Backup and Restore AWS RDS Aurora cluster - postgresql

I would like to backup every single PostgreSql database of my AWS RDS Cluster (Aurora DB Engine). Are there some managed tools (like Veeam or N2WS) or best practices, how to backup and restore a single database or schema from AWS S3?
Many thanks

You can use automatic backup combined with manual backup for Aurora PostgreSql database. For automatic backup, the max retention period is 35 days, and support any point in time restore and recovery. However, if you need a backup beyond the backup retention period (35 days), you can also take a snapshot of the data in your cluster volume.
If you use third-party tools, such as Veeam, it will also invoke AWS RDS snapshot API to take the backup, so the underly mechanism is the same.
You can also use the pg_dump utility for backing up the RDS for PostgreSQL database, and run pg_dump on read replica to minimize the performance impact to the primary database.


Postgres incremental backups per db (not per cluster)

According to the WAL Point-in-time recovery and incremental backup documentation, pg_basebackup and wals are used to take backups and incremental backups of a running PostgreSQL cluster.
Is there a way to take incremental backups per database instead of the whole cluster ?
Thanks !

Adding Amazon RDS as slave to external postgresql

We want to migrate an external postgresql database into amazon RDS however for some time we need to keep both of them working and in sync. I have found ways of doing it but only with RDS being the master and not the Slave. Is there a good and viable solution which could help us?
There is AWS service Database Migration Service which can be used to migrate external databases to Amazon AWS RDS.
It supports postgresql 9.4 and higher.
There are different task types and you need to use Ongoing Replication to keep them sync.
To setup that task you need to enable Logical Replication for source database

AWS RDS (PostgreSQL) automatic Backup

------------------- AWS RDS (PostgreSQL DB) Backup -----------------------
Production PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: After Every 4 Hours backupscript should be run and take the full backup of DB.
Retation: We want to retail/keep last month backup and delete all backup file older than one month.
UAT PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: Backup daily at once a day.
Retation: We wanted to keep/retail the last once week backup and rest the old backup files wanted to delete.
How can I set up an automatic backup as per my above requirements?
Amazon RDS supports backup Out of the Box, hence you could utilize those. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
Backup--you could do automated at your preferred time or RDS data center default windows.
Refer Amazon RDS documentation for the same.
Retention--default retention policy is one day, but you could set it up in RDS console as your preferred time. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
You could do both backup and retention manually as well , by your own custom export script, and saving the exported data to S3 or glacier or EBS.
Step could be
Export the data using pg_export.
Put exported file/files to S3 with desired retention policy.
Refer S3 retention policy docs for more details.

Migration from AWS Aurora to a local Postgres 9.6 database

I am considering using AWS Aurora, however I am concerned for being locked into AWS indefinitely. So I am wondering how difficult it would be to transfer data from Aurora to my own Postgres database.
This is a very valid concern. Firstly, there is no seamless migration like there is from Postgres to Aurora. Following, needs to be considered:
How to do it: You will have to take a dump of your aurora db and then import it into postgres.
Because of 1 above; you cannot have concurrent CURD operations running on your aurora during migration. Hence, you need to shut down all products connecting to your aurora till you migrate to Postgres. Hence, there will be downtime.
Because of 2 ; Depending on size of your DB; it might take few mins ( few GB of data ) to many hours if you have huge DB.
Hence, you need to consider how much data you have and how much downtime you can live with if you want to migrate back to Postgres.

Migrate database from Heroku to AWS

I want to migrate our postgres db from heroku to our own postgres on AWS.
I have tried using pg_dump and pg_restore to do the migration and it works; but it takes a really long time to do this. Our database size is around 20GB.
What's the best way to do the migration with minimal downtime?
If you mean AWS RDS PostgreSQL:
pg_dump and pg_restore
I know you don't like it, but you don't really have other options. With a lot of hoop jumping you might be able to do it with Londiste or Slony-I on a nearby EC2 instance, but it'd be ... interesting. That's not the most friendly way to do an upgrade, to say the least.
What you should be able to do is ship WAL into RDS PostgreSQL, and/or stream replication logs. However Amazon don't support this.
Hopefully Amazon will adopt some part of 9.4's logical replication and logical changeset extraction features, or better yet the BDR project - but I wouldn't hold my breath.
If you mean AWS EC2
If you're running your own EC2 instance with Pg, use replication then promote the standby into the new master.