Unity 3D text disappears when I rotate the camera - unity3d

New to Unity.
I think it's quite weird. What I was trying to do is to make the words on the newspaper flow like water. I created a plane for the newspaper, and I added a 3D Text object.
It worked well at first but when I rotate the camera(not the camera in the scene, but the camera with which you do all the editing), the text simply disappeared at some angles (particularly from below). The main camera had the same problem. It saw the text at some angle and couldn't at some other. I am sure that the texts are positioned right in the viewing frustum.
Some screenshots:
The text can be seem from here
And it cannot be seen when the camera moves a little bit down
Or from another angle, the text is selected
It is in the viewing frustum. But the main camera does not see it

It seems like your text and background are on the exact same coordinates (for example 1,1,1). By doing so, you let Unity decide which is more important to show on the foreground, which makes it dissapear sometimes.
Try to move your text a little forward (for example 1,1,1.001), so it seems to rest on, instead of in the newspaper. Most of the time, that should fix the problem.

Is there some kind of transparency on the object?
Try to set it to opaque to check if this is the problem


Unity UI screen size issue

I'm quite new to Unity, so I'm sorry if this is a basic question. I've been trying to set up the UI for a mobile game, but I'm not quite sure how to make the UI lock it's position, no matter the screen size. I've tried using anchors (though I don't fully understand how to use them properly), I've tried using a canvas scaler, I've looked at the Unity document and I just can't seem to find an answer. The buttons are off screen/half off the screen when I build the game to my device/switch screen sizes in the game view. Does anyone know how to fix this?
You can set your anchor point by selecting the UI object (such as a button) and then clicking here and selecting the right anchor point. You can also press down shift to set the pivot and/or alt to move the object to that point at the same time. The object should now be anchored to that point and keep its position even if the resolution is changed. You can set a precise position from the inspector, too. Simply adjust the Pos X and Pos Y variables. It will still adhere to the anchor point.
Note that you might have to play around with the Canvas object's UI Scale mode and its settings to get the right setup.

Unity3D - Make texture edges not stretch

I've been searching around for this one for a bit, and unfortunately I can't seem to find any good, consistent results. So, in the Unity UI system, buttons can stretch without becoming pixelated or distorted. This is because the texture is split up into 9 parts - the corners, middle, and sides.
This works because the button's middle and sides are stretched, but not the corners. Then, the button appears not pixelated, at any dimension.
So, the question is as follows: How can I do the same thing for a transparent, unlit texture in 3D space? I have a speech bubble texture on a flat plane that I know how to re-scale to fit the text in the speech bubble.
I've set the texture type to Multiple Sprite, and divided it up into 9 parts. However, I cannot seem to find where I can set the texture to act like the UI button does, and I'm not sure that this is even possible in this way in 3D space.
Is there a way, or should I just make the different parts of the texture different objects, and move them together? That would seem very inefficient and ugly compared to this.
To accomplish what you are asking, you would need to create tiles for this speech bubble and then write a script that procedurally builds a speech bubble based on the plane's scale value. You could also try just changing the texture's Filter Mode to Point.
However I really don't think you should be using textures for this anyway. Why not just use a Unity Canvas and set the Render Mode to World Space? Then you can just set your text box to be a sprite, not a texture, and set its filter mode to Point (See below). This would also make it a lot easier for when you want there to be text in the speech bubble later on.

How to create a trail effect in a rendertexture?

I'm trying to create a cumulative trail effect in a render texture. By cumulative I mean that the render texture would show the last few frames overlaid on each other. Currently, when my camera outputs to a render texture it completely overwrites whatever was there previously.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
You could set the clear flag on the camera to Don't clear. This will prevent the clearing of previous frame on your camera and then will create this overlapping kinda like Flash movement style.
The issue is that everything will be kept on screen so if only the character moves then it is ok but if the camera moves then the effect also applies to environment and your scene becomes a big blur.
You could have two cameras for the effect, each with different rendering layers. One takes care of the items that should not have the effect and one takes care of those that are considered for the effect. This way you can apply the effect on characters and ignore the environment, if that is required else just go with one camera.

At some position character cannot see the whole mesh in unity

I want to show a transparent building in our project. I did that by setting the material of the mesh to be "transparent/diffuse". However, there exists some visibility problem of the mesh of the building. At some position, I can only see two or three sides of the cuboid(the transparent block, i.e the building). If I adjust my character position, I can see the whole cuboid. I googled the similar question online, someone mentioned about the frustum view of the camera. It seems like character has to be inside the frustum view of the camera, then user can see the whole mesh of the cuboid.
Can anyone give me some suggestions? I feel like it might be something about the way of how I build my mesh for the building, but at some position, I can see the whole cuboid.
I've solved this problem. It is just about the way how you construct the mesh.Basically, for the cuboid, I reconstructed the mesh in this way:
Note: This is just front side, the other sides should be constructed in a same way.
Besides, in order to show the mesh when user enters the block, you have to construct the inside area of the block in previous way.

switching from one camera to other in unity ,view entering from right

I have two cameras in the same position.I want to switch from one camera to other (with a transition effect) such that second view replaces the first camera view entering from the left side moving inwards and filling the screen.. Camera fading in and fading out effects are available in unity wiki..Can anyone suggest me a technique to achieve this effect..
You can try to animate Camera.rect. Otherwise you will have to render both in a RenderTexture and combine rendered images in a small shader with a translate parameter changing from 0 to 1.
While i'm not really really sure of the application for the switching of the camera if you were to instantiate it dynamically you would be able to use lerp and other function calls to manipulate behavior and not need to use multiple cameras.
As a side note i'm sure you could reverse engineer some camera effects similar to this one in order to achieve the background(a little confused about what you want to do with that)