AWS RDS (PostgreSQL) automatic Backup - postgresql

------------------- AWS RDS (PostgreSQL DB) Backup -----------------------
Production PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: After Every 4 Hours backupscript should be run and take the full backup of DB.
Retation: We want to retail/keep last month backup and delete all backup file older than one month.
UAT PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: Backup daily at once a day.
Retation: We wanted to keep/retail the last once week backup and rest the old backup files wanted to delete.
How can I set up an automatic backup as per my above requirements?

Amazon RDS supports backup Out of the Box, hence you could utilize those. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
Backup--you could do automated at your preferred time or RDS data center default windows.
Refer Amazon RDS documentation for the same.
Retention--default retention policy is one day, but you could set it up in RDS console as your preferred time. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
You could do both backup and retention manually as well , by your own custom export script, and saving the exported data to S3 or glacier or EBS.
Step could be
Export the data using pg_export.
Put exported file/files to S3 with desired retention policy.
Refer S3 retention policy docs for more details.


Backup and Restore AWS RDS Aurora cluster

I would like to backup every single PostgreSql database of my AWS RDS Cluster (Aurora DB Engine). Are there some managed tools (like Veeam or N2WS) or best practices, how to backup and restore a single database or schema from AWS S3?
Many thanks
You can use automatic backup combined with manual backup for Aurora PostgreSql database. For automatic backup, the max retention period is 35 days, and support any point in time restore and recovery. However, if you need a backup beyond the backup retention period (35 days), you can also take a snapshot of the data in your cluster volume.
If you use third-party tools, such as Veeam, it will also invoke AWS RDS snapshot API to take the backup, so the underly mechanism is the same.
You can also use the pg_dump utility for backing up the RDS for PostgreSQL database, and run pg_dump on read replica to minimize the performance impact to the primary database.

Backup from AWS RDS to S3 bucket

I have 4 TB data in Aws RDS Postgres and I want to take backup in S3 bucket.What would be best strategy to take backup.
should I take backup Quarterly or yearly basis? What would be actual command to splits the file in quarterly/yearly in csv.gz format.
Tables might be in partitioned I am not sure right now.

Binary backup of AWS RDS PostgreSQL

I am looking for a way to do a regular binary backup of my AWS RDS PostgreSQL database to use this copy locally and mount it in my docker postgis container. As far as I have understood, I cannot connect to the RDS host and do pg_basebackup.
So what is the best way to do this task?
The best workflow would be: There is an automatic daily binary backup stored in AWS S3. Then locally, some shell script to download the files to a folder that is mounted to the postgis folder.
Any ideas if that is possible?
I have one more additional requirement: I would like to exclude specific tables in the backup.

loading one table from RDS / postgres into Redshift

We have a Redshift cluster that needs one table from one of our RDS / postgres databases. I'm not quite sure the best way to export that data and bring it in, what the exact steps should be.
In piecing together various blogs and articles the consensus appears to be using pg_dump to copy the table to a csv file, then copying it to an S3 bucket, and from there use the Redshift COPY command to bring it in to a new table-- that's my high level understanding, but am not sure what the command line switches should be, or the actual details. Is anyone doing this currently and if so, is what I have above the 'recommended' way to do a one-off import into Redshift?
It appears that you want to:
Export from Amazon RDS PostgreSQL
Import into Amazon Redshift
From Exporting data from an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance to Amazon S3 - Amazon Relational Database Service:
You can query data from an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance and export it directly into files stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. To do this, you use the aws_s3 PostgreSQL extension that Amazon RDS provides.
This will save a CSV file into Amazon S3.
You can then use the Amazon Redshift COPY command to load this CSV file into an existing Redshift table.
You will need some way to orchestrate these operations, which would involve running a command against the RDS database, waiting for it to finish, then running a command in the Redshift database. This could be done via a Python script that connects to each database (eg via psycopg2) in turn and runs the command.

Backup of Dashdb on Bluemix - what options available

I tried taking backup of dashdb from bluemix cloud using Data Studio. I am getting this error 'Remote target is unreachable.'.
Since this is an admin activity, I assume it should be done on the server. As this is cloud server, I am trying to understand how this can be done!
Are there any tools which support ssh to the server and how to take backup of the db? Any documentation in this regard?
Which plan are you using ?
Have you read the details of backup on the FAQ ?
This section might help:
Is my data backed up? Encrypted backups on the full Db2 managed service database are done daily. For the Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Flex Performance plan, the
last 7 daily backups are retained. For all other Db2 Warehouse on
Cloud plans, the last 2 daily backups are retained. For Db2 on Cloud,
the last 14 daily backups are retained. In the Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Flex Performance plan, you can restore your database from any of your retained backups at any time
that you choose. In the case of all of the other Db2 Warehouse on
Cloud plans, the retained backups are used exclusively by IBM for only
system recovery purposes in the event of a disaster or system loss. A
request to restore your database from a backup is not supported. You
can export your data using Db2 tools such as IBM Data Studio or by
using the db2 export command.>
For Db2 on Cloud, backups can be stored off site in a different data center or region upon request to IBM Support. These backups are
also used exclusively by IBM to recover from only disaster or system
loss events. A request to restore your database from a backup is not
Are there any tools which support ssh to the server and how to take backup of the db? Any documentation in this regard?
SSH is not supported as this is a managed service. This is documented in the FAQ:
How do I access the Db2 managed service database?
You can access your Db2 managed service database through the web console from a browser, or you can connect to the database with a client connection such as JDBC, ODBC, CLI, CLP, or CLPPlus. A direct login to the server with Telnet or a Secure Shell (ssh) is not supported.
If you want to take your own backups at the interval of your choice, exporting your data is your best option. That can be done from the web console or from a database client.
Alternatively, if what you're after is access to historical data, you can use time travel query.