Unity UI screen size issue - unity3d

I'm quite new to Unity, so I'm sorry if this is a basic question. I've been trying to set up the UI for a mobile game, but I'm not quite sure how to make the UI lock it's position, no matter the screen size. I've tried using anchors (though I don't fully understand how to use them properly), I've tried using a canvas scaler, I've looked at the Unity document and I just can't seem to find an answer. The buttons are off screen/half off the screen when I build the game to my device/switch screen sizes in the game view. Does anyone know how to fix this?

You can set your anchor point by selecting the UI object (such as a button) and then clicking here and selecting the right anchor point. You can also press down shift to set the pivot and/or alt to move the object to that point at the same time. The object should now be anchored to that point and keep its position even if the resolution is changed. You can set a precise position from the inspector, too. Simply adjust the Pos X and Pos Y variables. It will still adhere to the anchor point.
Note that you might have to play around with the Canvas object's UI Scale mode and its settings to get the right setup.


Unity AR UI not showing up

I have created a simple Unity AR Foundation app which places objects on a plane whenever the screen is touched. I would like to add some UI so the user can press a button rather than anywhere on the screen.
I have followed several different tutorials which seem to be doing mostly the same thing. I right-click the Hierarchy -> UI -> Button. I have scaled it so it should fit my mobile screen and anchored it to the center so it should be easy enough to find.
These are the canvas settings:
Might the UI somehow be hidden behind the camera feed from the AR Session Origin -> AR Camera? Am I missing any steps to anchor the UI to the screen?
As you can probably tell, I am very new to Unity but I feel like I have followed the tutorials for creating a UI, but it simply won't show. If you need more information, please just ask and I will provide.
Not sure but sounds like you might need to have that Canvas Scalar to scale with the screen size. Change the UI scale mode to Scale with Screen Size.
I was compiling the wrong scene. I had two very similar scenes, so when I compiled I didn't realize there were no changes and that I was inspecting the entirely wrong scene.
Once I changed to the correct scene the setup above worked as expected.

Unity: Positioning an element on canvas

I need to move an image down through canvas so that its central point would be where is now its top edge. It makes some 50 points, but if I decrease y by 50, it moves to different part of the screen on devices with different screen size. I guess, it's because my main canvas is set to scale with the screen size. So I suppose I need to manually divide the number 50 by my screen height and then code to multiply by Screen.height? Isn't there a more convenient way to move UI objects?
Allow me a second question: Do you think it is even wise to make a game purely on canvas? My game is simple 2D, only slightly animated and contains many layout elements, so I decided to go for it, but I have hard time to grasp the UI position rules.
you may have the problem of the anchoring.
Unity UI totally depends on the Anchoring, if you have got right anchoring there is no issue.
For example. if you anchored something at the Center than changing left and right value moves them according to the center anchor.
for clear visualization, you can paste a screenshot of the behavior.

Unity 3D text disappears when I rotate the camera

New to Unity.
I think it's quite weird. What I was trying to do is to make the words on the newspaper flow like water. I created a plane for the newspaper, and I added a 3D Text object.
It worked well at first but when I rotate the camera(not the camera in the scene, but the camera with which you do all the editing), the text simply disappeared at some angles (particularly from below). The main camera had the same problem. It saw the text at some angle and couldn't at some other. I am sure that the texts are positioned right in the viewing frustum.
Some screenshots:
The text can be seem from here
And it cannot be seen when the camera moves a little bit down
Or from another angle, the text is selected
It is in the viewing frustum. But the main camera does not see it
It seems like your text and background are on the exact same coordinates (for example 1,1,1). By doing so, you let Unity decide which is more important to show on the foreground, which makes it dissapear sometimes.
Try to move your text a little forward (for example 1,1,1.001), so it seems to rest on, instead of in the newspaper. Most of the time, that should fix the problem.
Is there some kind of transparency on the object?
Try to set it to opaque to check if this is the problem

Resolution issue when building the game

I am using the ViewportHandler script for Unity(https://github.com/dfsp-spirit/way2close/blob/master/Way2Close/Assets/Scripts/ViewportHandler.cs), to allow for my UI to appear the same in different resolutions. I am pretty sure that it was looking just fine and pretty much the same in all resolutions(with different quality graphics due to stretching, but that is fine).
I have opened up my project after a while and I am now noticing that while the game scene looks fine inside the editor, the UI elements change position for all resolutions when building the game.
I am attaching two screenshots to show the difference. The Editor one is the proper one where elements are aligned properly. The other one is when I am building the game and running it full screen.
The weird thing is that when building the game, every resolution displays the wrong way (as in picture 1). So the elements are actually resizing properly, but they are just in the wrong place for some reason and I really can't see why. Any ideas ?
(My Canvas is Screen Space - Overlay, Scale with Screen Size, Ref resolution is 2560/1440, Match width and height and ref pixels 100).
You don't need 3rd party scripts to achieve a constant size on different resolutions. Use the Canvas Scaler component on your canvas and set it to 'Constant Physical Size'. Unity should handle all the rest.
If images/sprites change position, try to change the anchor point to fit your needs.

NGUI can't bring sprite to front in Unity

I have a sprite widget in NGUI, and It can't be brought to front what ever the depth I change in the editor:
Note that the orange panel is a scroll view of NGUI.
Here is the inspector setting of the sprite that I want to set to the very front:
And here is the inspector setting that has overlapped the above sprite that I want to make front of it.
And here is the BottomPanel setting
I finally solve this problem by
Add another panel
Setting the added panel in front the origin one
Make the sprite child of the newly added panel
And the final hierarchy is like this:
And this link of NGUI forum helps
quoted here:
"Depth" property is used to determine the drawing order of the widgets within the same panel that use the same atlas. If you are using different atlases or labels using a dynamic font, bring the widgets forward on the transform's Z, moving them closer to the camera (-Z). If you are using different panels, adjust the transform of the panel you want to bring in front to a lower negative Z value (-Z). I highly recommend sticking to one atlas if you can manage it, it will make your life significantly easier.
And I make a youtube video to explain what I have achieved so far.
Everything looks fine to me but it doesn't seem to work for you. There is another workaround.
On the UIPanel, change the Render Q to Explicit then use z-axis to sort your UISprite. I mean the z position (P) not (R) or (S)
For example, change the z-axis of the "Sprite (1)" object to be 2 then change the z-axis of the "background" object to 1. If this does not work, change the values around.
Please make sure that the Sprite is under the panel.