult(const float *m0, const float *m1, float *target) {
target[0] = m0[0] * m1[0] + m0[4] * m1[1] + m0[8] * m1[2] + m0[12] * m1[3];
target[1] = ...etc...
target[15] = m0[3] * m1[12] + m0[7] * m1[13] + m0[11] * m1[14] + m0[15] * m1[15];
return target;
The equivalent function call for Cblas is:
cblas_sgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
4, 4, 4, 1.f, m0, 4, m1, 4, 0.f, target, 4);
Comparing the two, by making them run through a large number of pre-computed matrices filled with random numbers (each function gets the exact same input every time), the Cblas routine performs about 4x slower, when timed with the C clock() function.
This doesn’t seem right to me, and I’m left with the feeling that I’m doing something wrong somewhere. Do I have to to enable the device’s NEON unit and SIMD functionality somehow? Or shouldn’t I hope for better performance with such small matrices?
Very much appreciated,
The Apple WWDC2010 presentations say that Accelerate should still give a speedup for even a 3x3 matrix operation, so I would have assumed you should see a slight improvement for 4x4. But something you need to consider is that Accelerate & NEON are designed to greatly speed up integer operations but not necessarily floating-point operations. You didn't mention your CPU processor, and it seems that Accelerate will use either NEON or VFP for floating-point operations depending on your CPU. If it uses NEON instructions for 32-bit float operations then it should run fast, but if it uses VFP for 32-bit float or 64-bit double operations, then it will run very slowly (since VFP is not actually SIMD). So you should make sure that you are using 32-bit float operations with Accelerate, and make sure it will use NEON instead of VFP.
And another issue is that even if it does use NEON, there is no guarantee that your C compiler will generate faster NEON code than your simple C function does without NEON instructions, because C compilers such as GCC often generate terrible SIMD code, potentially running slower than standard code. Thats why its always important to test the speed of the generated code, and possibly to manually look at the generated assembly code to see if your compiler generated bad code.
The BLAS and LAPACK libraries are designed for use with what I would consider "medium to large matrices" (from tens to tens of thousands on a side). They will deliver correct results for smaller matrices, but the performance will not be as good as it could be.
There are several reasons for this:
In order to deliver top performance, 3x3 and 4x4 matrix operations must be inlined, not in a library; the overhead of making a function call is simply too large to overcome when there is so little work to be done.
An entirely different set of interfaces is necessary to deliver top performance. The BLAS interface for matrix multiply takes variables to specify the sizes and leading dimensions of the matrices involved in the computation, not to mention whether or not to transpose the matrices and the storage layout. All those parameters make the library powerful, and don't hurt performance for large matrices. However, by the time it has finished determining that you are doing a 4x4 computation, a function dedicated to doing 4x4 matrix operations and nothing else is already finished.
What this means for you: if you would like to have dedicated small matrix operations provided, please go to and file a bug requesting this feature.