switching from one camera to other in unity ,view entering from right - unity3d

I have two cameras in the same position.I want to switch from one camera to other (with a transition effect) such that second view replaces the first camera view entering from the left side moving inwards and filling the screen.. Camera fading in and fading out effects are available in unity wiki..Can anyone suggest me a technique to achieve this effect..

You can try to animate Camera.rect. Otherwise you will have to render both in a RenderTexture and combine rendered images in a small shader with a translate parameter changing from 0 to 1.

While i'm not really really sure of the application for the switching of the camera if you were to instantiate it dynamically you would be able to use lerp and other function calls to manipulate behavior and not need to use multiple cameras.
As a side note i'm sure you could reverse engineer some camera effects similar to this one in order to achieve the background(a little confused about what you want to do with that)


Image animation problems in Unity

I state that I am not very experienced in Unity.
I am working on a project in which I have some pictures. To these images I have added an animation that modifies the viewing scale (x,y,z), in such a way as to obtain a pulsation effect. ("ImageEffectPingPong")
To these same images, however, I added another animation that when the image is clicked, a fade effect is obtained, in such a way as to make the image disappear.("fadeOut_x")
When I go to make transition one of the two animations to the animator, it works as it should. the problem is when I try to merge them.
The ImageEffectPingPong animation is set in loop, while the other is activated by setting a bool to the onclick event.
This is my animator
I tried a combination like this, but when I hit the first image, the fade works, but I no longer get the "pingpong" effect I want.
So how do i get the pingpong effect and when i click on an image, the fade effect, without losing the pingpong effect on the other images?
PS: to create the first effect I created a single animation that changes the scale of each image at the same time, while for the fade effect, each image has its own animation. Images can disappear following the correct sequence.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope I have explained myself as well as possible, I remain available for any misunderstandings. thank you
in case anyone has the same problem as me, I was able to solve it by adding a layer. In the first layer I run the fade animation, while in the second the pingpong effect. It is important to set the weight of the layer.

Unity 3D text disappears when I rotate the camera

New to Unity.
I think it's quite weird. What I was trying to do is to make the words on the newspaper flow like water. I created a plane for the newspaper, and I added a 3D Text object.
It worked well at first but when I rotate the camera(not the camera in the scene, but the camera with which you do all the editing), the text simply disappeared at some angles (particularly from below). The main camera had the same problem. It saw the text at some angle and couldn't at some other. I am sure that the texts are positioned right in the viewing frustum.
Some screenshots:
The text can be seem from here
And it cannot be seen when the camera moves a little bit down
Or from another angle, the text is selected
It is in the viewing frustum. But the main camera does not see it
It seems like your text and background are on the exact same coordinates (for example 1,1,1). By doing so, you let Unity decide which is more important to show on the foreground, which makes it dissapear sometimes.
Try to move your text a little forward (for example 1,1,1.001), so it seems to rest on, instead of in the newspaper. Most of the time, that should fix the problem.
Is there some kind of transparency on the object?
Try to set it to opaque to check if this is the problem

Unity: Filter to give slight color variations to whole scene?

In Unity, is there a way to give slight color variations to a scene (a strain of purple here, some yellow blur there) without adjusting every single texture? And for that to work in VR stereo images too (and ideally in semi-consistent way as one moves around, and perhaps also without having to use computing-heavy colored lights)? Many thanks!
A simple way to achieve this if your color effect is fixed would be to add a canvas that renders a half transparent image to the whole screen. But I suppose that you might prefer some dynamic effect.
To achieve this, look at Unity's post processing stack. It allows you to add many post process effects, such as chromatic aberation and color grading, that might allow you to do what you want

How to create a trail effect in a rendertexture?

I'm trying to create a cumulative trail effect in a render texture. By cumulative I mean that the render texture would show the last few frames overlaid on each other. Currently, when my camera outputs to a render texture it completely overwrites whatever was there previously.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
You could set the clear flag on the camera to Don't clear. This will prevent the clearing of previous frame on your camera and then will create this overlapping kinda like Flash movement style.
The issue is that everything will be kept on screen so if only the character moves then it is ok but if the camera moves then the effect also applies to environment and your scene becomes a big blur.
You could have two cameras for the effect, each with different rendering layers. One takes care of the items that should not have the effect and one takes care of those that are considered for the effect. This way you can apply the effect on characters and ignore the environment, if that is required else just go with one camera.

OpenGL ES : Revealing underneath view

I am working on a sample in which I have placed two textures one above the other. What I want, whenever user moves his finger on the screen, underneath view should get revealed as he moves. Wiping out front view to reveal underneath view is what I am looking for.
I would like to know some of ideas/ thoughts to implement this feature using OpenGL ES. Any related pointer will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This does not sound performance-intensive so simple code can trump complicated tuned operations.
You don't need to use OpenGL. You can simply have two images - front and back - with the front supporting an alpha channel. Each time you get a hit or move, you clear a circular patch whereever the impact is for some certain radius or such.
And then queue-up a redraw. The redraw draws the two bitmaps, back first then front.
If possible, try to queue a redraw for just the the area where you have updated the front since the last draw.