Emulator flutter (Android studio) - flutter

How to download an iPad emulator, I searched for it in android studio but I didn't find it.
Can it be downloaded directly from the internet? I would like a link if possible

To use any type of iOS or macOS Emulator / Stimulator you need MacOS .
And if you have one you can simply download XCode and there you will have option to download iOS SDK and run its Stimulator .


Flutter for iOS device

Can I use Android Studio in macOS to run flutter app(for debug and hot reload) on my personal iPhone after I have registered my device using Apple ID on Xcode? Or will I need to use Xcode itself if I want to run my app on a physical iPhone.
q : Can I use Android Studio in macOS to run flutter app(for debug and hot reload) on my personal iPhone after I have registered my device using Apple ID on Xcode?
a : You can use
q :Or will I need to use Xcode itself if I want to run my app on a physical iPhone.
a : You can run it directly from android studio
install and run flutter on mac

Do I need an Android Emulator for Flutter

I'm just beginning development with Flutter and I work on my Macbook Air.
I already have the iOS emulator on my laptop. So my question is do I necessarily need the android emulator to continue developing with flutter or can I manage with the iOS emulator.
if you just want to prototype it is feasible to only use the IOS Simulator for production apps I highly recommend real devices.
Either way, you do not need an android emulator. Just start the IOS Simulator check if your device is there with flutter devices and execute flutter run to start the application.
You do not, But you must have Android studio (and Xcode) or flutter doctor will give you errors.

How create android emulator without android studio?

Android Studio 3.2.
I create 2 emulators by Android Studio. Nice.
But the question is:
Is it possible to create android emulator WITHOUT Android Studio?
Our QA need to use emulators for test our applications. But it not need Android Studio.
How QA can create android emulator without Android Studio?
There are a lot of 3th party emulators out there, which are quite easy to use and fast to set up. Just have a quick look in your favorite search engine. But here is a short list of better known ones:
Nox App Player
They should all be able to run your app on a pc to show someone. Have a look on them and inform yourself about the licensing and features.
1 - Download Java JDK from the following link and install: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
2 - Download the Android SDK from the following link and install: https://android-sdk.uptodown.com/windows/descargar
3 - Download Intel HAXM from the following link and install: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager-intel-haxm
4 - Start the SDK Manager, install the tools and platforms you need.
5 - Start AVD Manager and create new emulator.
Yes, we can setup Android Emulator without installing Android Studio. We have to download commandline-tools and use sdkmanager, avdmanager, emulator tools to make an emulator and run it.

How to create IOS Simulator Flutter

I am a newbie for the flutter Using AndroidStudio as IDE.
I successfully create the Flutter Application and able to run it on Android emulator.
Can I create IOS simulator to test the Application using Android studio? If Yes Please suggest how it is possible?
Yes, I'm using Android Studio with IOS Simulator. Open the simulator in your mac and you can show device in Android Studio.
You can open simulator only with this command
open -a Simulator
And you will show the iPhone device in Android Studio when the simulator opened.
You can also configure the Xcode command-line tools from Xcode by opening Preferences>Location and selecting it from dropdown.
After selecting Xcode version you can find iOS Simulator name in your Android Studio for flutter project.
Open your terminal and type only "open -a Simulator" that it.
The iOS simulator is part of XCode and only runs on Apple OSX
See also https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/simulator_help_topics/Chapter/Chapter.html

Appcelerator Titanium: Android SDK doesn't load

I started developing with Titanium and now I really stuck on one part.
I downloaded the Adroid SDK and added the path to Titanium:
I can open e.g. Kitchen Sink in the iPhone Simulator without problems, but when I want to open it in Android then my screen looks like this: Screenshot
Why is down there all the time, even after 2 hours of waiting, the label "loading..." ?
some great advice given here - helped me out.
Switching to TRACE will probably show that Android SDK Platform 1.6 and API 4 is missing.
More info here
1) You can install Android SDK 1.6 (run tools/android from your Android SDK folder and download the older SDK 1.6 from the Google Repository),
and Titanium will detect Android SDK
2) As for Android SDK 2.2, adb moved to platform-tools folder, so you will have to create a link in [your-android-sdk-folder]/tools e.g. :
ln -s ../platform-tools/adb
(full instructions for non-linux here : http://guides.appcelerator.com/en/getting_started.html)
Finally, in the Titanium Test&Package/Run emulator window, you will have the choice between Android SDK 1.6 and 2.2
Try to open your Android_SDK_Dir/tools, run file android to create a new Android Virtual Device. After that, open your Titanium again. Maybe this will solve your issue.
Take a look at your image. Value of SDK listbox is "...loading...". This means you Titanium cannot determine which Android Virtual Device is. So, as I said, try to create new Android Virtual Device first.
having the same issue - have you found a workaround?
found out that after downloading the android sdk - there are other components to be downloaded, which is different from previous versions. Also found some implication that loading the android emulator prior to launching the app from titanium may yield better results.
check the android docs for updating the sdk via the avd manager
load the emulator first video:
Try setting the Filter from "Info" to "Trace" that may illuminate things.
Most commonly, you may not have the right platforms installed. Just install all of them if that's the case.
add a blank folder android-7 in android/platforms ..n restart titanium ..it worked for me on ubuntu