How to create IOS Simulator Flutter - flutter

I am a newbie for the flutter Using AndroidStudio as IDE.
I successfully create the Flutter Application and able to run it on Android emulator.
Can I create IOS simulator to test the Application using Android studio? If Yes Please suggest how it is possible?

Yes, I'm using Android Studio with IOS Simulator. Open the simulator in your mac and you can show device in Android Studio.
You can open simulator only with this command
open -a Simulator
And you will show the iPhone device in Android Studio when the simulator opened.

You can also configure the Xcode command-line tools from Xcode by opening Preferences>Location and selecting it from dropdown.
After selecting Xcode version you can find iOS Simulator name in your Android Studio for flutter project.

Open your terminal and type only "open -a Simulator" that it.

The iOS simulator is part of XCode and only runs on Apple OSX
See also


Emulator flutter (Android studio)

How to download an iPad emulator, I searched for it in android studio but I didn't find it.
Can it be downloaded directly from the internet? I would like a link if possible
To use any type of iOS or macOS Emulator / Stimulator you need MacOS .
And if you have one you can simply download XCode and there you will have option to download iOS SDK and run its Stimulator .

How to connect device over Wifi in VScode on Mac to debug Flutter app?

I would like to be able to use WIFI to debug my Flutter app on VScode. I am using a mac and would not like to use the connection via USB
You can't debug wireless in Visual Studio Code with iPhone and Mac.
You should run your project with Xcode to use the wireless option, but after that, you lose the hot reload option.
So, it's impossible to debug an app with hot reload and wireless at the same time :(
To run the Flutter project with Xcode :
Open your project in VSCode
Click right on iOS folder
Select the Open in Xcode option
Xcode will run your iOS Runner
If you have any errors in Xcode - see this link from the Flutter documentation

Run flutter app from iphone launcher itself

I'm new to flutter, I developed apps in Android Studio for ios devices, and they run perfectly when I run them from Android Studio onto the real device. However, if I try to run the app from the iphone itself (from the launcher icon), the app imediately closes and doesn't run.
Why would this be? Is there anything I can do in the code to enable the app to run from the phone itself, not just through running it in Android Studio?
Thanks for any help!

Flutter for iOS device

Can I use Android Studio in macOS to run flutter app(for debug and hot reload) on my personal iPhone after I have registered my device using Apple ID on Xcode? Or will I need to use Xcode itself if I want to run my app on a physical iPhone.
q : Can I use Android Studio in macOS to run flutter app(for debug and hot reload) on my personal iPhone after I have registered my device using Apple ID on Xcode?
a : You can use
q :Or will I need to use Xcode itself if I want to run my app on a physical iPhone.
a : You can run it directly from android studio
install and run flutter on mac

Do I need an Android Emulator for Flutter

I'm just beginning development with Flutter and I work on my Macbook Air.
I already have the iOS emulator on my laptop. So my question is do I necessarily need the android emulator to continue developing with flutter or can I manage with the iOS emulator.
if you just want to prototype it is feasible to only use the IOS Simulator for production apps I highly recommend real devices.
Either way, you do not need an android emulator. Just start the IOS Simulator check if your device is there with flutter devices and execute flutter run to start the application.
You do not, But you must have Android studio (and Xcode) or flutter doctor will give you errors.